The Main Chance Mmrmdith NichoUon Coevaion? MaJ Tn IoimMmiill Comfajtt CHAPTER XX. Wheaton sat In kit room' the Mit veiling, clutching a copy of Gaeett extra In which a few .sentences under long headline gave th latMt rumor about the mysterious disappearance of dlrant Porter. Within a tort eight fa had received aeveral warning from hla broth er marking hit Itinerary eastward. Sny der waa evidently moving with Died Rurpoae; and. aa W he ton had received rief note from him couched In phrase -of amiable irony, poet marked Denver,, and then, within a few days, K annas City be aurmlurd that bi brother waa traveling n bat traina and therefore with money In hi purse. lie had that morning received a postal card, signed "W, W.," which bore a few taunting sentence In a handwriting which Wheaton readily recognised. He did not for an Instant qucation that Will iam Wheaton, alias Snyder, bad abduct ed Urant Purter, nor did ha belittle the situation thua created a it affected him. He faced it coldly, a wa hi way. He ugbt not to have refused Snyder's ap peal, be rot).'Med to himself; the debt a owed his brother for bearing the whole burden of their common youthful crime had never been discharged. Tba bribe and subterfuges which Wheaton had euv Eloyed to keep blm away from Clarkaon id never been prompted by brotherly fratltmle or generosity, but always by is fear of haviug ao odious a connection tnade public. 11 waa ffcc to face with the cruris moment where concealment Involved complicity In a crime. HI duty lay clear before blm hi duty to bi friend, the Porters to the woman whom be knew he loved Waa be equal to It? If Snyder were caught he would be sure to take revenge oa him; aud Wheaton knew that no mutter how guiltless he night show himself In the eye of the world, his career would be at an end; he could not live in t'larkson; Evelyn Por ter would never sea blm again. The (iaietle stated that a district tele graph messenger had left at Mr. Porter' door note "which named the terms on which Orant con Id be ransomed. The amount was large 01 ore money than Jama Wheaton possessed; It waa not a great deal for William Porter to pay. It had already occurred to Wheaton that h might pay the ranaom himself and clrry tat boy home, thus aatabliahing forever a claim upon the Patter. He -quickly dismissed this; the risks of x pom re were too great. Re tamed all these matter ever la hla mind. Clearly the beat tblng to do wa to let the climax com. His brother waa a criminal with a record, who would not And It easy to drag blm Into (be mire. Hla awn ca reer and position In Clark eon were unas sailable. Very likely tbe boy would be found quickly and tbe Incident would Close with Harder1 a sentence to a long Imprisonment. He would face It out no natter what happened; and tha more be thought of It the likelier it seemed that Snyder had overleaped himself and would aoon be where he could no longer be a aneoare. He went down to dinner lata. In tbe clothes that be bad worn at tbe hank all day and thua brought upon himself the banter of Caldwell, the Transconti nental agent, who sang out as he entered the dining-room door: "What's the matter, Wheaton? Hold v pawned your other clot be? Come nn now and give ua the real truth about the kid oap plug," said Caldwell with cheerful Interest. "You'll better watch lb bank a the same gang may carry It off nest." "1 guess tbe bank's aafa enough," Wheaton answered. "And I don't know anything except what 1 read in tbe pa pers.' He hoped tbe others woo Id not think him Indifferent; but they were busy discussing various rumors and theo ries aa to the route taken by the kid nap em and tha amount of ran. He threw la am ra comment and -speculations from time to time. "Haridau'a aat chasing thank' (aid Caldwell. "1 pa seed hiai aad Baitoa driving like mad oat kWriam stree at noon." The meat too of Itarldan and fUiloa did not comfort Wheaton. He re flected that ( bey had undoubtedly been t tha Porter bouse looe the alarm had ka sounded, aad be wandered whether kla awa re issues la this regard had fee reamrked at the Hill. HI lagers war cold aa he atlrrsd hta coffee ; and when be bad Intakes be kurrtedly left the fees. lie felt easier whea he gat aat lata the seal tight air. Hla dag at tha hank aad been aae k kerror; aat tee ctaag tao car tba ugktt hi tha streets, gave kla contact with UN again. He mast kastea ta eeVr hla services la tke Porters, though he knew that every mean ef aa aiataara had been employed, and that there waa nothing re ds but re make h -sjelrlee. H grew neeeay a am ear aeae ad the boasa, aad he dlmaed the elope af the kill lib one waa beers a harden. He aad t rare reed tfcle walk awa llama la tha past rear, la tka varying ends af 1 law. who aa day walk ta heights aad li tka anal alaagw seethii gad latterly, stace his affair with Margrave, he bad known moods of cenaei tao, and thee returned upon him an .'ore boding bow. If Porter bad sot keen 111, there would never have beta that lataa rlew with Margrave at tha bank; and Grant would aot have been at borne to be kidnaped. It eeemed to him that tba trou ble of other people rather than bin own error were bearing down tba balance against bis happiness, Evelyn came into tha parlor- with eye red from weeping. "On, have yoa no news?" she cried to him. He had kept 00 hla overcoat and bold his hat la his band. Her grief stung him ; a groat wave of teaderaesa. swept over Una, but U waa followed try a wave of terror. Evelyn wept as aba tried ta tall bar tory. "It la dreadful, horrible 1H be forced himself to any. "Bat certainly ao harm can com ta tbe boy. No doubt la few "But be Isn't 'strong and father li still weak " Bbe threw herself la a chair and bar tenia broke forth afresh. Wheaton stood Impotent watching bar anguish. It la a new aid strange sensation which a man experiences, when for the first time be see tear In the eyes of tba woman be lorea. Evelyn sprang up suddenly. "Have you'eeea Warry? aba askedV "ha ha come back yet?" "Nothing bad bean heard from them when I cam up town." He at ill stood, watching her pityingly. "I hop yon ua del stand bow sorry I am how dreadful 1 foal about It." Ha walhed over to her and she thought he meant to go. She had not heard what he said, but abt thought be had been offering help. "Oh, thank you 1 Everything la being done, I know. They will find him to night, won't tbey? Tbey rarely must," aha pleaded. Her father called ber In hla cahened voice to know who waa there apd she hurried away to him. Wheaton'a eyea followed ber she went weeping from the room, and ha w niched ber, feeling that ho might never see bei again. He felt tbe poignancy of this hour's history of bis having brought upon this boua a hideous wrong. Tbe French clock on tbe mantel struck seven and then tinkled the three quar ter llngerlngiy. There were rosea In a rase on- tha mantel ; he bad aent them to bar the day before. He stood aa one daaed for a minute after ah bad van ished."" He could hear Porter back In tbe bouse somewhere, and. Evelyn's voice reassuring' him. The musical stroke of tbe bell, the scent of the roses, the fa miliar surrounding of the room, wrought upon him like a pain. He stared- stupid ly about, aa If amid a ruin that be had brought upon tbe place ; and then he went out of the boua and down the slope Into the street, like a man In a dream. While Wheaton Swayed between fear and hope, tbe community was athriH with excitement. Hewerda for tbe boy's return were telegraphed In every direction. The only clue was the alight testimony of Mrs. Whipple. She bad told and re-told her atory to detective and reporter. There was only too little to tell, - Grant bad walked with her to the car. She bad seen only one of the men that had driven up to the curb the one that had" la quired about tbe entrance to Mr. Por ter' grounds. She remembered that he had moved bis bead curiously to one aid aa be apoke, and then waa something on usual about hia eyea which aba could not describe. Perhaps he bad only aat eye ; aha did not know. Rartden and Baitoa, acting Independ ently of the autborltlea la the confusion and excitement, followed a alight cln that led them far country ward. Tbey loot tbe trail completely at a village Al teon miles away, and after alarming tbe country drove back to town. Meanwhile another meeaagn bad been ant to tbe father of tba boy stating that tka ran aom money could be taken by a tingle messenger to a certain spot In the coun try, at midnight, and tbnt within forty eight honra thereafter tha boy would be returned. He waa safe from, pursuit, the not slated, and an eoaJnoua hint waa dropped that It would be wlee ta aban don the Idea af procuring tba captive' return unbanned without paying the nam asked. Mr, Porter told tka detective that be would pay the money; but tbe proponed meeting waa aat for tbe third night after tba abduction: the oaptora wer In ao hurry, tbey wrote. Tka crime waa clearly tbe work of daring men, and had been carefully planned with a view to quickening the anxiety of tka family of the stolen boy. And so twenty-roar hours passed, "This la a queer gam,' aald Rarldan, oa tbe second evening, aa he aad John d I ecu seed tbe subject again In John's room at the dun. "I don't just make It out. If the money waa all these fellows wanted, they could make a quick toaek of it. Mr, Porter' craxy as pay any nnw- Rut tbey aeesi ta want ta prolong the agony." "That teoka- qeevr," aald Sexton. "There amy be something back af It; bat Porter hasn't any anemias wba would try thla kind af thing. There are bueinean men here who would like to da him np In a trade, ant this ta a little oat af the usual channel,' Saltan got as and walked the none " - HI.ook here, WarT?, did you ever know n an eyed as a? It an yeot occurred to see that I have anna each a ansa nince I came ta thai part at the eaantry ; but tbe elrcumetsoceo wore peculiar. Tkka thing la 1 nearer tkaa over an I think af " "wnr -It waa bach at tka Petidextor ntacn when 1 I rat went there. A fellow named Snyder waa ta charge, lie bad nmde a rata' neat of tka kouaa, aad raaaated tke idea af doing any work. Ha seemed W think a wa there ta atay. Whea ton had riven him tka Job aelnre I earn.' 1 remember that I naked Wheaton If It at do any difference ta him what I ild wttk tke follow. Ha didn't seem u car aad I boasted Mn That waa two junta an tad 1 be veal heard af Urn etnen" .-."Whet at tka retnsnsiae piaea newT "Nobody 1 I haven't been there urysslf but m year or mora. "Is H likely that fellow m at tke kattai af tbk, aad that be has made a break for tka ranch bouse? That must be a m lonesome place oat there." "Well, it won't take long to find ant. Tka thing to do la ta go ourselves with out saying a word to any ana. Let's make a atill kunt of it The detective are busy on what may be real etnas and this la only a gaeaa," "I can't imagine that fallow Snyder doing anything no dashing aa carrying off a millionaire' son. He didn't look t m a if ha had the nerve.' 1 "If only a chance, but It's worth try ing' , In tka lower ball they met Wheaton, who waa pacing up and down. Ha was afraid of John Sexton; Saxtoa, he fait, probably knew he part h had played In the street railway matter. It seemed to him that Sexton must hav told others; probably Saxtoa bad Evelyn's certificate put away for not when William Porter should be restored to health. This wont through hla mind aa John anil Warry stood talking to blm. , "Wheaton," aald Sexton, "do yoa re member that fellow Snyder who waa la charge of tba Poindexter place when I cams beret' "What ok yea V HI band root quick ly to hla carefully tied four-la-hand and be lingered It nervously. "You may not remember It, but be had only one eye." "Tag, that's so." aald Wheaton, a If re calling the fact with difficulty. "And Mrs. Whipple saya there waa something wrong, about on of tbe eyes of the man who accosted her and Grant at Mr. Porter's gate. What became of that fellow after bo left tbe ranch have you any Ideer Rarldan bad walked away to talk ta n group of man In tbe reeding room, leaving Sexton and Wheaton alone. "He went 'West the last I knew of klm," Wheaton answered, steadily. "It baa at rock me that he might be la this thing. It's only a goes, but Rarldan and I thought we'd run out to tb Poin dexter ranch and see If It could possibly be tb rendesvona of tke kidnapers. It'a probably n fool's errand, but It won't take long, and we'll do It unofficially without saying anything to tbe authori ties." Hla mind waa on the plan and be looked at his watch and called to Rarldan to come. "I believe III go along," aald Wheaton, suddenly. HW can be back by noon to morrow," be added, conscientiously, re membering bin duties at tb bank. "All -right." aald Warry. "We'rt tak ing bags along In case of emergencies.' A boy came down carrying Buxton's -suitcase. W bee ton and Raridan hurried out together to The Bachelors' to get thefr own things. It waa a relief to Wheaton to hero something to do; It was hardly possible that Snyder had fled to tb ranch house; but In any event he wa glad to get away from Clerkeon for a few bourn (To be eonrinued.) , TH1 DRIVXHTO HABIT. Wa new newoanaay tree TLIunl K ejalrosnonta af the Oramalena. It would be Idle to deny tbnt the drinking habit baa rnaehed almoet tha proportion of a peetline among ua. We mo loo gar drink only when wn are thirsty. Wa drink when urroundad by oar fetlown tn promote goad fa lowahlp Just aa we drtnk whan alone tn escape from hondoa; wa drink when wa ere marry and wt drink whan we are depraved. In abort, wa drink muck and often. Bach ban hla ferorite tipple. Tan, that mild dlatlllatloo of the Orient, la tbe beverage of goaalp and literature, an gg eating placid rumination and a quiet sotting. Sodn, ginger beer and the thousand nnd one ooocoetiona of tha corn or node, fountain tempt tha abetemiouB, above nil In hot weather. WInaa and mora ardent aplrttg admin ister n fillip to the nerves of thoaa who are addicted to the nan of etoo holte stimulants. Bach after hla fash ion Indulge in acme kind of exeeea, The secret of thla Indulgence hi liquid refreshment of varteua aorta la to ha found largely In the feet that each season aaea . tauHl plication of tha beveragee that are agreeable to tha taste. We drink not becauaa wa are thlrely, but because tha flavor la pleasing to the palate, and In doing; tkia noma physicians contend we are exceeding the liquid reonlrementH of the organism. In considering tata matter editorially tha. Lancet re marks: . "Tha thirsty person wke ennnet sat isfy his thirst nnleaa the aeeeraan contains what It In reality a drug has really acquired an unhealthy habit or, ta put H plainly, a d Insane. Tot what else Is the alcohol of the rarioon alcohol le bereinjtes, the caffeine of tan nnd coffee, tba glncoelda or quinine of hitters, or oven the ginger af ginger bear or at ginger ale, the aroaaatle ell of tha liqueur, the carbonic aetd gee hi soda water, the eitrki nctd at the lemon nnd so on but a drug All these clear I r oonvey something Into the organism over and above water It self tbey cannot qnench tktmt la the at that water does.' The medical Journal goes on to ne at be the great growth of thai kabit of drinking llnnldn ether tkaa water en tha fear that water near aoevtaia dlnaaa eaUttee, It ends with n wnrw kag tkal persistence in tha habit fro e neatly aaaatfeata Its in aaweta tn a disturbance of funcUoa wbiea snaff reaalt hi harm ta tha entire r gnu lean li rHrata It la eeenaderad ' nteat trtMsf. , The ucrampenyliuLJlUietrktloa shows the plan' of refrigerator with meat chamber attached, tba accompanying Illustration Is given. Pro vial on mast 4 ' , , l.rr v.- k 1 Sill -! mU L-RliU ntrmotnATon with meat chambes. be made for tha circulation of air so that It will not become stagnant at any point and by coming In frequent touch with the lea will be kept cool. Tba relative Ices and positions of the. lea chamber and refrigerator are shown and theee can be made larger or smaller la proportion to mast tha requirements. Keeping tee Wneat Pure. One of the most Important factors m growing Improved wheat for seed Is to keep tha wheat pure Many farmers are careless on this point. often planting new seed on old wheat wooffchucks, hot after sararal morn ings ef patient waiting, oaptare by trap proved unsnoeessfnL Bat, baring beard that tbey were vary fond af salt, ha mixed n liberal quantity f pari green In -about a Quart of salt nnd placed a handful near each bar " row. He was not troubled again that Sanson, and this has been hi remedy erar aloea. .. . TTno'Oe an a resinine. Th oow pea la, a large beanlike plant ibet-producea a large amount of forage. It la valuable aa a green food or for plowing under for green ma- 1 aura. It has bean need euecesafully for Improving wornrat soila, especially thorn that are light and sandy In tea- y tare. Its greatest advantage for this purpose la Its ability to gntner nitro gen from the air and mtosml elements from subsolL When tbe crop Is plow ed nndar, theee are left near the sur face, where they will be nvailnble to aballow-rooted crops and those which cannot get nitrogen from the nlr. It has been little need for hay In the North, because It cannot be readily dried lav thla ellmita. It makes a good ernnn feed for milch own between August 16 and September 16, or It may be preserved In tha silo by mixing with corn foddsr. For green mnnnr lug, tba seed should he sown broad cast tn late June or sariy Juiy, us the rata of one and a half bushels par ere. It Is especially valuable for rowlna tn young orchards. Whan wanted for foddsr It aboald be sown In early June, In drills i feet apart, at the rata ef one bushel seed par acre. . v Ilr Heswllev Vh nrnnnaa AsTlcnltural College una experimented with the various chem ical formulas to repel flies from live stock and recommends the following as .fairly satisfactory: Resin, 1H rwinnda: laundry soaD. two eakee; nan oil. one-half plot: enough water to make three gallons. Dissolve resin In n solution of soao and water by heating, add the flab oil and the rest of th water. - Apply with t brush. If tn be used as a BDray. add one-half pint of kerosene. Thla mixture will coat T to 6 cents a gallon and one-half ' tilnt Is considered enough for one ap-' plication for a cow. At first K will bo necessary to net two or three appll- TORMS Or HOOTS. Fig. i. The form ef a horse's toot deter mines the peculiarities jgg, the shoe tbnt Is best adapted to It Viewing the foot from the side the regular posi tion la that shown tn flgurd 4, In which the weight will be borne to beat advantage. Looking from the front tha regular form Is that shown In figure 1, tha wide toe being Indicated by figure t, and the narrow toe by figure I With tha regular or normal shape the weight falls near the cen ter of tha hoof, and It evenly die ttibttted over the whole- bottom of the hoof. The tee points straight for ward and when tbe horse Is moving forward In a straight Una the hoofs era picked up and carried forward la n Una parallel to the middle Una of tba body. A pair of hoofs of the form ahown la figure t allows tha Ft,, j. - weight to fall largely Into the Inner halt of the hoof. In motion tba hoot is moved in a circle. Horses that am toe-wide' are likely to Interfere whom frjSJIr''. Fig. a. In motion. In the third form (figure S) the weight of the body la directed on tke outer half of tha hoof. Tba Irregularity ef form causae a paddling motion and freqaantly Interfering, Fig. 4. Regular Form Is Shewn In B. at eaagtk . wrannd. thus allowing It to become mixed witp volunteer wheat the first year. Tbla mixing of varieties cause wheat to do triers to In yield and qual ity. When wheat In grown far seed It should be on elena lano. wbkb teas, from volunteer wheat and from other volunteer grain, rye being espe- Hally eMectloriable. Cnra manr. aa .n in harvestlnn and threshing the ered wheat to keep It from becoming mixed wltk other varieties of waeat. Again. In order to maintain tbe awal Ity and yield ef wheat It la necessary to mnlntala the fertility of the soil and to give the land good eultnre. Tarinere' Mall and Breeaa. - & Pennsylvania farmer gives this npetieftce with wwadenwehs groan toga): HO bee sat neve mi awnejrea oariv cabbage, nnd In going tk rough bta aateb early com morning no found MToral planta minting. He reawn tee nogehweks bale under tbe wall tn met. awveral holes wear his oahbaga need. He armed himself wttk several atent trans and need all kin enanlag to aatUng tnean ta tka narrows at Ike cations per week anttt tha outer ends of tha hair become coated with tha resin. After that retouch those part where the mala to mbbed off. reeeontiner Meewae. It Is mom easy to prevent disease In animals than It tn to cure. Hog cholera prevails mere or toes hi all sections of tbe country, hot In tba ana tority of eases R Is doe ta the aoa dltlon af the herd and mismanage ssent ta feeding than to any other canes. Hogs mast ham green or balky food, also salt aad charcoal. These mbetunees am not ta a direct way preventive of cholera, butt tbey knap the animals tn a mem thrifty oow dftioaj and reader them lass liable a Heree-redieh may be harveatai hi tka fall, before the greuaa freenae, ef In tba tartag. before rank tew growth nwglna. Ran plow dwwaty alsng slew a row as losaom earth, lift eat aad trim main met; tfcaiwagkiy was and brush and riaee tn tdena