The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, September 10, 1909, Image 2

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Neisj Items Gatbered from
Parts of flu Worlt
Less Important but Not Lmi Inter
esting Happening from Points
' Outsid tho State.
Ruasls now wants a share in tho Chi
dim railway loan.
Tbs deficit of tho Gannon Imperial
government for 1908 U aaid to amount
to 180,600,000.
Two eolorod man novo boon hanged
by a mob at Malcolmy Ala,, for mur
dering tbo sheriff.
Explorer Cook says no haa data to
convince tbo moat akeptleoi that bo was
actually at tbo North Polo.
Jap grape picker in California have
demanded an Ineroaao in wages and
may bo replaced by Hindu a.
A email tempest was caused by an
Itatlian warship stopping while tho At
lantic float waa at tar got practice.
A sword flab haa boon caught off tho
Catalina islands, CaL, which weighed
141 pounds and measured sight foot in
Mora explosives have boon found In
tbo bankers of British war toosoIs and
members of tbo admiralty are in a state
of ferment.
The latest creation in tho millinery
Una is to bo known as tbo Cook bat, in
honor of tho explorer. It is two fast
high covered with black fur, while
white aigrette representing tbo polo
bristles from tbo top.
China Is planning tbo Improvement
of bar army.
Count Zeppelin will continue prepar
ations to fly to the North Pols.
President Taft asys ho will prob
ably visit Alaska next summer.
A serious epidemic is feared In the
flood stricken districts of Mexico.
German scientists say tho finding of
the North Polo is of aoeondary import
Tbo American Locomotive eompany
ays it is rushed with order for now
An Indiana man has just dlod at the
ago of 06. Ho leavea 88 children and
had outlived four wives.
Denmark believes Cook's story of
the discovery of tbo North Pols and
will give him a royal welcome.
Attorney General Wickersham says
If the polar continent is worth holding
this government will annex It.
Dispatches from Java say the vol
cano Smern Is in active eruption, caus
ing great havoc There has also boon
an earthquake with bundrods of fatal
Revolutionary cocked hate an to bo
worn by women next season.
Wilbur Wright haa suggested that
cities appoint an inspector of balloons.
The loss of life In the Monterey,
Ifex., flood is now estimated at 8,000.
A tornado devastated Dialville, a
mall town In Texas. Several persons
wars injured.
Supplies are being sent to Monterey,
Max., and tho general condition Is
much improved.
Mrs. Florence Vsndsrvort, a million
airs widow of Loa Angelas, baa mar
ried a poor man.
No lives were lost in tho Nevada
cloudburst and tbo property damage is
placed at $100,000.
Government scientists say Cook will
have no trouble la proving that ha ac
tually reached tbo pole.
According to official re porta tbo rice
crop of China will bo about 1? par
oent above too average.
All Western roads have armoanead
now aehodulos to tho coast and each is
trying to outdo tho other.
Tbo Amorican warship squadron la
la Chlaeoa waters.
Tho international trades anion soon
til is in assatoB ta Paris,
A saver earthquake has boon fall h
tho canal sone, but tho big ditch was
art hurt
Tho steamer Ohio, wrecked off tbo
Alaskan soaet. is ask) to bavo bit an
chartered rock.
Hill says ho has all the railroad cea
aeetione bo needs In tho last and new
work will bo confined fcxthe Wast.
Tbo Canard lino stosrsinara to 'toko
now route between Liverpool and
Now York wale will abartsa tat tlaas
to to sky.
A big Carey sot project has) boon
Carted m Colorado by wbleh 80000
area of sua will I
ort of It, 000.OO0.
Cloudburst "Hoods "-Ivors and Over
flows Fertile Valleys '
' Mexico City, Sept 7. A special dis
patch received berswom M oralis says
that floods yesterday ruined a large
action of tbo Zsmora district. A ter
rible cloudburst in tho mountains eaoa
od rivers and streams to overflow and
miles of fertile valleys , are under
Further details bavo boon received
hero of the flood that swept the town
of Tula, in tho state of Tamalpais, last
Saturday. A wave between 46 and 60
feat high engulfed tbo lower . half of
tho town. Two hundred bouses and the
San Juan bridge wars carried away and
many lives were lost. The storm raged
for three days.
Terrible as are tbo conditions at
Monterey, tho correspondent declares
they are joat as bad at Tula aad vicin
ity. Tbo entire northeastern section of
the state is- said to have boon laid
waste. Railroad and telegraphic com
munication was delitroyed and tbo pop
ulation of Tula, soma 7,000 persons,
was cut off from the rest of tbo nation
for four days. It will be six or sight
months before tbo highways can bo re
stored. Thirty bodies bavo been re
covered and many bodies of shepherds
and mountaineers are being waa bod
down into tho valley below.
Man and Woman Caught in Chicago
Hoad Big Gang.
Chicago, Sept. 7. In tho arrest of
Allen Posnor, 26 years ok), and
young woman giving bar name as Emi
ly onyder, 20 years old. whoaro in cus
tody at the Hsrrison street polios sta
tion, foe torn ce Inspector Stuart be) lev
ee he has part of a gang of mail thieves
who have bean operating In Chicago
and other cities. Two man are beine
sought as accompli cea of Poanar and
tbo Syndsr girl in tho theft of letters
and ehashing of chocks found in stolen
mall. Posnor and a man named Gray
and another man whose name la being
Kept secret are said to be under Indict
ment In Now York for a 81.000 theft
of jswelry. Ths Syndsr girl Is said to
bavo coma to Chicago with Posnor four
months ago.
It is charged that the cair ODersted
by stealing letters from residence mail
boxes after delivery by letter carriers.
roans la declared to have admitted
cashing a number of stolen checks.
Aeeording to tho postal authorities.
Posnor and his associates stole fl.OOO
worth of jewelry and other valuables
which were brought to Chicago.
Nathan Straus Says Plsgus Is Gaining
Against Fight.
Budapest, Sept 7. Nathan Straus.
the New York philanthropist, who on
Tuesday appealed to the Intentional
Medical congress to stop the snreadinir
of disease that results from the use of
infected milk, today submitted detailed
figures to that body to prove that tu
berculosis. Instead of being conquered.
is on the lacrosse.
Be cited tbo official vital statistics
of. New York city, which waa credited
by Dr. Robert Koch with leading the
wnoio world in tbo flgbt againat tuber
culosis. He showed that the inereaa
Irig skill of the physicians in treating
tuberculosis bad reduced the death
rate from this disease hi proportion to
the population from 2.42 per 1,000 in
iwi to 2.88 per 1.000 in 1907. and
2.29 to 1908, but be showed that the
number of deaths from tuberculosis to
proportion to the total number of
deaths from all oaosee bad increased
from 18.04 per sent, to 1908 to- 18.00
Cholera Loses Terrors.
Paris, Sent. 7. Senna and vaccina
for treatment of cholera has bsea dis
covered by Dr. Salsmblni. working- un
der the direction of Professor Meteb-
nlkoff and Dr. Pierce Roox. Their
serum has been tried In Russia in des
perate cases and reduced the death
rata, which was 80 per seat to below
28 per sent The vaccine is prepared
by taking bacilli from the body of a
cholera patient and making a cottars
thereof, wbleh la injected Buboatano-
oosly into healthy parsons. Local ia
featieB follows and immunity results.
Tornado Wlpoa Out Tew.
Catena!, Sicily. Sept 7. The vil
lage of Soordoa was about wiped out
today by a tarnsde. Five persons
were kilted and 60 injured. One hun
dred bourne were completely demol
ished and many others unroofed. The
tornado was accompanied by a ten
tlal rata. The population took re fan
in booses an the Quarter Santa Maria.
where the states of Santa Maria Maar-
gtore fell, adding terror to ths super
stitioas element.
Tenrteeeee Stays Dry.
CtattoJMOga, Term . Sops. 7 The
legislative act prohibiting wholesale
ss well so retail sale of Ikjeor to the
state waa upheM csreeat as legsrds
sales far sal patent eeteide of the state,
to as) eatafen banded Sown to Chsnniy
eoart todaay by Chsa Hilar T. M. Ms-
Nation Preparing Home Coming
for Arctic Explorer. ;
Preeldent Toft May Bo Requested to
Honor Man Who Hoisted Flag
Over Polar Continent.
New York. Sept 4. Preparations
already are on foot to maks the home-
ooming of Or. Frederick A. Cook an
event of national, and possibly inter
national importance. If plana outlined
today by members of ths Arctic club
are carried out, the welcome Dr. Cook
will receive in New York will be an
ovation to which city, state and nation
will take part, whils prominent sxplor-
ers Cook's former rivala from all
parte of the globe, will gather to pay
personal tribute to his achisvementa.
Members of ths Aretis club hopes
President Tart may be present. "Such
an honor would be no more than fit
ting," one declared, "in vfsw of the
fact that the explorer has placed the
Stars and Stripes on the apex of ths
world and sddes. perhaps 60,000 square
milss to the nation's territory."
Among the explorers who are ex
ported to take a prominent part are
the Duke d'Abrotxi, Dr. Nanssn, Cap
tain Ronald Amundsen, General A. W.
Greeley, Rear AdmiraT'George Mel
villa, Anthony Fiala and Captain Jos
sph E. Bernier.
Csptais Bradley 8. Osborne, secre
tary of the Arctic club, says the ex
plorer Is not expected hers for severs!
"He is due fa Copenhagen in three
days," said Captain Osborne, "and if
he came straight home would arrive hi
New York about the middle of Septem
ber, but his friends believe that be
may make several stops on the way.
For one thing the geographers and sci
entists of Copenhagen will tender him
a welcome. He msy go to Christiana
to meet Captain Amundsen discoverer
of the Northwest passage; It is likely
that be will visit Belgium where be
baa been decorated for his services to
science and it is scarcely eonceivsble
that the British geographical aecietiea
would allow him to pass them on his
ay home without an invitation to
London, '
Santa Fa WIN Put Fast Train on Run
.to Coast.
Chicago, Seat 4. Ths menamment
of the Santa Fs railroad has about de
cided to put into operation a new fast
mail and express train to run between
Kansas City aad Loa Angeles, with a
view to capturing the bulk of the
Southern California mail.
This adds soother speed war to that
recently declared by the Hill roads In
the msil. express and passenger traffic
to the Pacific coast, affecting a differ
ent teritory betweentbe East and Cai-
Ths entire Southern California mall
is involved in the move, and tola is
said to bring about $1,260,000 annual
revenue to ths railroads. The Santa
Fa and Rock Island to connection
with the Southern Pacific, now have
this business about squally divided.
The bulk of this msil somes from
the St. Louis gateway by tho Missouri
Pacific. The rsweigbing period for all
the territory west of the Missouri river
and wast of St. Paul begins next Feb
ruary and on this account svery road
in that territory is itgnr the disposi
tion of the maila for the yearly- period
follow log tbSilO days' weighing by the
government. Formerly tbo Hants Fs
carried the bulk of the Southern Cali
fornia mail, but several years ago the
Missouri Pacific put on a fast train
which captured the mall out at St,
Louis and ths Rock Island pot on its
Golden State Limited, which let Kan
ass City just after the arrival of toe
Eastern mails. At that time the San
ta Fe was not Is a position to ensure
Its schedule to wait for the maila.
Russlsne to Be imported.
Honoluhi Sept. 4. The torritorla
board of ImmlaratioB baa decided to
Lattompt the soiuUea of tee labor prob
lem in the Hawaiian grewp by the Im
portation of Boss tan families from
Manchuria. L. C Atkjason, agent of
the board, sailed for Harbto today an
the liner Siberia and is expected to
make arrangemento for tbo Immigra
tion of 69 such families to Hawaii.
If the experiment proves seeeeeafuL
it Is probable that Beany more Rus
sian families will be todaosd to settle
ia the lalsads. - -
Hammond IBurtest Mb.
Mexico Citv. Seas, 4. A deposit of
8x00,000 baa been ssada to a bank here
by John Hays Hasnmsnd to bijai sa op
tica en the Santo Gertrude mine to the
Pi rii i is dietriet sf Hidalgo. The pre-
fe tfctMt,
Census Director Durand Invites Their
Practical Co-operation.'
Washington, Sept. 8. The farmers
of the United States are naturally vary
much interested in the eensus of agri
culture and farms that will be taken
April 16; 1010, ss one of the subjects
to be covered by tbo thirteenth decen
nial osnsoa. Many ars showing their
interest by writing to the eensus bu
rn for the purpose of making com
ments upon census Information regard
ing agriculture as presented ia the
past. - The director of the -census trai
nee all such suggestions and gives
them careful conside ration, as be is
anxious to have the results of the com
ing eensus correspond as nearly as may
be to the desires of ths people most in
In addition to studying carefully
these suggestions, the dirctor has on
his own initistlva requested certain
professors of economies and agrieul
tore of ths mors important universi
tiss of toe country, and other persons
who hsve specialised In agricultural
matters, to come to Wssbnigton for a
short time for the purpose of studying
carefully and criticising plana now un
der wsy. Especially is it desired to
obtain their opinion relative to the
questions to be asked and their form,
as the results to be obtained will so
largely depend upon tbo character of
the schedule and the manner lb which
the questions are propounded. These
suggestions, coming from outside ex
perts, are proving to be of great value.
and it is believed that in consequence
of this preliminary study mors valua
ble and accurate data will be obtained
than oould otherwise be-secured. Af
ter these special students and experts
hsve made their preliminary studies.
formal conferences are held to the
office, in which the who Is nutter of the
character of the sbsdules and the best
methods of securing the information
ars thoroughly gone over. ,
The department is alao seeking to
secure the advice and co-operation, as
far as possible, of tho officers and ex
perts of the department of sgriculture,
of tbo state agricultural colleges.
fsrmers' societies and liks organiza
Official Csll Hssty Conferences on
Chicago, Sept 8. The manaeer of
the Santa Fe road has made a definite
proposition to tbo Postofflce depart
ment to put on a new mall and express
train between Kansas City and Los
Angeles that will reduce the present
running time by ten boors This will
require a trip of over 1,800 miles to be
made to 60 hours, or at the rate of over
87 miles an hour, including stops.
When It became definltelv known to-
uay mat tne Santa Fe bad agreed to
take ten boors off ths latest schedule
between Kansas City sod Los Angeles,
coaaternstion reigned In the official
ranks of toe Western roads. Confer-
snces were held on all sides,' agents of
competing lines were dispatched to
Washington with Instructions to learn
st all cost the position the government
is iifcely to take In the matter, and or
ders were bsstily issued bv the Rock
Island and Southern Pacifle for time-
card meetings.
Rock Span ( S74 Feet Long Discov
ered la Utah.
Salt Lake, Utah, Sept. With
span or sit lest and more than 800
fast high, s natural bridge, said to be
toe largest known, has been discovered
by members of the Utah Arehoonlnel
aoeiety, who bavo returned from an ex
pedition along the Colorado river, in
northern Anions and Southern Utah.
The bridge is located -four milss
north or the Arixona line in the otat
of Utah, six milss east of ths Colorado
rrver. On Its top Were found imhHH
several fossils of remarkable slse. fe.
(Heating the presence in earlier times
of giant animal life.
The party brought back tAtotomnh.
ae wen as a eon ecu on or rare pottery
and baskets seed by tbs cliff dwsllsrs
esoterics ago.
Deeislva Bards Is Expected.
Pore, Sept. . The culmination t
the border affrays between Turkish
troops snd the Montenegrins oecorrH
nsarCusink, a city-ia Turikiab terri
tory, where a pitched battle was
fought, according to edviees received
here today. There were heavy
on both stdra and a number of caooal
Usa reported. Assorts: these faiit.t
were Ave Turkiab woovm. The Moa
tensgitos flred upon the Turks, eeord-
ing to raa aispatehee. Armed forcea
fseHiw east ether en the he.
tear, sad a eecierve battle ia twrtstod.
Meey Loot to Java Fteod.
Setevte, Java, Sept. a. R a. ml
mated the 40V netirea have aatmbsd
to the floods in n.i JeWrZ
Ballioger-PlDcbot Row llkety t
Be Settled There.
Forestry and Reclamation to Bo Bono
of Contentlon-More LfbsrsJ
Goal Laws for Alaska, -. V
Washington, Sept S. Congress fe
expected by all sides of tbo BsllingeN
Pinchot controversy to investigate the
various phases of that row during the
session next winter, unless Preiident
Taft should intervene and settle the
difficulty to ths satisfaction of all con
cerned before that time. This new
turn of affairs Is not looked forward to
with relish by the friends of the Taft
administration, who realise that the
issue probably will be forced nnmv
them In congress by the far Western
members, who have fought the Roose
velt policies and who now believe they
have an opportunity to got more libr.i
terms from tbs administration.
as a matter of fact it is wsnerallv
understood here that tbo policy of the
administration will be to ask eonfiresa
to strengthen the laws of conservation
along the lines of- the Roosevelt poll,
eies. In that event Secretary Belling
er at least will be placed in the nceitinn
of having to fight the friends who thiuk
tney are helping him by taking up the
cudgels against tbo forest and recla
mation services.
That the Interior department and th.
forestry and reclamation services will
be bones of ssrtous contention in am.
irrasa thia winter w&a mhim j: .
" i B'J Hiiusat
ed today. The bouss committee on
agriculture controls practically all the
appropristions under which the forest
ry bureau operates, and hitherto it haa
made it its business to inauire snecin.
cally into the workings of that bureau.
uiHwin ua-.aoaee committee n
territories two years ago requested the
interior oepartmant to furnish congress
with data relsting to Alaska railraote
and eoal lands, but; after continuing
the investigation for a short period,
the department gave it ud. Am e.
strong effort is to be made la eongrssa
next winter to increase the amount of
coal land which may be bold under one
management. It la believed almost un
avoidable that congress or one of ite
committees most investigate tbs
serration row.
Hundreds of Japanese Find Employ
ment in California.
Marysvills. Cel.. Sent. tS.).l
Agent Pierce, of the bureau of labor
and statistics. Is In this valley gather
ing (snor statistics relative to Japan-
ess invasion. Ha snant a enonl of
dsysat Chico and found eonditiona
fairly good,- there being comparatively
few Japanese in that aection. In thia
section, however, there ars hundreds
of Japanese engaged in all pursuits,
snd the Japanese DODulstion of thia
county is large.
The Jspanese are amnloved tan-
slvely in the orchards and fields and
have hi many instanees purchased or
leassd vineyards and orchards. There
ars severs! Japanese smploymsnt
agencies bora doing a thriving bosi
nesfc It is estimated that there sre
over a thousand Japanese in this ssc
tion and more are coming daily.
Every Japanese bora hi employed
steadily, while there are a few white
men who are not working, principally
hscauss they have an innin for
LabfiFii acarce and the Japan
ese are Ailing olaoss that It is bnpossi
bls to get white men to take.
Fishguard Important Part. "!
London. Sent, t Th Mm.
of the new Fishguard route which
brings New York within five daya of
London is heralded as a sraefc trinmeb
on the part of the Cunard and railway
companies. Fishguard now takes rank:
with Liverpool, Southampton and other
great ocean porta and from a little
town of 2,600 population it to expected
it will grow to a considerable dtv. Aa
oon as sufficient passenger traffic jus
tifies the Step a sneeial train will be
run to Dover to avoid the delay of
transference at London.
Lusrtanla le Abandoned.
Liverpool. Sent. s. a rfc
Cunard liner Los i tenia, which eaught
voKaaraoek here August 14, and
was sunk to not out tbe (Uma eNoet
the damage to bees extensive that tbo
mpany prebebiy will not repair tbe
wsseL It is estimated that It will
cort mora tbaa 8600.000 to refit tbe
Striksra Starve - -
Sept. 8. Tee Afton
that rlaw eie
teally starvine- a tha m
"mg oabree end water sd Bob