-V, " PROCLAIMEft THE IONE 4'". r Mow Gwmly l Uw Riefcwt CoMfity Pw GnHa In Ore$n. ; r J t : km It tho Boot City fa Morrow County Vol. X. : No! Y. . , ; ,;I0NE, OOJfi. hUOY. OCTOBER -8,-1909. . - : ". ' , . WhoU No. 6tt2. ; D 0 ROCK SPRINGS COAL Fir Cord Wood . ' . Slab Wood, ; : ; Any quantities desired Call and L i. Km. Razors Honed 26 cents "J I M' S" Barbar (NEXT DOO k6 WboLCRV brh'ct.) JIM ftAMNCTT, !. i am certainly than with the fancy Hair cutting and smooth Shaving. CALL ONCE, Vfa6YOti WILL CALL AGAIN. , uafrf usxti til Ba:n-ro h coneeBoiu law rtzer m Hart wort. few mm YOU AGE LOOKING FOR BARGAINS. ., And from rtoi until October ist, we will undersell 'atl cdmjtetitdrs. Call at our store, and be con,- L vinced that we are 5eftin:g ; goods aft prices that are i bargain Wh'rchyouckn v . not afford .'to miss. , f 'Call at our storts 'arid havst bf tohat you want t'ha cdmpaft ulrces we Ait .tiJvft .lor lstness yatid "7" will oio"ite o ., IT EvervWMkSi 1 3rVHi!4,1ato and Glass QJ1VC iiltHLd ,1:- get prices Br Bnxors Honed 25 cents V Gro Ti m U Shoo At laat there U a ntmermhit tn open"aiteatbtfi iftlonssjidoneJ oi tnaoiotaiooauwiiunifiHiiii ,Man etrect tattle claimed and tirt( up for tha ftoye. So two Qhjaoif willba gained, tkanuatif uty -th Hneet afMSnJatyoiing hubs, I" America, with a tuasewnry ilace of pteasar and a in mine time wt. ing on(a bJoton ln fair fuc f n food town by dotag away with the empty Yaloonv f : IJU IA9 IfJCK. On Wtdaasda mortift ftr tiip to town Mr Pat'teys v ritturn Ing to hit ranch on Willow Cr, , thrt niila abort town, ami th Local coming down from H -pnr. Ha waa.atylia rK:kv emaaiiiK abont twa milw tnsi brre and attha tlia timutrr lilt- tha whittle, wanuBf any wUo irara out of aightt th wind wan lilowim o strong that Mr fvttr.va did not hrarit. Th angina nirWk il. horaat killing both ImmAifn'tely and Mr pottays iras thrown fn.n tha wagon. Tlia train atoped a picked him np and tmtught him t town to tha horn of hit daugtitat , Mra Frank Enjjalman ami Or Cl.t. l wa called. Hit back Voi "badly atrainad d f4a Jianmuft-aj ataai UAeaivM4aaafta0t7(ifr-lM wtli prnMMrai anaujjfr u Thk Proclaimhh rKekfd'tlid f flflial information (romlW Oragon Rrilroad Navigition' Cfmpany that tha dalay of our hicnl train. on September 28th waa oauard by derail man t ! th eiiat tti tb yaraa at ireprmer wnrcn waa cana ad by a brakaamaa th rowing the aw itch in front ! tha engine and; CiTingtbaaifnal to come' ahead. An extra angina cawie tttt and tba aaail ami aaeeengew wera hioUgbl laU fit tha otanfng whkH alfowa tha Company did tha-beat MraV eoald awder the eirnawatatfcea. CMJNlfM!t? The- Uinatilla-Worrow I'm til; Fair OTr anar thnrr Mfttniv count r, haa taj-fd tl ht pria forth beat airiwihxwit UpJC tST-riMfawm. fM Miw. tba rat trtt firtl anal aewd uriaee on blur! ma, clab Uutty and an arlr WilbwrVMaitri ea Mraa.Hairlayl aau TTW- . new teWTityi Moll ttttt We!l "lrVigaa for Bmafl VajrttnffliB MMtaation IWl hf, tb GeiMrvl aflger Tlapmt- aMaH;brmreraji Rafirole Kifigation Cev, aad ottbjr ' P aja Mwaa rrwasa. . , 4711 fa brtbaiet awbhrth Ihi Wbea- iMl o.nciMm.iba poestUWpa o4Lowp.lirRala, ana aVJosra in Chf ttandaaf aawty uiraaern vragon. s - , iwCeaaae mar ho obtained free tm UpptTSatimi te Woi c aiurrwy. tteaarat Pawaawgar AgwoQvftatW I0NCUK9 ClANttS BANDS. The Campbells Banford. Henley Company tract tf 2900 ar.; funning lam) aoulb ut loim n paaaed into tha hands of P I Ruhb- ell, of ('alifurniav at a alwm of IHO.OOa . , .- - -'; Thie land will be farmed In th umtt up-to-date method. DEMONSTRATION TRAIN. 'Hit; I'ftrni l)niiioii.Htratii 'In. i run by the Oregon Itai war . Naragation Company and having titu Iwnt eintti, wilt it .i lone Tuesday October itli ,fron y A. W. until 12 M. Thia Unit ia run to tench tha farmer the wnv nr dry fann mid the result (if in tit) ik and 'niudy la .yotira. 'I'nir tnl itlii (mat on eurth .nnd it earn how to haitdle' it In n pt-rf-'i otin4r nil of tliu (armerxjtiil ptt ri'h. Oome in gtiodly nmnlfi bring your famillaa and haft your lueetiuue reoily. - . SCHOOL NOTES. Tha pupile who have bvan nalth er absent nor tardy -for the ifianth f September are a ioliow:High School, MabulMAWi.KWirn.'lWil on, Lillian lowUa, F.Hen Ball, Opal Cochran Ajjtit VaVtiaVwr alabal Ividwh,-, fvHrfperry Harold Maaon. JiaV'itordan'aVnr nar and Omer Rielmoi) anuVWalter Uohyne. Room 4 Walter Cochran, Ktltal "Bperry, Teaeer Baka, Klvana Dar- tdaou, Vitr ftietraaa. Rf HUhe, Onm Grab! 1 1, Humid Dohyi.s Hoy Akers, Frank ffonkinp) Arcbi Cohran and Mabel SUnley. Room 8 Viola Akarr, Delta David son, Beatrice Hncmr, Uearl Blake, Lyle CaJa4na,3eakt Kica.Cariten 4mnika and Krneeat gtanlon.'- Room 4 Thora la at ert roll men t of 21 who have w4 licen alweaii nor tardy. Karl Wttami lias lb distinction f riding eight milei to sohool, Thb ia ties bnigeatdiatance traraled by any atudrttt attending this year. , ' Room 1 Llllla OwJbwn, AH be Caffman, Vara .Kngelmaii, Klvira Winter, Baa LiwiUsH,W.l Wint er, Pearl Paklherff, Ka Hughe, Roy Calkina, Kddie lie Daid and Kldrad Coradn. V Friday afternoon ttie HillSchol had a spelling match and U'giais apeJtedOowM tu1oy.( WrHaW Wro adwaw Waing eansldaiMl Ihjs bst apatiar taa ac Un mm Walbridgw ftdMr liltmnk a4wind "liilll 100 high C Aebberwglt of HrpHtaT trailed IrtWda chickeni, Jibree .end wagon. room 4 Tneaia 31 rs AaTruaag waa at aae Uaa a teoMr la 'HikHfBen, will bpiMiLrx There baa beast asjy ana girl ami fire boaa-abeent riaMa tba opening of eekawl. ,-f ' Maam tHviaeoa, CarreepenilinC ar lltie eraak. I HOTICKfUK PUaUCaaTHUt Diaarwk-t taiilwamm, 1Maa1tOk; Oct. taa). V lUaUOwl MtJMeai fcajf itla AffwH aWwaK, uriaa mhm, vm (Hiaewaa. tfM m a .Wla w ituwju. TnMiitl Mnfe. a aa it miuatrf'aieejs aMtwhaMiM bmm Ptmm i ' r e ii'wiia at wm la aaaaHhea.Mm ra aimn TlMDJh. aiavwakf a ant If KOTtCE FOR PUBLICATION , tlawaatai Tract.) Serial No tM Public Land Sato. - C S Uaa ommt Tto Daltoe. Oregoa. .... i ftBptftndtBOW. Netfea ta bereby riven that, aa dtreet d by tbe OoaaiwFoar of lheUerel Uaa Ofttoa, aoovr atovtatena of Act of Oooffreaa apprnvea Jane IT, IMS, fablie Maaet, w will oflar at aaWie eata, to UehifheM Wdawe, acMSsVctaeh a m , onthelOthilayof Nev.teeaii it,ttlii oAKn, wiefollowmttraet ol laad, to witi MWKNWKw. nT.tN. B.aB.WH. Atay attteone elaiaiinay adrenely lb aUWHlfLiinml hiiitla are atlvfaad to ffi ilmirrtaiwi,ifM)retiaaa,oner bfor tli dav atartr Aral KWatMl tor eat. OKPARTMKMof thelNTKRIOR CENERAI, lJlVPH'K, , WAHHtNITOK,D.C, K 190rt44' , A.M. r ' , - Mr 30. 106 KUTiCE OF KKRTORATK)VOr PUPMOLAKDaTO ajCTTl. WENT AND ENTRY, -NiHfceli hereby giren that the Aotlok Berretary of the Interior hat vaeatetl An parkneritkl onlor of wUlidrawal ia ao far aa-tbe atne aflreta flib wtthdrawal lor -IrrliwrMnmrpoaea'tiTiiIvr jiacto( Jan 17, iea2t-TjUt;,'3W) foYme in eounee tlno with Ufa iUaiatlllatPrelect,Orpiit of the fotloaritai deacrfbetl anfln tKa atate of Oregon, authority aoeh of aaid tracta alievVriotWii here tofore Anally restored etui are uololhr"" wiae withdrawn, reaervad ar ariomntUt- " eri, will he aoleet lo wuleinvnt'tlndfr the public land lawaof the United mat on and attar October Id, 1000, bnt thil Dfftbasdble1cttoentrr,flliiis:oraelection - aatll November 16, 1UOW, at !) t'nlted Slatea lawd oMr at The Daltva, 0rrgott waaotng belns Mareaaly -gtta that Au petwm willfc-pwinrtd epn avxr t als awej' atabV w merer eatler say settle nS enoecupatton heaaa after Jely a, 90a,ov4ar Vo October 10, Jtnu, all aueh ttlnieaa W 6en)lloa bring for-, Mddea. SVIaUiatii gVrnriaal Merldiaa. T. 1 Na. L, all ml i e IB, ft (o aaaas as ta taeV---- - ; f ttkH. all Nea,tto4aV Mto , 17 and W to 88 laot. - ' ' - ' .,V T.SN.. B. ltt K., 'all th t po lle. Oregoa' - T. I K., S. 1.. all. l . T. ., B.S0 K., a'l Haft eort'oa fn Osegoi.. TjfU.i K.9rE.,atl. - - T.IK.,B. i M.t all' that awiloa'ia Oreiea. - - - i T. S T., E.: all . M to p, N to Ji and SB to lad. - ; T. K., aii 4, ft, and 'T aeaali at Ootaaabia Elver and alt evs. S( 9, IB 10 31 ami SB to 38 hid. ' 8. V. Prawattr, Aetfnf Ciaiaileiloaer ef tba Oeaeral Lewd 4altfc. f. Frank ptene. Fleet AaWaUat feereta:y af the Interfere TRATt quo, .tf-aerea, about 7 mil'elrow-aant-r oi Portland, i oil It jrom electric car line Btalion, all WH Irnaed, and fk Ana bearing ore Sard, alw all kinds of btrrlea and vegetable! B room bobe with toift bath, bnt Ntnd eatat Water, in ' tewll, tnwi r b?.,, ber lmifrHnnts, prtre1 taka'gOaeYAr'al rnVwahaat laftd In" tarliaitgviW h- -.tv.; . .. !hTMerf. at Obtiarr W, -fTarlJtrlnfat caWlowMn Ore gnn, aeei rraaHan ktoewnt afeafti fl Ihfr Ww-amt A MNrtt Irirat mm. ; v 'riaaaaffl'wuik gwae- In gaofl -"; rWrttand, lok'ltlO U.ai.e . ' btoWfmvarrilne, iMcV net an- JaeWafha,ltrwaW . mr wniraaae.'prV atwjrjco rHaja1'latiawgw. cut . land iap i isoOft,' 1 oOOfttlO , : ArirayiieriliitiiTjr I fffofmsriif n rea;rditiEaativ ;f ilie libev- Tonerocymer&;Oregonia