The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, October 01, 1909, Image 2

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Newsy Items Gathered from All
Parts of the World.
Less Important but Not Less
ting Happening from Points
- Outsids tha Suta.
Tbraa miners wan burled by a cave-
In Id a Goldflsld, NaT., mine.
Tha physicians attending ludg Wil-
llama ars hopeful of bia rac ovary.
' A biff fight is on in If tssouri between
the brawariaa and prohibition Lata.
A Franco army dirigibls balloon -
ploded In the air and four aviator
war killed, f
Tba Omaha streetccatr company will
make eoncaaalona to it man and a sct
tlamant la llkaly.
Dlsssss la breaking out in tba dls
triet denusdsd by tha burricana along
tha Louisiana eoaat and mora death
ara expected.
Ra porta from Morocco say tba tribes
man ham Inflicted a terribl defeat
upon tha Spsniih, driving them back
and killing 7,000.
An American company will bo
awarded tba eon tract over a Britlah
eoneern for farniahlng tba machinery
for constructing a amall arms factory
In Australia.
danger among tba Moon baa lad to
overture! for peace.
A Colorado man 78 years old Is to
remarry the wife be divorced 60 years
Moro pirates are thought to have
captured an American cottar and mur
dered the craw.
Police of Omaha ara busy in their
efforts to prevent riots In connection
with tba atreetcar strike.
Several English suffragettes In jail
In London hava refused to eat and bad
to be fed with a stomach pomp.
Eastern rsllrunus eTOEriTied'cneap
searsion rates from the Middle Weat
to tba Atlantis this summer wit good
Clarenee H. Hack ay save tha report
that tha Pnatal Telegraph aomnanv la
about ot absorb the Weatara Union la
The Wright brothers ara to start a
fight againet aaveral flying mscfainos
wblch they consider infringements on
their patents.
The late Governor Johnsono, of Mln
neeota left no will, but it was his wish
that bia wife abouh) have all bis prop
erty, worth about $18,000
General Solicitor Loornls, of the
Union Pacific, with headquarters at
Omaha, Is to go to New York to be
come bawd of tba legal department of
tha Barrlman lines.
French inventors nave several new
Tha death mas m tha Gulf atom la
now pieced at 100.
Peary says bis indictment of Cook
will contain 80 counts. :
Religions riots at Castro, Spain, re
sulted to the death of a or Leal
An Iowa grand jury bat Indicted 86
seen for a gigantic bunco game.
Tba teal trust has secured a foot
bold among rich districts of China.
High winds have fanned California
forest Ares until they are again assum- ,
tng dangerous proportiooa,
A young Chines at Baa Francisco
baa. Invented an aeroplane which baa
made several soeesssful flights.
Thoaoanda of pounds of supplies are
being cent from Monterey, hi ax ice, to
the flood sufferers. Pack mules ara
The recent flood fatalities In North
ern Mexico have ra ached the appalling
total of 8,000. The property loss will
reach Into tha million.
A conductor an the Southern Pacific
tried to leek a ear door near. Reno, but
aouM not Insert the hey. Examina
tion revealed a diamond worth W76.
t la thought to bav been hidden there
by eon thief who Intended to secure
Faery baa arrived at Sydney, N. S.,
aa his way homo.
Damans to srona by the Southern
storm will reach 1 1,000, 000, 1
Government troopa of Paraguay hava
been repulsed by reveruttauMtt,
Dr. Cask has reached Hew Task and
received a
Maxtea Bitot, tha actress, save
-T.rvT-v. .TTTLil.
ward m "sharmtagly, anlsxhh-
atreskaeV ass hove axajagwd
i wo over tha sivtaisa of the
KUw brwurd Is
to a legal
National Troops May Be Called To
Settle Georgia Trouble.
Atlanta, Ga., Sept 28. Lawyers
and judges of the stato are intensely
interested is the seriouo clash now on
between the state and the Federal ao
boritiea in toe ease of Charles E. Steg
gall, in Jail at Trenton, Ga., for con
tempt of court by order of Judge A.
W. Fits, of tba Dade county Superior
court. Steggell refused to testify be
fore the grand jury In reference to an
alleged distillery.
Over, Sieggal), tha bitterest legal
flght In the history of the stato has
been precipitated, with both sides con
fident and standing pat.
Should the State court persist In Its
attitude of defiance to the mandate of
the Federal court, the chances ara that
most interesting developments will
com to pass this week, which will re
sult In the arrest of several other offi
cials. It Is believed hare that the Fed
eral court will carry Its point, even if
obliged to make a direct appeal to the
United States government to enforce
its orders. Therefore, in too settle
ment of this dispute, national troops
may have to be used -
The acute situation lb Dads county
arose over an effort to secure evidence
in an alleged blind-tiger caee. The
people of Dad county, near Rising
Fawn, have believed a distillery bss
been located in that neighborhood for
some time, and that It baa paid tb
government license to secure immunity
from Federal raids. In order to get
tba necessary evidence, tba grand jury
summoned before that body Charier.
Steggall, storekeeper and government
gauge r. Steggall then aommunieatod
with the collector of internal revenue,
H. A. Backer, asking him what he
should do In the matter.
Rucker wired him that under the
government rule, bo would have to
keep quiet. ' This Is tba outcome of
government statute, under tb revieed
laws, by which government employes
are liable to loss of position, fine and
Imprisonment, if they divulge informa
tion secured In their official capacity.
Steggall promptly informed the
grand jury that he could not answer the
questions put to him, and gavs tha gov
ernment rulee as bis reason. Bis re
fusal brought the matter to the atten
tion of Judge Fits, who ordered bim to
answer. Three times ha was sent for,
and thro time refused to answer, and
then be was sent to jail.
He mode appeal to tb Federal au
thorities In Atlanta for protection, Aa
tha government cannot afford to allow
its employes to bo kept In prison for
obedience to government rales, the
Federal officials determined to stand
by Steggall.
Before they could take action, how
ever, Judge Fit held that Rucker bad
Interferred with the conduct of bia
court by ordering Steggall not to
speak, and so he sent Sheriff Thurman,
of Dade, to Atlanta, to serve summons
on Rucker to appear In hia seurt
Railroad Contractors Facing Serious
Labor Famine.
Ottawa, Out, Sept 18. The Cana
dian railways are race v lass wits a
labor famine, and unless a plan can be
devised whereby Aeiatlc labor may be
imported for construction work, moeh
of their railroad building will bav to
be abandoned. Tola la the opinion ex
pressed by Collingwood Searieber, eon-
eulting nginr of the department f
On tb Western prairies the demand
for farm laborers has temporarily de
moralised tha railway cone traction
gangs, tba Grand Trunk Pacific road
being eapeeially bard bit Thia road
baa been able to retain only a small
percentage of ita laborera employed en
conatructioB work, the farmers in that
section having offered aa high as $4 a
day for men while the railroad company
P71 tat 18.
in the next two years, four new eon-
tracts are to be let for construction
work, and 16,000 men will be needed.
Sir Charles Rivers Wilson, president
of the Grand Trunk system, has be
here nonsuiting Sir Wilfred Lnarier
upon a propeaal to employ Asiatic labor
In building new line. It Is proposed
to bring the Asiatics to Canada and re
turn them to their native countries
after tha work baa been completed,
dene Heretod With figs
Victoria, Sept t8.-ptard by the
Rosslan aruiser Shilka, la an attempt
to make a sealing raid an the Ski
Island aval rookeries, three Japanese
seal hunters el tha crew a the Japen
eae sealing ech saner Heesi Mars, hava
returned to Japan being released se
eording to tafornation brought by the
steamer Cmprves of China, which ar
rived Inst aight Tha report la that
Into an outbuilding an Copper Wand,
tabling n earn ear sf sows and nigs,
and warn imprisoned there far 11 days.
eFTfjFsanjHxl HfAaVfaW L
Victoria, B. C., Sept feSavenf
af tha Japan ass suhsener
nyaumen aiarn, gi von up long ago aa
not ratarnad to Hakodate shortly e
fore the dapartnra of tha rmprsaa af
Chine, which arrived bare bat night
The? sohasnar wwat aabsro hi to
Hykamon Mam, given up long ago as i
' y'
Labor Troubles Tie Dp All Butte
Nines lo Strike.
Officers Protect Men Who Attempt to
. WormSheriff WarnaJSrriker
- He Will Shoot
Butte, Moot, Sept 86. Every mine
in Butte Is shot down tonight and 10,
000 men are idls, with the prospect of
6,000 moro being thrown oat of work.
If tb suspension continue for five
days the smelters sod other allied to-
dustriss will be forced to sua pond.
The trouble was caused by a majori
ty of Engineers' Union No. 88 having
seceded from tha Western Federation
of Miners and organised a new union.
The Butte Miners' union ordered its
members not to go to work in mines
employing members of tha new engin
eers' onion.
The evening was ushered In with
great excitement, when nearly 8,000
miners surrounded the shaft of the
Gagnon mine, apparently for the pur
pose of mobbing 28 minors who defied
the eobHnand of tba union to stop work.
A detail of 16 policemen with Captain
Thomas Norton in command hurried to
the scene, and reinforced by Sheriff
John K. O'Bourks, with svary deputy
of his office at his back, succeeded In
reaching, tba haft mouth.
Mounting a pits of timbers, tb ahor
iff in plaW language toM the. crowd
that the officers proposed to protect the
Uagnon miners and intimated that any
attempt at violence oupon tha port of
the strikers would result in snooting.
It is bardto likely that work will be
resumed before s week, and the various
smelters throughout tha state may bo
eompatled to suspend onerationa.
Trolley Oar dumps Track and Crashes
. Into Comer Cafe.
Seattle, Sept 26. Of the 80 passen
gers on a big Wellington! avenue ear
that was wrecked at the curve near the
main gate of tits World's fair, shortly
before noon yeiterday, hot one escaped
being out or brussd or sharply shaken.
but It Is belfeved that none of the in
jured will die. frank Hull, of Taeo-
roa, aged 46, aa Oddfellow attending
the recti vlties accompanying the Sov
ereign Grand lodge meeting, died an
hour after being taken from the wreck.
Tb ear got beyond control of the
motorman, attained a peed of 80 mllee
an hour at the corner of Fourteenth
avenue, Northeast, and East Fortieth
street saretned. left the track and
crashed Into a one-story building at the
aoutheaat corner of tha crossing, de
molishing the flimsy building, splitting
and wrecking tba ear and burling the
pasaangera forward with frightful force
Every pane of glass m toe ear was
broken and the jagged pioeee showered
upon the passengers, who were tossed
one upon another In Indescribable eon
Southern Coe to Strewn Whh Broken
Ship and Launches.
New Orleans. Sept t.--WUh the
list of deed from Monday's tropical
burricana well above 100 tonight every
Indication points to a maob larger num
ber of victims. Many amall sloops
and munches ara lying wrecked on the
Gulf shore of Louisiana and Mississip
pi, and there is little doubt that
of their occupants are lost
Anxiety for tha eefety af
bound for New Orleans during the hur
ricane period on the guhT, has been re
lieved. Nearly all af thsee veeseJe
wore many hour lata, but anally ar
rived at this port with the exception af
nm visum, wtawa H lour oars over
do from Puerto Cortes, She was re
ported today to have gone asmund off
Siseaeri light near the mouth of the
Miaafcsippi, with no tees of life. '
" - -- taVeafcavuh nmAaaehBh BjaaaasnhnsBtSkSB
B Paso, Tex Sept to. It envoi-
oped today that there was no plot con
nected with the flndiuc af a nappes id
bomb in Juarez, Mextoe. Taw "bomb''
proved to be a sssil popper box. three
uchs long, an teen and a half In d-
tec, and contain mg a substance
like paraffin poured ever the top.
Eva had H been sxptoexa) H would
bam. The police hava
arrested aa Aajsrtoan ttwasa who had
been sleeping on ah preaniaea of Sonar
Argwalles and had boon ordered sway.
He had made threato agateet AigwsUsa.
MVPVmVq4q (MaM ln WWeBto
Bilexi, Mies., gowt f. About Sou
storm geteta ara heeaetass at Bayou
i m manre, near toe ssaetta t
Iciest ppi river, and two lives
thorn. The water ran ai
tha hensas and tb sswaas i
ttvet by tohtog ah lata nasi
sto Mlnhnissj rivan.
la Maura, near tha esswth of the Mie-
night foot to
Appointment .Clerk Flnded Explalne
Method of Application.
Washington, Sept 24. Appoint
ment Clerk PindeU, of tba TJ. S. Cen
sus bureau, states on the subject of
tb eenaua exnmmatiou, October tSd,
that the distinction between the perm
anent census force ssd tha additional
temporary employes provided by the
Thirteenth Census act la quite Import
ant and should h Tumom bored. As
vacancies occur on tha permanent asn
sos they will be filled, as heretofore,
by transfers from oleewbere in tb
service, or by selections from the ex
isting registers of tha civil service
Parsons now on the registers of the
commission are, therefor, eligible for
appointment to vacancies on the perm
anent census roll, but there is no great
er opportunity during the decennial pe
riod for such appointment than there
hsd bean bsrstofore. The additional
temporary positions, authorised by tba
Thirteenth Census act oxcept tboae
above 91.200 per annum which will be
filled largsly by transfer from too
permanent eon us roll, will bo given to
those persona who pass tba tost eiara
ination on October 28rd. Those now
oo the registers of toe -civil service
commission, who desire appointment to1
these additional esnsus plsees, should
take tb tost exsminstion as their pres
ent eligibility avails them nothing in
respect to appointments to these posi
tions. The fact that a person Is on
the civil service register doss not pre
vent him from taking thia test lam
Blank application forma and the cir
cular of instructions were ready for
distribution by September luth. Aa
soon as the applicant completes his ap
plication In every respect It should be
addreeoed and forwarded to the U. S.
Civil Service commission, Washington,
D. C, and not to the esnsus bureau.
un snouia do taken tost toe enve
lope containing the application Is prop
erly addressed L-nad sufficient postage
tamps are affixed. If the application
la satisfactory a sard will be msilsd the
applicant and It will ndmlt him to tb
exsmfnation. An application must be
filed In sufficient time to arrange for
the examination at tba place selected.
N request will b granted for sa ex
amination otherwise than as scheduled
for the cities and states en October
Opana Qataa to Famoua Gunnison
Tunnel In Colorado.
Montrose, Cola, Sept 24, Presi
dent Teft spent yeeterday on tb west
ern slops of the Rocky mountains amid
a succession of msgnificent scenes. In
many respects his day wss one of the
most interesting be baa had since leav
ing Boston.
Late in tba afternoon Mr. Tnft stood
on tha brink of the deepeet irrigation
ditch la tha Weet and far out in the
foo' bill- of tha mountains, with not a
settlement to sight mad tb elec
trical connection that started a Sow of
water through the Gunnison tunnel
that will reclaim 140,000 acres af arid
land. The greatest irr-gation project
the United States government ever hoi
undertaken waa thus put in operation
and tba opening waa tha oeeaaionl of
a joyous celebration throughout the
valley of tno Uneompabgr.
During his travel yeeterday the
President hsd ample opportunity to
study the effect of irrigation. For a
long time bis train ran through strsteh
sa of country where as far aa the eye
could reach the only vegetation to
sight consisted of a few gresaswond
buabes or oafeorueh. The i out of
rocky canyon tha train would suddenly
come upon n veritable oasis, where
fields of alfalfa and miles af orchards
told af tb miracle wrought by the
tones ox water.
The tunnel has been hewn throuaii
six miles of a mounntain range and
waen tb protect m completed next
spring It will divert the waters af the
Gunntoan river, now hWto? to the
Onlf of California, to tha valley oA
thia aide of tha mountains, where
miner privets projects of irrigation
already have told the Wonders of the
Auslilan Capital for Oalfbrnta.
Lea Alanine. Sena. Plana -
utilising water from the Colstads for
the veneration of electric anetee.
launched two years saw by Count Ap-
ponyt sa snginsernf totornuttonal rep
utation, wba fsrsasrly bent a entonsl'a
iswamssston to the Aoetrton an.
being nutated -nnidly. asnording to
mtormntMn given out by tha count
today. Behind tha protect, he etoted,
I Count Laecie Bachanvi. arha mmm.
rtod Gladys VanderhilU And hmroawb
him tb Rethachiida hava been toter-
V, - .
Praatorsrk Brant far PVaeidont
Caiea. See. 4. Mater Ganarnl
Predai lik Part Great, ana af tha fnav-
eaa hMunrof aha Unto fsrsaa smring
the Civil was, to bstog hoassad aa the
totaUsuttol ssadiante af the Proh mi
tten patty to is It, by itni af aha
argaa tea ties who asw aaiimbllng hi
sate amy to salihiata tha fartteth snal
versnry af the berth af ntofawto.
Hurricane In Sooth Worse Than
At First leported.
Forty-Eight Known Dead and Others,
Reported to Hava Perihb
. AI Wire Are Down.,
New Orleans, Sept.. 88. At least
48 lives were lost in tha tronieal hnrri-
esns that swept this part of the conn-.
try Monday and Monday night It ia
reoortod SO others nariaiiad In Iawm
Terr Bonn parish, but this report,
has not been confirmed.
The nronertv loss is far hoavla, than
wss flrit believed andj will ran wall
into the millions.
Miles of i territory have .been laid
waste and crops have bran nracticaJIv
ruined. .
Shipping of all kinds in the bayooe
inlet wsd deitroved. Storwhmiua
agar mills and dwellings at Houma.
anu outer villages were badly dam
aired. The damageat Grand island and
C ban i ere Caminada was heavy, but no
lives were lost The crops on that
islsnd were totally destroyed, for tb
water swept across two or three feet
dep. The orange groves were whip
ped clean of fruit and foHa m,-
drsds of trees being uprooted.
ine nm message from the Itlsnda
was received today when the moil
itsamer Grand bland reached this
city. It was feared before toe arrival
of tba boat that hundreds hsd lost
their lives. In the . tropical storm of lass thui l.MWl nni.
drowned on Chaniere Caminada,
Bomb Is Found at Meeting Place of
Taft and Diax. :
O Paan. Tm . Ran a tl. ji. '
eovarv tnnlvht mt hk . i
denes in course of erection In Josros,
cross tbs border to Mexico, caused a
The authorities Were notified and 1
vrorkmsn were placed In ineommunl-
cam. it waa nm reported the bomb
waa fourwi In tk . A .k- .
hoUM. where PnaaiUnt T d :
dent Dial are to meet October 16, but
this was later denied by tha soubori
ties. wbers the bomb was found, Is a block
from the customs house, where tno
meeting of the presidents is to take
pIsco. A visit by President Diss to
Arguslles, wba la a close -persons!
friend of Diss, waa thought probable.
Colonel Corolla, commanding the rego-
j in tfuarea, rays ibe object
was a amall piece of dynamite.
was not more than a quarter of .
a stick," ha said, "It probably waa
thrown there by a revolationist soma
months sgo, whan arrests were being
made of these people." .
Thtevaa Murder Whole Family in Weet
Virginia for Loot,
Blo.fteld, W. Va., Sept S,-An en
tire family of six persons was murder
ad and the bodies of all but one of the
victims were burned with their bom
at Hurley, Vs., early today.
The motive evidently was robbery,
setae owner of the house, an aged
women known- as "Aonjl Betty" Jus
tice, waa generally supposed to kosp a
large sum of money in the plac.
Mrs. Justice, her son-in-law, Georg
Maadowa. kt j '- .
.... ' - loeir wreo
children were the vietims. Meadoww
5?J-JTll3f BtitaUd M found to
Tha half Taiil k-ji '
Men and thre children were found
boneath the (tebri af the bouas, m
bodv beariM mMmm.
fore the boon waa burned.
The thieves era supposed to haw
wsd th 1800 wbteh "Aawt Betty"
always serried an her narsan. ,
. Judge WlHam Sartouerf il.
Portland. fUn. - h
ltomn, Oregon a dirtinguisbed stntsn
msn sad jurist and Portland's former
ma ror. la Ivinw mt k nw a ,
hospital ssrtousry ill, having ban ra--T
'dock tost night
. - na .oeen
-y" wit indiapoattiou for
to wenks, sad bun aradoalry
SnswajMaa. Late test eight H waa
at the kmii tut w.
rwttogaey snd that hs was m an hm-
rtkar Bteeta TrwSaya, J , V
h. Neb.. Sea. ftLBW.
"tog from thn ntreetaar atruto aa.
suited to saiisw totor aa
hMntout. Two af tha tojsjrsxt am