The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, September 17, 1909, Image 1

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Morrow Gounty Is the Richest Gounty Per Gaplta In Oregon. . - ' " lone Is the Best Glty In Morrow County
Vol. X. 'No 90. ' , - - IONE, OREGON. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 17, 1909.' . WholeNo,55
; Fir Coed Wood
Slab Wodd
Any quantities desired
Call and gct- prices.
Wir.d River LeeKc
"JIM' 5"
25 cents
- - - JtM MHKTT, Pmk
I am certainly there with the fancy
liadrg tisket ul Mfrltt Ji eenectloi,
Svt rucrs. let Suirt vttfe U mt Mitt,
Now for a new f 451
We .have received our large new
; .t - -.
: tbc Bcsi mr scorn
We hereby guarantee t'o every crsn purchasing clothe
made by us and bearing our official label:
- That every order accepted by Vis is cut apd tailored in
strict accordance to customers individual measurments. .
That every yard of fabric tsed in ,the making of bur
clothes is of superior value and is thoroughly steam shrunk
and sponged. u ' '
Tbat trimmings anA linings are of the highest grade and
'absolutely dependable'. .
. That the tailoring is the best- thai taodern equipment
and skilled labor can produce. f v
That our prices are the very loyest consiitont trith the
superior quality of 'our product. . '
Suottld any Continental garment prove unsatisfactory,
and nnt na above represented
money will be cheerfully refunded.
it i
Mr it
li sre)srci a srM j
Letter Heads'
Not Heads
Bill Headi '
, Statements ,
. nvelaae
Cards, Etc
on usirtiunra.
25 cents
Hair cutting aad nnootb Shaving .
l- j -. .... ; ....
it may be returnee
Always on time
f er til kind f Baaliig
otrtot attention given lo
Uimbf Goal and Wood.
Wat&an & Conner
No. 1 1 nr. Yellow iHne
4 foot, ; -Body Oak.
Che B.Fdller, -Hood
Hirer, Ore.
4 - '
Bo'jne changes heva Uken place
in the train and engine crews of
the Heppner Junction & Heppner
Fast Mail and Express ol late.
Mr VV H Freeman is now the
permanent cunduclpr in charge
and relieved A Dyhimple, who
temporarily 111 led thr vacancy cant
ed by the promotion of "Daddy",
A F Wail, to a paasengsr run on
the main line, lietween Portland
and Pendleton. 1 '
Mr N J Heareoa k assigned to
Chief Engineer in place of George
W Phelps who was promoted to
running a passenger engins on the
main line and H A Bnntin has ac
cepted the aeat on the left-hand
Hide if ttm Cab to regulate ths fire
juice iti pliica of H Sehhinaman,
who aloo went to the main Una.
"Tim Hallway Postal Clrrk, t'lias
B Thuuipwon, taJtea his annual
leave of nbence oommenciiig on
the 16th. He is relieved by sub
stitiite clerk-, Kugens Netnats. Mr
Thompson and family wll visit
ralatives and friends at Portland
and vicinity and also visit tbo A.
YP Exposition during his absence.
Mr H E Harnkb, well known
as an all around railroad nan and
baae-bal! crank, and who is, at the
present tlAre ho Wing down the
position as bagf and axpresa
iieaeeviirer,''wiiiiiaeta vacauoa as
soon as a man, with tin required
ability, can b found to relieve
him. Ho 6as his doubts however
aa to finding trra tnan, with too re
quired vitality, until the appear
ance of the well known & H Burke
the regular messenger, who Is ex
pected to be back on or about tbo
30th. v
Mr Roy Her, the present brake-
man is soon expecting to bo called
to tbo freight service on the main
There is soma wide talk of try
ing to indoce the management to
extend the run of the local train
from Heppner Junction right on
into Portland It Would be much
pleaaanter to grt ibto a ooexh here
and be delivered to Portland end
way points- without hiving to
change can and twox three or
four hour wait at the Junction. Tbia
additional service would be a great
help to the other Branch lines and
lao give. Dj,a anday train. This
ia worth working lor andeveryone
that can bring any Influence to
bear on this proWothm should
get busy. '
Frank Evsrioa. began wauling
XL KineaioVa wheal iwt Wednes
day He aakee a trip even day.
can be had br ambitious vouns
men and ladles 4n the ftetd of
"Wrrelees" ot Railway UlegTmphy.
Since the Wrour law became affect-
ive,and since the. Wireless eeenpan
let ere eetobHsbhig atatfoM thrn-
out the ewtrnttr. there "H a great
shortage of telegraphers. Positions
pay beginners tremfTO to f80 per
eaonthf with good charms for ad.
vancetaenU .
of Pert I and, Oregon, operatef , six
ofkdal Institutes In Americas under,
aupervision of R. K.-end Wireless
Ofwciarahnd plaen all graduates
intopoaitiona. It wllrpayycm to
write item for full details. .
Wl VrtUM HMMl Th- r MlllSHt
fia amuaamant feature of tha
Portland fair, September 20 to 26,
Will be called the Home Stretch.
Tbert will be many kinds of at
tractions; and all of a high dais
and no oris can afford to miss this
fine feature. There will be some
thing doing all the time and who
misses the Home Stretch and the
Portland fair will be doig them
selves an injustice.
Among some of the attractions
are the Bronco Busters, Joy wheel,
Chariot Riic, Mimic, The 3ohe-l
mian Girls, Cmxy house-, Hell, Mer
ry Widow cottage, Plantation, etc.
There will also be a wireless tel
egraph staui'ii and domnnstratiohs
will be made daily.
The Union Meat Co will hare a
flue exhibit and mimr vf tlra coffee,
tea and spice houses will exhibit.
There will bo a barrel of fun and
don't sates it for thv will nthjs you.
C R Watt were over at Frond1
Burroughs Sunday getting fruit.
Hiss Wealltarford, e connin of
Miss Opal OecrvraH, who has been
visiting here, retnrned to her home
at Olex, Monday
Mre W K Coreon and eon who
bmve been away on a Vhtt foe the
paat month. rsturnedhowenday
' Don't cook dinner atvtdtnelSan-
day. Go to Uie hotel and sjoy ai
good dinner, without the trouble;
of cooking It.. ' , "
Mrs Jordan was pleasantly sur
prised Monday by having Mrs
Smith and danghter of Calrfornia
drop in on a few days visit. Mrs
Jordan and Mrs Smith are frirtnds
of long standing having been ne?gh
bora at Arlington, years ago.
Miss Dean lain visiting hei sis
ter, Mre Ed Engl emeu, for a few
days. - :
Miss Murtel am and lady
frland were down from Lexington
and spent Safdrday and Sunday.
Don't fall to look at th offer of
BARGAINS fn clerfn fresh gooda
at the LOWEST CJt&H itrfce ever
quoted hero, by anyone. Read
ALL this page, then call and R
convinced we mean wliaH we amy.
Harvdraeli ft Maeou,
Notice-Bflachke cf lone wish
esto notify- pariesonihoNorlhshin
who have etook rttnnjng' ut 'large
that H they don't keap (lism out
of hfs grain Ire will take ltUm np
and boinghem te Ions'tfc the Hr-
e-y stable where the oWntr 'will
have to pay chjtfffes. ..'.-.
' . . . ' ."
Please Gall
Pay Year
Xk Send It
We Needhe
l6n Proclmimcr and
(afUlo.ftllJ7)Noi Coal Unit
uartment ol tlia Interior.
Vi Land Olfica, Tli Unlle. Or.
Ao. lltb,1909
KotlwUhtr4bslraatht IUn o. Painri
OllM, Oftffan, WkvOlt loljrlttU,
Uommead, Xnliyt No nui, tor tiK4
Steilmi ' I, Ttowiaaktp' 1 Sontki
lUng . KaitWtlUiMtla Mr hi I alt. hat
Sled aoiltw o iniomiun to wM Vlnal
llVsmri 1'rwof, to.tl1lh cUtm oi)i
ftbOTattMcrlbitt.befnreTbeliwtfirr aMd lte
clrol th r a Lnl office at The- I)a)lr,On
ion, on m day ol Hetam1r. ISO.
Clalmaiil ilamoiai witHvwwi: Clm. Rltchl
V U Kay. K L FaatMrg and John Kill air vl
IttM, Orfo.
. - ir aoors
K lUOtV7144(l. A.M.
jiiiv so, v.m
Ill KM' AND kxTUV.
Notice ia lifrly rvi! that 1 1m Acting
Beoiatary ot the Irttvrior hm vnrnlfrd dv
parlmaittal ntir of vrfflidrHwal in an far
as Ui Kami affneti flie wfthdrawal (or -Irrltratinn'iutrpnsAi
nnrtcr ftieactof Juiw
17, 1W01' (35f Pint., Mt) for um in ooiiBrc
don whli tlm 1-nftlilla Frofart,iOtvon,"
of (lie following aeavribed laeda kj tlie
State of 'Oresou, ami by tia authrWtf
och of Kift irarts anliamnot biwn'liare
tolorv rtimlly ruttorwl anil are nototlitr
wiae withdrawn, rcimrreil oranaroprlat
ed, will lt imlijrct tn Mttltniiit under
the piibliii laitd iewvof flia'Unlted Ulntea
on and aftr OutobaMO, tlW, bnt ilinll
not be ibj!t to entry, flllngioreidactioti
until N4vnilr 1ft, lm, at tha Tailed
Utatee laml otllce at The Dallee, Orraon, .
warnluf being expraw-ly glrae that no
parsen wHI be pvtmitiad to tafn orexcr-
wiea a aerWhfchaJwtriaHitar ajty atuta-
nant or ooenpatin begun after J my ,
iflOt, and 'prior to OetoOar 10, IfiW; IT
aett ttlfennMitf acctiNition being f--bidden.
' :
Willamette rrfiioitai M pridian.
V.d N., R. 20 Yv, 1 to ,31 da
kHd 3 to &U iitul.
T.-5 N-. B. JW K , nil Sws. 1 to 18, S3 io
Bmri U toSttlnt:!.
T.aN.,-K. Itt all th t potion H
T. IrlK. WK , all. , i
T.-lli., U. tQ K., a' I port 'on fV
Oreaoi. ,
T. N., B. St , '
T. IN., K. SI .,)! Uiat ' poriloa 'n
T. t N-, H. a r-, mii ftoH.4 lo 0, 1I lo Zi
T. 8 N , R X K., t(. rf. Vt . mA 1
oath of Colombia Hliflr MiiaKac S,
0, letoSlaiMlSMtoIHiMt.
ft. V. Fromlnt, Acti-ig Oineaaaionr pf
the General Land Oltke.
Frank Fierce, 'First Aerittattt Seeetai
of the Interior.
it acre, abonl 7 miles fmni emf-
er o Portlnud, i mile fromelcclpiv
car nr cji ipiictti.
wnd in l:ne bearing uri'hnnl, olrt
wM kimU M berries find vrgetahluf,
nom hon e with toilet, 1ml h, hot
aerdoolU wtter, finer wlt
tevAt and wnd.iiiHI, ft ai'urV
gvwde-ohickeii, hone nndtwiigmj,
mastv. other InplemenU, .priiv
TfinOWO,,!!, tV"' lOOaceoa .M
good 4teet laitdi rV excltanoc tmr
part. ' ' '
Htire Wecrcs' ( timhfr 1: 410,1
few lots In'ftewt coeit town fn.OrW
gon, atnl a liwrtetl arnmtnt of en Hi
lor this wa want ' email -wheat
farm, ' ff
9 room well bailt limtae tktKd
' fpevt of l'nrtlund, '50x100 ( hrt-one
bleoit froni ctirliire, houre notrh'
UrelyHuodernbulf Kan
f KrHlieMMU eise, pries fACOopC
tw11 take In '.ichflitcr,' good wheat
"Vend ot toMwOO.ioMWO.CO 1
Auy on vialiMeg inform ntjrSr.
regarding nny rtf Aho ftljrAr