The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, September 10, 1909, Image 1

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    W , t , ' j .. j,. - - ... . -a j. , , - " ., , . - -,
Morrow Gounty Is the Richest County Per Capita In Oregon. ; , ' ' lone Is the Best City fn Morrow County
"" " 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .' . ' ' i "i " " ' ", " ''" "" " ' ' .' " ' ' J , ' , , ", "
'"Vol. X. No.9. r '- 4 IONE, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER iO,' 1909. ' Whole No. 558.
ooaatoMaoaoooaaoaaojaaa.oaa i L.jn -i . 1 1
Fir Cord Wood, ; :
7 Slab Wooc
Any quantities, i3esirecl
Call anJ get prices
Wind River Lcrtcp Coshni)
; 8.4.10. UK
25 cents
1 am certainly there with tbe fancy 43af cutting aad smooth Shaving
Uai tiskcl iM iWVTub la (ODHtcfloi
t uvi rum, in surt
frow for 4 iVew fait
We have received Tour large new
t Jo V v W" ' - VVV i 1
t all sample June wnicn
Tfie test Ever ST.WN.
our jq0AraiWM '
' -;;r , '
i We hereby guarantee to every person purchasingclothes
made by us and bearing our
TU-l mIJaW iianta1 V
Strict accordance 10 cuBTOTuera
j .x I.UkiM
f J. nut every vuruivi launu
(ClUtllCB IB UI BlipCllUI VUlUt' UI1U
ana sponged. - t : i
) iiiav wjmnniisra una jiuiiikb
absolutely dependable. ' - - y . .. t
That the tailoring is. thxK het that tnodeVu equipment
O killed labor can produce. ' t . "i . . i
it our prices are the-very lowest cbngfiteiit with the
superior quality of our product. . r , ' t
Suould any Cbntihbbtal .garment prove ttti satisfactory
and not as above represented, .it may be rv turned and the
money will be cheerfuflj refunded ' ; f '
v rk
mat YMi
TT 4 ,
- .-' " -
k prcciii rw
Letter Heads .
. NoW Head
Bill Heads -.
v SUUmente
Cards, Etc.
Razors .
25 cents
wrts. u hp swrt. - r
Sell & OVCKOal
- official label:
iia is anil inilnn !n
p vuv niiu luuvifu
inuiviuuiu uieaeurmeiHS.
-1 : At... . i
tai - u 111 mc luunutg ui uur
) . v
Rro ui uie uignesi irratie ina
Tl - If V . 4
Always tin time
For all kind ef Hauling
$trict attention Jlven to
Lumber, Coal and Wood.
Watson & Conser
No. i Vol low Pine
4 foot Ikidy Oak.
" Chas- E. Fullrr) .
Hood Biver.'Ore.
I Flies are the most ihingerotip in
sect v0 have. They art much more
dan giro if: than. hw nr lioniiU;
these may tiling y, nid ihreUng
'is painful, hut von cnmi gntXiivsr
the pain. Fljcsdo mucli timrc harfii
than thin. , They w:vlk v-r 01 thy
places lilt.fltwp(saiiil uii'bugecatif,
and after eiting .tlip fl(tly jfttod
nbich they iiiid ttiert-, (y tome
into jnnr house' uttd Witt k ..ij -:
food you eat.carrviu-: i,t iiitirtit
the tiny yerius which live i filtl
just as j'ou tivein Iv-uAj. , Theif
germs are, not only hiti x mid di
gtisting, bat many of them cause
such diseases o.i ly'n'ttl fever,
cholera intantum ami munntrcitBi
plaint. W lie n theflinc hrintt thn
(ram somtj dirty pine u vourfoad
or isare munu of ttioiti vi -' ' '
crawl on vnurfwrt or I.m'o
may swallow these t withapt,
kaowint it and l tsk in miiU
one of these dint-an'. t it
that seems so harml n.y do you
much more harm than h bne, ur k
hornet, , . '"
Your parents xliniilf lae
sereeni at their door and windowin
during tin warm weather, to keep
the flies out of the bouea. If thav
cannot screen all the ronnra, the;
should screen those in which food
is kept; and if anyour iick ia th
house, flies should kept from the
sickroom, so that hdy ttgjui
carry germs from tne iirk pr
tortrtoftrffQtoiiy, ,
Chiltjren may tielp to keep im
from swartntn in t and. aromrf
houses, and from carrying germs,
of sickness from ope person to an-!
other. I thv tint plane, thf'
should not buy candy, fruit or
other food which Is (eft in front of.
stores or anywnefe else where flies
may feed and wallc on it. FUeilay
their eggs chiefly In stabhs marrore,
and if this Is left withtnrt, screen i
or o'-bef' covers to keep fh ftiea
away, great numbers will behfttchr
ediutrery liable.: If you know
of stores where food fs nof oorered
Hiom flies, or of stables that have
swarms of them around, get your
father er mother to write to the
Board of Health about them, and
the Board willmake the store-keep
ere or stable-men obey Us rules;
But before you report ether peorla
lor being earcnm and otrtyand to
making; it possible for. flies to be
come a nuisance, be sure tbatyour
own bouse is clean, and that no
garbage-cans or boxes aVe left un
covered to attract flies.
Mfjwmand all the people tQ
know, wi41 follow fjiia advice, tbeVe
will hot be nearly so' many flies to
plague yon 'in hot weather, and
there" Will' not b tteariy so much
icknc 1 and deatb4 especially
among children, as now,
. .
3 A WaUrs mad .a business
trip to Heppner Wednesday return
ing Thurwlwy.
W. H. fccue i(
. Preprleier at tne
5H00TIN6 '
Next door to the Hotel
la tterry Beea'a old place. )
3 shots for a nickel, so
come In and try your luck.
The City Council met i" regiiW
teision, Tuesday evening, Septcui
ber 7th, there bciup tuppi-uni pres
ent and Mayor PaLltttj;intliei4ir.
Minutes of preceeduig meeting
were approved. Tho only htjl pre
sented approved hy thfFinaQce-
Coiumiiiee wa oite for 18.51)-. ip
favor. of Zimmermatn Weilp, Hrowp
Company. Upon motion of Coun-
Imun IVrkins- the stini- - f'
allowed. -
.Motion wrni nmdc iy Pprkius
and seconded by BnltiRer that- a
committee of tlie Mnyni,Tritasurer
nd Engineer of tho -Cilv iifiifct
the boiler at the Power 'pliuit n'ndl
--e wliat cau he done in regard,. i '
moving and phcins a new base-
under it. ' i
Motjia to Mjvurn carricdr (
C J Pennington, Recorder. :
f- ' , :
mm biiND of wtti .
The people nf lone have rer
Imrotitlily anuLvuod -4 lie pM
three weeks to the1 danger to the
city from the accumulation of the
iianxm.of Wfitls -and) thanks, tn'
some energy, Heco'mlMrrct to-day
is the prettiect atreet in Eastern
Tfntin. There I only ,-.
place on it now and that Isintront
of the City jlallthutwei(tdeivtaiiii
that the Mariiha! I, Unclo Tom Carle
is going tn see nhont that and if sti,
than it wilLsoou be all rinbU.
" Around ilio Odd Frllows and tlia
old PrneUiiejor IiiihUHg,jire, few-
yet that should lie cN'sntd nut '
But we barm, another kind of
weed growing lipre that must beat-
tended to or there will ha a sod
harvest mime of Iheee days. , Tit
lack of proper cnteriHintneut tot
young iKiys aiud girlsUiitaregrow
ing up about U, is actunletl. by a
weed of Jiiactiou that most be
radicated. . , t
Satan found, and will find, pi Is
chief for idle lud and while we
can push the childrri off on-, tits'
school teacher, that only cover
half the ground. After school jnl
Saturday there should ,be some
thing provided to Imfruct and
y entertaining. ; -
The only instructive medml ef
entertainment that has bcVn ofTerf
ed this year to the children is 11
Engleman's show and we will say
a all tiiitlifulness find hnnnrTTinT
the people owe Mr Englrhian inofu
tban they know, for lifting a tittle:
of the veil of obscurity in which
we live and showing the children,
pictures of great citis in active
life, rivers, tlss ocean, man-of-wr
and fn fact so mucfi flint we can
Hot tell 6f itjhere, tu inch a taking
and'pleaaing manner. Jfut there
are'othet tliingitheyiketd A wann
reading NMFin and library, a place
where1 they Can swing dumb bells
and plaiy at trapese work. They
need litetarv societies ami active-
ways of eociaHifo. 'And uu!ers
these things -are provided, they,
with cliildiali iuHlatfotis, will soon
be satisfied only with aMl'atime".
So for the nl:e o! 'the little ones
that Christ laid of, "funsnnicb as
ye do it-unto the least of theff, ye
do it n to me'V kttl Bril destmy
the weed of indiftVreitcc and get
buay. '
lone Proclaimer and
Wceltly Orcgoniaa-2.
(8erilKo.i.W.-17)Noi Cpl Lti4
itepartnieot oi tbe Interior,
U.S. Land Office, The Dulles, Or.
Ana. Uth, 1909
KMIfwaj-hmbrilvtntliftt ai)mh o. Flir
olios, Offon, wboon lulr '!!, )MM, mA
HomitM4, Kntir. Ko inil, lor NKl
StAlok -T. i 1 Twi!ilp 1 Bod Ui,
fUnt V, iMt WlUnmotifl iferldUn, h
Slad sotir nf intenilnn to nikko Tlnal
five tmn Proof, to ctikbllah cUlm to tho Und
ftbordMeHboiI.balor Thj li'mnmr and
coiTro( i)io '' B Uiitf ofllr ntThe DlUi,Or
too, onf bo 21ml dajrotSeptruibir. leoe.
OlalMaat naiuei aa wltnwuti: ciiai. BIKIiie
V kl ar. t FdUr and Jobs KI1U oil ol
looo, Orf on, . .
' .. , - uaiatu -
. WASHINGTON, n C, . ,
K lS087Ma, A.W.- ...
. Jnl 30.1008
Notice Is tiamltv eiTen tbhl tho ArMn
Sectetatynf the Interior InoVeested de
partmentl "tier of witlidrnvml im so far
mi tu oita. Mvtt th withdrawal for
Irrlyattnn pnttwo nndr ilrnactof Jnna
17. 1U03 (Sb.ftiit,. B8M1 fftrnac In bobbo'c
tioa whit tW t itiailllo PttK Orego,
of tbe fvllowiiip dowrlttHl landi t the
State d prejtoit, end by hfa authority
aeb of Mid traviii eh hu re nirt been heoo
tefore flnallf rum1 etrd are not Other
ed, will ej6t,euhji in MtttteVhent under
tna pnbtn laiHUMwoitlie United States
oa and efter Octdbmr Io, 1UUU. bol ibal
aot be nbjwt iontry.flUn uresleelioa
nnril Novemtr laVluOU. t thm TTnltxl
Lstatee land office, at the Dalles, Ortfon
wanting tietni;expre,ii giren that no ;
parsan wiU be permitted to aln Of exer
onw any rlKhtwheteveranderanysettle- -AitoronMsrlai
begun alter July a,
190(1, aad prior to October 10. 1000. aM
taeh et tamest Sr oeenjiatltNi being Itf
y i VlHaVndtia KludlH Meridllrr.
T 1 5., . St K.. kll 8ce. 1 to i. 21 to
28 end tow nrt: - r
T."t K:, K. IS K., ell Pecs. 1 lo 18, $3 to
T. SK., K. 10 K. all tli.t poitloa ia
Oregon. i :
T. S No R. K., all.
T. N., R.S0 aH that portfou lit
Oregoi-. it-
T.N.,R. A K.. -'' i.
T. 8 lf( R. n K., all that portion fa
OregoB. ' " . .
T. 8 N.t P.T!.,,afl tts. 4 to 0, 10 to Sf
endWtomiircl. '
T.Nt, R JB-K2, alt fWs. 4. 5, A and f
eautlt ol OrftttWfira Kirer end all Sacs. 8.
9, 16 tn 5i and W to 33 Inch
8. V. rrttifclfflauii'ig&immfeaioner ot
the General jitiOtllce. , t
Frank Pierce, first Astiatant SeeretatY
oi ibe Interior. .
fi aate'4 about 7 lailes from cent
er of PotifanM, I ruile framelectrjo
rcar'line station, all, well fenced,
Mid in fine lien ring ordiard, afro
aiH kinds of berries, and vegetable,
Q rttn house with 1oifot bath, liot
and cold water, fine well, tower
tank''and wind mill, 100 high
grade chickens, horse and wagoit,
manf ''oiliee timplemenfs, prtre
7500.00; t will tnke 10 acres rfT
good wheat land, In exchange fur
part. .t .
Have 80 acres of timlier landra
few lots In let cnant town In Ore
gon, and a limited amount of cosh
for thle we want -ft nlal I wheat
farm, ,.
' ' 1 e
9 room well built h6ne In good
part of Portland, 60x100 lot. one -
block. from carline, house not, en
tirely modern, hnt can be made .so . -with
smsll ex (tense, price 85OO0.UC
will take in exchange, good when'.
land up to 83000, to 14000.00
Anyone wishing information
regarding ott ol the- hboT"
innuireet tli , . A
. PMCuumM orficc.
Prize Shooting:.