lone P racial mer HOTEL rest aiss iccomoiunoKs Lit. WARD, uul mriMar. Morgan Published every Pride at ' Marrow County, Oeegoa By the Proclaimer Publishing Co. ailMeniPTMIM at.Be - KM VAH Entered at the lone poftoffice m eccnd etui matter. TKAtR SCHEDULE MUXCK UB xmtm lleppeer :a. 8:90 a. Arrival at Junction - '10: a. Leavea J u notion - l;14p. r ... i.. i.. ... r-. .... S d. n ArrlTliat lltppner 4ilf , m. mmm urn Woit-bfHindlmvmJiiiictiun 10:46 a. m. bound iM Junction 1:1 p. a 0. J. ftnaiaftoa, Agent. Officers of JeWrew Cownrr. Orcgn Clrtntt JII4M H.i.tm OUirkt aiimmT s Jtiliitaeiitttlr W. U.Cala joint litpiiMDiMln t. J. Hakonr VMtf JuAf CCMllrtH CMntr taiwiort i;!;!11 County runt. .fiJ11" Homily 1 :iiir: K"J,".,: ?w Oounir iirvTw . 1). . K1 Sulinttl liirlniNUnt f- ft- tm Coil ii If Carauir t . i. County court ipwii tfct flm Mwitf la Jaminrr ii) MCh nil mm month; cirenit court idmii tilt third Moudy Ik Md third Similar II XfBhU. Subscribe for the Pkoclaimeb, Seeding Id beginning ih Rood tvrnoat M llie aliower f have Iwm baring -are encouraging to the farmers. What a relief to the readers that tile Cook-I'cnry cuntrovcrry la tak ing A Illicit ftttitt 111 tltedilUv Wm'.-, Tllopo Forti of tliinti tret vriy tiresome. Hquashcs weighing fifty pouuilh ... ..rtt ......I 1.. l.lllU lull HTV IKII linilHI III m'W jp -. th:it in wlmt our sectlonVorrow comity will produce. At Halror un & Mmoii'i store window are to he aeon auma of these large fall vegetables Unit have been raised by Clms Uecd tw;o mllei from lone. , The American people care much kat Mr Talt and bare girn biro henrty greeting but thai doe not mean that they alio gate hearty accord with hie utterances on the A U rich-Pay tie tariff revision that is audi a millstone about the necks of the lnboring classes f the Suited Sulci. The Hudson-Fulton celebration iu New York liaa been one of the grenteat tilings of the century and tlm country iasolarge.thedittanee so great that the masses of people on the western slope are not inti mate with even the outline, let alone the intricacies of the affair. TI1K PACIFIC MONTHLY ol Portland Oregon Is a beautifully illustrated monthly magasine, If you aire interested in dairying, fruit raising, poultry raising or want to know about Irrigated Undo, timber open to homestead entry, The Pa ciUe Munlhly will give you full in formation, The prko It 11.50 a jr. Offer No 1-Mo Clure's Magasiae, Woman's Homo Companion and l ne raeiuc Mommy eosung f4ou will be tent at a special rata of t& Offer Not Me CWe ftfeffasla. Review at Reviews and the Pacific Monthly eeatiag N. will be ml for t&ott i , Offer No Human lira Ideal Homes and The Paeifia MMtbty wilt be sent tot Hf-.- Order by number enVewad Mr order aoeoea ponied by noeUl 1 9be due raina which we hae Pour farmers to Iwciu tlirir fnlt 'seeding. ' . ' , ' Our sohool is progrssaif-g nicely under; the- management, of Mls BdeMh rbtUnm. n u Biy ana mmiiyaroHikinti a viest wiab laieads hi the Vatler. W T Pslmntinr aud wife are tub ing care of their place and looking after tilings white they air gone. t will buy ldeaat iron, t'oyv ittirk, rultlert sine and rag. Hi'' imeii" Mr Cobb and family hare mov- m1 to Portland where he will help lis hrottmr-in his store. It seem that Mr Cobb prefers the store bus rneseto farming. Mr Olsen, a gentlemen front the East, is tak ing charge of the Cobb ranch, at trvHent, but fn a few days we x tect a family from Midiigiiii t- come and take possession. MrsS Devlhs has moved into the Benedict house and is keeping tonne fur the Benedict children while they are attending school. Our teacher is alio boarding with oar. W F Palmateer made a buiihess trip to the Valley last week. lit Tommy Dean who was oer- tited on for appendicitle, in Hepp ner, Inat Saturdny is getting along -eflv. BaturJaf, October 16th, is posit- rely llie last dnylliat I will buy tny cast iroii r junk of buy kind. CW Swanaoii. . D F Morgan and wife of lone spent Sunday with A C Morgan unt fmuily of (his place. F M Broody and wife left on Monday's train forOakland Call- tornIawhrbIr HUdndy expects wawiDr iof some time, mi many friends hope for ,hjni back soon and In a much iinprored condition of health. Mr Bickford a worker in Gospel work gave a short talk in our school house latt Sunday evening. A good crowd was present and all enjoyed tlm semces. Paul Troedaon and family spent last Sunday with Johnn Troedacn of Ella. Mr and Mrs A J Simmons left this week for Washington where they will make their future home. All kinds of Postal cards and Novels at the Chick PJiarmaey. Wo would think this a good time to get in a little ready money and also elean up the ranch of all the old eaat iron, rage, copper, rubber and bottles at Mr 8 wanton Is bor ing all the old junk he can. It wUI probably be years before you get a chance like this and he will not buy any more after the 16th so you better get biwy., The Procl aimer for $l.o a r msottttwi Ox -in IbeMteWiL ft I IsV fs M Mt tal MM1MI Will pay a year's Subscription to The ; .', ''; lone Proclaimcr and the Pacific Monthly Regular price $3 This' offer will not last ... i 1 long, so come in NOW ft OREGON no Union Pacific "ONLV-LINB A8X,VIA SALTIAHE M lENVEt ,:8WaCfe;7f J Dairt phnr for the Rett td Port land ai9-2la.ai.;arrlrss at 1:30 s.m. . rrtAMKR LINES Daily boat wrrltee,' Baodsy excepted, betwera Portland, Astoria, Oregea Oity and Dayton. ' u ' Saske SUvsr Reele Bteaman betweear Riearia sad Lewie Ion leave Kiperttr dally, except Satar day, at 5:40 a. n. - Retarning leeret Lewittoa dally. eAset Friday, at 7 a. For lull iaformptten call ea 0. J. Pea aiar, O. . A.JI. easel, leae. Ore.. Was. MeUanwy, Oen. raae. Agl. Portland, Oretoa. Indqp dent , an Always on time For all kia of BaaliBS strict attention filven to turnberGoaiftnd Wood. Rice Clark. A GOOD POSITION ean be bad, br ambitious young men and Udiee la the field of "Wireless" or Railway telegraphy. Binoe tlie oVponr law became affeot- lvtand h te the Wiralees oompeu iaaaiwwiUbMetihn stations lbre ot IR cquntrV. tlwrtw la I phi KoKAga ol Ulegraphe feaatsona pay ewp nweea Iceen l?0dwlW per montb, wHatoad thanco for ad vaneemenU. . ... , TboN'aUeatal Tekavapb Iawiiswte t! Pejrtleanti Oregon-, eenaiaawa aft naacial iaetUtftawld Amertea.nnder Wlsad'L Wifate 0ciadee4 penewej M frwdnnloir 'avT - Draym IONE Fftptictor t- This Motei CUrciice M. White . LAWYER Heppnea Oregon P. 6. Balsiger . MHQIENTS M VtHCtlS AGENT FOR Myers Pumps, Stover 4 HarCParr Gasoline Engines, Mitchell Wagons St aver Buggies, Star A Double Power Wtod Uilli, Sanders 4 Case Plows, . And Hoosier Drills. P. M. Christenson Dealer w Wheat lands and Town Property. I also handle Thoroughbred Poultry P.' H. Christenson, PropH- etor Swede Canyon Poul try Ranch, Lexington; Or. DR. C. C CHICK Payaklau and eerteen , RIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY AT ;. - TKNDKO rjAmtttbelomrbarBaer. . rloaaj Oregon. ., .i, , ." The Proclaimer for 11.50 a year. THE L. P. D. - PASTIME - Where Every one goes to have a good timeVV HARRY E. lone Look-Here 1 rry; - A nice fresh line of all the leading brands of tobaccos both j o smoking and chewing; also a " snneuneoi L.UitJfi' goods x J just arrived. Any thing from I Sardines to Limberger cheese. " at X -THE reUHgt CIMtUMW, Hto ir AXgtawl, A Ulj TTcatw m Cirtriil Trk Eipcdafix Soikftki Ratc$JK00 and -; ' $100 hc Day Speebl JUatt (at oea and totfd by WeeL is Tor Rent : Ae.Wa Ltmdcll L TEACHER OP ' Voice Culture. Sin-lnr AND 9lnt Reading OrVg, OffEGrOrV. ReWaHickok Grain Buying a Specialty. Lands Bought and Sold Life Insurance Collections made HBPPNER. OREGON. Will buy In any amount Fat Chickens, Torkcys, Docks TcaU and Hides . . "M Heakrt Net Waajet -at the IONE meat; MARKET. W. R. COCHRAN, NOTICt Will all persons who are endibt- r ed to the J OKincaitl estate please call at that store building and settle with out delay as we are anxious to wind up the whole ; matter as toon aa possibleex" K L PadWrg, 7 K L ' Trustee. ', REED Mgr. Oregon Li! tg o T AMROGK Vb. ; WUrU ; LANDS r ! ; tt a 1no peeitteiM. J pfcyaai Wt TOWN PROPil ay order lot Mm amaomfrfrTbb eilc Monthly PoHXrogu wrtee lee fee IMM eaajie. wa