The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, September 24, 1909, Image 3

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tvery Participant Sure of Securing
- t .L-..1- . m.- ai-4 !i.n .1.-
lands of the Oregon Valley Lend com
pany, mm of the old Oregon raili-
. tary road trut, and Un Heryford Cat
tle company's lawk, not only to tb
largest private land opaning in histo
ry, but It differs to away wys from
luwf kllnmanta marl k Uu ITnltx
States government. In to Lakevtew
-opaning every participant got a tract
of land and a town lot. Tow ar no
Thraa hundred thousand acre of land
are being distributed praetieally witb-
-out expense to the public. Tbe lands
were eat into 11,982 tracts,, varying in
oiss from 10 acres to 1,000 acres, and
that number of oontrsets were sold for
1200 each every contract being good
for a tract of land and a Lakeview lot.
. Tbe purchasers live in every state in
-the Union, but tbe bulk of tbe eon-
tracta were sold in the Middle West
About 8,000 contracts were sold in Ne
braska, 2,000 in Kansas, and smaller
allotments in Missouri, Iowa, Illinois,
Ohio, Indiana, Minnesota, Oklahoma
and other states. Nearly 1,000 con-
rscm wers nougni oy uregon ana Cal
ifornia people,
FOREST FUND 18 38,120 47.
Oregon School Fund Is Increased by
neservs necetpia.
Salem Congressman Hawley has re-
eeived a tetter from the acting sec
tary of the interior to tbe effect that
under the terms of tbe agricultural appropriation-
act, for 1900, approved
Jfay 28, 1908, $88,120.47, realised
from forest reserves in this state dur
ing tbe year ending June 80, 1909, will
be tuned over to the state to be placed
In the common school fund of tbe state
Tbe law provides that 26 per east
of tbe money received from each forest
reserve shall bo paid at the end of tbe
year to the state treasurer Wherein tbe
reserves are located, to be expended as
tbe legislators may direct for the pub-
lie school and pablie roads of tbe
county or counties in which the forest
reserve is located. s
Tbe total amount realised eVony tbe
forest reserves of Oregon during the
year ending; June 80 was 182,481.88.
Mr. Bawley was instrumental in se-
- curing the enactment of the clause un
der which the public schools receive
forest reserve revenues,
Filling Farmers' Warehouses.
La Grande. Over 15,000 bushels of
grata are already stored in the farmers'
udmb warehouse at Island ' City, al
though the roof on the bail dins is not
yet completed. The union is yet in its
ureacy in Union Bounty, but the farm
rs ere working together splendidly,
ing season is over 80,000 bushels of
wheat will be la this warehouse. The
wheat is pooled and held in the ware
house for sale, and when the buyers
purchase toe gram it will be con
veniently near the maia line of tbe
railroad for shipment.
' Alfalfa Brings High Prices.
Freewater The alaflfa crop in tbe
Hudson Bsv country to almost entirely
in stack. This section received its
name from the fact that the Hudson
Bay company in the early days of Ore
gon wintered their stock in this valley.
Tbe climate to milder than that of tbe
unwinding conn try. Large bands for
Spokane and Seattle markets are win
tered here. Tbe crop will bo about
30. 000 tons and ranchers ar getting
$9 end $10 a ton at the stack. -
Prune Crap Good.
Albany Prone drying has begun fat
tills vicinity, and tbe drier men report
good yield, with the fruit in excel lee t
condition. The prune packing estab
lishment In making active preparation
to begin packing frurt They expect
to start tbe packer about tbe first of
October ander the management f La
Belle Bros. It is expected that tbe
factory win handle upwards of 100 ears
of fruit this seeeon.
i - . -
Valuable Timber Land Sold.
Ashland Eighteen thousand acres of
timber tend, known as the Coggfna
tract, lyiog half to Oregon and half
In California, baa been sold to the
Northers California Lumber company.
It to estimated that there era 460,000,
000 feet of standing timber on the
land, af which 70 par cent to soger and
white pin.
Drill for On Near Nefcatom.
NeaeJem The Hydrocarbon OH com
pany to building a large drilling camp
ear bora, a barge load of heavy ma
chinery having eJ ready been received.
Aetna! drilling will
Perth J. ft.
Smrth Lrvoetock
eastern Capitalists Purchase l,2oO
Acres m Rogue Valley. - -- -
Ornate Pass. - One of 'the largest
deals to take plaoe is Bogus river fruit
lands occurred a few days ago, when
a representative of Eastern capitalists
purchased the 8. H. Kiggi property,
consisting of I860 acres. This Is one
of the Inert bodies of .land in the
county, ' and Is supplied wMh 2000
inches or more of. water from the Ap
plegate river.- Ite former owners found
much profit i raising three crops of
alfalfa each year, and selling it at from
IS to 20 a ton, but It has aow be
come so profitable to raise fruit that
three hay erope do not produce suf
ficient revenue to satisfy the fruit
raiser. The buyer and his associates
will take poeeeseioa of the premises on
the first day of January, and they will
at that time put oa a large force of
men to lay out tbe tract In aa ideal
manner, with convenient avenues fue
ling in every direction, is order to
make it the largest tract of land de
voted to fruit alone in Bogus river
valley. The entire premises will be
planted as rapidly as possible la
peaches, peam and commercial apples.
This place formerly belonged to Con
sul H. B. Miller, but last year H .was
sold to 8. H. Rigge, who kept it nine
months, raised severer-hundred tone of
alfalfa bay, and sold out at a pries up
into six figures. -
Qrand Rondo's Qreetest Crop.
La Grande Heavy rains throughout
Union county bsv greatly delayed
threshing, but it to estimated that
most of the work will be finished with
in tbe next two weeks, although there
will be a small amount that will not
bo finished la the next 80 days. Tbe
yield in Union county to eeti mated to
run over tbe 1,000,000 bushel, mark.
This will be tbe largest amount of
wheat ever grown la the Grand Rondo
valley. The farmers an not so inclined
as they were at first to hold onto their
wheat until It reaches tbe dollar mark
and ar letting tbe wheat go in small
amounts every day. The price ranges
around 80 cents for blues tern, 79 for
40 fold acd 77 for elub.
' 80 Oars Prunes Shipped.
The Dalle Tb prune crop of this
county, with tbe exception of a few
orchards on extremely high ground,
baa been harvested and tbe crop has
been marketed. There was a total of
80 ears shipped in carload lots, besides
perhaps four cars shipped Id small
quantities by express. Tbe prunes
have netted tbe growers a little better
than 822.60 a ton, i. . b. Tbe Dalles.
Tbe bulk of the crop has been bought
and shipped by The Dalles Fruit com
pany, though a few carloads have been
shipped by growers.
Wbeet Blaestem, f7e; dub, 87c;
red Russian. 86H; valley, 90c; fife,
87c; Turkey red, 87c; 40-fold, 89
Barley Feed, 826.50; browing,
$27.50 per ton.
Hay Timothy, Willamette valley,
$1816 per ton; Eastern Oresnn.
81o.604917.60; alfalfa, $14; clover,
114; cheat, $18014.60; grain hay,
Butter Cite creamery, extras, Sec;
fancy outoid creamery, 8&36c ; store,
2122e per pound. Butter fat prices
average 1 t per pound under regular
butter prices.
Eggs Oregon ranch, candled. Sic
par dosen.
Poultry Bene, lSHle per pound;
sprinn 16Hell6c; roosters, 10c:
docks, young, Hc; geese, young,
10c; turkeys, 20c; squabs, $1,7642
Pork Fancy, 10c par pound.
Veal Extra, 1010Xe per pound.
Fruits Apples, $1(32.26 ptr box:
pears, 50c81.26; peeebee, 6e0fl.25
crate; cantaloupes, 50c31.60:
pluma, 2676e per box; watermelons.
iti)c per pound; grapee, 60e4$l.26
per basket) eaesbaa, It.7&s2 nar
crate; quinces, $1.60 per bos.
rotate i par sack: sweet pota
toes, 2dv24c per pound.
Onions $1.26 per sack.
Vegetables Beans, 46e oof pound :
cabbage, l&lej cauliflower, 76e
$'..26 per dosen; celery. ftOcttttl ; earn.
166020c; oambrs, 1026c; onion.
1216c; paao, 7e per pound; pop
pers, NtflOe; pumpkin. lMtiftlfce:
squash, 6e; tomatoes, 86f40e par box.
Hops 190B Fogglssv 20s clusters,
earner ; -1908' crop, I7e: 1907 eroav
12c; IftOe'erap 8c per pound.
Wool restern Oregon 1$2S per
emd; valley, 2826c: mohair.
choice, 24026.
Cattle Btoera, lop, $4.26; fair to
goad. $4; I urn $8.6008.76; cows.
top, $8.2638.601 fab? to good. $
8.26; ii ii ii tomsdiam, 2.60692. 76:
eeivee, top, $6et.M; heevy. S8.60tip4;
bsdla, $202.25; ataga, 8X.sOWH.60.
Hog Beat, $1; fair to good. $7.76
07.86; storkets, $6J7 Catoa Cats,
Sheep Tea we there, $4; fair to
swad, $8, 60io8.76; yeavlmga, beet, $4;
latr to awed. xx.sOs.76: ewes. Ue
Presictont Beams His Way Into Favor
i With Ohlcagoana.
Chicago, Sept. 17. President Teft
smiled his way tot the hearts of 600,
000 Chicagoans yesterday. Geniality
and "Bill" Taft for that's -what the
multitudee called him ruled the city
for 16 boors. From the moment bo ar
rived until he entered bis private car
to leave, through all the nntomobiling
and speechify tog and baadshaking and
excitement, there was one thing which
shone a brightly as the sun of a per
fect day. , It was tbe fssaous smile.
That smile was commented upon very
whet. It was cheered and it mad
those who saw It feel more pleased
with tbe world sod with themselves.
Good humor. Jollity, happiness theee
followed Mr. Taft like attendant guard
ians wherever bo went.
And in res pones to that smile Ur.
Taft got the smiles and laughter of tbe
throngs, as well as their shouts and ap
plausa. All the way through tbe 16
miles of streets which bo traveled dur
ing tbe day la a motor, at tbe West
Sid ball park, at the Orchestra Hall
meeting, at tbe bankers' ball, Mr. Taft
saw thousands upon thousands of face
which smiled at him and which cheered
"It's grand," said the chief execu
tive before be bad been in tbe city five
minutes. "I'm really vastly glad to
be here." '
As his automobile swept down Mich
igan avenue In tbe midst of 160,000
school children, be turned to his aids
do camp, Captain Archibald W. Butt,
U. 8. A., and his voice was just an
atom bosky. -
"This is wonderful. Butt," be said.
"The cheering of the children to most
pleasant to me, and yet affecting, for
we know that the cheering of the child
ren Is sincere."
At the great bankers' ball there
were silks and white shoulders and
jewels; there was rythm of waits mu
sic and glow of pendant lights; there
was dancing by blushing debutantes
and epigram tie foreign consuls; there
was promenading by prominent bank
ers and dowagert and beauties and pol
itician. And the chief individual fig
ure af the scene was tbe big man in
evening dress who smiled and smiled
and smiled.
Unqualifiedly President Taft to In
favor of anion labor. This was tbe
subject of his mala speech today, and
in plain terms be upheld organisation,
but demanded that the rights of non
union labor be protected. Next to this
In national importance was his de
nouncing tbe present court system. He
deplored delays la tbe administration
of justlos and announced an intention
to org congress to make a change,
Mrs. Harrlman Is Made Ontv Benefi
ciary la WIH. .
New York, Sept 17. A hundred
brief weeds, weighted eaoa with ap
proxlmately tl,ee00O end containing
fn their entirety the tost testament of
S. n. Harrlman. given eat yesterday.
make bis widow, Mary Averill Harrl
man, ana of tbe wealth ice; women in
the world.
It perhaps to the briefest will on re
cord for the disposal of an estate of
each magnitude. All his property Is
left to Mrs. Harrlman, Wall street
estimates that Mr. Harritaaa will in
herit In realty and personal property
between $76,000,000 and $100,000,000.
Mr. Harriman'e private fortune to sop-
poeed to have bean greater than this
by many millions, bat there to reason
to believe that hi unmarried daugh
ters, Mary and Carol; his married
daughter, Mrs. Robert Living tooe
Oswrry; and bto two son, William
Averill and Roland, a bey f 14, to
gether with his surviving sister, Mrs.
8imona, and other relatives, have all
been enbatantlally provided for with
gifts out f hand. .
The will to tuted Jon 6, 1908, and
to witnessed by Charles A. Peabody,
president of the Mutual Life tosuraitos
company, who drew it, and C a Tege
thof. Mr. Pesbody was Mr. Harri
man's eloss personal friend.
Mr. Harriman, by making no be
quests to children or relativee, avoided
the largo share af the eoornooe inher
itance tax which, under the laws of the
tat af Mew York, weald stbarwto be
' Fires Destroy Hem.
Oxnard, Cel.. fcVpt. 17. A gnat for
est fire to burning tonight hi the hill.
Telephone m usages from Somto at
o'clock called for all available men to
fight the flamee. Four families were
burned out m Lee Psoas bill today.
Heodreds of tons of ban and beans wer
betrned. Several hundred men feaght
tbe Area all night, and bar the biggest
teak yet before them far savin: tbe
rncnrr' hams, Thfhwsbeearlv
mdny Banning, and have burned to
varying Hretions ever in, devastat
ing a solid stretch of $0 mills of bills.
Ottawa. Oat.. Scot. 17. The Rne.
dtoa Rairway eomen teste baa mads aa
ndtog all rafheed la Ce
sses, which an tot eresti seal bene-
neas, s oweet taetr eeedetors to -
Bsagma to Paced by United sen tea
emlsprntsan asnstola,
i IsBaaBHeBwaaeBwaBBnnwBn
Fug Interstate Commleelon WIN Sit or)
Coast la October.
Washitwton. Sept. 17. The entire
Interstate Commerce oommlesion will
visit the Pacific coast this fall and eon-
duct hearing on all complaints af rec-
ord from that section. Tb hearings
will begin at Seattle, October and
after clearing tb Washington docket,
tbe commission will mov to Portland
on October 14, and to San Franctoeo
four days later.
Among the questions to b heard are
the allegation that various distributive
rates in the Northwest ar exceosire.
Testimony will alas he taken an vari
ous complaints affecting the contem
plated rearrangement of all traimeon
tinentel rates to Pacific coast points.
Most of the large cities have entered
complaints which will be beard. In
most Instances where time permits, tbe
commission will bear arguments after
bearing testimony.
Among cases on which testimony will
be taken at Portland are: Oregon
Railroad commission vs. O. R.' A N.
and other roads; Farmers' Co-operative
Educational onion vs. Great North
ern and others, and Astoria chamber of
Great Northern.
At Seattle the commission will take
up the following: Portland chamber
of commerce vs. O. R. A N. and others ;
Transportation bureau, Seattle cham
ber of commerce, vs. Northern Pacific
and others; Humboldt Steamship oo
pany vs. White Pass A Yukon route, of
Alaska; F. S. Harmon vs. Lake Short
A Michigan Southern railroad, and Se
attle Frog tt Switch company vs.
Northern Pacific .
At San Francisco a long docket It to
be beard, the most important ease be
ing that of tbe Pacific Coast Jobbers'
A Manufacturers' association vs. South
ern Pacific and other roads. ,
Bellinger Denies Rumor,
Washington, Sept. 16. Secretary
Bellinger is suffering from sore throat
today and on the advice of his physl
cian to not at bto office, Ho has been
ordered to'' remain at homo as quietly
as possible and expects to be back at
work in a day or two. He will depart
for the West Saturday and will meet
President Taft either at Denver or
Helens. Secretary Bellinger denies
tbe report that be contemplates resign
Ing from the Taft cabinet, as pub
lished la yesterdsy's dispatches.
Land Withdrawn Front Entry.
Washington, Sept, 16, The secre
tary of the Interior has withdrawn
from entry south west quarter of
tkm 29, township 25 south, rang 14
east, hi Lake county, Oregon, until tb
geological survey can make aa
ination of tb peculiar formation en
this land, known as Fortrock. If this
land mark to considered of sufficient
importance, it will be permanently re-
eerved aa a national monument,
Hitchcock Owning West.
Washington, Sept IB. Postmaster
General Hitchcock left Washington to
night on a trip to tbe Pacific eoast, go
ing by way of New York city. He
will arrive in Seattle la tin to be
present at the Washington state post
masters' convention, September 20 and
21. Ha will attend aleo tb conven
tions of tbe Oregon and Montana post
masters. Irrigation Contract Awarded.
Washington, Sept. IB. A contract
has been awarded D. H. Trapbagen, of
Seattle, for tb construction of that
portion of tb distribution system f
tbe Tieton Irrigation project an tbe
Natch Ridge, Wsshingtoa. Tbe
work involve tbe execration of 117,-
700 cubic yards of material. The eon-
tract price was $81,600.
Taffs Secretary at Whit Heuee.
WashiiMTtoav Sept. !. Fred W.
Carpenter, secretary of the preeident,
and Rudolph Forstor, en f the as
sistants eeretaries, who were at Bever
ly, Mass., have returned to Washington
and assumed their duties at the White
House. President Taft will at all time
be to easy communication with Wash
Spencer Cddv Resign,
Washltigton, Sept. 18. Th State
deoertaent today received tb resigna
tion f Spencer Eddy, ef Illinois, min
ister to Roamartia and Servla. Mr.
Eddy's wife, to the datightac of John
D. Spreckeie, of Sea Diego, III health
to given as tbe anas for Eddy's rsaig-
He Derended Jena Surratt. .
' Weshingtoa, Sent. 18. Judge W.
F. Morris, former chief jestlee ef the
eenrt af wppeato far la Dtotrtot at
C i lam tli, died today, aged 74 years.
Jeans Merrto aef ended Jean H. Bar
rett, on ef the alleged
Court f Equity Is Heerine; OrecofV
Homestead Case.
Waahlagtoa, Sept. SI. Proceeding
looking to compelling the patenting of
the loag-suBpoadeSrSUets homestead en
tries is Oregon were begaa la the court,
of equity Is this city today. Steanaaa
A Loug tires,' local representatives of A.
W. Lafferty, of Portland, filed a bill 4a
equity praying for a order restraining
the secretary of the Interior -and the
commissioner of tbe general land office
from promulgating final decisions now
in bourse of preparation, directing the
cancellation ef the entries la question
uatil the ftaal hearing oa a bill for a
mandatory injunction compelling the to
luenes of final receivers' rerelpts as of
dates of reception of final and eohuna
tatioa proof at the Portland land of-
These eases were adjudicated by the
Interior department upon contests filed
ageism entries long after the lapse ef
two yean from the dates oa which
proofs were received t the Portland
office, and it to contended by counsel
for the.elainiants that the department
acted without Its power la authorising
proceed in ge aader contests filed' after
that period, it being argued that sab-
misJos to ths regieter and receiver of
proofs, regular la form sad nobjee
tionable, entitled the claimants to final
receiver's receipts oa taw dates waea
such proofs came la the hands of the
register, and the receiver had later, It
is alleged, defaulted la his doty under
law la withholding the tosuaae of
such certificates at that time.
Counsel contend that the issuance of
receiver's certificates was a ministerial
act, which might have beea compelled
by mandamus, Inasmuch as the proofs
when received at the Portland office
were unobjectionable. Had the certifi
cates been issued whea tbe proofs wers
presented et Portland, the contests
brought more than two years after the
making of proofs would hays been
barred by the provisions ox the act of
March 8, 1891.
No Fundi Available to Oantfnu Irri
gation Work.
Washington, Sept 18. It was an
nounced today that tbe government
will not at the preeent time undertak
tbe construction of tb Malheur irriga
tion project.
Secretory Bellinger, though anxlou
to help settlers la tb Malheur eon
tract country, finds after a study of
tb entire irrigation situation, that
the condition of tb reclamation fond
will not now justify tb adoption of
any new project. Many millions af
dollars. In addition to what to a pres
ent available, are needed to complete
projects In course of ooastraetioa and
as ths adoption of now projects would
seriously interfere with finishing what
has been heretofore undertaken. It baa
been decided temporarily to lay aside
all applications for new work. This
decision to spprovsd by President Taft.
Tb question whether or not the
Meinour project shall be built by pri
vate eaterpris be not been paasid
upon, and probably will depend largely
upon tbe attitude of landowners. How
long It will be before tbe Mainour pro
ject can be undertaken by the govern
ment to purely a matter of conjecture. .
' Hew Governor of Porto Rico. .
Washington, Sept. 16. It was an
nounced tonight that ths president
would appoint Oeurge R. Col ton, of
tb District of Columbia, as governor
of Porto Rico. Mr. Cotton first went
to tbe Philippines as lieutenant eokmel
of a Nebraska regiment. After that
h was made collector of oastoojs at
Manila. This office he now balds,
having come home o leave of abeeneo
to assist ths bureau of Insular affairs
la preparing tb Philippine tariff bilL
Consider Promote
Wsohlngtoa, Sept. 17. Tb follow
ing promotions have ben mad In tbe
Veonsulsr servlcai Devid F. Wilbur.
of New York, from eeoeel goueral at
Halifax to consul at Kobe, Janaai
net W. Ragedale, California, frees
consul at BL Petersburg to osnsul gen
eral at Halifax. Ragedale entered the
eoneeler eerviee Ot Tientsin, Chine, in
1897 and was transferred to St. Peters
burg la 1908.
" Show Disgust With Peery. ' '
Waehtogtoa, Bent, 15. "Pots bnrnV
tog to a cam toman's job; the scientific
vale of the discovery to very slight."
said Henry W. Perkins, acting snper-
totosxtoat of tbe oast geodetic survey. .
aw. All Weehuwtoa replies: "If
that to tree, why, la heaven's
seat the aseetlea of tb victory
settled km a 1 1 I i n Ilk mssmiT