The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, October 08, 1909, Image 3

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North Yakima SyedMate Tax Over
1 16.000 Acres In Harney.
' PortlandA mat tract of Eastern
Ogoo bud, comprising 16,000 scree.
, -h bm Id by J. O. JSIrod, a local
Ml NUU dealer to Frank H. Clerf
and hia mother, of North Yakima, and
-associates, at a eoldcratioa of $800,
000. Tho deal repreeeote a proftt of
ever fl00,000 to Mr. Eirod, who pur-
"cww ids wn ib bmdum ago.
Tho property la located to Harney
county ani eomprl what to known aa
-tbs old John Darin ranch, on of tb
moat noted ranch in Oregon On
of tb nnlqo faatar of tb plae la
that it bo te a hard of elk, one of tho
fw haras of this kind in Oregon. The
nam of tho placa i now tb Alvord
ranch. It baa boon rented to toe Per
eifle Ltv tock ccenpany, but tho ascent
pnrebaaera will stock too property and
conduct It tbeawelToa.
f. Tb land la all fenced and era
fenced, with about 7,600 acre in bay.
The remainder ia good sagebrush land
' with t lerge quantity of available
water for irrigation purposes. Good
building have, boea eroeted an tb
plae, and all the improvements are in
good shape. . .
Mr. El rod ys that the
represents an advance in the price of
tb land of aom thing over $100,000
la IB ion the. A year ago laat Jane
be purchased it from the ugene Church
company of Taeoma, The deal baa juat
been consummated whereby the prop
erty la trenafemd to - Mr. Olarf and
- , .i
New Schedule Qoee Into- Iffoot on O
... R. & N. Unoa. - '
Salem October. 1 the reduced ex-
preaa rate ordered by tb railroad
eomtaisaioo on too Oregon Railway A
Navigation eompsny's line where the
Pacific Exprc company operataa.
-went Into operation. The reduction
"an material, and in aom Inataneai aa
moeb aa 80 and 26 per oant. '
The Pacific Exprc company aeeept
ed the redaction without making a
fight in tb courts. Patron of the
expre company will at once feel the,
benefit of the reduced rate.
An effort will soon bo made to pro
' core a reduction of the rate c barged
by the Wella Fargo Expre company,
which operate in the Willamette val
ley. Hepreeentatlve B. F. Jonof
Polk enantv. who brouorht tb aneei
fal oomplalnt againat the Pacific Ex-
preea company, ia alao pre anting the
complaint againat the Walla Fargo
mpny- ... , ........
Building Sentient Bridge.
Lebanon Preparation for the con
struction of the bridge over tho Bjk
tJam river at this plae are being made
oa rapidly a po ible, for tho new lhN
between Lebanon and Crabtroa of the
.Oregon A California railroad eompany.
A gang of nearly 100 men are bow at
work on the new structure, Tb
bridge ia going to bo one of thatongeet
bridge ia to country, being nearly
400 feet creasing the river, with at
tie of some 2.000 feet on tho went ap
proach to tho bridge. The bridge will
coat in the neighborhood of $100,000.
Auto ft one la CXacuaeed. .
MexshflsM Tho building of an aoto
mobile road from Coo bay to Hooeburg
waa tb chief aubjoet under diooaoaion
at a good roads meeting new ac ue-
enilto. the county Beat. The plan ia
to hove the re ideate along the lino
agree to a apeeial tax and tho county
appropriate an equal amount. A road.
peccable at all time of tho year, I
been agitated for aomo time, but it ia
likely that tho preeent movement will
material iae to aetoal work next aum-
i Insf d lien la Denied.
Salem After a long diec Ion of
the merits of the ee tbe deeert land
hoard boa aom to the aenclnaion that
the Descbut Irrigation
lion of 146 per oant, or S40 an
from too settlers for reclaimed
The matter will probably be taken up
by tbo ectttars, and tho toetssssJUea
eotapany and anally threshed out ia tb
courts. The diapote is one of long
Stand mg. .
TO) Want Vast OH-jrf p
AlbanyAraVlai of incerporStf of
the Ltooaavon On hard i g. una
corporation wbteb plead to eat out a
a, WW acre atuhatJ hi La to y, have
boon tied hi the aemrty dark's sfftee.
The capital etoek of the corporation i
SSO0t00t, divided bite MOO 0mm of
$100 sac, $ swtag' psciorred
$290,000 umaiaa.
Balian Bialilislsof
'ho esrirssss)
bavo I mII I lama Sag
tton fan tee- umana Mas, It ami St.
Demoeietrau'oo Special to Stop al
. Seven Eastern Oregon Towns.
' Portland Ita shibboleth "A crop for
every aero every year," tbe demons tra
tion train of tbe O. R. A N. will leave
Portland, October 2t on an anti ber-
renneaa eraaade in Sherman, Gilliam
and Mora counties. The intiaerary .of
tb educational train as finally decided
upon, provide fextr-daver trip in
which, von a tope will bo mad. low,
Heppner, Clem, Condon, Graaa Valley,
Moroand Waaos wiU bo viaiUd by tb
demonatratioa train and at each place
six lecture will be delivered by mem
bers of tho feenlty of the Oregon Ag
ricultural college at Corvailia, profee
sors of that institution, with a few
railroad official to bo the only
gar of the-demonatratlon special.
Tho complete aabodute for tho deco-
onstration train ia aa folmwa: , i
Tueaday, October 26--Ione, s. m.
to 12 neon; Bcppoer, 2 p. m. to 6 p.
m. and 8 p. m. to ItM p. mi -. s -lt
Wednesday, October 27 Clem, a.
m. to 12 noon: Condon, 2 p. m. to 6 p.
m., and 8 p. m. to 0 :80 p m.
Tburaday, October 28 -Graa Valley,
9 a, m. to 12 noon ; Mora, 2. p. m. to 6
p. m. and 8 p. m. to 9 40 p. m.
Friday, October 20 Waaeo, 9 a. m.
to 12 noon, . , -
Bohemian Polony Coming.
Klamatfa Pall Unleaa aom unfor-
soon obatacle arisaa there will be lo
cated In tb southern portion of the
Klamfttb baain one of the largest- Bo
hemian colonies over established in any
tote.' Sixty representative of the
colony have spent several days going
over too 8,000 aeree of land on which
options nave been secured. The colony
is in tb form of a club and consist of
approximately 600 families. Officiate
of the crab yiaited tbU section several
weeks ago and assured options on the
Urge Lakeside tract.
The 60 members who have been here
for several days are a final committee
to pass on tbe land. If tbey recommend
tbe acceptance of tho land the Battling
up of this largo are will be begun at
Potatoes Success aa Fallow Crop. .
Weston Tho Weston mountain coon
try is demonstrating its. fertility by
extra good crops this year. Ground
used last year for potatoes ia proving
especially productive, showing that the
tubers are a good summer fallow. Al
bert Gould had 84 bushels of barley
1 acre from 10 acres of "potato
greuud,' and from Ave acres of Similar
ground J. E. Wslden bad tho rcnaara
aMo average of 118 bushels of oats.
.. . . .
Wheat Blooetem. fc: club. 89a:
red Russian, 88 Xe; valley, 91c; Fife,
89c; Turkey rod, 89; fertyfoid, 91.
Barley Food. $2,X)St2: brewinn.
$x6.6027 psr ton. .
Onto Mo. 1 white, z727.S0 par
Hav Timothy, WiilaSMtte valley.
$1618 par toof Raatere Oregon, $18
Q19; alfalfa, $14; clover, $14; cheat.
$18014.50; grain bay, $16018.
Butter City creamery, extras, 88:
fancy outside creamery, 8888e; store,
22 He Butter fat prices average 1 He
par pound under regular butter prices.
nrgs Oregon ranch, candled. $23
SZhc per dosen.
Poultry 'Bono HtfZloe; springs.
16):lc; roosters, (a10e; ducks.
young, 16(916; gees, young, 10lle:
turkeys,. tOej cojoabs, $1.76612 psr
dosen. . j -
Pork Fancy, 9Ha psr pound.
Veal Extra, lOftlOe par pound.
Fruito Aoplea, $1.86(91.78 per box;
poan, 76e$1.60f psaebes, $121.26
te; esntaloupos, 60e$l 26;
plama, 2660 psr box; watermelone.
1 per pound: grapes. 86cfi$l.x6 par
crate; 16060a par heeket; eaeabea,
$1.601.7$; quinces, $131.76 per box;
hackleberrlost 10 per pound. v '
Potatoes 60070c per sack; sweet
Bote toe, 2c psr pound. v
Onion $1.26 per sack. I -'Ml
Vegetable Beans, 4perwond:
-hhogo, lJlMe; csulhVwor, 60ets$l
a; eatery, 60976; oera, 162
20s; cueumbers, lOttSfec; poos, Te per
pound; peppora, dupSa; Biiamhiiia, H
loi souaehr iai bin 1ms. 600
par tm,
Hops crop, ttv2Se offered:
klfOf crop, 17s; 1P07 crop, 12c; . 1906
erapv Be. ; v -
Wool Re still Oregon. 1$3SS par
nosanlf sailsy, 2gjx4y; mohaif. ibeisa.
Oiswl Biiia?top quality, lAzodt
M; tew to good, $4; common, $g.M
f.Ti; oowa, top, $1.80; fair to saog.
$Sat.26; oosasaoa to nmitenw $2,602
2.76; calve, top, $ott6.60: heavy.
-Boat, $8 fair to good, $7.71
T7-8fi: toarkasa, $a7 (Maafato,
$7.6t3$l. i j 9
hasp Tt wethers, $4U.M; fair
-asm $L68n.6; ewes,- sunt
metal gi aii ii osaJTsnsja, bust $4
I fhJr to good, $$fv82A76;
Farmsrs ansf Orop Reporter fur the
Oansua of Agrtcvhur.
Washington, Oct. 1. rorty-flv
tbooaepd onumerstors out of tbo esti
mated grand total of 66,000, will be
savaged April 16th next gathering in
the required information concerning
agriculture for the Thirteenth Decen
nial U. S. easjevj. Director Durand
norposs making every effort to aeeure
ptogiaaslvu farmers and crop npsrters
lot these pteees. Hii action is based
upon the rceomnwndation of Chief
Statistician LoGrand Powers and tbe
advisory board of apeeial agents eom
nosod of professors of economies and
farm expert who have been assisting
fn the formulation of tbo schedule of
Inquiries concerning farm operation
and equipment. It is believed that the
election of this elsss of men. already
familiar with statistical method of
securing data and reporting it in com
prehendible form, will add greatly to
efficiency of the census and to the sci
sntifie value of the Information ob
tained. Director Durand does not an
ticipate any difficulty In procuring
snumarator of this kind, as there are
hi every state of tb Union hundreds
of crop reporters acting for tbs depart
ment of agriculture, representatives of
state boards of agriculture, etc
- Tbo agricultural schedule which Is
to be placed in tb hands of these
enumerators is searing completion by
tbe census bureau. The advisory
board, who are acquainted with prae
tkal agriculture, its varying condi
tions, and who are active ia their re
spectlvo ate tee in seaiating tbs fann
ers to Improve tbslr farm methods,
have been most sarneat and no effort
is being spared to make tbe schedule
as airople as possible, and yet secure
tbe greataet amount of important in
formation concerning agriculture.
There will be but one schedule for
agriculture. There may be a small
Bcbedato for tbe enumeration of ani-
mala in cities. This will be carried by
tho city numerators and it will cover
horses, milch cows, chicken, etc.,
housed fan barns, stables, etc, in the
cities. No attempt will be made to get
the area of city gsidsna or vacant tot
. ( mm,
Military Man of Seven Nations March
r. v WithAmerieans. ,
New York, Oct 1. Twenty-five
tbouesnd men of arms marched yester
day before tbe massed representatives
and special envoys of 87 nations, while
2,000,000 cltisena shouted themselves
bjoarso ta eoeer. The neat military
parade wee the dlsmxsf use Hudson
Pulton ostebration.
The most eonspicuous reception of
tbe day went to tbo Hilars of tbe Ger
man fleet, a magnifteant body of picked
men, who, as tbey reached tho review
ing stand, foil into tb formal slap-
slap of tbe parade goons-step and
burst bate "My Counry, Tie of Thee."
with an overwhelming volame of bassos
and a fervor which took away the
breeth of tho listeners. The people est
silent for a moment, and than rising to
their feet sheered sntU their voices
gave way.
So many men representing so many
brunches of the war departments of
tbe world have not bean seen on Amer
ican streets before, so many wearing
the enters bars not bean asea since the
daye of the Civil war. ...
- - Inspection Ruins Plants.
Vancouver, B. C, Oct. 1. Herticul.
torts ta of Vancouver, Victoria and vi
cinity are so thoroughly Indignant at
tbe way tbey have been treeted by
provincial government sfhetete that
tbey are getting up a signed protest to
the department at Ottawa to protect
against what tbey allege is wanton de
struction of nursery stock sonsignod to
thorn fromwateids points,
-A'l ornamental nursery and green
house stock entering thii province boa
to be inspected and fumigated to guard
against pes which may Infest tb
pi ante. Tbe complainants allege that
after this fumigation has taken plae
tbe plants are passed to tbo provincial
department, which detain them for
ant Usee, often so long the ssmdn
of Mlsse worth of seas rota, to
spoiled or condemned.
90O-W9l 0$aevwaMwt THll faWflty$d '
Ban iVanebiiBt Oct. 1. Ta seeond
trial of Patrick Calhoun on tb chars
of offering a hrlbe to former Superin
tendent John J. Furey waa resumed
Core Judge Lawlor yesterday.
Twenty-six teliimm were oxamiaed
J-rejected, tbs grounds f or eb iee-
ttena hi asost cm being either that
the Ilium s axMMmia attnad opinion
or tho their somes 411 sot appear on
tbs aossssmont rolls. Tbs attorneys
for tbe defence deelered they would bo
smtoBJsIf bsnevsepnsd by the shaanii
eg one of Urn tending eoansoi,,- , J.
Trotoe Oreeb, Many Hurt.
Oat. L la a head el-
Greet llmlhein
Trtoidad, Waahw
p. to. y steer iter. Dr. J. W. Cos-1
SwwsyujsTlesfS wfiaVp Wwl tohweWalp fPa4wu
listen between two
Binge Urates at
Deposita Over Flva Billions and Big
Surplus Reeervo
'Washing ton, Oct, 2. "Percentage
of legal reserve to deposita, 21.67; per
eentege to deposits of cash on band,
redemption fund and due from recerve
agenta, 26.06,;' to the way tbo 6,977
national banks of tho country averaged
in tbe reports made to the controller of
tbo currency under the call for their
condition at tbe ernes of business Sep
tember 1.
The loans and discounts for the
whole United States reached $6,128,
882,661; United States bonds to se
cure circulation, $668,660,170; bonds,
securities, etc, $898,888,148; do
from national banks, state bonks, and
bankers and approved reserve agents,
$1,227,241,289. The lawful money
reserve ia banks reached $864,091,867.
Tbs 6 psr cent redemption fund with
toe treanry amounted to $82,488,612.
On the score of liabilities, tbs banks
had a paid in capital stock of $944,
642,067; a surplus fund of $697,81,
876, and undivided profits, Isas ex
penses and taxes paid, of $208,766,488.
There were $668,040,866 of national
bank notes outstanding and aggre
gate of $2,018,818,727 waa due other
national banks and approved lassive
agents. Theref were unpaid dividends
of $2,117,904.
Tb individual deposits footed op
United Stetea WiH Take a Hand tn
Ohineae Situation. -
Weahington, Sept. 80. It to report
ed that the government will soon take
action toward preserving tbe open
door policy la China, which It to said
has been seriously menaced by tho re
cent activities of Japan in the Chinese
domain. It to understood that Japan
by tbs terms of the recent Japaneee
Chinees agreement regarding tbo
rights of Japan b) Haueburia has
obtained control of extenaive mining
cones ions in tbe southern section of
the greet province for an Indetermin
ate period. This to out of line with
tbe open door policy ss eo trued by
the 1st Secretary Hay following tbe
exchange of notes between tbe 'Various
powers In 1899, when tbe several gov
ernmental' apbsr of iafluon wore
For several weeks American attaches
In the diplomatic esTviee have been re
ceiving information to tbs full un
dera tending entered into between
Japan and China regarding tbe Antung
Mukdsn railroad, and tbs cone tons
granted to the Japanese,- with tb re
sult that steps for a formal protect are
being ntade, it to id.
AH Japan Must Register.
Wssbington, October 6. Tbo regu
lations issued by tbe Japan govern
ment I t spring requiring all Japan
r idento within tb United States and
Canada to register at tbe a r t Jap
an eonlate, are to be put Into op
oration beginning today, Tbe purpose
of the regulation is to obviate far
possible the chance of friction between
the nations over tbe influx of undesir
able Japans into America. Each
newcomer is to be required to regiater
within arv n day of hia arrival and on
leaving the district be m ht report
his departure. The penalty for viola
tion of th regulation ia forfeiture of
eooaular protection. - j -
Wilson to L vo Cabinet.
Washington, Sept. 80. Jsm Wil
son, who h bn rotary of agricul
ture sin March 4. 1897, a long po
rted tbof aervice than any cabinet oAV
eor in history, to expected to stop out
about January 1 next. Whom the pres
ident will name in bis place is not
known, even If Mr. Tsft h made a
lection. Report have be frequent
hitherto that Mr. Wilson w about to
go. Ho end Secretary of tbe Navy
Meyer were tbo only holdovers from
tbe Roosevelt admmietration,
Dickinson Backs ran.
Washington, Oct. 2. Secretary
Dlekineon finds nothing to srlttei in
tbe action of General Grant in taking
part hi a temperance and law-enforce
ment parade in Chisago in hie uniform
a major general of tbo united
Stat army, and aaya to such move
ment, each seedier and eflkor b to
determine for hteseelf. Secretary
DiekHMoa'a d laratlnsj w bnmrbt
out te reply to a tetter of W. ft. Mieb
eelts, of Cklesgo, setteislng Goners!
yVaohington, October 6. Repr nV
ttv of 11 govotnmonts will attend
the Uth Blidiil meeting of the Assooi-
of MUitory fuigeisa te tfa
Usited Stetea, to be held Is this city
bbo rossl w$B ho coo tbs tenteg
now and hook offto of 12 different
k teds of hoitete fro vario pis 04
sss sswesves e
Wire Structure of Forestry Service
f , Boon to grtsspm .
Waahington. Oct, 6, A sucessful
barrier against tbs Inroada of the coy
ote in the sheep flocks of tbe West
has been found. It to believed, in tb
ooyote-proof fence, experiments with
which have be osrriod en during the
laat year by a special agent for tbo
for try service at Billy Meadows, on
the Wallowa National forest recerve in
Oregon, according to a bulletin made
public today by tbs for try service.
Coyotes me to tbe Jen nearly
every night for 90 daye, according to
the report, and ee tonally followed
It for miles, but not one suceeded In
pa lug over or under exoept wben the
snow waa deep enough to give them an
easy jump. Summarising the experi
ments for tbo s oa of 1908, tbo re
port ys:
"Th coyote-proof fence w tiro
ry ODful a protsetMn against
coyotee; sot eeaaful against bears;
to still problematic againat bob ta;
not sue ful ssrainst lynxes, and of
cour not auece ful against badgers.
The damage, however, from bears, bob
oats and lynx is small wb com
pared with tbe torn toss from tho
r vwot m raw w inwriwrv.
Wssbington, Oct. 1, Tbe attempt
of tbe aultan of Morocco to obtain for
eign intervention in tbe conflict be
tween his country and Spain w de
tailed in a dispatch made public today
from United Stat Minister Dodge at
Tangier to toe State department. Mr.
Dodge suoed that tbe French minister
to Morocco, who to dean of tbe diplo
matls corps, w about to add a
circular note saying tbs French gov
ernment did not consider this a caw
In which it sou id take action. It to
not thought tbs United Stat will take
part in tbs adjustmsnt. -
Government to Appeal.
Waahington, Sept 29. Solicitor
General Bowers atoted today the Do
pertmt of Justice bad directed that
an appeal be taken from Judge Bean'a
recent decieioo te tb civil it against
tbe Barber Lumber eompany. This
it w brought by the government to
ncel the Barber company's title to
conaidsrabls valuable timber land near
Boise. Tbe appeal was recommended
by Special Attorney Peyton Gordon,
who pro cn tod tb suit for the govern-
mat. . . m
Marine Corps at San FroneJ o,
W hlngton, Sept. 29. A division
office of the marina corps will bo tab-
Major Henry L. Boo It will be In
charge of tb otflc. Dlsbo omenta of
all kinds, except for public works and
trausportation of nisrines, will be made
from this office. Tbo arrangement
will bo of greet benefit to eontracto
and others receiving saoney from tbo
marine corps tbe Psctftc coast, It
will vo about 80 day la tbe receipt
wa wm; iron v eeningMea.
Not Prey of Mora Pirate.
Waahington, Oct, 1. Rumors la
official diapntcb that the venue eut-
thr Bora had bo ptured by Mo
pi rat were proven unfounded, and
great spprebe ten w relieved by tb
receipt bore today of news of tbo fo
arrival of tbo tter at Sanda, Brit
ish North Borneo, On board w J. L.
Perrine, collector of tbe port of Bsla
boe, who mad tb iournoy to pur the
supplies. No word of aa encounter
with pirate w contained to tb news
of th v a i's arrival.
Orop-Moving Money In Sight.
Wsshlngton, Sent; 80. In view of
the fast that but 240 National banks
t of a total of ev 7,000 In this
country hove seceded to tbe recent re
quest of Comptroller of Corereney
Murray, that1 more $6 not be taken
by them. It appear that tbe prediction
of the scarcity of email money in tb
crop-moving period this year to not
looked upon seriously b tho bankers
of the country, .
Give Students Rim of Hospital.
Washington, Oct. 1. At tbe closing
mion bore today of tb American
Hospital as lotion, tbo system of
permitting students fr secern to tbs
warda of hoseiftala tor the atari at ne,
ttente w stronnly advocated by Dr.
Roper t Norton, of Job Hopkins hos- '
pi mi, .MieiBBBvo. asr. a. sv new
arA, of Boston, w sleeted fr id t -
, Lipriei ta tsrsd Skin t -Wssbmarten.
Oct. L Dr. A. Araa-
anre Hsnssn. diseover of tbo leprosy
Lbssrilluo, bus ofAclslly sop need that
In found the boeill hi tbe skin of
John Early, tb North Carolina soldi
who detentteo be for many tooatha
attracted wide attention. . -
Orgm School Lang Fafemted. '
Waehmotau, Sept. ft. Tbs rre-
jtory as tbo toteri has)
I patent te tho state f Ovef
1 26, embrseing 9.106 sor
Tbs Bwlk k-d sjawtet.
tote of Otesmn school Itot
9,10$ ser land b