The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, October 01, 1909, Image 1

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    ' ' ' "I "" ' ' '. n " ; . , ; , " ' I 1 "T
Morrow County Is th Richest GKJrity Per Capita In Oron. J f : ; - lone the 5est Gity In Morrow County, r
f' Vol. X. ' No! 92. IONE, OREGON. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1909. ; .. . Whole No. 61.
. ' Fir Cord Wood, - .y
Slab Wood
Any quantities desired
Call and get prices."
Wind RivcPlOcrcon:r.3
- Honed
25 cents
I - I :
4JlSj HARNETT, " -
1 am certainly there with ilia fancy Hair cutting and smooth Shaving.
Laondrg Basket m Bon-Tob hi connection.
Sharp rutrs, hi start wtrt$ J$ Mr am.
And from heV until October ist:,
we will undersell all competitors.
Call at our store, and be con
vinced that we ire selling
goods at prices that are
bargains which you Can A
ttot afford to miss
Call at 'our store and ask for what
you want, W1 compare our prices
wcare out ior business awJ
. , will give you a chance "ih
v, SAVt M 0 N t V
Evfeiythingin drygbt)dsk ladies and
eiift furnishings Mats, Shbes,
GfesWare, Crockety Gro
eerier, Hardware, etc., goes 77
at rtduced prices, for
t ASllv ;
Yours for business,
9 Rnsors
! T TV r- Honed
25 cents
Through the tourtcij of our
editor, this space-has been giren
to our Publio School for the pub
lishing of itemiof school nena. We
have planed to nnke me at this
privilege, frequently, in publishing
such items, as miy prove of inter
est to the friends? and patrons of
the school. . .
. Last Friday closed our third
week of soliool, and all are pro
grossing nicely!. The pupils, are
interested in their work and all
will work toward milking this year
a success.. -
In room 1, tha primary room,
the attendance number twenty
three, and there has ltn only on
absence. This is a good beginning
for the small children.
Room 2 tins a'u enrollment ot
twenty-seveu and his had three
absencey these an account ol sick
ness. The pupils iu this room are
proved of two. new maps.
There are eighlveii pupils in
room 3 and thare lint been four
absent. ,;
Room4 has an enrollment of
twenty pupils ffud only one has
beeu absent '
Room 5t the High School room,
has thirteen pupils ith no absence.
Although few in tiumberweoan
do better work and are, one and
all, proud of. our High 8choftl.
Mrs E L Padhonj ns visiting
in room 1 and 1 fust Friday after
noon. 'The btiyr hare taken quite a
lively interest' in taut hull and
have "booted" the bailee vigorous
ly that already ancwoiie is needed.j
- The girls are talking of organ I r-
irtf a basket-ball team hut the fact
that the only suitable floor space
in- town the skating rink, has been
converted into a storage warehouse
may put a check on (heir plena. It
is to be regretted that thhplendid
hardwood floor, that could furnish
us with space fur many a winter
evening's recreating ami amuse
ment, is to be closed to the public.
' This U sphoirtirj weather for
school days and the work shows a
decided improretmut over that
done when it fs so warm.
' , Of al Cociiuas,
Correspomleiit fur this week.
Iast Sunday evening at the
home of the hrids parents, Mt ami
Mrs Frank Akorn, of lone, was the
scene of a ijitiet home wedding
when Krma Victoria Akersbecatne
the bride of William Wataon. The
bride la well known In ftrna hav
ing lived hr all her life, and
claiming Owweberry as tier birth
place some ergtitern years n go.
The gromv Vame to yhm place
about three yesrs ago frovy Tamer
Oregon whvre Ida family lire atid
afre Mghty -.mmelcj. 7V T T
The ceremmiy was rrtcely Ier
formed hy JufUe K T I'erlcitn who
bna knowtttwvarKlcsiifceherclriM
hood and who was the natural one
to say tin enfrda tliat efiaiigexl her
whole life line. t .
The young oouplewewt ta Arl
ington ami cai;lft llm wvrrtand
traliiSundav Mlffhtgnttofivsnge'eapitatad It Al the aaaw .moment he
villa, Idiflio tflieie Ur rVafaon lias reeeled a Mow to the fare dellveted
. k" , , . .. . br hie ahrawlab wife ami hefora be
ahowaa ready f hia wire ainl (WfM hbl MNMMnt .
wlteretfrcy wNfenake lmt liohM 'ond and a third. 1 raa ana to whom
inthefnturc. ' - , jyei hare bra. toftlafc" the tody
, TJe-t'HWwtea)w(iH M ww- dataM yew evebt ta hart
pie c4 hae MMr Ort-fM, taaaethla." '
Last Saturday It became' the
duty of the editor of thin paper to
go to Heppner and pay Mie bunch
of taxes that Thk Pboclaiukr had
stacked against It. And while in
that city it wss our pleasure to
in)t many of the people of that
goodly burg and eat a good dinner
at the Palarr Hotel. Up at the
court hise every thing waa in the
best of good running geer and all
seem happy and uptumMie "about
the town. .''
A visit to Mr Earliartfoundhim
in the best kept county jail in this
land, thank b Sheriff Bhutt's fine
maiiagvintiii, mV i i,itjlmrtern
ed glad im rMiueinoered by a visit.
We her hi lone, im well aa (he
County at larue, flmi.n ' proud
ol ouUoui.t bent and tlivy up
there htMm ti i.r ..-hid t)mt they
havptini'v u m such a fine
wlit-ul I itu an lhii v I re about
i - K ! REE,
"Weli 'niiititmu .. for Small
Farm"T V irntiun hintivsued
by the General pimsenger Depart
ment, of the Oregon Ruilrond and
Naviuaiiou t'., and SMUihrn Pa
This bnoklef xetafortjina pract
ical concise way, tlte p-wsibilitiee
for protii i if tnexpenslra irrigation,
and should be in the hands of avery
farmer in Ori-jr"". V, .1
Copjea r Ito olnViinetl free on
application ti WuA 1,1c Mjiurray.
General I'useniig r Atin.O R.&N.
and 8 P. linea iu Ort-puii, Portland
Qua$nt Persian Tal mf the Taming f
tha Ohraw.
la Persia a wolthy taaa will eftojli
have a, nrlead of wboae society he Is
fend Uvioe- la the booee with him. Ab
Mlah was such a frload to Aly Kbaa,
a very Tfealthy and lndueotlal saer
chaat o Iapahaa, who waa dellchted
with his eharn and vleTerneee and bo
pleased - with hut serrlcea that he
thought he would make a very good
eon-ler-fa,w a ad aogsoated aim as such
to his beautiful daiitrbter. She was
very overhearlne? aad bad teioperad;
but, thinking that AbduHsb was nther
good tooklajc aha agrwd ta U. They
were Marrted. Koou bin f Heads oame
to ton grs relate him, among tbefa
Hooaeejrft, who was kaCwn to have a
rerr everbearing and bad tompered
wife. II said, "I eonararulate. yoa ea
year lar1age,', and then be aaked the
tegreeai. "Are you realty happy
with a wdeaaa waa Is known Jerbare'
such a bod temperr "1 aware yon
that she de perfectly charming and
that I am perfectlr happy." "IJay I
aah bow joa managa Itr
"Certainly." answered Abdottah. "On
the alffht of the marriage 1 went Into
her apartments m fell antnmh with
lay sword on. Hh did SmC take ny
notice of me, bat fiut es a aaefcllloBj
air and maOe a parade of strNklng her
rat I qaletly pleked up her eat and
pitof hie bead with my award, took
the head la 'fme hand, the bndyta fhe
other and threw them oat of the win
dow. My wWe was amaaad, ht
not show It After a few Woa aha
broke tat a emlte aad haa been a
moat aabiataalre wad ekarmlag wire
Haeaaeyh went arrslght hoaM and
pat en hie aa If aril and went lata the
harem. The dome He pet earn ta
greet bias, lib aetard .lt with the hand
that waa ewcSjaaiwied W eemm It. drew
hw sword and with a ebjgle blow da-
(Uolatad Tract.) (Serial No- D2ft8
Public Und Sale.
U 8 Laud.uilkt, l -Dall. a. Oregon.
Sept. 32nd 1WW. '
NotlM in linrtOn lml.-h ilmi rfUk-t.
ed by the. Commit... -i-(if liir General
Land Office, aniler pMVlelntis of Art of
Congress appnivw a tWHl, Public
No.803, wa will nffrr m publlrr aale, to
the highaet biild , : IU aOo'clm-k a ran.
onthalOthdn) u .'v. ItXW u it, at this
oAoe, thafollttwniL u f to wit:
NWNW4av i IX. iittfj.W.M.
Apr penoni elainiiiiit advrraely the
abore-deecrilH-l are alviaad to flla
thair claim, nii.-u or belor
the dayabove (teMKMHrd Tor sale.
C v.itw (tf-aintar.
DEPART Al l- I ; ffl' iti FKBIOtt
K.j:tt.i j. n nrviiif, . 1
WAftlUNutlta, f C ,
K 1909-7m. - A-W, .
Motlee Is hereby iven tflpi the Aellni
Seetetary ol (he luirHor lia vacated de
partmental order of withdrawal ta so far
astne tome afleem tlia withdrawal for
irrigatrnu pnrpoees mtiler ihaaetof Jon"
17, iy02';3-J Mtnt., tor aw in eonpef
tlon whli the Unmiilla Project, Oregoa,
of the tolloaing deacrilml lands la tit
fltala of 'Qrefe,.aiiri by lira anlhoritr
sncti of ram irnvia aa Iwra not been here- -tofora
Anally ritorrd sik are not oilier
wIsewlllHlraWD.Wjerretl or piroprtat
ed, will be subject to eettlenient under
the pablie laixl lari of Hm ('tilled Slates
an and after Ontobar Id, rwtU, but ilinil
pot be snlitoat to entry.fllingor selection
Vfatil Noretnler 16, lfMM, at Urn Valtetl
states land ottos at The Dulles, Oreetm.
waiving being axpretaly. given that ma
tferscm wiH ba iwrmitieil lo aaia offerer
ciee any itiflit wbalator nndar any MtUe-BMnorKewfateaw-hefun
altar Jnly 0,
naopvasal iiidi naKtotairW, -eew, aM
such MtUewmm tr occupation being for
ttddeu. WlibMiMtrrTirinclal Ueridiafk
T.l If., R. 90 K., all Seee. 1 to 18, St to
88 and SS to SH i net, i
T. 1 S., H. Ifl K , all Sees. I io IS, S3 to
snd 4 to 911 ittd.
Tin., ft. lb all1 Ih t po tion
T.8N..R. 2CK., all. ' ', .1
T. S N., U. 20 t., a'l timt port'oa in
Oregoi . - f
T.t., R. 41., all. t
t. 8X.,, 31 K , ah that portion fa
Oregon. ...
T. J K., R.'TJ.l'aH s. 4 to , 16 to ?l
and M to M fbi
T. 8 Kj.'R, B K.,K(. ftwn. i, and' 7
ootii of Colrtjtfjira tther and all Sees.,
9, WloSt ewl JHIoJB tm-I. .
S, V. Promhit, Adl'tgOanwitoatoner !
the Oeneral taml OHhss.
Frank Pierce, First assrtteut Sac ratal V
of the Interior.
0 acres, about 7 miles from cent-
er of Portland, i mile from i-lectrfc
hear)) ne station, all well 'fenced,
and ta fine bearing $h-hard, aUn
aH krwds of lierric,s and vegetables,
6 roomwouee with toilet, Imth, hot
rind oold water, fine well, tower
tank and wind mill, 100 high
grade chickens, lioraa aiwl wagon,
many other tonptetneiila, price
7aorJ.00,.rllltta1t 100 acres -of
good Wheat'lattil.Tti THrhanga for
part, . i ,y.. , .
Have 80 acre 'iff trml)er nnd, sZ
few lots In heat cmistlown in Ore
ffen, sikI a limited amount of cash
lor this we want a sniaH -wirtDt
flafltH . .
roevw wall built lionae rn grnxl
part ol fevtlarwl, 50x100 lot. tfito
Modi frrtsn marline, house not en
tlrely modern, Wwt enn he msde so
hwlfli smtfll xfe prire ftOOfj.OO
will take In txchii'nje', good wheat
land up to 3000, lo vJO0.00 '
rrpnrdinff any f iho .W
, lone Proclaimer & Ortgonianr$i.
peocUiN2 orriot.