one Proclaimer fete Qrtgtm, Oct.1' h, 1909. fane Town Offers, . L. Pa4bent cr4r. ...... ...... ........ C. J. riinlDftun lattr..,.,, J.A. Wmera hall. T.J. t.rle Kanl uwmdh , n.kuou apt,UMMlWWlat...t C K. Miller ., T. 1'crkim ,. P. wilniQt ' i lll.vnrcn- '.Frank fcngelmaa evHoaaa or RcnaoL dibtkict Sfc. ,,,J. T. rCUlDf ICS. fsntiiiftlttB AIMMtM ...., IW.C Cmoa (8.1 ill ration emoHATni dUJW land ftrric juMiTr.. ...Lvtdi II. 'Areoou KMlitaf C, W. U.hira Uoeftoa teet M Follows: Hywi wednf-lar night oh e iweadla kf rtl tnll moon oi enf-n arm in. iMd Italian Kierv Ba'.urdav nieht. . B,ebkaU Fir. I and lliirdTlitWJajaVanLnf iu(h month. Ubi:Ij .oik)I W. O. W., Ho.715. rasaia Ant Hd thtn) Saiiiraav 'JBO'nr H eo& monili. MOttUAN LODu" I.o. . r. SO, 1M, tueeta LOCAL. "AH communications, as lar as fallible, should reach as not later than Tuesday nignt. Please bear this In mind anil have comuiunL tiont in on time." Editor. ... -i Anyone In need of lime, cement, and iliinglet cafl and see G K Par ker before going elsewhere. r Mr Waits, Auditor ol the Wind Kiver dumber uompany wnif in 16 wn a few dayB t1 cek. t Mr and Mrs E Petti t, pn-in-fair of our Dairyman, Mr Uecd, re turned from Oregon tily Monday where tliey have beeu visiting fur the peat two weeks. - The Proelniiiier is iii receipt of a letter from Miss Pearl A Cnpen telling how well pleaaedthe family are with their new home atGrange ville, Idaho. Miss Pearl is in a dry goods store, Mr Cunon busy at his trade, carpentering, and Muriel has entered the seniorclnsi at the High School. The other children are also in school. " ' v J H Wjlt.-tlie blacksmith, ban moved Into llufus Cochran's house on Sojcoud street . $ T Knappenborg left Wednes day for a biiflitie trip to Portland. Walter Dobyjis buys all kind of poultry at lone. -. Mr John Cronan, brother of J K Cronan, is hr fro hi Coeur-d'Alenc tor a visit. ' ' -, ' " " Mr and Mrs Nash of Ceoil came Tuesday lor a few days visit with their son, Frank and bis wife. JO Klncnld left Friday on a trip thru the eastern part of the State writing insurance. John amHihasCalktae who have been selling their horses in Idaho and Washington returned Friday. The water will be ttinivd off un til the boiler is moved, so leave your hot water faucets open. ' FOR SALE Oil barrela(3 gal lon) $1. each at the Power 'House. K Miller.Clty Engineer. Walt SwKth In happy as hie mo ther eame home Thursday and the Stjtfth home U. open. :, Mrs Chas Cochran'a sister-in-law of Mrs Itice and Riifua Cochran, and hot little mn. is here from Cottage 0 rove for a visit Henrr Slender brought In a 4 hone load of caH Iran to C W- Swansoa loot WdOnavday. 1 1 Mrs Frank feeUssa Will-have charge of the Millinery stock of Mra Roae Campbell- of. Pendleton at the next week or ton days. 8ho 1 Ta the Creamery eterw rosea aad will take special srdsss few trimm ed aats. ;.t . - Prank Bishop and family, Chae euate ajteVfejesHyad V V J"fW aU WfJ. far lwapkkkWK asrfMjjaad, ' AH kindaef New Stationery and io me d;indy flirtVef PoaUleard? nt tlw Cnmc fiiAint. ' K. W. IMm wasiafrom Kigh tmile Vediiead .a Mrs ( has Kly'kas been called to hr old home in Wisconsin be cause of te illness of. her mother. A. A. Mores, Speoiai Represent a , tive to arrange for the Domonstra- tiou train, was ber hi week, - I,ant Sunday night airs, AH Weather lord was delivered of still born child at the home of Mr .Ionian in lone. ; Mr and Mrs Weatherford have the sympathy uf the community in their disap pointment. .. ' 1 y French Burroughs and wife are enjoying a visit of several weeks iron i Mr Burroughs eiter, -Mrs Grifliih, of Idaho. Mm Griffith comes (ram an Irrigated part of that state nd, en jays the .natural Htreaiii where her brother haa his beHiittful farm here iu Morrow County ' Rev Davis will hold services at the Unptfst chuteh in this city.. Sunday, October 10. - Saturday afternoon at SVoloek thereJwill be a busin'eu meeting at the church and ail who ean do are requested to be present Ernest Fattens, wife and child f Vancouver came in . Moudaj I :iftemon and remainrd with Mr and Mrs Alex Young 0er night Tuesday they went to Gooseberry to visit M Farreijs' parents. R A Farrens returned Tuesday from Hardinan where he haa beeni tttmuiing the racer. Mr Brewer -and Miss Graves of Wisooiiiin were here a few days viniting their old frteiiil, .Henry nioiisr. They left Tuesdny fur Venule to attend the fair and will tliVn return lo their home. Walter Brooks of Walla Walla u-us here last Bfonday and pur chased 280 ore of-th Karhart runt'h north of town. 'PM Chrlst- enson made the sale, . ;.' T M Benedict of Morgan drove to town Monday for a load of fur niture he bought oi Mr Stanton. Mrs A C Petteys accompanied by, her aunt,' Mra . Mary Ganger, and her aister MraSparksleftTuos dav for a visit with relatives in The Dalles.. , T S Carle returned, from Port land Saturday where he has been unending the Funeral Directors Convention.' , A card is at hand from Kmll Stratton eayiug they have finished their long overland Journey and an at home on their homestead near Grants Pass. All kinds of Foetal eaade and Xevela at the Chick Pharmacy.. Wearefoing to rename Third street and call it Lock lam as our neighbor, A T King, haa a fine Jersey eo .7 that haa a young ealf. , Mra Ganger iravle a business trip to Heppner Mon toy returning Wednesday. . - M O Rose was here Fiiday abak ing hands with his asany frienda. ft ia working 6a tho street ears la Portland and dealing some la real aetata. Mra Knannea beta's ao(1ir.Mri Wllstm,-of Uoaaeaeati waw aeorri- ad At Portland last waek U Mr Jinks. The newly married couple stopped off here and oaaat Monday night with Mr sad Mrs Kaappea berg m their erayi aeaaeao Mona Mr Tli sss aaeaMaFty' the asMlclerkea'lbeffeppnr branch, . K:l Eiigetinofi made n tmiliiefs J,rip to Jlejjir&iirdity nnd re m aiued there until Monday, Wm ClaiVwho b1s lieet) work ing tor the post twomonth in the Hard mini aectjon rettirnrd to lone Monday. - ' R W Hickok M H V Fell were down from,lJeppiiea Smulay and Monday tookins nt..fnrtlnnds. Mr Fell is in lve wit!i!iif ji;irloi the LimiVty' andfAytiv i tiding lo have a creek ftirin.' lit rtKo Kiitl ho nould be iU ing Itere Kith three children in school within lit) days. Mr and Mrs J A Wed son of Morgan were Tit Haturdtty doing some shopping aud paid the Pro- ejaimer a visit. J h Kincuid and wife were in from tlie ranch Saturday and spent tht night with J O and wife. Walter iHidrtrtv 'wifo and baby were in Iroui .Kightraile Friday and Saturday ajtd visited with the Proclaimer people.' Kvert King spent Sunday in Heppner, we understand he was seeing his best girl. Mr" and Mrs Wdlbridge and daughter Mm Abhbaugh of Hepp ner came; down Saturday and stay ed over Sunday with their daught er Mre Frank Kan h. Mrs Aidibaugh uniRiit here for nevfrai terma and whs bttity greeting old friends. , 1 hate r tfitnr doaw by aarna. V II na right. 'io it keMU; he wseaa, leaTe tt nmVioa-OUpav, U mm laaU aa 9sede Baler amply Iaat learner" Ooatrissaiaa goaty' Bhennaa Bo toll c caJeaae, iriawisilni ea Mr. mraa'a wok at Iowa, aa: Mt. Brjaa'e awNttea, "aaU tae e ate Nar ueaUea ttat eqmmi ta Ula try ear people a at rale. The ealy Mates where Mie pwoele as jut raie.are the States teat are et- pact to give lesrwhaapln ipatorHies tor the Dieratle tkkec, Pwbaea Mr. brjraa thiajn SMt Us twsUoa le pwreb; "a leeat owa-' U ae le ata- i I rtnllwav Mm aaaahe a epeaca TlckaMrg; 'Maw, .a Oevraeat sj tfc JNople." IM hue repeat eae el hla tameoa aau-tooarUllat eoaeemo. hnalr chantine; mree weeda, eaostltue- UiaaUwipot" for Valllppute" aod Waek scouara" tav xwa avetaers." bet aia mat wat vn have as eaalv 9i hat aiaetlBg John Bharp WU- UoaM, laaaer of the Paaaerm m Com- aai as MeoehalmMo the other re of the Oonaiwoii1 oeleaa- ttea Cress MlaoUatppL Aa4 after he haa mass ia speech m Ttcaaaars, K he saaU have eaeapet rale of the people Is mat eaav araaltrVI core Mr. Brraa m repeat hla ssatlaa ea pipalsr iwavaiit Is Oharieatea, a. , with amatol rut as eheUmaa of Bis awotlag Mt. Bryaas ssoueemte have a pardr ao smphMal ataearttr. Hla epKraaw aad startllBf eaaae4rnma are espeetallp ae- attaoa to meet hieal ieiiaile Of tale aarare are aU sw vtewe ea tarut aaa that efOrr a treat Is formal a SaruT schee soaM he Fipialii, aai every Urn a treat is saii'il a aow oaht paoai4 he aaats. Is tee iaoalM.Bryaa Ifeasfareft PiisiiiiBi, with a Dsaieiatie ssraojhy eases aaoa OM atctele a mo SwoMtal eat eaoaoaUs vasmrles 4a Mvojo or has m ate ejeeth -m last' miar. M voaM ptoaea heat i aph aasihrtev'ea meeotrtol Aaoa, if he aneaM hojhi hp reaoallaa the oaty ea eapat to peaiak ttw aeaar anew, be emaM eaeot the .iisHiail aaeacea ay toasw aeasayaa yw tm iirinit saa wooiS saw ap ror laaoa m I leassas. Ctaa, ChSieali sad 111 Ipsa Thoa, syee- bsmb aeaa m rrvairy wtth Bae laaa ami QJl . ho weeM hewPahjeaaaM r-aaaaaaaaaaaahaa Vt it iW&Mf Qmii - A Complete gtpk plf FURNITURE Garpets and Window $h9oes New 1989 Wall Paper. AU Kinds of Fyrpitore' tep&ti ni ttftasstl, irti Bets RtH83dep Anyt hinj not cwrli lcl wlU be ordered at Reduction . S. t, MOORD. IONE, mam Cf VM. Haf served the tommunlty oi lone With bank.' ing facilities for several years. , In doing t this we have had the co-operation of ' ; our local people. We are bet- . r, , ter prepared than ever to take care of the bank , . ing business of this com- munity. . . ConserratiTe business Is Invited. -1, Capital -r vJI5,0flf. I - Sarplns and Undivided Profit! $4,000. J. K.-Cronan, : President. 1 T. J. Mahoney, i. D. Cronan, C.B. 6PERRY SPERRY & Will DLACItSMIThinC COCSE-SnOEING, A SPECIALTY. Service tnd isaWbasM S Chick Pharmac . 'STATEIIERYj: DRUGS. Htte?M.W lone, - ;.-ir 0REQQN- ice President. Casliier. JOHN H. WILT- All Work Guaranteed. vAhj tmt (Mi - ; Oregoit; 4 ' what tbexWfct ratrwe.. last SataadfXa . :d. l