The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, September 17, 1909, Image 5

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    lone Proclaims
lenc, OrefOfc Sep. 17. 90fl,
Iooe Town Officers
vitw . i -Ci J- Plinlnjum
ynnnmi...! ...
I'nnlUtala '.1
.....T.J. tn
... W. 0. Cuon
T. ferkini
S. fr. Wilmot ,
ft! HkWorMa
f '.mnkJEnsalnua '
orncwu or apuwb oimucr
Clark... , - T. PetklM
DlfMWIt.... iw.c. uwn
P1W0 (S. I Stratum
; orricMU AT thi uuiiURDorrKS
Renter i ......C.W. MoUf
KuL vr Uoi( H. ArnuoB
LodM Meat M PoHnw:
U.tnni- WulniwdaT nlabl M T OMMStSK
the Am loll moun ui earn monu.
KabebfttiffiratJuid third Tuur"Uy mlg
'i(!;n!n?.o wis w. o. w No. m am first
and tlilrd BiiiritT vantaff l eh in nth.
jioJAN I. u. o. F. No. jvi, ante
Tint liiVHtlaynlt-btUilorctn.
loraii Hal? left Tuesday for
efio't racatioij in the Valley and
wiU ivttend tbe fair at Salem whila
MrfrHiodfo and her sister, Mrs
Rice from California, came Satur
day to viait their fathersiid mother
Mr and Mrs Alex Young.
Grandpa Blake ii about again
and we are pleased to' nee him on
the streets' occasionally. ' ." '
FOR SAIE Oil bflrrels.(r2gul-
lou) tl, each at the IV.ver House.
K Miller, City Engineer.
Ed Ball and John Drinnon dropp
d in at French Burroughs amlhad
a good dinner, Sunday.
Well the 'Dummy" has quieted
doirn and gone to work for J L Kin
caid,and weareH pleased' for he
is the limit, and Mr Kincniriis the
only man that can hold liini clown.
T W Morgan was in from Goose
berry popping, Mouday.;
G Gilt and family were down to
French Burroughs 8unday after
fruit. . ! ;
The Deputy Bhenff, The Dummr
mod "Some one else" itol a chick
en from n' oat car at the station,
Roy Corner ipent a few days in
Tho Dallea on business last week
returning Monday.
The Hotel it putting up ae fine
food ae can be found out -aide of
Portland.' If you watt it food
dinner, go there and get it. You
will be pleased.
"The UcguiaW regulates every
thing from a 'threshing machine
anil auction sale to a watch-spring
Who? Ed Miller.' . "
Bill Watson returnul Monthly
from a business trip to Idaho. .-.
T II Brierly whs up from Port
land looking after his business in
terest! here and vinitingnld friends.
C T;
"AH communications, as far as
'possible, should reach us not later
than Tuesday nignU Please bear
this in mind and have communica
Ttions in on time." Editor.
Mr and Mrs E J Bristow left this
morning for Pendleton where Mrs
Bristow will visit friends while Mr
Bristow goes into the mountains
for a few weeks vacation.
Walter Eubapks went 'to Port
land for a visit ol a few days with
friende, Thursday.
Mrs Cogswell and .son were in
shopping Thursday
. Chas Knappenberg and Mr Her
man left today for Grants Pss
where they nil take their residence
upon the homeiteads they filed
upon Inst epting. These gentlemen
have made many friends while in
lone and will be missed.
In this issue will be foQndan ad
vertisement for the Palace Hotel
of Heppner. Read it and1 when
you are up there pntrouizeahouse
trho caros enough for your patron
age, to ask for it.
-. Anyone in need of lime, cemviit,
and shingles call and seeG F Par
ker before going elsewhere,
S E Moore left Thursday tor
Corvallis, Portland an other Valley
. T J Carte made a business trip
to Heppner Wednesday. , .
Mrs Khappenbergand little Joie
returned frdin Portland Wednesday
Mr and Mrs Rnfus Cochran re
turned from Poilltnd Wednesday
where Mrs Cochran has been un
thirsoiiig an operation.
kinds of New Stationery anl
W!hU dandy Birth-day Pottalcard
at the Chick PhahmacV.
Lew Davidson left Thursday for
a business trip to Portland.
Miss Muriel Cason cam down
from Lexington Wednesday and
will now stay here.
MrsCurrin left Weducsday Ur
Cotvallis to ship up her household
goods as sh will occupy her homt
here in lone while Miss Xemiir
tenches the . seiiooi known ns the
"Smith District", south at lone.
Johan Troedson of "Ella, was in
ldnedny and paid the Proclaim
i pleasant call.
i:hickeiu dinner with nil the
"fixin" iiKbe Hotel Sunday.
Addie Carlson was in Tm
dHr and oalled at the Procl aimer
Office while here, the and her fat h
er Were in tojneet her two sister
frbtn Portland and take thrm 't
'the ranch. '
Iletir SmonM and Mr Smith
left Saturday for a lew d-fs visit
in the Valley.
' The Walker Estate 'is harin?
you are imm m
And -from now until October ist.t
we will undersell all competitors.,
1 Cairat our store, and be con-
vinced that we are selling' 1 ;
goods at. prices that are
bargains which you can
not afford to miss.
Call at ourstons, and ask for what
ou wanf, Shfl Compare our prices
; we are out tot business and'
will give you a chance to
Everything in dry-goods,4adies and
gents furnishings, Hats, Shoes,
Glass-ware, - Crockery, Gro
4ceries, Hardware, etc, goes
at reduced prices tor
C A S H.- ,
Yours for business,
lotie,- Oregon.
A Complete Stock of-
Garpets and Window Shade
New 1909 Wall Paper. All Kinds of Fmiitr.e
Repaired and Refinlshcd. iroo Beds RcEnamelcp.
Anything not carried in stock wilt be ordered at a Reduction
IONE-, , . - - . . OREGON.
When in Heppner.
lone Proclaimer & Oregonian $2.
lt. Bot nml Clefliwwt Koonw, ?!ttl. AN Wiitc Ilelji.
3rd. Ket Mealts in the Titv. -Uh. Kn-c Man to& front lfjHit.
5th. llt Service, iltli. You want to go whore evorVuijr pH.
7th. You Are Always Welcome, '
Rooms .25, .30 4 $1. Meat 25 -ft 50cts.
f Maddock & Co. Props.
' (UN l WJW) ' '
A 520 Acre Soiin AUicae
veleraa Bounbg iwi
Issue! bylhe Department of
the Interior, Government of
Chnmla, Ottawa, umler the
Volii.nteer ilounty Act. 1A08.
Gooi for 32t) acres of any
Dominion ' laml oieii for
ejitry in Alherta, Saskatche
wan orllanilbha. Anyiwrwn
ovor tlie ape of IS yearn, hax
or WOM.VX, enn ao(juircj
this laud with thUCvrtifU'tft
whltout further charge. For
immediate sale, 8()0.0(.
Write or wire, L. K. Telford,
131 Shuter Street, Toronto,
Canad.. '
I TheUad'wgMagazmtX
I - of the West
I ArtUlM - sUaJsM 8tH
llUJjMk UWVM mmd M
brtMMtkv Starr NwRamtaf
aaWi B
awa.SMrtrfCVMtnO H '
m u v r- f. ff
. -t-" At
HUM, . ...
mart wrf mm M iMa
We Iutc 4 Special dubbicr offer
cow oo with the TacUU . Hofithlr
ami FrocUlao, Ur- - - VM
another big sal.