The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, September 03, 1909, Image 7

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' "I tried kind, of blood remedies
which failed to do me any good, bat I
have found the right thins at tut. Ht
face was full of pimples and black-heads.
After taking Caacareta they all left I am
continuing the us of them and recom
mending them to my friends. I fed fins
woe I rise in the morning. Hope to
have a chance to recommend Cascarets "
Prod C. Witten, 76 Elm St., Newark, M. J,
" ''tr Stak0lWeik,n or Grip.
10c. ?V 50c. Never sold h bulb. The gDt.
tee tablet iltmiMd C C C. Goeeaateed to
anosroat neaey back, sag
pai IM nBrarnnJ
rou wn a, one
. Why He Para Tfeeea. '
- Friend Why do you en cou race these
Woman's suffrage meetings? Surely
you don't approve of them?
Husband Approve? With all my
heart!' I can oome home as late as I
like now without finding- my wife wait
ing to ask questions. Kansas City
Do your feet ever feel tired, achy
nd sore at night? Rub them with a
little Hemlina Wisard 01. They'll be
fled In the morning, and so will you,
Tfcaaarh There la Jf Iaweattve,
First Hunter Tou know they have
passed a law in Florida permitting the
killing of alligators?
Second Hunter1 O, well, I suppose
we'll keep on killing them. Just the
earner -
Mothers win And Mrs. Winnow! Soothing
Syrup tbe bst retnedr to us (or theUenUdraa
luring, toe lesihias period.
ealletle Masl.
Critle (as the composer plays bis
Jast piece) Very nne. But what Is
that passage which makes the sold
, chills run down the back?
- Composer That is where the wan
derer has the hotel bill brought to
him. Fllegende Btaetter.'
Cleeer Waste f eleaer.
Baplelgh The doctor says there's
something the matter with my head.
Sharp Tou surely aid n't pay a doe
tor to tell you tbatl Boston 'Traa
ecript CRESCENT .i
high jpricrd baking
den erf I da and dcei
better. II raiva tfca
dough and malt Hgltt
cr. twrria and better
riaenfooda. Sold by era
cere 2 5c per pound. H
you will kb a a jomt
WlO snd yes a book n health and baking powder.
CHSCXNT MFQ. CO. Icattls, Wn,
tlS Per Acre 10 Years' Time
Tnaae tends of Canadian Pacific Railway
produce from IE to SO buabebi of wheat. 71
to 100 buihali of oata, par un, All near
rail war a. towns snd achoola. Positively
tbe beat wheat land proposition tat man
of mod an ta means. No cpi failures.
Send today for free PTustratad literature.
Spatial rates 1st and Uth of every saoum,
OsaO. Land Agts. Canadian PseWe B. S.
Oi-X Lumberman 'a Building
wear well
and they keep-yTHi
dry white you are
wearing them
lbwta Canamm) Co wmtcs. Toaoarre,
C Gee Wo
Tfet Cbl&ra Doctor
TMa p wJafel nam has
made a life atadj of the
Eropertfe of Root,
rba and Berks, and
la (Irlni the world the
bansatsf bJe aarrwaa.
a m Quaaifc. Aatfcaaa. Lane.
Stnnech and Kklner UoubWa, mi sJI Ptweae
a aaM
a an rare: cam cm OTJKC
SteteivaSfnaai Pehta. 0.nw seas,
I isliahl UibaTies aaHa work.
I eaa write far aymwaaai s
TW C Gee We HtSk U.
m j
Karasshlae Oherrlee,
Pit thcherrle and weigh them,
saving all the Juice. To every four
pounds of fruit theft must be "two
pounds of sugar and a cup of liquid.
Enough Juice should exude during the
toning process to furnish the liquid.
but If not add a little water. Hake a
sirup of the -sugar and water, est at
the side of the range and bring to the
boiling point Take from the fire and.
while still warm but not scalding hot,
pour the sirup over the cherries. ' Set
aside for half an hour, then put over
the Ore In a porcelain lined kettle and
heat slowly. Boll for Ave minutes.
take out the fruit with a skimmer,
"boll the sirup for twenty minutes.
skimming off the scum as It rises
and. Just before taking from the fire,
add a pint of Maraschino cordial for
every four quarts of fruit Pack the
cherries In Jars, All each Jar to over
flowing with the liquid and seaL
Pars the fruit snd cut It Into slices
about the slse of a caramel, weigh the
fruit and to each pound of It allow
one-half pound of sugsr. Put tbs dt
ron on to cook In fresh water snd
boil until quite clear, remove carefully
toasefawder and drain. Wet the su
gar with clear water and boll until
reduced to a sirup, add to this sirup
one lemon, sliced thin, and a piece of
ginger root for every pound of sugar
that has been used. Put the citron
Into the sirup and boll together for
twenty minutes. Fill Jars with the
fruit poor la the sirup and sesL
Ileal RaJalai Cake.
Cover one and a half cups of rslslns
(seededl with boiling water and luv
mer twenty minutes. Cream three
quarters of a cup of sugar with a
quarter of a cup of butter, and add
one and one-half cuds of flour, half a
cup of the raisin water- and one egg
beaten light bnt not separated, one
teasDoonful of soda should bs Birtea
with the flour. Season with one tea-
spoonful each of nutmeg and cinna
mon, add the raisins, wsll dredged
with flour and bake one-halt hour. An
excellent cake, cheap, easily msd. snd,
with a flavor of its own.
Watanalaa Ptekle.
TTbs ana melon. Cut oat heart peel
rind, cut Into Squares and soak over
night In strong salt water. Put one
nuart vinegar on to boll, stir In fire
coffee cups sugar, one teaspoon cloves
and ilve sticks of. cinnamon, one
erated nutmeg and one-halt lemon.
Add rind that has been rinsed In cold
water. Boll ten minutes, put IB Jars
Not necessary to seal.
CataiMaiar Mew Fetateee.
Plaoa them tat boiling water with
two or three sprigs of mint When
they are cooked and drained poor over
them anma melted butter. The mint
mAAm mnre dellfiiOUB flSVOT. NSW PO-
tatoes should have the skins removed
h enhhlns- them with S brash.- When
vabbsd they will bs whit and smooth.
aTMlt CanSkleM.
Cream on cup of butter with on
and a halt caps of sugar, add three
haaktea SaTCB. a 1V1 teSSPOOnfal Of
baking soda dissolved In two table-
spoonfuls of sweet milk and, last or
.11 etle in a sun of chopped raisins
that have been rolled In flour... Mix,
roll out and bake In a hot oven.
One cup of sugar, four tables poon
fuui of water hoHed tin clear. Mitt
Into tho beaten whit of one egg quick
ly and add one-half cup seeded and
rhoooed fine rslslns and one-half eup
chopped hickory nuts or English wal
nut masts. ' "
ljgeeswIaaT Ctefcee Cawsa te- !
- After baking a sake snd If It sticks
to tbs pan, tbs easiest wsy to take
It out without breaking It Is to wet
a clean cloth sod wrap around tho pan.
It will oome out all together.
OwvrteS BeraT.
Four ens. on ouoos of butter, on
ounce of chopped onion, half an ounce
of flour, on gill of milk and -water,
oh tsaupoonful of sorry powder, the
Jules of half n lerooa,. boiled rlc.
' e. IsmbwWvw CMe.
Add t the pot of soffss when ready
to servo a half teaspoon of vaalla snd
rtach of baking soda the also of
Tho soda destroys the aour test
by the free add to tl
ete n sag of oslphar hi the bird
saga to flrlvo away llee ia bet weather.
lea ornani liimaiu butter H K Is net
alkpwed to eUU before to ana to
tansd in tho too.
To jiiiii if pis !, allow snly
thiee aTtvs sf n pound of amgar to
a-ga MVAI.V .
Atlas OsswUm wana, hmt She Wsm
IasS Spaaf."
afiss Caroline and Mis Matilda Bar
lie, of Old Hentloy, were notable work
ers for church fairs. They desired
earnestly to help in s good work; hot
also, they so arranged their labors ss
to sdd undoubted seat to the monot
ony of their quiet Uvea. Always each
sister sslectsd s special article, of the
am value as tho other's choice, of
which she made as msay as she could.
Then It was a race to ess who should
make the most and earn the most
At one fair, for whlek Hiss Caroline
was making clover-leaf penwipers and
Hiss Matilda tomato pincushions, thi
finish was unusually exciting. The dsy
before the event Hiss Caroline, whe
was slightly tbs swifter needlewoman,
bad thirteen penwipers to her credit
and Hiss Matilda was but half a pin
cushion behind. Thes the telephone
rang; HIM Caroline answered It
. On returning, her first glance show
ed her Hiss Matilda Just biting off the
final thread which attached a green
vejvet stem to a scarlet satin fruit
Hiss Carol 1ns resolutely caught np the
materials for a new olover-leaf and
missed her spectacles. She hunted
through her work basket, then through
tho room, then through the house. In
growing exasperation and misery.
A hasty look during her wanderings
showed another tomato ripening- rap
Idly under Matilda's lingers. Her
search grew Into nervous frensy; but
still the glasses were not to bs found.
Then, peering wildly for the third
time nnder a big four-post bod from
one Bids, a despairing Caroline met the
eyes of an Intent Matilda, crawling
sympathetically on the other.
"Ton go straight back to work. Ha
tlldal" she commanded, sharply, "This
is too ridiculous! I can And my own
spectacles, I should hope!"
But she could not; It was Matilda
who found them, nearly two hours
later, clinging to a curtain. Two ex
hausted sisters hurriedly resumed
work lif the waning afternoon, and
by snndown Caroline Dad caught np
with Matilda, and passed her. .
When the receiving committee count
ed the fourteen pincushions and fifteen
penwipers, they smiled, snd somebody
said, "Miss Caroline is ahead, as
"No," said the chairman, "an order
has been left for an extra pincushion
for tho pBtuMp to bs )Biiat ftF
tho fair. That makes them even ; and
won't Hiss Matilda bs rdsssedl Ton
know she lost two hours at the last
minute, too, helping Miss Carol ins And
her spectacle 1 -
The youngest OwraMr atottffed Appre
ciatively. Then that's why Hiss Car
oline gave ma ths order, and the pin
cushion to be sent anonymously-the
dear, queer, equare old thing! Oood
sport. Hiss Caroline!"
"My dear!" protested tho chairman,
with a shocked laugh, "But wen;
really, X suppose she Is. Don't forget
to put that extra tomato on the order
list."--Tooth's Companion.
raaalllar SaytaiaT,
To mouth,
SlMaheeawssw VlahOlaaaaW. ..
"I think that aheUeapaare was
wrong.M' . ; .
-As to howr
"Doss aayon ever rosily have great
neea threat open hlmf
"It often happens. There's tho vice
presidency, yon kaw.''---L)aisvLUe
snd I have alwave re
garded ft an sooMwbnt siagular err
cumstaac that whereas my father was
born in India, and nsy mother la Bet-
fast. I myself was born fas Leadaa.
8b (doimr nor best Reavaveva. Dvt
low strasce yo stMrnld an hav tnot
Wr la
It II tmnosslMs to
daet perfect, kejt tt In
te nake it
better than tt hoe
From hand . . :
Tli Kiiul You Have Always
. ture of Cliuti. II. Flo teller, and bus been lutwle under his
pertwiinl superviftlon fur over 80) years. Allow no one
. to deeclvo yoa in this. Counterfeits Imitations mid
JiiNt-aH-prMMt " are but Experiments, ami eiMlniiger tliat
henltli of Children Kxperienco RguluBt Kiporhnent
Cnstorin la a harmless substitute for Cnator OH, Pare- ,
ftoric. Drops and BoothLuir Syrups It Is 1'lensnnt. lo
cou tains neither Opium. Morphine nor other Jiurootio .
' -substance. Its a&re Is Us g-iutruntee. It destroys Worms .
and allays FeveririhneMs. It cures Diarrliajiv and "Wind
- Colic. It relievos Teetlilnpr Troubles, urea Count i nation. -.
ami Flatulency. It aasinillateB the Food, regulates the
Btonuwh and Bowels, ftiviutr healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend .
The Kind You Hare Always. Bought
Bear the
In Use For
- awe ecmwua
Canai bhs Heeai,
T admit I have the- fault yon men
tion," said the conceited man, self
complacently, "but it's ths only fault
I have, and it's a small one,"
Tea," replied Knox, "Just Ilka the
smell hols that makes a plugged
nickel ho good." Catholic Standard
and Times.
fettlfs Cy Sslvs.
No matter how badly the ayes may
be dibcased or injured, restores normal
conditions. All druggists or Howard
Bros., Buffalo, N. Y.
What's the A
Plamplsn maidens seek the seashore,
slim ones sees the mountains hisb. It
you think you know ths answer, why,
whiv Why ? Washington Hrald,.
aViak lute Tour Sboes
Ansa's leet-Eaae. a powder for the leet. It ceres
painful swollen, amartlns. sweating tet Makes
new akee aaay. Sold by alt Druggieta and Shoai
Btorae. Don't accept any au bail tut. Sample
VEKaV Asanas A- S. 01 lad. Liaj.V1C
Wlaatelhle Pewvartewttsai,
Of two kinds of liars, the one whe
sail He plausibly Is most to be feared
The crude liar la simply a Joke. De
troit News. 1 . v
of Its kind ia the Northwest, wo Invito
tbs lavestigatioa of those who west the
best la a preetioal eduoetioa. Let e prove
superiority. Call, phono or write. Cat
alogue, betinesi forms sad paowork free.
'The School of Quality'
Tenth sad Morrison 3 Port lead, Oregon
A. P. Asm it bono, LL. B.i PaiNCirAi.
' Is these days si iiasiaaarm rktwde we aeea eea arMH te easliH Ma farw aewaa
SaswL It w Jeet ae MrlaJ that aba fana ahoeU be U bat at the aaa aalbla turm
ajii hlii n I aad bmM aseSera Isber aarln aerless as H b that a aart eendoeeaS Bieteey
sheeM save tt. end eee Bkare se. We beve la ear eatenetve eteek. leber aavrac awbtaias
f aD Uajde. eisshriiaa that laaasn eraiai Bad aaaee tee faxraar me eeaat baWeeadeiit asaa
ea the earth: sajabhisi the aebs ten Mte asera enjoyable seal tand te sees we reensT
sssa aatlaBed erttb tarsi week. Me fames etet bneetad Ms aseeay te setter edaMtas
thas whan he beasbt eae ef the ass sain ss snetlml bakrw. These see Usaa whlasj are b
Nam NOW and Bra seam whlek shesU wtereet every fsntav who Sealrea te aaee S
ssi ins of teiadaaj. Kreaaar Btery Berrew Attechaasals. (shown here). Haaalar Prllle,
(abawe beret. 1. L eaes Plows. Seadwleh Bar Flaw as. IHck's fieiisi Feed Ce tears.
eever Petate Dbrrera, Doable Aettea
sad Risbtles Cataways. Steves Oaeakas
rarlses. Mew lewe Caeea oansraHsa,
Hyers Paeese, ta, Me.
Do TOUnsBUP aad as S (eeer kr
aswliie far ens
ltnutcht lias borne tlie siicna-
Signature of
Over 30 Years.
aNMHMV . aicw Taa ait.
HOWARD . BrRTUM - Win aad
! Oolriiua, RpKimeB url
Cheat M.
ii Gold.
S0o; Cine
rlc I lak
Silver. Ld. O. Bnld. Sllier. Uo: Gold,
or Cupper. W. Mnllina rnvrloraa and tall
HDtoaavr'trxlnn CVrn'rol iid Trunin
uauee. imnaini varcooaia nauoaai
m lean a Laadar In Pain lass Oaaaa.
Work aa Portland.
Out-of-Tow Pebp I e
Stum Id reowmber that our forre la es arre-ure
TRACTlNO FHEt: whtn plat or brfelKei are or
PAIN. NOSfUUENTS. no unaartalno-. .
For the Next Fifteen Dayn
We win stvereo mt seM er sawee-
Istn crown (or . u ......mui.iiu PJO
Rk brtdaa teeth
Molar trawn .(
Guld or anaaial timnss 1.00
Sllvr fllltng... w .-JOl
Good rubber plslas B.00
Th beat ted rubber plates 1-0T
Painlaaa tru-tlona BO
Dr. W. A. Wise .
President and Manager
The Wise Dental Co.
TbMaad WaahlnstoA Sttv
r m u
No. S Ow
to advertises el ease
VV aeeailnei (Hie
Jfs. ' a