The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, September 24, 1909, Image 2

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1 - J
Newsy Items Gathered from All
Parts of ttie World. .
Less Important but Not Less Intar-
ting Happenings from Points
Outsido the Stat.
British authorities car m fatalities
are' decreasing.
An Ohio schoolboy has had hia akull
broken through, hazing.
Loa Angeles girls are to buy an' air-
. thip ana tottr contests.
The Omaha street ear system ii com
pletely tied op by a strike.
New Zealand la to build one Dread
naught and on cruiser lor England.
An immense graft in county affaira
baa, been unearthed at Wilkeeberre, Pa.
The bank elerke wanted in Victoria,
B. C, lor passing bad checks, have been
, caught in New York.
The Wright brother promise more
flights, in which, they will make new
records with their machine - -
The German government la likely to
reject Joont Zeppelin 'a airship, because
it is so bulky aa to be faulty.
Ex-Supervisor Oalligber, of Ban
Francisco, ia to retire on his stolen
wealth. He ia now safe from promo
tion on account of the statute of limi
tation. Governor Johnson, of Minnesota, has
offered relape and lies at death's
Too national convention of bankers
haa declared against postal savings
The high court 'of dt PeUrabarg la
passing out wholesale sentences on the
mere word of spies.
Y. Uchida, now Japanese ambassa
dor to Austria, will be transferred to
the United States.
Wee tern Canada" trades anions are
making a fight against using Oriental
labor on toe railroads.
In speech at Winona, Minn., Pres
ident Taft declared the present tariff
law the beat toe country ever bad.
The steamer Nicholas, en route from
Havana to Oienfuegoe, went ashore on
the Isle of Pines and 9 Uvea were lost
The Great Northern and St. Paul
promise a 6ft-hour schedule from Chi
cago to Seattle in the fight for mail
Dr. Cook ears he haa records) wbkh
will prows be was at the Pole and will
convince the skeptics aa soon as he
reaches the United States.
The Interstate Commerce commis
sion will Investigate the reasons for
the Santa Fe withdrawing its offer to
put on fast mall train to the Pacific
A temperance wave la sweeping over
London's new non-tip hotel Ii mak
ing a great hit
The forest Urea In Southern Califor
nia continue to grow.
Governor Johnson's physicians an
nounce that be will recover.
Mexicans attacked and atoned the
Austrian consulate at Mootereyx.
The damage to the Portland Floor
ing mills plant ia placed at 9300,000.
Peary ears be will be glad to refer
the Pole controversy to aa arbitration
A new pretender to the Persian
throne haa appeared and troops have
boon sent to wppreaa him.
The Russian cabinet haa decided that
the caw ia supreme in all matter re
lating to the army and navy.
Walter E. Clark, the new govt net
of Alaska, says there araat be peaes
between the rival political parties. ...
Two Loa Angeles men. both over BO,
fought over a woman who m 76. One
ef the escnbatants Is In tho hospital.
Robbers attempted to bold op a Rio
Grande train In Colorado, but did not
succeed in getting into the express ear.
The widow of Class Spreekles baa
awarded W.000,000 of her bus-
It now stems ss though the Chleeao
streetcar men will win their ftgbt with
the company.
Witltiem It Wallace baa been chosen
far the Democratic easxttdato for saay
or of Salt Lake.
Jesses J. Hill says toe mony people
are going to she ei lies bMteaa ef stay
tag ca the farm.
Tfesinds ef acres of nsstors and
has been bnmsd ever In Ba
ity, Cat. by forest Iran.
rVary reiterates the be hi the eery
white saesi whs over saw Mm Pols and
awosaiaea to llspmi Caska claim.
Yield Eatbnattd at 168,886,000 Bush
els of Wheat.
-Ottawa, Sept. tl.Aa official state
meat of the grain harvest of Canada
has just been issued by the government.
It gives eatimatea ef production, com
puted from report of a large staff of
eorrespondenU, and although totals are
somewhat lees than those of e month
ago for wheat and barley, they still
show that Canada 'has reaped aa im
mense harvest.
The wheat crop la put down at 168,
386,000 bushels, giving an average of 22
bushels an acre, and barley at 57,000,
000 bushels, or 81 bushels an acre. The
yield of oata is 865,000,000, or 88 bash
els an acre. -
One thing is assured, that the Cana
dians have reaped the biggest and moat
profitable grain (trop the country ever
haa produced, and with present prices
they will have an enormous aum added
to their spending powers. It is esti
mated that a surplus of 9100,000,000
will go into the pockets of the farmers
Aatrononier Points Out
crepancy. In Story.
ROME, Sept. 81. According to the
well-known astronomer, Sigaor Fran
ceseo Faeeie da Schio, of Bergamo, the
moon absolutely disproves Commander
Peary's claim to having discovered toe
North Pole.
In hie dispatch to- the New York
Times the explorer states that April-9.
having accomplished the six atagea he
had planned, he was favored with an
opening in the clouds which permitted
him to take astronomical observations.
From these be established hia position
as latitude 89:67.
Signer Faeeia points out, however
that unquestionably accurate astrono
mical calculations show that with the
horizon at 89:57 the moon could not be
eeen at the time indicated bv Com
mander Peary, because from mlddav,
April 5, Paris time, or 6 o'clock, central
standard time, the declination of the
moon became negative, that la to say
the moon was below the equator, which
is tha natural horisoa of the pole.
Forestry Service May Bo Put Under
Interior Department.,
Washington, September 11. As a re
rait of the Piaebot-Ballingcr row, the
administration may later determine to
recommend the transfer of the forest
service from the department of agrieul
tare to the department of the interior.
Such a change caa oaly be made by act
of congress, and it probably would call
for considerable pressure from the preei-n
dent la order to get the aeeessay as
thority, especially If Oifford Pinehot ia
permitted to rental n ss chief forester.
The forest service, in the opinion of
most wee tern men in congress, Is mis
placed hi the department of esYtenl
tnre. It aas nothing in common with
the other bareaus of that department
but ass mneh in common with the sen
era! land office and geological survey,
both or wnicn are bureaus of the de
partmeat ef the interior. Ia itc pros
eni situation, tae forest service is. or
until recently was. ia effect aa iade
pendent bureau, subject to only nominal
supervision by a cabinet efllcer. That
is why the forest service was allowed
to grow np te the agricultural depart
ment, end that M why Mr. Pinehot haa
always opposed transfer to the interior
Graft m Russia.
St. Petersburg, Sept. il. Despite the
secrecy of tae- amsatoa war office, i
aeeadal which promises to involve prom
incut etViats in the army haa leaked
ont. A geaeeal in command of the
province had for years bees drawing
pay for the oncers and the seen ef
at (ma laid battery which exists oaly
on paper. To keep She freed from be
ing diwoverert, tae general ahowed tha
ami battery twice to the Inspecting of
Srera wao vteitea ate barracks oeeanioa-
ally. He would show one battery, then
another, and while the inspecting oil
cere were viewing the second, tha tret
battery won Id be rashed te another gar
rrseo, where- the. troopers were . rein
-. . " f
, Ryan Succeeds Roarers.
Milwaukee, Sept, BL Joha Ok Ryan,
of New Verb, was ceactcd e director of
the Chicago, Milwaukee 84. Panl
RelTmed Compear today, to anei
Henry R. Rogers, deceased. Donald
fMSM-Neeeeds hia father on" the di
lettante. Romwen Miller, Will La
Keekefrller and John A. Stewart were
re-eleeted. David L. Bash was appoint
ed Moeral mnnger, and H. h Karline,
ex-geaeral auperiatendent of the Ohl
esgo, Milwaukee A Puget Sevnd
breach, becomes general Mperiateedeat
ea the, whale system.
cPmdhnn Fee foe SS.OOO
Ostend. Beet. 81. Louie Pnataaa. the
Preaeh nvmrer, eying in n Toisla bi
plane here today, wea a prta ef SSOOO.
He covered 73 kUecnetore (46. miles)
la eae bear, at an altitude tanging from
20 to 909 fee. He amde his way up
ond down the toast Haa, pert ef the
time over the North Sea. In alightlag
tae aviator feS late the water. He
wea areeipUy raeveeS ay
t received no tojarias,
' i i
President Taft Declares Party Is
Bound Hy PlaoL
Prosldorrt Jya Government Haa Now
Reached Stags Where It Mut
Be MoreTThan Pellca Tores. ,
afilwaokee. Wis., Sept 18. Presi
dent Taft devoted Us principal address
In Milwaukee at the Bute Fair
groonda, yesterday to the subject of
postal saving! banks, which be strong
ly endorsed before a large and en thus i-'
astie gathering that overflowed the
grandstand. - The president said that
the postal savings bank plank In the
Repablican platform bound everybody
who called himself a Republican.
"If they do not like a plank In a
platform," said Mr. Taft "or if they
don't like the platform itself, they
to be flepeblieans or they are
Republicans with an exception, and
that Indicates n free and enlightened
and discriminating people. But I am
hero to uphold the doctrine of postal
savings banks because I believe they
will fill a long-felt want hi this coon
try. In the first place It is said the
postal savings bank is a very paternal
institution; that It has a leaning to
ward Socialism state Socialism and
tost It imi puses to take the banking
boslnces oot of the bands of private
parsons and pot 1ft Into those of the
government. No, I am not a Socialist,
and I am net a paternalist, and I am
not In favor of having the government
do anything that private citisens ean
do as well or better; bat there are con
ditions. Ws have passed bevond the
time of what they called the 'Laiases
Pairs' school, which believed that the
government ought to do nothing bat
ran the police force, and we do not rec
ognise the necessity for the Interfer
ence of the governmeit becaaos it has
great power sad gkott veeouieee be
hind it, and bacaose sometimes it eon
stand the lack of an immediate retain
on capital to help ont We did it In
oar Pacific railroads. Ws have done
it in s greet many different waya, and
in this particular postal savings bank
business the government la especially
fitted to do what any system of private
bankers ean do. -"The
great nsefalosas of the postal
savings banks lies la the groat encour
agement to thrift on the part of those
who are just wavering In the ' balance
whether tbey shall esve the money or
ass it because they don't know where
they ean put It safely. -
"Canada baa the postal saviors bank.
and what la tha result along the border
in too Northwest Yon And Americans
going up to the border and snaking de
posits in those savings banks. WbyT
Because tbey have thekuarantee of the
Canadian government' gems'
President Taft said the smvernment
had issued upward of $700,000,000 t
per cent bonds of the United States
and floated them at par, at I per sent
a nttie
" We did it by getting the banks Into
a corner so tbey had to have, under the
soens government security, and so
they were obliged to buy those 1 per
cent bonds, be said. In closing, Pres
ident Taft said : - -
"We are mokina forward I bona
with confidence, to n readjustment of
our whole financial system. Certainly
it needs it, and It baa been sumatod
that the savings bank might well await
that I am bound to aav that I don't
tbo necessity for m vol vine; thess.
It seems to sac that, cam system can
stand by Itself, end If ws adopt the
savings banks tbey will easily be work
ed into a general svstem of booking.
because the savings banks wfll famish
no tve or six hundred mill ions of dot
lara. and tbaf lea vervtktv pile to have
around for the government to one le
gitimately to order to carry cat any
Dnanctal operations.
- Old Kindness Reemrdow.
Msthusu, Mass.; Sop. l.One of
those strange legacies bobbed op in
Metboen today when It became known
that Mrs. George Bremer had received
from attorneys ia the Scflly aihanda the
information that Q. hUbntock. a m
Ms she and her mother befriended
hi Betmedn, bad-willed bar about
000,000 to railroad eteeha and beade.
When Mm, Bremer mot Elhstiek to
Bermuda eae then wao Bmssaxried. and
with bar snother did moo little kmd-
asa for him to hm soi earn Bowes
SO years ecd at the tkms.
New York, Sost IS. Auumdhay to
a Wall street ssHiillin, "it sea be
stated ssi the highest asjIbwHj" that
Mr. Harries no's insnirtf nmoacitod to
between l7n.000.SM smi 14000 00.
Chicago Investigations Promise Hugs
. Scandal in County Affairs. :
Chicago, Sept 80. A gigantic sob
piracy for the "fixing" of grand
juries of Cook county, extending back
over a year and culminating La the
fraudulent certification of names for
the October grand jury, was revealed
today, when State's Attorney Wayman
secured bench wanants for John J.
Holland, secretary of the Cook county
jury eomminion; Jury Commissioner
Willis J. Baybura, and Nicholas A. Mar
tin, Alderman Michael Kenna's secre
tary, oa a charge of tampering with
The warrants were lamed today by
Judge Jesse A. Baldwin, of the circuit
The charge against the three is that
they conspired to' draw names of grand
jurors in a manner other than that re
quired by law.
Coming at the height of the trial of
Inspector MeCann for .alleged grafting,
the newa of the action based on alleged
tampering with the jury lists caused
great excitement in legal and political
circles. The complaint on which the
warrants were, issued were drawn up
by a special agent of the state's attor
ney, who has been investigation: the
jury-drawing methods for weeks.
Under the state law the names of
prospective grand jurors are selected
at random from a sealed box contain
ing 'the names of 1500 citizens who
have been examined for jury service
by the jury commissioners and their
fitness certified. A similar method is
prescribed for petit jury lists.
French Lace Manufacturers Hard Hit
by American Tariff,
Paris, Sept 20. What France thinks
of America's new tariff schedule is be
ing evidenced in no uncertain fashion
these days, and the attitude of Freneb
manufacturers generally Is correctly ex
prosed by lace and tullemaksre of
Calais, which has thrived for genera
tions On its filmy products, with the
women of the United 'States its be
customers. -
Aa a direct result of the 70 nor sent
tariff on laces and tulles, which the re
cently adopted tariff law of the United
States has marked up on this clam of
manufactures, Calais is threatened with
toe iocs of many inhabitants.
Former great prosperity of this city
has dwindled almost to the vanishing
point Conditions have anally become
so aggravated that long-established bos
ineee men ere abandoning theie estab
lishments and moving away from the
city. Feeling runs high in Calais
against employers. .
Doctor Says Foolish to Go Abroad
.for Treatment. '
New York, Sept SO. Dr. Lewis Liv
ingston Seaman, one of the delegates
to the recent international medical con
gress at Budapest, arrived on the
steamer Campania from Liverpool, and
vnoouragingiy on tae showing
made by America and tha nteo nt
the congress.
The Americans are far ahuA t
other nations in many branches of sur
gery ana medicine," mid Dr. Beeman
"aa ahown by the testimony end the
exhibits at the congress. This is par
ticularly true in the ease of Annan iH.
eitis, whom we excel both in the treat
ment of the disease and the technique
of the operation."
Speaking generally. Dr. Seaman mid
it was the height of insanity for Ameri
cana to SO abroad for trtint h.
foreign specialists when there are phy
sieinns at home who could "walk all
around" the European medical mcs.
(Japanese May Soon FN.
SHANGHAI, Sept 10. The interest
Ing announcement la made that a so
ciety for aeroaaatle research has been
formed ia J span, nnder the title of the
Temporary Military Balloon Investiga
tion Society. It is to consist ef 80
members, selected from officers on the
aetive liet of the army and navy, end
from mea of asienee la general. The
selection ef the president and members
will be amde by the minister of war
with the approval ef the cabinet. Noth
ing ia definitely stated ae to the pre
vision of funds, but apparently the duty
""'I we enterprise will devolve
upea toe desert ami te ef war and navy.
Orasehoppera to Caftravrrfs.
San Bersardioo, Cel., BepVtO This
city was overrun met sight by millions
of gTassheppem that took -
of the streets and disappeared mrste-
Tiomsly this smraiBg. Lest eveaias
myriads of the insects msec their an
pearaaee, UteraDy covering the streets
and sidewalks hi the baciaoss and resi
dence sections ef the eity. Thev dis
appeared with the approach of daylight.
Accordiag to reporta from Highland and
otter points in the valley, the peat to
confined to this city. No -gi u
crepe has been reported. ,
. Mentcan Floods fmgtog.
htexiee City, Sept. i A special dts-
pateh from the teem ef Tnxapaa, aw
the port of Tampiee, aaya: the river
soddealy rem met abrM, aad the West
ern part of the eity is Inundated. The
water to rletog aearly. Beperts from
ovUytog ranches are meat eJoratfng.
Wasnr sis feet deep Is res art ad trem
i will he great
Portland Company Sustains Lost;
of 425,000 te rianC
nsuranco Amounted to S32ft,O00
Spontaneous Cornbusuon Was --
Causa of Oontugratton,
Portland. Sent 16. 8mnt.
combustion and aubeeqoent explosion
or Hour dost on too fourth floor of tho
local mill of the Pmtfand Plnnrin.-
Mills company, set fire to the plant at
8 :0 o'clock yeoterda'morning and al
most completely oestroyed the machin
ery and buildinga. Tbo low is eeti- '
mated at about $426,000 on machinery,
structures and grain, with insurance
amounting to $325,000. The boiler
room, mam engine, warehouse and .
contents were saved. -
Customers of the Portland Flouring
Milla eompanv will not suffer mm m r. -
salt of the disastrous eon flan-rat tan of
yesterday. Receipts of grain will not
be lessened and business of the
will be bandied as usual. In addition.
to the mill destroved. the eommnv nn
orates 14 others, and it Is the Intention
to divert a portion of the product of
thess mills to Portland for the porpceo
ox projecting customers In this district
Oriental orders now on band, and enters,
for shipment to California will bo
promptly filled.
Work of rebuilding tbo plant will
boffin as soon ss rjoasinle. A arm
the insurance adjusters complete their-
work, the process of tearing down tbo
wrecK win commence. The now plant
will bo larger, and modern In every -respect
Two fireman were mmmI hinMi
and n Japanese killed dorin the nm. .
gross of the fire.
Czar Is Massing Groat Army In Si- ;
. oenan i armory.
Victoria, ft. C fUn 1 A drhi. i
massing a great army in Siberia, four
or five barracks are being boilt and
extensive fort locations made and apse-
uiniron as to a second war with Japan
is a common topic of conversation, 'vf
among the Russian militarv men. said
A. B. Denbigh, a Russian whore- '
turned from Siberia nod Mongolia by
the steamer Kaga Mara today.
"I was told that there were at least
600,000 troops in Siberia." Hid Mr.
Denbigh. "Troorw are mrtwii .m.
erywbero. Tbo number of troops aro
from four to five times tbo 'number inr "'"
Siberia before the war. At Vladivos
tok, before I left there . .
of 66,000 troops and not one man was
n irvut wo iorancattona. I sup
pose at least aa many mors soold have
Denbigh brought news of n rich gold
strike by Russians in Monmlln. nboafc
SV or 60 milea'dietant fMm If i.kt. k
hia walled 4t ku i.
tariao one of the stopping places of
w Gwanni irom unina. , ,
Mexican Ruler Celebrates-Workmen
Move Him to Tears.
Mexico Cite. Sent, it n -i n.
flrio Diss. Dreaidmt nt Uw .u.
bratad bin 7vth birthday anniversary
yesterday. Bo received greetings
from manv fniwiam nntAa
diplomatic corps sod consular body
Were aariv at tha niu n..4
States Anibasssdor Tbompeon and Con-
mi ueoem urier, or bweden, oongrat
nlated the president Dies, who is in
Splendid health, xealtna-l bmmA
those aalutatloDa. a body of work
men expressed tha bops that Dies
might yet rule Mexico for many years,
and their enthusiasm moved the presi
dent to tears. fVaninaat hiu k
cupied his office for SS years. Ho ban
oaen renominated for the term com
mencing to ltlO and ending six years
later. .
Gtevmim Johnson Ssrvous.
Roebaotor, Mimw, Sept. 1C Cov
eraar John A. Johmnan. wha .
mtma w n si, niarys noapttal ,
yesterda for am mtaatinal h
wss somewhat Improved late last night
and bio nhysieians amid that be weak!
survive the night Dr. C W. MeMevin,
beuss pbyokrton, hmoed the following
bulletin: "Cow mm
taken a tore far the bettor. His pnlas
Is hattec, being down to Is. Bio ab
dominal peine have bean relieved bv
vosai ting and he has apparently pnosed
the nnt erieie of the shack." ,
Lavotl Owaarwaw of S. P.
Mow Terk. Sent. IS. The ad
"'" the Sosthara facile rail
wey today tinted Jadge Hubert S.
Levwa r ef she exieeUn eose-
mhtossff the board. Jneob Sehuf awd
Wtnmm Seekssnllsr sjesnotoitedi
hers ef the
bam of the