lone P reclaimer Published ere ' Morrow C y tht Proclau. auascmrfiONr. Y t J one, -3 Co. t-Lfl YEAR mfTicets Entered at lii'' Un' second class dim .w TRAIN SCHfWii Mi "J' It , f jHtii Heepnet -,-hoaros looe -Arrival at Jnn't or, jN Junction (mtm Ion 'Arrirlsat Heppi" - - y i r; . . ' Wit'bontiHlMv".i :. : ' JgasMMimd ltavH .I'iix'-: 1 a. m. . j.')U a. in. "rJi a. m. ;lop. ni. p. m. ' : to b. m. i 45 a. m. lo v. in. C. J. "-.::..: A sent Jfflcen Of I t'rrcw O':''.1'. Oregon OtKdll Jrtt ... . Ditifiei Auarnat JotntXen.ior ... Jotnl UiiiMwau VsnMtr JuUi... C.aatr CmU J' Connljr Clerk..,, Cttnotf Mberilt Cmittlr ti.unrvr Oonniy A.eiMir Cotnii Hnrrero' Ih'lionf Bu"rliUv. ' Ouunl) Uattfiiir. '1 J. B.ait . I'heli ompbeli i . . nil) i. hnu -ifii -icon i . 1 eager Count r tann tm'r ,Mi1 1 ' inurt inMt Iho ' r jl-uui ' nltr III iff lilt VT tad Subscribe And in ai - " j,he people, . . ' having hem encouraged n( the rainfall. i-ii of ml ara II nro n -e of Through n in- . of a persona! iu' - name of ln I; ' lone Hole! (pod openlnt' fr the right Mot 1 .. graveling Puliic for at priviii-' .' ing hotisei hi ' rm .stances not " le- ";'ip, the ' I : i- in a " 1Ql Of yvu ii cared .. iooni- t'p at 8pi Hi have deen s-ii'' $r the rect', t ment of Pre..li;,: work in( list of rocepi I always n jng men nut -'n-of ballot but ) (hat keeps Hr- !. .v.-1 .'Miieu lo "h i 'i plans itortain v mi i hut the i ." on the i ; i if ork ' ! -if .power ; wealth i . my. 'Hie ttate l .iile wl are recovering from in irinlit of enrtlintiakea. The aurora boreal in tlmt wai bo ttrong, during last week, in these latue etattf. at to interfere with the lelfgraph wirei, are undoubtedly' coitneeted with the internal uproar of the pUuet. While we coTTtrrter ourselvei very learned in inattrra ot teience, how 4iUb we really kuew f tlie arth on which welireandtlteianoon and stars that inrronnd il. The President in about to vlalt Portland and while lit 'ooka and aeto no different than b did when plain Mr Taft, there iiadifferenea. To be the Preaident of thla wonder- . lul Republic; to be the en man that choice loll upon to take the : plaot at tht head, of our QoTtra miit In inre tu carry with II an added dicnitv and In addition the 7- lormviif ynw vnin aaj((ra( from tht people makes the official . ant that alt should with to etex Bo trery man who can go to Portland during tht ttay ol Pmidtnt Taft boo Id go, and II he baa a eon .that on should go also and get tht wroptf idee, ol Amtrkan cilia a hip aad Aowrltan atanWejod by f '.l J ... .1 ULlM U I-. . Middle Fork. Mr and Mrx K imiMI vi ited at A Carlson's Friday. Mr and Urs C J Anderaon were viHiling at Ben Alidi-rHyils Friday Osoar Kiethtey called at A Carl son's Fridny. Mr A A Anderson. August and j Minnie made a business trip to Ueppner Tuesday. . Mrs-Samuel Esteb risited WedJ nesday and "Thursday with Mrs Fred Esteb. Mr and Mrs F A Lund el I went to Morgan Saturday where 4hey visited over Sunday with their daughter, Mrs Lindstrotu, and let Monday for their home at Arleta. I I buy UI cn-t iion, c ci, Nuck, ruM-er, tinoand ra.ee. Bill Sw-iifcn i Mr and Mrs Fred festeb were riuirnlay evening cullrrs at A Carlson's. tiainuel Esteb arrived on the Moitday'evening train to join hie4 wife and children who came up Iwo weeks ago on a visit. He will remain here a few rinys end then they wilt return to 'Portland. A very plrtisant surprise wrs given to Mrs A CaTUon Sanday, September 26, when there gathered a number of over forty friends and relatives, at their home, with well tilled busk els and smiling faces. It being Mrs Carlson's G()th birthday they planned and fixed for a gentle surprise on her for" which site more than appreciated the work her neighbors had done for her. The afternoon being very pleasant, tue time was spent in out-door gabies and aiiiu cments. 1 Wa ter Dohyns buys all klm of poultry at lout. N M Johnson and Leonard An- lerson left Friday loir Seattle to attend the fair. B R Lundell returned from Ida ho Friday where he has been visit ing the past two, weeks. ; ' ' ' News reached here Saturday, by wire, that Samuel Esteb's hooir, i u Ai luttt,lmd burned to the ground. Nothing was saved, however, ai d we have not learned what started the fire. THE PACIFIC MONTHLY of Portland Oregon ia a beautifully illustrated monthly magazine, If you art interested in dairying, f ruit raising, poultry raising or want to know about Irrigated lands, timbey lands or free government land open to homestead entry, The Pa cifio Monthly will give you lull in formation. .Tht prict is 91.50 a yr. Offer No 1 Mc Clure'e Magaiine, Woman's Home Companion and Tht Pacific Monthly costing 4-fin will be stut at a special rate ol 13. Offer No -Mc Clure'e WiRsiine, Itevlew of Reviews aud the Pacific Monthly coating ft), will be sent for eVi.flO . Offer .No 9 Human Life, Ideal Home and Tht I'acifio MontlUv will U atnt for fi. ' 6rdtr by number and tend your prder accdrtipanied hy postal mon ey ortltr lor tht amount to Tht Pa ciflc Monthly Portland Orrgmt. KOT1CE FOK PUBLICATION lewtal maisst) a4 coal Uaai , v Deeartawol el thelatoHor V ft Uad OAtoeV The 1Mb. Ort At.SMhlSW. SMlNli kfhr ainw ilMiOmW Vimi. i im, itnfM . aa Min eta. tea.- Ntif HNMNMlMtrr. MllMn.SM IKhXr rwMir:tr)ih. aMM bm wniaMmtt u4 ikm hrm. w j r WiiJaM, r Mffwt.uMiM.M hm wa eJT- oJe. iMMiiHMMviwwii i L BiaMit cw aM, The rnxjUimerJor L50 ayr Will pay a year's Subscription to , vV,. : lone ' . -Proclaimer and the Pacific Monthly , Regular price $3 This offer., will not last long, so come in NOW UNION Pacific AMD ONLY LINK EAST VIA SALT LAKE M DENVER TIUS feCHEDDLES Dafty departs for the East aad Port land at 9-30 a. .j srrtves at l: . m. .. btkAmer lines Datly boat atrvlai,' Bandar excepted, between Portland, Astoria, Oregeo Cfty aad Dayton. laake Blrtr Boats Bteamere between Riparla and Lewfs- koo Itare-Biparia daily, eacept Satnr- day, at o:40 a. a. Betaralag Uavee Lewietoa dailr, ezeewt Friday, at 7a. at. Tor full Information call en 0. J. Pen- atnftoa, O. K. A K. aaeM,- Ieae. Ore., Was. sic Murray ,-eet. Pass. Ait. Portland, Orafoa. Independent an Always on time For all kind of Baoliog Strict attention Jlvwi to Lumber, Coal and Wood. Rice & Clark. A GOOD-POSITION can bo had by swbilroua young men and ladim in lit field ,of Wirclesanor It ail way telegraphy. Sine tht 8-hour law became effect ivtsnd since the Wire ieae oompan iea art tatablishing atatipua thru ont tbtconntrT. tlitrf la a treat "Itortage ol telegrapliera. Poaitiona tiay btglnntn (roan s)70 to 900 par .1 . a vanettntut. mt Portland, Oregon, opera tee six ii""01 i,,,lilu,M America, under suuervtalon al R. R. aad Wireless into paoittona. II will pay yot to wtite theca lor ftUI details, t Dravm Mf FPX5T a Pnprietar. t- arcnce M. White LAWYER Heppntt Oregon P. G. Balsiger MHBIBHTS m VHBOK AGENT FOtt Myers Pumpi, Stover A JHartPart Gaioline Kngtnee, Mitchell Wagons, Staver Bugpes, Star i Doable Power Wind Mitis, Sanders & Case Plows, And Hooster Prills. P. ffl. Christenson Dealer si Wheat Lands and Town Property. I also handle Thoroughbred Poultry P. fl. Christenson, Propri etor Swede Canyon Poul try Ranch, Lexington, Or. DR. C. C. CHICK Paysktasi and Sarteea MIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY AT TENDED Offlee In the lone Paanaaer. lone, Oregon. The Proc! aimer lor S1.S0 a year. HOTEL IONE THE L P, D. - PASTIME - Where Every one gofes X6 have a good time. , BARRY & lone Look Here! A nice "'fresh line 'of all the ; leading brands of tobaccos both 0 smoking and chewing; also a ? 1 fine line of LUNCH . goods x jixst arrived. Any thing from w Sardines to Limberger cheese, g J CT i CCLD soB prteris rSDtcfcs ' AT THE SHAMROGK FRANK KNOELHAN, MOa. C. H. WARD. Ward WHEAY TOWN PROPERTY. lone. jThe Portland journal CLASS ACCOHMODiHONS 9 CoaMatrcUl Trade EspecUIh; SofiritlU J. Rates $1.00 and $2.00 the Day Spedal Sates lor loom 4fld Board by Wcet Ae We Lundell TEACHER OF Votoe Culture. Singinj AND Sight Reading. IONE, - OffEQQAA R We ffickok - Grain Buying a Specialty. Lands Bought and Sold ' Lite Insurance Collections made. ' HEPPNER. OREGON. Will buy In any amount Fat tfckktos. Turkeys, Docks Vrab and Hides. Nft BMSfcrt mi waieC at tht IONE MEAT MARKET. W. R. COCHRAN, oa 1N0T1CL Will all persons who are end ibt ed to the J 0 Kincaid estate please call at that store building and settle with out delay as we art anxious to wind up the whole matter as soon as possible. . . - EL Padberg- ' Trustee. MED Mgr. Oregon U C. WARD. & Ward LArMDS , Oregon and reclaimer Ja.oo .JW