The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, September 17, 1909, Image 2

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Newsy Items Gathered from All
Parts ol tbe World.
Cms Important but Not Lees Inter
esting Happening from Point
Outsid th State.
Fairbanks bu left China on bio way
to Manila.
The Santa Fa ha withdrawn ttoor-
ders for faat traina from tb Eaat
Burglars succeeded in getting away
with jewelry valued at 1100,000 in
Spanish forces in Moroceo bar been
greatly reinforced and now nop to de
feat the Moors.
' Tbe first snow baa fall toMon
tana. Should it continue much uncut
grain will be damaged.
Hill has attacked tbe Southern Pa
eiflc land grant in order to force an
entrance into Southern California.
The Chicago, Milwaukee Puget
.Sound road has offered to carry mail
from Chicago ,to Puget sound in 59
' hours.
Pernicious anaemia and oedema of
tbe lunge was the chief cauae of Herri
tnan'a death, according to Or. Lyle,
hia physician.
Ex-President Roosevelt has been
named as a delegate to tbe world's mis
sionary conference at Edinburgh, Scot
land, next June 14 to 24.
Peary says he will prove Cook waa
never at the Pol.
Harrman lines are not likely to have
any more one-man power.
Canadiana are determined to re-open
the Bering sea sealing question,-
Harriman stocka did not drop on the
stock exchange as waa expected.
Lord Rossberry has left the British
, Radical party and Joined the Liberals.
Tbe first drawing in the Cuban na
tional lottery yielded the government
$100,000 profit.
. Latest advices say 10,000 lives were
lost in tbe earthquake which destroyed
Aeapulco, Mexico,
Chicago carmen are again endeavor
ing to arrange for arbitration with the
streetcar company.
The situation In Northern Mexico hi
still aerioua and there la much suffer
ing among the people.
Unusuat building operations through
out tbe United State is reported for
August. Portland shows an increase
of 28 par cent.
J. P. Morgan has offered financial
aid to Explorer Cook.
Wireless messages from the Pacific
fleet report it near Honolulu.
A movement has been started to
unit St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Harrlman'a fortune) la variously es
timated at from $60,000,000 to $100,
000,000. British people are Inclined to favor
Cook again! Peary after reading tbe
latUr's story.
During- bis trip through th Weet
Taft will explain tb new tariff bill in
bis speeches. .
Government suits Involving tltl to
ell land in California will be delayed
by the death of Harrlmao.
The party of Japan bosmss men
visiting th Coast express aurprie at
th magnitude of the country.
Cook baa sent for Eskimos to aid In
proving that he reached the Pole, but
they may not reach this country before
There la much a peculation as to Hsr
riman'a successor,.. Three men are
named in this connection, J. C. Stubbs,
R. 8. LoveU, and Joliua Knitscbnltt
Th Southern Pacific I to en tor tb
traneeontineotal speed sonteat,
Th voleano of Akutan, Aleutian
Island, Alaska, hi to violent eruption.
Lord Northcllff say Germany la
actively preparing for war with Groat
Britain. ,
Wealthy capitalists bav
rooted for coal land fraud,
ar Wy
Tom J on neon as been nomftted r
for mayor of Cleveland, Okie, by tb
Dmoerate. I
It to smki President Taft will so, j
tain Secretory Bellinger and that Pta-I
hot will nave to ff. .1
9y!?-foB''JrT--l '
aav beea Son Mod oy to controversy
ear who was Ant at th bask
' Senator MltewsU'i hairs I
thw salt to saps paying
against hiss by th
bfre hta
it tost
Appeal Made t) America for Suffer
er In Me Mi co.
Washington, Sept 14. Talea of
great suffering In the flooded districts
of Mexico as told in telegrams receiv
ed at the Stat department today from
Consul General Philip C. Henna,
brought forth another appeal tonight
from tbe American Red Cross society
for fund with which to. supply our
unfortunate neighbors of Mexico with
tbe necessities of life."
The loss of life and dee traction of
property is even greater than was at
first supposed, and it Is predicted that
great physical suffering will prevail
among tb bo melee during th fall and
Th destruction waa greatest in th
country and small towns between Mon
tereyand Mat mora. Mr. Hannasays
tb American consul at Mat mora r-
norts that nlac under water and a seri
ous condition of affairs exists and that
the railroads between Matamoras and
Monterey have been washed out.
"Wear tending supplies down th
railroad as fast aa it ia opened," says
Mr Hsnna.
He suggests that It might bs possl
bl for the American army in the South
west to co-operato with the Mexican
army and American and Mexican con
suls in assisting Mexican towns.
"It is believed by many," Mr. Han
na aald, "that more than 10,0000 live
hav been lost, and thousands are home
less." -
Storm Plays Havoc With Century-Old
"Plac of Peace." '
La Pat, Bala California, Sept 8. via
Guaymas, Sept 14. La Pas, th old
est settlement of th California, la in
ruin. Tb most terrific itorm ever
known has wrought havoc In and about
the old pueblo. Seven live are al
ready known to be lost and the shore is
irewn with wreckage from ships and
boats In tb roadstead. Jn many pla
th water is four feet deep in the
streets and some of tb thoroughfares
are channels for raging torrents.
Communication with th outside
world, except by a steamer, which has
juat stopped at th port, ia cut off and
tb greatest misery exists, especially
among tb poor townspeople, tbe mi
jorlty of whom hav lost everything
they bad in tbe world.
From the coon try districts come tb
nwe that th devastation tber baa
been great Without warning tb cy
clone buret on thia "Plac of Peace,
aeeompanid by torrents of rain. The
boats along shor and anchored in tb
bay were torn from their moorlnn and
most of them were battered in collision
or thrown upon tbe beach. Th sky
waa overcast and many believed the
end of tb world at hand, and crowded
tbe old mission church in a delirium of
Sanaational Disclosures Are Promised
at Chicago.
Chicago, Sept 14. Sensations! dis
closures are promised in tb trial of
Vincent A. and Joseph Altaian, charg
ed wita malicious mischief and arson.
A score of witnesses will b brought
oy uw sue in aa attempt to prove
mat Dotn were guilty of cauaing th
explosion and fir which wrecked lb
Standard Saab A Door company's nlant
ray 28, 1908, and their testimony, It
i claimed, will throw considerable
light on th entire series of bmb out
rages which bav token plac in Chi
cago in the last two years. '
Sercotary John J. Brittain, of th
Amalgamated Carpenters' union, aald
today that members of tb anion would
do ell in their power to aid the defense.
Assistant State's Attorney Benjamin
J. Snort, who will have charge ef the
prosecution, said that th reason, th
"Bomb 81" case would not b Heard
first waa that State'a Attorney Wav-
man believed It waa not as important a
case aa that of to Standard Sash A
Door company's explosion and fire, and
that tbe penalty was not so great
"Conviction in tbe ess to b tried
first mean a penalty of 29 years im
prisonment," be said, whil la th
'Bomb ST case there ie'no arson char
and th penalty for th offense to only
ton years,"
' Bsggsge Smashing to Ens).
Topeka, Kan., Sept 14. Tb bag
gag assaaher's day In Kansas ia ended.
The Kansas board of railroad eommts
ionere aa issued an order that bag
gagemen most not let tracks go tumb
ling down fvoss a ear door to tb brick
or stoc station platform. Recently
th baggg smashers have been mere
active than si. Th board ba had
any eomalainto f trunks being brok
, m damaged by tbe dropping from
tb ear door to tb platform when the
station agent did not front to poll aa a
tract, to tee ive th baggage,
- wtt to St Sovt Pol.
-ao-jiM, w 1M will stast
July his AiitartiexpodltoB. Cap.
tabs Baott said today hi plea meJaded
ta mm C tare
tkM by a solas and
Victor In Financial Battles Loses
- to Grim Reaper.
Secrecy preserved Until Stock Mar
ks Olosod Tim Misstated r
Whol Family Prnt.
Anton, Sept 10. Edward B. Hsrri-
th greatest organiser of rail
roads the world has ever known met
tbe only lasting defeat of his active
life at th bands of death. Secluded
in his magnificent home on Tower
Hill, ha raccumbed to an intestinal
disorder yesterday after a fight against
disss that will rank for sheer grit
with hla remarkable struggles in the
financial world.
The exact time of his death Is known
only in that limited circle of relatives
and associates who had shielded Mr.
Harriman from all outside annoyance
during bis last illness. Tbe time was
given out as 8:85 p. m., but sirs. Mary
Simonds, sister of the dead man, aaid
last night that Mr. Harriman died at
1 :80 p. m. whether this apparent
discrepancy has any bearing on the
current bllef that every effort was
roads to lessen tbe influence of the
financier' death on tb New York
stock market problematical. But it
lgnincani wac uw .urn oi nis
death, as officially announced, was just
86 minute after trading had csed on
th New York exchange.
Mr. Harriman died peacefully and
to th and his brilliant mind retained
its clesmeea. After a relapse ou Sun
day be sank alowly and soon after noon
yesterday there came a relapse that
marked tb approach of th end. His
wlf, two daugbters-and two eons, who
bav been constantly with him, assem
bled at tb bedside .and a carriage was
hastily dispatched for Mrs. Simonds,
whoa bom is three miles from tb
Tower Hill boroe. Mrs. Simonds en
tered the grat silent bom in tim to
b present at her brother's death. She
Joined tb wife and children, who.
with Dr. W. G. Lyle, of New York.
and Orlando Harriman, a brother, and
tb nurse, formed a group at the bed
Mr. Harriman will be placed at
reat In th'' family plot at the little
graveyard behind St John's Episcopal
church at Arden. H will rest - beside
bis eldest son, Edward H. Harriman.
Jr.. who died 22 years ago, soon after
th family first earn to Arden. Tb
services will beheld at 8:80 o'clock
Sunday afternoon, and, it k under
stood, will be strictly private
Edward Hsnry Harriman will go
down to history a on of tb most
spectacular financial genius, most
dsring stock spsculators and greatest
railroad magnate of hi tim. H
was born at Hempstead, I. I., Febru
ary 86, 1848, th son of Rv. Orlando
Harriman, Jr., rector of an Epiacopal
church In that town, founded ia 1708.
Tb rlT life of tb tutor man of
million was on of great poverty. His
father was a cultured but poor man.
his mother cam from an old 'aristo
cratic, but equally tmpscuaion family
of New Brunswick, ti. J,
Edward H. Harriman received hi
early education at tb district school
and supplemented it by a two years'
course in a boys' school under church
auspices, where tb son of clergymen
paid practically nothing ' for their otto-,
Edward Henry Harriman began his
career as clerk in a broker s offic on
Wall street H snowed no unusual
ability and .for many years gave no
promise of his later brilliant develop
ment. Socially be ww wall liked and
those who knew him at that tim d
cribed him as a aooiabto young man.
always full of fun. He was noted.
however, for a mind of hia own. What
be wanted be goners My obtained, but
hi deeiree and ambition wen, at toet
tim. at toast, neither vary sweeping
nor particularly faiDortoat
How be obtained hi start and to
fund which enabled hiss to boy a seat
on tb New York stock exchange, have
never bean clearl explained, Th
most widely ctptad explanation.
however, was to tb effect that during
tb famous "gold corner" engineered
by Gould: Fisk. Ki saber and others,
Kdwsxd H. Hsrrimas ptoriged with all
his own money and some borrowed from
' Coal Land Ttosvs Amatost
New York. Sent 10, Rnfa Inland,
George Dally, Frank T. Welle and W 11-
berforc Sully ar sndsr arrest her
charged with eontoirocy todefrssjd th
United State ewvesnsnent oat of 1.7B0
ere of coal land to Wyoming, aoar
Lander. All ar heU smtor 8600 ball.
They were indicted m May tl to ta
Federal district eswrt ef Wwshsg,
sJong with a wsmbat W stbosi, far al
leged land frauds eamssittad to that
stato. ItttJted that th dereext-
his brother Orlando, and cleared enough
to buy himself, in August 1870, a seat
on the New York stock exchange.
Young Harriman married early in life
and married very well. His wife was
Miss Mary Averell, of Rccheeter, N.
Y., whose father was capitalist and
a successful railroad man.
For a number of years th broker
firm of E. H. Harriman A Co. did
thriving business on Wall street. spec
ulating with its own fund and execut
ing commissions for tb Vandarbilto
and other wealthy capitalist clients. It
was not until 1888 that E. H. Harri
man came actively into the ratjroad
fieM. At that tim b bad become
known as a eapitallet on of tb few
who had gathered together great for
tune in the ten troubl years between
1870 and 1880. H was credited with
having in his strong box a fair list of
stocks be bad picked up at extremely
low prices during to various panics.
Along in 1888 he was elected a dl
rector of tb Illinois Central railroad.
Whether Mr. Harriman entered the
railroad field in accordance with an al
ready matured plan of hia or whether
bia accidental aequaintane with rail
road matter suggested to him th
enormous possibilities of acquiring th
control of larg railroad systems, is
not definitely known. At all vnta.
Mr. Harriman 's entry into tbe direct
orate of tb Illinois Central railroad
marked the beginning of bis eareer aa
a manipulator of railrcted atocks and
morgan iser of raiload systems which,
in th course of 10 or 16 years made
him on of th greatest railroad kinga
ever known in tb United States and
placed bim in control of more than 64,-
000 miles of water transportation line
and of railroad lines of an ttimated
length of 27,000 mile.
Tb railroads included in th Harri
man system were of sufficient mileage
to reach more than two and one-half
times around tbe globe. They com
prised the following:
Union Pacific, Southern Pacific, Ore
gon Short Line, Oregon Railroad ft
Navigation company, Illinois Central,
Georgia Central, Baltimore ft Ohio,
Delaware ft Hudson, Erie, New York
Central, Per Marquette, San Pedro.
Los Angeles ft Salt Lake, St Joseph ft
Urand island, St Paul ft Northwestern.
Harriman was in addition tb bead
of four steamship companies, on of
which operate steamers across th Pa
cific , He was also in tb directorate
of th Wells Fargo Express company,
th Western Union Telegraph company.
tn Colorado Fuel ft Iron, The Guaran
tee Trust sod th Equitable companies
or New York, tb National City bank,
and 81 other corporations.
Noted Army Man Psssss Away After
Long lllnssf. .
Now York, Sept 9. Lieutenant
General Henry C Corbio died in Roose
velt bospoital In this city yeaterdav
aiur an operation for a renal disorder.
Ueneral Cor bin would have been 67
years old in a few days. Mrs.' Corbtn
and ex-Governor Mvron T. Herriek
were at his bedside when death occurr
ed. He had been ill for two veara.
Accompanied by Mrs. Corbin and hia
daughter, Mrs. Parsons, of Ardslev.
N. Y., be went to Carlsbad for treat
ment on Jun IS last The waters
there appeared to bav improved his
condition after two weeks' stay, and be
returned to England, where hi former
troubl recurred and b want to Paris
to eon suit physicians. Th troubl de
veloped more seriously while In Paris,
and be determined to return to Ameri
ca. J. G. Schmidlapp, of Cincinnati,
met him in Paris and with Mrs, Corbin
they sailed for New York on tn steam
er Rotterdam, which arrived bar Sun
day. Tb genual was taken to tb
Hotel Martinique ta this eitv. and Dr.
Frank Erdwurm was mmmooed. Th
physicians advised that General Corbin
be removed to th Roosevelt bosnitaL
and fa was taken there on Mondav.
Tbe operation was performed Tuesday
morning by Dr. Lanesoa Hoschkias.
i IngKshmen He th Jok.
London, 8pt fc Th morning pa
pers apparently consider that tbe Polar
controversy has passed tb stag wher
serious comment will prove any useful
purpose. All statements from either
aid tending to throw light on tb di
puted point ar printed to full, but
most of the papers either refrain from
making editorial eoatssent or eonnne
themselves to a few semi-ha morons re
marks. Th Dairy News potato oat
th complete ureltobllity of video
from Eskimos, who sr likely to sag
anything calculated to pleas a. ,
Otter Hunting la Stopped.
Victoria, B. C., Sept 10. Word has
bsoa received by th Victoria Sealing
company that tb sealing schooner
Thosaaa T. Bayard, which ha baan to
Bearing aea hunting for sea attar, has
beea orderd from th hooting soond
by a United Stato revewa enttor. A
hunting for sea otter is not prohibited.
prates will be ssad to Ottawa with a
view ta having Miimmlsllii assd
to Washington.
-" WeAman Ohm Up Das. :
Chikwia , Sawt ft. A special dto-
psttoh frees Tim i i says tb Walter
WeUae. hi
for ta rotor ef all the as pi at
fresa Virgo bay.
Flashes News of . Discovery
Host Northern Point.
Brtof Mas sags Announce Succsss-
Aftor Lifetime of Effort No
' Tree of Cook.
New York, Sept 7. Peary has.
reached tb North Pol. It has beea
doubly discovered. From the bleak
coast of Labrador Commander Peary
yesterday flashed th news that be had.
attaned his goal ia tb Far North,
while at th same moment in Denmark
Dr. Frdsrick A. Cook was being dined
and lionised by royalty for tbe same
achieve ment
Yankee grit has coDqaerdthe frosea
North and there has been created a eo
ineidnc such aa to world will o ver
ses again.
Two Americans hav planted the
flag of their country in tbe land of ios,
which man baa sought to penetrate for
xour ceDiuries, ana escn, ignorant of
the other's conquest has sent -within a.
period of five days, a loooaconic maa-
sag of success.
A dispatch from St Johns: N. F..
says that Peary found no trace of Dr.
Cook. This news reached her last
night through Captain Robert Btrtleti.
ef the Roosevelt Peary's ship.
While t-eery doss not xoresslv ra-
pudiato Dr. Cook's contention in
many words, his Statement tnmw kn
an important bearing upon determining
the extent of Dr. Cook's xplorationa.
in Kooseveltwes in rood condition
and the crew all right Captain Bart-
lett wired, and b reported that th
schooner Jeannie, carrying supplies for
th expedition, had mat them off th
coast of Greenland.
Nw Schedules Being Arranged for
Pacific Coast Una.
Chicago, Sept 7. When tb Hill
line announoed flv days ago that they
would lop ton hoars off tb fastest
time between Chicago and tb North
Pacific coast potato thev inaoiru rated a.
speed war that has now spread over
tb entire transcontinental railway
map. in the Southwest territory, tb
fight Is on for tb mall con tracts, but
to get tbess, th roads must put on
faster and bettor trains. Tb Santo,
F proposes to eut ton boor off it
tim between Kansas City and Los
Angele and its rivals ar scurrying
in every direction and order ins? their
expert to "string" new scbeules, get
equipment hi th topmost condition
and bs ready to meet th tim of tb
Santa Fa.
Tn fight started when tb Hill
line apparently sought to forestall tb
St Paul road, which, with it Puget
sound extension, will soon b in posi
tion to make troubl to regard to rate
and mail eontracto.
Both of these moves took th ns.
petitors of tbe Burlington bv surnriae
and caused no end of scurrying and
Thro Shipbuilders Conaldar Locating
Tarda in Dominion.
Ottawa, Ont, Sept fc-Canad to
xtremely anxious to possess a war
fleet of its own and efforts are being
put forth to indue British shipbuilders
to locate piante on Canadian soil. It
is said three world famous shipbuilders
ar now considering proposals to locate
branch yard to tb Dominion and hav
ben assured that the Canadian govern
ment will grant every cone ion ta th
way of tariff or ta any other tin no.
Whil tb Canadian ministers .t th.
London conference on naval defense
hav kept tb government ben snVtosd
on th different stops of tbe negotia
tions, an official account of what has
hn ssnsad opes baa not ret been re
Girl Swims Nine Miles. '
New York, Sept 7. Adelin Trans.
20 years old, today swam nine miles
through th waters of Ball Gate from
tn foot of East Eis-htv-ainth stn.
mpantodby FrieciHa Hi ovine. . "
girl about bar ownge. Hiss Trapp
awarn ta tb wak of 40 sturdy swim
mers ox to United States Voluntary
Life Saving carp. Fifteen f tb
men swimmers were forced to give no
befer th fintoh and Mis HiggimV
nftor going ascot ef th dwtane waa
seised with eraorps. Mis Traop g
Parto, Bspt T.Whss
ew York ar now iwasfvsd or
totoreoptsd alssost dairy by th mili
tary etattoa th Eiffel tower. Os
r Isnalry radi toligiiim hav eke
heesi r tea fresa Osssila, watoh H to
believed km a ssswsd to wksesa.