The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, October 08, 1909, Image 2

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Newsy Items Gathered from All
Parts of ttie World
Lss Important but Not Lmi
sating Happenings from Points
Outside tho Stat.
The special train of the president's
party is composed ox plain coach,
Tha president gives aaaaraaca that
Vancouver barracks will not ba moved.
Tba National Oarman AHIaneo of
Amartea will take up tb cry of anti-
Prasfdant Taft spant two days
Portland and daelarad them tba pU
an teat of hla trip.
Harrlman'a Intaraats will ba bandlad
by three nan, Robert 8. Lovett, J. C
Stubbs and Jalius Kruttochnitt.
Tba chairman of tba Republican
county committee of New York will
try to stop tba voting of daad nan'
Tba Kansas stata board of health
has daelarad iteslf against tba wearing
of baarda and -will try to hav Its rul
ings anforead by law.
A wealthy Grand Army veteran waa
so badly eras bed In tba rash to aaa
Taft at tba Portland armory that ba
died on tba way to tba hospital.
Charles W. Morse, New York flnan
eler, convicted oy violating national
banking laws, baa paid off f 7,600,000
of hla Indebtedness, and saya ba will
son pay tba remaining 160000,0.
Saver lighting between the Span-
lards and Moors oontiaas.
Sir Thomas Upton would like an
other chance at tba America yachting
Chief Forester Pinebot fears trusts
are after water power sites in toe
An American fishing vassal I
seised for poaching on Mexican flablng
Aft a long fight Mrs. Ysrkss baa
been granted a third of tba estate of
her husband.
n.Mi k. in it k.
army If need be and civ ail hia time
to temperance.
Tba survey has begun on the last
link of tba California railroad into the
Klamath country.
The sultan of Morocco has put El
Kogbt, the pretender, to death, using
the most horrible cruelty.
W. A. Clark, Jr., mm of ex-Senator
Clark, of Montana, baa discovered a
process for smelting sloe ore and may
become to sine king of thsAoountry,
On man waa killed and eight others
Injured in collision between a pas
senger train and work train' on the
Puget Sound railroad at Garrison ton
Del, Montana. - . -
President Taft baa declared himself
In favor of ship subsidy.
Tba Miners congress at Goldneld.
Nov., condemned the polity of for tor
Or. Cook Is to dispatch a
North at one for his instrument and,
the EskiBMS wh aecornpssiod him.
In n speech at Seattle President Taft
advocated tho commission plan of gov
eminent for Alaska, th same na now
used in tha Philippine; -A
Paris girl fate a qoarrel with
her awMtbaart throat herself betwssn
the ban of a lion's cage and
badly Injured tnatshe died.
Father- Searl. a nob
save th tail of afelleyV 'comet may
hit the earth. May 88 too two bodies
will be closest to fach other. r
Indications eeew that the umber if
Kid admlaalona to tha Alaska-Ynkon-cfnc
axpoaition will not scanl thoss
of the Lewis and dark axpoaition, . ,
Bryan has withdrawn his offer to do-'
bat th tariff emeetion with Senator
Bailey, of Tens, H save be wants
public attention asotorad on the tariff
wans, not on him and Bailey. . .
Taft favors the toning of bonds Is
aw irrigation in tba West. .
In hla speech atSpoaaTftpraieed
both Bellinger and PiocboC
Tb National Ooard aseoelatien will
bold H next mutiag to 8L Loom. -
Whrtaop believes tons both Cseh
and Poary r sen bed to North Pole.
Eight sailor won Wand by the
Inking of g nsUtot on th Atlantic
Ssarstory Wilson f th AgricoJ
toral aiuaitmaat, aria Mskja Jaa
amryl.. Speahon at sheMmsftg isngiimat
OoldnekL ,fe swrivod to aUvw
1 Mining Congress Proposes American
I - -Law oa Water Power.
Goldfield, Nov., Oct. 8. The Amsri
can Mining eongrees closed its 12th
session bars after adopting a resolu
tion calling upon the national govern
ment to legislate against perpetual
franchises for water power or wator
1 rights in Western state, and urging
thet.similer state legislation bs pasaed
without waiting for congressional ac
Tb apex law, under which the dis
coverer of a mineral lode or voin can
follow it outside the lines of his claim
was another subject of discuss ion. and
Ita repeal, with the substitution of n
law making the side linos of a elaim
ita limits when continued downward
vertically, was urged.
Wildcat mining schemes were placed
under the ban by tba congress, which
urged state and national legislation to
prevent the operators of such schemes
from diverting money of investors that
might otherwise be used in developing
legitimate properties.
J. H. Richards, of Boise, Idaho, tb
retiring president of the eongrees, .was
given a handsome service by the dele
Loo Angeles and Spokane nave de
veloped a lively rivalry for the- next
session of the eongrees. This question
will b decided by the executive com
Fully 70,000 American Settlers Have
Crossed Border. - f..
Winnipeg, Man., Oct 6. American
farmers by the tens of thousands are
now pouring over the boundary into tb
Canadian West According Co a state
ment made by the depoty minister of
interior at Ottawa, tba invasion of
Americana into Canada will total over
70,000 for tb present year.
In the beginning of this aeross-boun
dary movement the newcomers were
largely from lbs Middle states, bat this
year they are coming from almost ev
ery state In the Union. Not only is
toe quantity satisfactory to Canada,
but tb quality of settlers la rather im
proving than otherwise.
Practically, tba official report says.
60,000 Americana this season entered
Canada, and every man, woman and
child waa possessed on - an average of
91.000 in stock, cash and streets, mean
ing that they brought into this coun
try nearly 160,000,000.
W. J. White, heed of th Canadian
Immigration agencies hi the United
States, aay this year's Immigration
from the United States baa increased
fully SO per cent and that next year be
expects to as about 116,000 Ameri
cana settling In the Canadian Wast.
Fir Follows Oas ExplosionShaft Is
Furnace Blast.
Roslyn, Wash., Oct 6. Fifteen men
are believed to have bean killed or fa
tally injured In so explosion of gas in
the abaft of mine No. 4, of tba North
western Improvement company, at
12:4ft this afternoon.
Tba mine in the neighborhood of the
abaft Is horning fiercely, flames reek
ing through the shaft with an awful
r. The electric pumps are eat off.
and tha wator supply In the city is very
low. It is thought tb fir In tha abaft
will not affect the other mine, but it
may be six months before th shaft
can be put in working condition again.
It ia said that th shaft in savins in
and nther onplosion mar occur at any
- Shop Ar to Be Doubled.
8oeramento, Oct. 6. Reports nave
received hero' to the effect that
the New York office of th Wee tern
Pacific has sent hock plan of the rail
road shops to be built In Sacramento
with tnetroetione to propaso spoeiAeo
tlona for build Intra double hi elan The
orlrlnal plans .called for anexpetifiihipe
of $780,000 while th proposed shops!
nder tb new ehnms will cost $V
Further Indication of tba move.
an advanced by local railroad toon Is
that aha Western Pacific eon templates
raoning line np and down th state.
kSlaWlojwBBf 3-MMnjWal AgsSsTlrta
Madrid. O ita est 8. Dispatches from
Gibraltar today say German stoamara
ar disembarking eanoon and large
Quantities of guns and ammunition at
porto destined for the govern-
ment Groat Britain and France, It
ia said, have been informed of the sit
uation and while they ar guarding
twntralry, ahoy r see tag by dtpM
maey to prevent e collision. Th ettt
tado of tb saltan Is said to hav
tnistoriai anxiety. Peers are
antortoloed that
citoagesMfoJ wa
aWw Vawol Ww? VwwM Most IwtfswFwte,
Montreal, Oct. A Henri St. Yves,
o famous fronch long-distance roa-
nor, eollepeed In th SSd mile of a roe
bore today. PVraiiiaaa dacsarod hat
heart we eaTtoton asm toot ha areto
ably wouM ha anmhto to mi sgato. I
Hi aw int. Haas HoJmcr, of Qoa-
bee. fctobad strong, see wing the Msg-
to 11:, anew reo-
or tf the track h
Oregon laHToad Commlisloa Is
sues KaliDg ti 0. 1. ftH '
Decision Ponows the Northern Pscific
RuHnf In Washington and WW
Likely Be Obeyed. '
Portland, Oct. 2. Tbs state mil
road commission of Oregon yesterday
banded down its findings in tbs matter
of th Oregon Railroad A Navigation
company and its various branches in
Oregon, known ss the grain-rate ease,
which has been before the commission
for several months. The commission
dec) arse tb rates now in force to bo
unjust and unreasonable and orders a
reduction equivalent to s eat of about
one-eighth In the present rates, which
will make a difference in toe revenue
of tba railroads of approximately 176,-
000 per year on the volume of business
being dona at tfaie time. - .
Th grain-rats order was issued by
the commission from its office in Salem,
and while the general freight depart
ment of the Ore son Railroad 4 Navi
gation company yesterday was aware
to at such an order had been if toed, on
ly Its general terms were known. W.
E. Coman, assistant general freight
agent, declined to express any opinion
as to whether the railroad company
would abide by the order or appeal to
too eourto to prevent it enforcement
The order. In effect, is practically
the same as that made by the Washing
ton railway commission, commanding a
flat reduction of 12 par cent on grain
rates from points on the Northern Pa
cific to Puget sound.
Recent action by the Northern Paci
fic has tfiven th Washington commis
sion th ondcretaMungthat the railroad
will obey tbs order without recourse to
the courts. The Washington commis
sion has mad such an announcement,
but in tho offices of tbs North Bank
railroad, which of necessity In the pres
ervation of its business will be com
pelled to meet toe cut, nothing definite
is known as to the purpose of tb
Northern Pacific
Aa to the points affected by the Ore
gon osm raise toe's rate order, tb Issue
is almost solely one for the 0. B. 4 N.
The Northern Pacific has a short
branch running -hit Oregon, bat the
Northern Pacific is not affected by an
Oregon order nssrly so much as is tba
O. R. 4 N. by a Washington order re
ducing grain rate.
Harrlman RallraedeTBuy SlY.000 000
. Worth of Rollng Stock.
Chicago, Oct S. Orders fer equip
ment and power hav just been placed
by Harrlman lines which will bring the
total expend! tor for this purpose
during the last six months up to folly
a 17,000. uw.
Tbs latest order In for 1,600 steel
under-frame refrigerator cars, which
ar being constructed by the Pullman
company, and en. order for 600 all-steel
ballsstesrs. Orders hav alas been
given which bring tb Harriman lines
all-ate) pssssngar equipment on to
iy COO oars. Orders which are
now being delivered are for 480 all-
steel pass anger ears, the largest srder,
with on posslbke exception, that of
tb Pennsylvania rood, ever given.
In tbla ounnirrlno It In stated that
tb Harriman linen war pionssrs In
the oas of all steel paasangir cars In
tb West, and that they will here
after os nothing to their passing sr
service which hi not all-steel and prao-
He" inoestrostibto. .
Harlmen lines are also beginning t
receive the brat of 8,400 freight oars
and 106 luuusjstlsoB ordered less than
six months ago. Th order for loco
motives ealw te 88 of the heavy Mei
let compound type. These loeomo
tivee, it ie iilalamd. will heal fully 10
per cent user than any two of the or
dinary Isoomstlves to an.
Bone) Timber tor CspHsl.
AltoraaCal, Oct, X. Thoaaos ft.
Walker, Minn mil timber land king,
who owns hvjndrod of thousands of
acres of tree timber to Northern Cali
fornia, has deeded 187,000 acre to hia
Red River LamttT company, and that
ceneen has given) a deed of truet to the
same property to tha" Minnesota Land
A Tract comnan. to secure a bond h
sn W SI, M0, 000, which earn is to be
used in fairftag wbto f tho cocas-say
and building groat mill assi ractorlsa
to convert timber Into msrrhsn table
Naltwcbt, B. B. A.. Oct L--Ostonol '
ssivelL Who wen en sorted to arrive
Resssvelt, who wan
her October
to tha Hwera awArtot, will srotaato
not asm to awta Oiassir W. Tbs aa-
toy bj eaanwd by ato ssdisonsstie ef
Bstonad stoUe-V aha nooesgtot of th
to mwaiii xiwdirtoa, wa to eadfecia-g
Denial Smile Wins Hearts of Public
Portland, Oct. 4. Portland re
ceived President Taft as guest of
honor with snlsndld hospitality arid
n limitless - expression of hearty
good will and frank affection. To the
Nation's chief exscotive It proved a
day of good cheer, on marred by in
gle untoward Incident,
Th oreetdept enjoyed it nil to th
utmost: enjoyed every moment of the
day from the cosy formality of the
greeting accorded him upon his arrival
at tba Union deektuo tba afternoon of
golf golf played in tbs Invigorating
tang of a perfect October " day.
Throughout the day be found only the
moat profound consideration for his
comfort and welfare. .
Thar war no exacting demande
upon his energies. The day was bar
ren of tiring programs, long spseches
or Wearisome ceremonies.
An affection man i fee ted itself in tbs
public greeting which bed ita orgin
quite apart from th fact that be waa
tba great American, the first man of
the land. That Infectious smile pos
sessed itaelf of bis features when he
first stepped from bis private ear into
the cheery sunshine of an ideal Oregon
morning. ' Its infection of, good nature
spread wherever be wont. Whenever
be appeared b put every one t ease
by the easy Informality of his de
meanorand that smile; And then
Portland got a deeper Insight into the
real mean ; got a glimpse into the rich
and wholefcom nature of which that
mils ia tbs natural expression.
For when, his triumphal procession
through the streets wss at an end and
there wss a half boar at his disposal
for a whirl about tbs city, b elected
to dispense with the tempting spin
and go to tb bedside of bis friend,
Judge George H. Williams, at the Good
Samaritan bopsitaL It was thus tost
the brief hour of his morning's leisure
time was spent.
It is to the rising generation that
credit moat go for the predominating
and ncvr-to-be-fcrgotten feature of
tb welcoming demonstrations. There
hav been living flags before. Bat
never hav tba Stare and Stripes been
wrought into such a wholesome, in
spiring fabric aa that formed by Port
land school children. It was an epitome
of the boundless spirit of youthful pat
riotism. Tbs President, smiling at
first, pasaed to a mood of seriousness
aa that wondrous flag waved back and
forth with the life that tomorrow most
possess itself of tho Nation.
Th President's appearance tapped
exhauttless reservoirs of enthusiastic
and affectionate applause, wherever h
"This Is all splendid, splendid the
any Is perfect everything is perfect.
he told Mayor Simon, who was seated
beside bim in the automobile.
Half an boor after luncheon a
drew up for bim at tba hotel and be
departed for tb afternoon for his fa
vorite pastime, golf. Returning with
a keen appetite be ate dinner nrivatolv
and made ready for hla appearance at
tan Armory. The military eecort again
accompanied him and thousands of
people were in th streets awaiting his
Preetednt Taft dosed on of the hap
piest and most delightful visits of bis
life late yeatordav afternon. whan ha
boarded his special train nt the Union
depot and departed from Portland,
southbound. He said as much himaelf.
and with unmistakable sincerity, as be
stood aa the observation platform of
bia oar and bade farewell to those who
bad assembled to see him on his way.
"It has all been ddightfol. I can't
tnank yon enough for the way I've been
fronted. I've never bed a happier
visit;" na sato not eoco, bat many
times, ss ha stood shaking hands with
friends and officials.
Until tha departing train was lost to
lew be stood on tbs platform, smiling
ana waving at tboss lathered shoot
tho depot grounds. He seemed mth to
go, and it was aot until the train bad
passed onto tho Stool bridge that bs
tamed into his oar. Tho Praaident
took with hiss from Portland only the
nappies. memorJee, Bis eaoiea is se
lecting Portland far the longest stop of
nis itinerary. New ur leans alone ex-
eeptod, was justlhed. . ,
V ,
Bcioatlsnl lxnwiicjnkato.
BoMssa, Oct. A Alfred Pariow.
ebnirmun of the committee on publica
tion of tee First Cbaroh of Christ.
Scientist, sonflrinud today a rep-art that
Mrs. Aogosta B. BttlSon, sf New
Yerk, bad bom dlamimwd from the
body of Cbrtotissi Scientists, Mr.
Pariow dsdiackf to ' comment on the
m, bat to reply to n Question as to
th effect of the action of tho msmbiis
of tbochoroh, snidt "It is to he hoped
they will reeeiv It to Chriettan
snasr sad treat it sssutdtaglj.' -
PsV On Feel by P.
Uejdenr Oct. A Writs hav been
leaned aamiae
ateao as aha
Secretary Otod-
af Ris-
with an ajstion
It tor th mcibm toeding with
bar of
week of a aosa-
aaaTiagslsia who saietem en of sponnin Mssmton Boons fans! to
gnhnj oa a-'semger strih'' wsale to ssnsst Captato Behsst F. Scott to tnte
hU. Tho tnsTingellea I il i saooey for Us exneeHtlen to alssd sho
osstfimeistohBadlncto sttognL I Unton Janfc aa ass Raanh IVto.
Named by Republicans to Sac-
cert InsliiMi ' - i'
Despite All Overtures Prom Pfsrc.
(. County, McOreai Forces Hold
'l Votes Scurd in Oeucu.
Olymple, Sept 80. With "play
ball" tb rallying about and a regula
tion baseball bat tbs chairman's gavel,,
the participants in tbs caucus carried
out yesterday in the Congressional con
vention tba program as outlined and '
named as tbs Republican candidate fer
congress Jodgs W. W. McCredie, of .
the Superior court of Clark county, anjr
owner of; th two Portland baseball
clnbs, ."-.-
Judge MeCredi was nominated oa
ths first ballot by 128 votes, the exact -number
represented in the eancna.
James M. Ashton, of Tacoma, roeerveoV
1UB votes, getting in addition to the 0f
pledged him from Pierce, Tburatoe,
Mason and Clallam counties, the foar
from Pacific county who refused te
ablde by tb unit ml adopted in the
Tba Ashton forces went down fight
ing to the last, after skirmishing that
commenced at an early boar and lasted
on til tb ballot waa taken. Then and
only then did they eecupt tha inevit
able, and Ashton himself. In a speech
so diplomatic that it brought three
cheers from the convention, moved
make tba nomination unanimous.
In tba final vote on eandktatea nu. v
halis, Clark, Cowlits, Jefferson, Ska
mania ana wahkihkum east their tall
strength for McCredie and nine of too
ls reel fia county delegates voted for
th Clark man also.
Ashton received the full atmnffth n
Pierce. Thurston. Mason and run.-.
and four from Pacific. ....
Rrst Tw Wash of Fvoaidennal Trip
Ended at Exposition City.
Seattle, Sept. 80. President Taft
arrived o lost sight, hwt two weeks
after b started from Boston. Ho
pent tbs entire forenoon nt North
Yakima and arrived here at 8:1b
o'clock: Friday be will go to Taeaeaa,
and early Saturday morning will bain
Portland, wBere ha will remain unti
Sunday night
The president and bis party wro
mt at tba Union station bare by a re
ception committee of two doaon meta
bsrs. Th space in the station tfaroufra.
which tho president and his escort
pass id waa roped off sad a bugs body
or police kept back the crowd.
Too visitors and the reception com
mittee entered Mtomobilee in waiting
and, preceded by a troop of mounted
police, proceeded to the Rainier dub,
half a mile distant, where a reoeptioo.
la honor of tb presidont wss given by
Mrs. Richard A. Bellinger, wife of the
ecretary of the interior. After half
anour at the club, the preeioent and
hia escort went to the Hotel Wasbtng
ton, which will bs the homo of ths
visltoas while hi tha ci(y.
Tax Haniman t1 ,
, Chicago, Sept. SO. Although tba
anmont of inheritance tax which XIII
nois will demand from th estate of
Edward H. Harriman ma ma an ta .
8100,000 or aBor, Walter K Lincoln.
inheritance tax attorney, today ex
pressed eonfidenee that tho Harriman
heirs will bo enable to mU ita na.
moot Mr. Lincoln declared that to
no point on which the validity of th ,
now law, which gives the authority to
levy the tox, can turnfully be at
tacked. .
I anticanato aw su. Mnd.
Hon to the state's claim for aa innss
Itanos tog,' said Mr. Ltoosln. .' bo
Itovo wo snail ba able to ret at ta
ejaet amooot of th Harrhnaa estate
In Illumto and that wo shall collect - .
tho tax without sanra thao to. mi F
WUtigatton.' , I
-o- ' - FlOBnl wA SMsTtlv V-r'st-ST', " '' "
t unlm, owpt. Scores of liven
hav been tost and nronertv bna hera
destroyed by a flood visiting groat
a alto ss of territory to South Wales.
Although oonunonioation is crinoleel
and -eMails ar amagor It la known
that n number of mines hav bos In- .
and srnetlcaJly oil croon aW
troyed. Tha csmst Bomber sf livos
M h TtIt ihnumla id
onui wtr ssnnntotoatton m
Tlwnoodwaa breuoht ahant mm
raans, which anoaad tha rii
3. 't
r t
deem M Want Fwto. , 4
Lantlsa, Seot. 8.--Tao lard
liieh enoaad tha
af Lsodon hen semeemeed hto toaenilt