The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, October 01, 1909, Image 3

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nikV MWII WWW. -
Old Orehrdt In Oottt Rang Without
Oar Qiv Pin Results.
Cottage Grove Lincoln Tartar, who
recently returned from an rating In
. the eoast mountains, says b found
((Mt many vacated homos throughout
the aaetioa viaited by him and th or
ebaroa, planted years ago by tba bom
lataadsrs, nam son wild and tba fruit
fa to b found in great anondan
Basra, eoons and otbar fruit sating
animals nam infeatad the orchards in
many places and the limbs bsrs bssn
badly brokeo, hot that bas not affsetad
the hearing quality of tb tree.
Mr. Taylor aays there rarely a
sss of seal or other disease to be
found on any of the trees, and tb eoaV
lin moth is not in evidence. This fa
splendid evidence hi favor of the entire
coast rang as fruit producing section.
Henry H. V eaten too, while on a
-eight miles from Cottage Grove, earn.,
upon a splendid orchard that bad been
entirely taken by the (lr timber. He
brought oat fair samples of the apples,
which sarpass anything to be found on
the lower levels in sis, color and aro
matic excellence. Toe fruit resembies
the Gravenstein quit strongly, but ia
more- highly colored and measures
nor than 10 inches In circumference.
On the William Landaas ranch, just
-east of town, there it a fine Crawford
peach orchard in the fir timber srhtcfa
is heavily laden with beautiful fruit
Benton County Farmers Ootng In tor
Apple Culture. .
" Corvallis The Western Oregon
Fruit company, of which Judge' Bortb
and J. W. Polk, of Grants Pass, are
. the principal stockholders, will begin
planting 1,000 acres to apples and
pears October 1.' This company has
purchased 1,700 acres near Monroe
Benton county, comes into possession
October 1- and expects to plant fully
, 1,000 acres this fall.
The Oregon Apple1 company will also
begin planting at the earliest date pos
sible. This company owns 800 scree
south of Corvallis and has ordered
trees to plant 600. acre to apples and
pears at ones. This company owns
some of the sighUiset land in Benton
. county.
$ The Willamette Orchard company,
which recently purchased the famous
Samoel Wyatt farm, two miles west
of Corvallis, is preparing to plant 126
acres this fall.
Mayor Virgil E.? Wattes, who pot
40 acres of the Pleasant View fruit
farm to apples this spring, will add 20
ere this fall.
There have been many small aero
ages set to fruit this year and it is
expected that folly 1,000 acres of new
' orchard will bo sot out in Benton
county by January 1,
Irrigation Near Vol. '
' Vale D. M. Brogan, the Seattle
capitalist, who m sonstrocting a large
irrigation project on Willow creek
. about 24 miles from Vale, is meeting
-with great auaesaa and encouragement
In the reclamation of 80,000 seres of
land just north of the project recently
injected by the government because of
lack of fond. Several ranches have
bean purchased from settlers and three
reservoirs will be eons-true ted, the
water t be taken from Willow creek
and its trlbotarie. A laiiroad w be
ing built from Vale to Brogan tba
townsite of the project.
Forest Hanger Examination. .
- Bend The examination for the posi
tion of forest ranger in the Deschutes
national forest will bo held at Priae
vilto October 16 and 17. At these ex
amination applteanta era put through
a severe test of their abilities la the
Yariooe branches of fat sat work, from
cruising to road and bridge making.
One of the most important features of
tb work of forester in this region Is
the supervision of cattle and sheep
ranging la tb reserve, wjhts the
herds and bond are pastured ha the
end Display East.
- Bond Rrver Hood Biver h
fog a dtoolsy of fmK at tba National
Irrigation angrss to be held to Chi
oago in November. Tb Heed Biver
A opto Growers' anion sxastto to send
a ear of the noes apple to the greet
bow. Thomas Persons m la Band
Biver taking scenes of tb apple tn
Hij with a moving picture nam era.
The will he need m iianiitiia with
the diapisy of fruit.
f W nianae.
with 14.000 piii as ef this
year bee, wblsb bad baa saa treat
edetteente. Tb batkUag wn owned
by Prank Kendall esrl rented
IUL The ceaei ef the
Tb baikiiag and
as the
- u ii n toi iit nsunn
by Le
hi am-
DisgnsmV Fin
I l 1 1 ii J.
Capitalists Invest
Fruit Tract.
In Largo
Kossborg Three large realty deals
war consummated in Bossbnrg laat
week. The first was the Henry Riden
our farm, six miles west of this
comprising 814 seres, which was sold
to John Buaenberk, of Kansas, for
140,000. The second was 100 acre at
DixonvilU, to C. J. Steven, of Virgin
ia, the consideration not being made
public The third was what is known
as tba old Booth place, in Garden val
ley, and comprises 820 acres, the con
sideration being 125,000 Z Am
The buyers are tba Overland PruitMk
Development company, of Boston,
Mass. The purchase by the Boston
company was mat' by itsnreeaorer and
general manager. Charles A. Brand,
The company will act the entire bract
out in apples and pears and will eon
duct the orchard themselves. Mr.
Brand decided upon the purchase after
inspection of the fruit lands of Wash
tagton and the district! of Rogoo river
and Hood River, being satisfied that
his present location I the best for the
varieties of fruit the company nterds
to raise.
Win Irrlgst Orchard Land.
Cottags Grove 8. T. Nelson has
sold bis 876-acre farm to John Spray
for 81 6, 00 cash. Mr. Spray proposes
to place the ranch onder irrigation.
The land will be worth from . 2100 to
8200 an acre as soon as water is on It,
and the increase is large, as the or
chards increase to sis. - There are
276 acre which can be irrigated, oil of
which N bottom land. .
, WW Represent Oregon. '
Balers Delegates to the an nasi con
vention of the Mississipi to the Atlan
tic inland Waterway association to be
held at Jacksonville, Pla., November
17 and 18, have been announced by the
governor as follows: B. W. Spencer.
of Portland; John For, of Astoria; W
J. Mariner, of Blawcks: J. T. Peters.
of The Dalle, and O. B. Hinsdale, of
Gardiner, . . . ,
Cove FruK Goes East.
Cove Stackland Bros., probably tb
largest fruitraisers in the Grand
Rondo valley, are shipping mixed fruits
to tb Eastern market. Plum,
pears, erabapple and apples are in
season and a full crew l at work In
then rehard. Two car ware snipped
last week and two more have been
forwarded this weak.
Wheat Bloeetem, Me; club, 87e;
red Russian, 86 c; valley, rOc; fife,
87e: Turkey red, 87c: 40-fold. 89
Bsrtey Feed, 225.50326; brewing.
zt5. wxgjr7 per ton.
oata ho. l White, 82727.25 par
no. v
Bay Timothy, Willamette valley.
1165 m &w tan; Kasterr Oregon,
tl7.s0318.50; alfalfa, 814; alovor,
114; cheat, $ 18-01 4. 50; grain hay,
Butter City creamery, extra, 86c;
fancy outside creamery, 28686c;
store, 11022c par pound. Batter fat
prise average IX par pound under
regular butter prions.
Kre Oregon ranch, candled, 82 c
per doses.
Poultry Rene. Iil7e per pound;
serine. leVai7e: roosters. ftlOc-
ducks, young, 1415ci gee, voons.
lvlle; turkeys, 10s; squab, $1.76
a par uosen.
Pork Fancy, 9KftlO par pound.
VeaU-Extra, 100100 per pound.
Fruits Apples, 8102.25 par box:
paara, 50otl.26; pesebss, 76e981.26
per araU; cantaloup, 860c8I.25;
pans, zaaouc per box; watermelons.
leper pound r grape. 40o81.26 ner
crate: umenroe, lac par backet; em
baa, $1.502 per orate; qojneea, 1.
par boa.
Potatoes 78e2I par sad
potatoes, 2s per pound.
Onion ffl.25 par sack. f
Vegetable Bean. A6 per noand :
cabbage, 1 avisos caoihtoer. face
1 1.86 per deaen; nelery, 600760; com.
16920e; is amine, lO&Soe; onions,
12116: pas, 7 par psaad; pep-
4?5; pmapkina, lls;
5c: liimslms, 60c per bos.
Heao-lPOt Poggtos, 804321 par
lastors, nommal: 1908 eroa.
17c; 107 crop, lie; IPMcrop, Be.
Worn gsetern Oregon. 12S per
and; valley, 2S2f: awhahr.
choice, 2Srlta.
Cattle 8teora, to aaalMv. 84.xS
4.50: fair toevsal 84: - a aa
OM.76; , top, 88.60; fair to good,
H.Za; miiiai ii ii to BssdramL 82:800
2.75; oalvaa, top, t6S.6; heavy,
S8.604H1 hail, S2LMi staaw. 58.60
Hsg . 88 fair t veod. 87.75
7 86; stock earn, 5ae7: Cbtoa fata.
Sheep Top wether. 84aM.85: faar
toge S8.60aa8.75 ewee. H less en
all an ad mi Taafltoss heat. 8aaas.Sr
raar to awL sauaax.75
Railroad Builder Help Cry Farming
BUIlng. Mont. Sspt 27. rive ail
vropa, aggregating 120 u valoe,
will be features of tb list of prisM
offered by Jams J. Bill, chairman of
the board of directors of tb Great
Northern railway, for best exbibita at
the International Dry Panning exposi
tion which will bo held at Billings,
Montana, October 26-29, hi connection
with the Fourth Dry Farming ojagreas,
October 26-28. - George J. Ryan, gen
eral industrial agent of tb Great
Northern, has sent to the headquarters
of the congr at Billing a list of the
prises and tb conditions ander which
they will be awarded. The aggregate
vain of all the prises n 81,000. This
award by Mr. Bill t similar to that
made by him ia the ease of the Omaha
Corn exposition, with tb exception.
that tba cup feature is made a special
one la favor of the Dry Farming ooo-
. In regard to the cash prises.
Oregon, Washington and Montana are
given the anmo list, thereby eliminat
ing the competition of one state againct
another where conditions for certain
crops might be bettor in on state than
the other. - .
Adventurous Spirit Oo Into Orator of
Aetlv Volcano.
Honolulu. Sept 27. U M. Hale, J.
Reynolds, and Earnest Moses, a photo
grapher, descended today into the pit
of tno crater of Mount Kllaoeao, mm
maining half an boor on tba edge of a
burning lake of lava and fir. This la
the first time that this feat bat been
The member of tb party ventured
almost to tb rim of the seething lake
and attempted to take photograph.
The beat was intense and at times the
d venturers walksd over partially
molten area, After completing their
observations, they returned safely to
tb rim of the orator, where half a
doxen friends had witnessed the descent
Kllaueau is on ef the largest active
volcano in the world, on tb. seat
slops of Manna loa, Hawaii island. Its
altitude is 4,400 feet anV tb eirosm
ferenee of its crater I aboot-sine
miles, with a depth vanning from 700
to 1,100 feL depending upon the level
of tfas molten lavm - Violent eruptlona
occurred in 1787, 1844 and 1866, and
sines the letter date- there have bean
several ontbroaka of less severity.
Settlement of Minor Difference In
Butt In Sight.
Butte, Mont. Sept, tt.Althooct
no definite statement have yet been
made by either side, It developed late
tonight that there is plaeoiHi prospect
that the differences existing between
the Brotherhood of Stationary Engin-
No. 1 and the Butts Miners' union
may be Mtttod. and the miner will re
turn to their work at tb varioui prop
erties before tomorrow morning.
It is known .that certain overtures
have been made to the engineers by the
officers of the miner' onion, and It hi
quit probabl the engineers will make
certain eoaeessions which will be ae
eeptsable to the miner. Whether the
concession will b permanent, and
whether they will involve a return of
the secedisg eneineen to tb Western
Federation of Miners, it wa impoasi
bi to aeeartaln.
Tb adjustment will be reached, ft ia
believed; without bringing the mining
com pan lee into tb controversy, either
a arbitrators or because of their inoa-
enea, and It ia highly probabl that
there will ho nothing for Charles Mov
er, president of the Wee tern federation
of Miner, to ettl when be arrivea.
. Omaha Strike Near End,
Omaha, Sept 27. Chance of end
ing tb streetcar employe strike
seemed favrbM tonight President
Watties, of tb ear company, after a
meeting with tb municipal officials
ill make plain etste-
of what conditions Woo Id be ac
ceptable to the company. The strik
ing employee, be say, win he given
an opportunity to accept bia condition.
Ia a dlilsiiisiiui tost tb ear
stopped- running for tb dsy, James
Morpfay. a conductor, waa knocked
down and ovrioaaly mjared.
Court Uphald Rsto Act.
Llaeote, Neb., Sept 27. Tb Ne
braska flswems oart today xbeld the
Sibley rate act, which eats express
rates to this state 25 per eeatt The
decision is the first ever encored egainet
axprs r psn ie. The art wa pass
ed ke 187, ad haebeea to eoart ever
a toe.' It bo been hi for
men tally for l ssoatM eaoor a
pbrary tojaaotioa, and tb actual eper
atioa of the la w wr the chief thing
that led the eoart to the opinio that
valid sad wa noteeeSees-
tery. Fire esseoonUe are saTected.
Jehneow' W I Pourid. '
St Pi!, Sept ST.-lt era Warned
Jeenaea had toft a
wiU snaagato t. to has
tooey that Qevnaar
eonvetaaag 1 Ms ataa.
Total Receipts of Qeneral Land Offlc
Pail Off, However.
Washington, Sspt 85. The total
cash receipts of the general land office
for the fiscal year ended June 80, last,
were 811,527,687, which la a- decrease
of about 21.000,000 compared with the
previous year, according to a etato
mont iasusd by the commisafanor b
Of tb total receipts, 89,286,284 waa
received from the saiea of public lands
and 2168,481 wa received aa reclama
tion water right charge. Of the sslss
of public lands, the reclamation fund
will receive approximately 28,600,000,
North Dakota toads the atstee in
the amount of receipts from the sale
of public lands, with a total of 81,282,.
686, and Oregon is next, with a total
of 2969,968. Tb total area of land
patented during the laat fiscal yesr
was 18,078,877
Deplores Any Discrimination Against
Black Men.
Washington, Sept 28. Taft has
placed himself on record, in a letter
to- local newspaper, as being opposed
to suffrage restrictions intended, to dis
criminate against tb negro race. Ia
answer to a letter asking his opinion
concerning the franchise amendment
to the Maryland constitution which ia
proposed, the president says
'It 1 deliberately drawn to impose
educational and other dbal locations for
the suffrage upon negroes and to ex
empt everybody else from sack qualifi
cations. "This n a gross injustice and is a
violation of tb spirit ef tb fifteenth
amendment It ought to. be voted
down by every one who I a Democrat
or a Republican, who ia w favor of a
square deal."
Internal Revenue Increases.
Washington, Sept 24. There waa
an aggregate increase of $1,190,087 in
internal revenue receipts for last
month, as compared with the coirs
ponding period of 1908, ths receipt
aggregating 220,284,786. For spirit
the total revenue was 29,819,872,
which ia an increase of over I286OO0
ae compared with ths 1908 receipts for
the same month: tobacco receipt ag
gregated 14,740,088, which is an in
crease of almost hslf a million dollars;
ferm-nted liquor 26,078,640, which
is an increase of almost 2500,000.
Deaf Mute to Help.
Washington, Sept 22. Believing
that deaf mute would make good oper
ators for the puncturing and tabulating
machines to be used m compiling the
returns of ths next eeneoa. Secretory
Negel, of tb Department of Commerce
and Labor, w inclined to appoint them
to oeh positions, R sapsbls man ap
ply. Thia work requires grant ear in
its performance, for the reason that
there I no way to obtain check on
tb result and the Mcrrtary eas see no
re on why the deaf and dumb shookl
not bo especially oflietent
Jap Laborer to Re-Inter.
Washington. Sept 28. All the Jap.
ansa laborer who, while returning
from the canneries tn Canada where
they had been working during the sum
mer, were held up by the United State
immigration ffVeers, have been order
ed re-admitted into thia country. The
Department of Commerce and Labor,
ia deciding In favor of the Japan,
bold that tb laborers went to Canada
for temporary parposs only and had
no intention of abandoning their doml
cito ia this oantry.
Ouba I Ssdty Stricken.
Washington, Sept 24. More thn
tea live were lost and property worth
over 82,000,000 destroyed in the torn
do which recently swept over tb prov
ince of Pinar del Bio, Cob. Reports
of damage are jost reaching- Havana.
More than 8,000 people ar without
eeeiter or supplies. Several hundred
booses and but and tobacco barn, sev
eral tboasand seres of tobeeeo and many
small viaael along tb easel war de
stroyed. " RMng Test fa OrttUred.
Washington, Sept 22. The Roose
velt riding toot for tb ofltesr of the
army i a detrimen to the aarvfeee,
rather than aa aid in efficiency. .Thia,
In substance, hi the saver eritieiem of
the tests mad by Geaeral Albert L.
Myer, commanding tba Department of
Texas, bi hi annual report 0 snare!
Mover fevers veartv exemmaties of
all officers to asesrtabi their fitness tor
their datto. . ' . ..
S7S.SSI Anew Own.
Waabtagtoa, Sec. 22. A net b
creese ef 678,621 as tba popatattoa of
taw Usrtod States by tb arrival and
of el ton occurred during
last nasal veer, gket an biewaaa of
20V.807 over ths mavises year. Thar
wa falling of ba fawmlgtataai frees
782,878 iton daring t
Island on Coast .of Ooraa Officially '
Known a "U."
Waahmngton, Sept 28. The United -State
geographical board, which by ,
executive order determiner the spelling
for all publications, maps and charts
for the government In this sountry,
ha jost issued a pamphlet containing .
all decisions rendered during tb year
closed July 18, 1809. Tb list of nam
adopted by tba board contains the
ahorteet geographical name on record,-
it being "U," which I an island east "
of Quel part Island, on the southern
coast of Core. f
It used to be "in tb olden day'
that the river Po in Italy had the dis
tinction of having tba shortest geo
graphical nam on record; but It will
be seen that U goes it one better.
Ms, an island in Core bay, Asia; v
Ui, an island on the western coast of
Cores, and Uo. an island in Inland see.
Japan, are crass seconds for brevity.
A new nam in the llet ia "Pared is
Dry," Cache county, Utah, which, in
tbeec dsys of activity by Prohibition
ista, should be welcome, while "Bitter
water," Kern, oosnty, Cel., will have .
to be aeoaptod by the "wets" in that
, Raaln Win Fight On.
Washington, Sept 24. The taxabil
ity of raain win wa threshed out at a
five hours' bearing before the coeamie-
eiooer of internal revenue today and
decisioa on the question was reserved.
Tb raain fight date bock five years
and waa brought to sbead last autumn.
when an order was issued by the in
tern ai revenue commies ioner holding
that raain wine was taxable. Thia or
der waa suspended from time to time
and was to have gone into effect Sep
tember 1 last bat wee postponed for
80 days to permit tb racomirg on
misionr to consider the ease.
' Otd Oapltoi Quid Die. "
WMhtngton, Sspt 26. On of tb
moat striking and picturesque figure
around tba capital building wa re
moved by the death today of John Cei
lan O'Loughlin, a former Confederate
soldier, old railroad man and for many
years a golds at ths capital. He waa
personally known to all tb orient
and many former members of the sen
ate and bouse and during hi long ser
vice at the eepitol has shown to tboa
sand , of vlaitora th interesting ob
jects about that historic building.
Unci Sam to Reseu.
Washington, Sept 26. -On ban
dead American eitlssn stranded at
Mmu will h klHlkkaUMI.Ml.
re vena suvter. Telegraphic -r.: ,-f-,
went forward today from Assistant 1
overeiary ox ms ireesury rilll dlreev f
ing th deputy eoDector of customs st
Seward, Alaska, to bars a rsvonua
cutter proceed at once from Seward to .
Nome, there to taks oo board th men
and woman who are deetltato.
Whits House Scorched.
Washington. Boot 88, A slight Bra
broke out in tb old portion of the ex
ecutive offices of the White Hon 1st
this afternoon. It originated tea Sua
of on of th chimney and spread fe
some of th rafter. The fire depart
ment wa sailed and with the aid of a
chemical engine bad tb bias onder
control in a few momenta. Tb dam
age is satimated at about $100.
- To Oohoet Tonnage Tax.
Washington, Sept 28. Collection
of the tonnag tax under the tariff
law, recently en acted by eongrees, will
be begun a October 5. Notice to
that effect has been sent by Acting
Secretary Ormeby McHarg, of the De
partment of Commerce and Jjabor, to
all collectors of cue torn. -
Fsrmrs to Ale) Road.
Washington, Sept 28. As a result
of hi observation reeentlv into con
dition among the agricultural tiara
la tna West, secretary Wilson said
that Federal control of railroad capi
tal htstloo would toad to largo invest
ments it. railroad securities by Anasri-
a farmer.
' " Lear la Sice d McHarg.
Washington. Sspt 22. Charles
of California, solicitor of tba
Department of Commerce and Labor,
le mentioned bar for aa cease or to
Ormeby McHarg, assistant eeretary,
resignation from tb depart.
effective October L . .
SaJOnger I To tfota Taft. '
Washington, Sept 2TU Seeretary
Balltngar left this evening for Denver,
where he will tela Preektont Taft ea
hi Weetom trip. Mr. Balling aa
to aecompany Mr. Taft only aa
far Seattle, and to return here to
ward tba latter part af October.
1 - r
Amrio to Olekw Pei.
Wabbigta, Sept 28. A new man
of the world, with the North Pol s
A an rl us territory, wUI h Ibis id by
taw-hyibagiphla ualaa of sb Mvy i-
ai year to 76L786 kt y.