t The t I Main 1 t . Mmridith NichoUon CorriOHT 101 Tn Boaae-etaaaiu, CoMUJrii CHAPTER XV. (Continued.) Wheaton's hand reitid again oa the packet before him; ha bad flushed to the Urn pit, but the color slowly died oat of bis face. It waa very still In Ida room, and tha watchman could be heard walk ing arroaa the tiled lobby outside. A pa trol wafon rattled Id tba street with great flung of lU gong. Wbaaton had moved the brown pared a littla nearer to the edjfe of the tnble; Margrave no ticed tbls and for the Arst time took a serious Internet in the packet. Ha waa not built fur quick evolutions, bot he made a sudden movement around tba ta ble toward Wheaton, who waa between hi ra and the dour. "What you got In that paper, Jim?" be asked, puffing from hia eiartlon. Wheaton did not apeak, but ba picked op the parcel and took a atap toward he door, Margrave advancing - upon him. WJiea to Ufeaaa'-tfraueor? Holding, tba paokagafttnder nil arm. , ."LWu't touch ma ; don't touch me,' he eh Id, hoarsely. ' MargravVwtill cams to ward blm, WhVston's unengaged hand went nervously to hia throat, and he fum bled at hia tie. The sweat came out on bit forehead. It waa a curloua scene, the tall, darjt man In his evening clothes, pitiful In bis agitation, with bla back against the door, bugging the bundle under one arm ; and Margrave, fn his rough business suit, walking toward Wbealon, wbo retreated before blm. "I want that package, Jim." "(Jo away ! go away !" The awaat ahone on Wheaton'a forehead In great drops. "I can't, I can't you know I can't !" "You coward V said Margrave. "I want that bundle." Ha made a gesture and Wheaton dodged and ah rank away. Margrave Unshed again; a malicious tuirtb possessed him. But he grew sud denly flrrce and his fat Angara closed nhout Whenton's neck. Wheaton huddled against tha door, holding tbs brown pack et with both hand. "Drop It! Urop It!" blurted Mar- rave. He was breathing bard. A sharp knock at the doer against which they struggled caused Margrave atirlnv awav. II walked down the mnm aereral nacea with an assumption tit carelessness, and W bee ton. with tbs bundle sitll under bla ar ah--tamed the Limh nf the door. "Hello. Wheaton!" called Fenton, blinking In tha glare of the llghta. "(kiod avenlna." said Wheaton. Fenton." said Margrave, rareteselj, but mopping bla forehead with hi. fc. ,!' Maf. "Here are jour papera," said Wheaton, almost thrusting hia pare! Into tke law yer's hands. 4.ht aald Fenton. looking curi ously from one to the other. And then be glanced at the package, as If abeent mlndedly, and aaw that tha seal was un broken. , , . -fia .takt Maibnra. ha aald. Sor- tn ban dlaturhed TOO." "How much Traction was In that pnek- v .-i-i Marerare. closing the door hi know." said Wheaton, smooth- lu ,i. Th. watchman could be heard closing tha outside door on Fan m I Jnn't think too do," returned Uergravt. "You'd flied It preMy well with teuton. If he'd only been a minute i.... va h mot that bundle. 1 didn't rMllaa at drat what yon had them Jim. w.rr.r watched1 him maliciously. tboroughly en joy lug bis, terror. "Uow do yon know 1 wooion it w" i the other one, Jim." (d.ui iv-u.. kniii hU own certificate; ba believed for a moment that ba could trade the one for the Other. - Tm not going to fool with you much longer, Jim; you either give me that cer tificate or I ao to the Uaaette offlee as straight as I caa walk. Just sign it In blank, the way the otner one is. witness It all right." Wheaton wrote while Margrave stood over blm, holding ready a blotter which he applied to Wheatou'a signature with unnecessary care. i k thia won't cause you any In-. convenience with the lady, but you're un j k.ii. . tat iiar and von can fli that all right, particularly" with a chuckle "If tba old man cesaee in. Wheaton followed Margraves move ments aa If under a spell that be could not shake off. Margrave walked toward the door with an air ol nonchalance. pulling on his gloves. i hareo't mv check-book with me. Jim, but I'll aettle for your stock and Miss Evelyn's, too, after I get things re-organiwd- It-11 ta worth mon moat7 then. Please give tne young- is uy mj compllroenta," with Irritating suavity. He stopped, arooothlng tne nacas oi d glovea placidly. 'That's all right. Jim, ain't itr he asked, mockingly. 1 hope you're satisfied, aald wnaa- ton, weakly. I'm never satlsfled," aald Margrara. picking up bis hat. , 'Wheaton wished to make a bargain in. htn tn awiira his own Immunity; k., t. Hii not -know how to. accomplish It. Margrave bad threatened him, and he i.v.A ir. AnU the noint ol tne inreat, out he was afraid to ask a promise of him. Wheaton did not follow blm to tne ooor. but Margrave seemed In no hurry to leave, rne wewnman wi let him out at tha side entrance. "If he'd only been sure the oold man hoped t tell Ua friend's abarea ad vantage. ';. .' Beaton bad never been In tba Bi- ohariM RnlMln. and ha DOked about In the dark uijper Boora, uncer talnly kiokinf forthe rooms described la tba advertisement Another man, also peering about in the ball, ran agalust blm, i H "Beg pardoa, bejt can you tell rna "Good morning, Mr. 8a i ton, are you acquainted in tab) rookeryT' It was Fentoa, who earrted a brown parcel un der but arm and appeared annoyed. -no; nui i ai aairuing, j "I'm tiwbin. ir.. iha ofltcea ol the Traction Company. Its light see ma to be bid under a bushel." "I'm looking far It, too" said ronton. Some humorist seems to bavs changed the number on this Boor." They traversed the halls severs, floors la an effort to And the numbers specified in the notice. Feoton occasion ally kicked at a door In his rage. B ton called to him presently Trom a dark corner where be held up a lighted match to read the number on the transom. "Here's oar number, but tberea no name on the door." Kenton advanced upon the door with long strides, but It did not open aa be grasped tha knob. He kicked it sharply, but there waa still no response from with- n.-h rim U it RYtonT" be asked over bla shoulder, without abating bla pounding or knocking. "Five minutes of nine." Saiton was mrm. haw that anmorhlnr Important waa in progreee. Ha did not know Fenton well, but he knew that he was the attor inr Porter ami the CUrkson Nation al, and that ho was a serious chasacter who did not beat on doors unless ne nsu business on tba insidn. Fenton now called riamaiwllna admission. Then waa a low sound of voices and a sharp noise of chairs being pushed over an un carpeted floor: bat the knob which Fen ton still bold and shook did not turn. On tha Inside of the door-Timothy " Ditesa D la-are. A. eompleta homemade ditoh digger mar ba made by following tba aa aertptlon here given. , Tbt bed plena, five and ft omit monew Inner la Mit Ant Of ft bard DUUlk tWO and a half Inches thick, bolted at met end and la tha middle to prevent apuv tin. Tha reau- half Is Bin lncnaw wide' and tba front hall tx Inch wide The diggers art mad of noel ban two and a hall Inches wide, toree Quortere of an Inch thick and twenty four Inches long. They are fastened to the plank by a right angle turn and bolted. The two rear diggers are new. firmly by a rod with nuts Inside and V r tS.k his riKusasa uwsui aswui would have died to-night," he reflected aa ba walked np the street, "aeai save give me Porter's anares, sswy. went, to bla oflke, entertaining fclnsslf with this pleasant speculation. " got out of tha bank with that package he'd never dared equeai, as pi concluded. CHAPTER XVI. John Saaton waa a good deal the worst for wear ar ba swung himself from a eleeper la the Clarkaon station end bolt Mils at nrst wnat yon ama mm w-t , , l. I kept during it - deapcratr U-"' tt t t v.. k.n ara IhoaS BnSrS TOU own Jl'm. I nope we won't be Interrupted hlle you're getting them ror aw. f- Mia. rrBB here to the Geaett efllco. You know ihsry do what r tell em over there. They'd like a little etory about the aristocratic Wheaton fatally of Ohio, Porter, girl would like that lor Lk.i i.HMnoe saornlnf ." Wheaton bong between two lncllna- k ..aka terms with Margrave and asssrs Ws frW-.lp at a-y baaard, tbe other to break with klm, kft tk ooa Mueaces be what they might -Harry as," ea" Mart rave -Ptle.t-"thu in mr busy sight and I east '"rfowl, to bla Wheaton s band went ssowry vs dket. Ai he draw sot bis ows certii- IZto with nerrona flngera, tba earthVata waTck Krelya Port bad glee, klsi V Zot before fell npo. tba taMe. -TbaiM tbs right eotot." aaM M- graca. tehl tke P-fOf Whsats. Iprmag forward e regala K. that) ot that I That -ant satoar Margraee aWd baefc anal swept tba faaa of the eartnWe wish aie eyea. vaswrr eJlTiaasr eskatod Iks flakat osoo of ,Ad mmt Margrsve nftad t ws .StlIsSwwi jn.m h..ainaaaL and there BIS limiU to the things that cas be crowded Into a eult-caae. He bad been crawling through four-foot felne of Kansas coal in ths In tsrest of tha Neponaet Trust Company, and bad been delayed a day longer than ba had etpected. He continued to be In a good deal of a hurry after be reached u,Z .a he kicked aside the mail wblck rustled under tbe door as be open ed it. and knelt hastily before tba aale .. Httlina tha ronsbwre of tbe combinatloa. He pulled out a long oa- Telope and then witb asora eoaapor. eanaulted bis watefc. i. kair.Mat etsht. He took from bis memorsndnm calendar the leaf for tee day; on It ae bad posted cutting . umi HaaaMi anrtonoclng tbe annual meeting ol the sweknowere ot Clarkaon Traction I'otnpany. The meet- m ka hliL ae tke notice recicem, between the hours ef9a.sa.andflp.am. .v. Tsaadav bat Novsaabsr. at .w. i aMeaa of tbe coatpaay is ts eiM af Cterkaaa. Tbe Eicaaaga naiio- i- a nvMaL ISOMSa iao tratlvs oOcee af tbe company wets oa the v iaa at ma. before setting tarts ftaxtoa exa mined his nepers, wsica www .uuai. mi sleek bk tba Olarksee) Ttsa i mm .The bad beam ssat M kj. to a warsasaU tttoad ba Boatos, the trostee sf aa estate, wita . ,ia mm tsnent. Hartnsr rorafi-sd tkasa yaat aa bo was Isavlag tat Kansas, there bad been so spaortaafty fas sew Mhlaa Pwrts e Wbeatoa, hta esweJ asV a. airalaslsat BMttetO. Trctss ... Wl aatraneed sitsty, dssslte news- eaebsTsgod oao old frlond mr tno mV" for th reason that rod clover la bien nial In Its habit of growth aad under ths stoat Ideal conditions will not fur nish mora than two cuttings of hay In a season. On tha other hand, a falfa Is a perennial plant, and when onoa established will continue to pro dnoa four and frequently ne crop . mm.! for Bavaral nan In sue- eesslon, and this la why our dairymen havo clung to It through all theeo ... iiua mi nun to a root We am loth to eonooda that rod clover la the better forage In tha production or. milk, hut It does look that way, and wo know farmers In different nana of tha State who are taking up wo culture Quite unniTSiy. ww Field and Farm. . m mfmmm Dewtaw Fwlca. n-w. lataat fake nractlcod on farm n ii dona by a man who visits tha pines and claims mat no oas oeen MDt but by the State to examine fruit tree diseases, says an aicuu-. iu wiu sro over the orchard and nark aU trees which hs claims are af- fseted. Shortly alter nia vibu a con. federata will appear and say that ha has a preparation which will euro tha disease tor wmon uw uw m w-A-mnmA and will contract to Inject ft fluid into the roots for a certain pries. Doth men are swindlers ana snouia do . tha nlaea with a ahotxun. Th only men empowered to inspect orch ards are the county inspectors, woo ars known to most fruit growers. - THE PIOOES gQTJimD. Margrave and Iforton, tbe president Harass, the SM-retarv. and ferclvai. toe treasurer of the riarkaoa Tractioa Com pany, ware holding tbe annual meeting of that corporation, la conformity wltb Ita articles of i asocial Ion. and according tn tha dulv airartlaad notice as roauired by tbe statutes in each case saed and provided. They had, however, aotto pated the bout slightly ; bat thia was aot, Margrave said, an Imaortaat matter. Bla notions of tat proper way or aoiaing hualness SBsetlsH - Isvsed on bin long mliiiM In n.lii nfd arimartsn. llorton, ths Dresldent ceiled ue eseei- lag to order. -Well, bora aaU Marsrravs. "there ain't any use watting on tbe other tel-losssw-alsaineai ia hualness and we might aa well set thntoeh wltb It I vote twenty-live hundred and lnety-eeven shares of the eomaaoei stock o( tkla eoss- pany; you i-atleman bavaa't ssore teas that have yoal" Tbe fad was that tbe three osncers present ewaea ealy oas share each. "I ssove" miA narnaa. that WO TO- ceed to the rlertisn of oaacers tor the ensuing year." -And I a.N " mmA ParHvaL "that tM stcreUry be instrartsd to coot tbe ballet of the Mochholdera for Timothy Margrave far president "Coosest- eu-Ialsaad Barnes, e mea ly. tens eauM ha haarO he tM OOtST SOU. and Margrave looked at hia watoa. I move that wa adwara ss saset at naw at -. viAie. sa awsclsde tke electtoa of officers." He gathered np Us earthVatsa aad pre-jared to esavo. out, th points ,belng spread out so tbat the bed piece can easily drop into tha anace when the ditch la two loot or more in depth. The front digger Is the same also, but eat In Ue mwaie. Ail are held firmly by brace rode and ahai nned like the flat end of a pickax. A wheel la set under the front end to steady ths movement and la braced hac.kward. An edtustsble draw iron nlaced above, throuffh which the rod may pass at any height suited to tha ftenth of the ditch. Tha handles are also adjustable. raising them as the digger drops low mr. tn hard subsoils one wll save .the cost of this simple device In digging unntT.riva rnris of ditch. In OUT haninan aactlona ol the eaat, which al wava fined dralnaars. one does not feel anoouraaed to dig ditches Wltb pick and shovel when more than half the mem la remit red to loosen the dirt with this machine the toughest sub soil wbea- dry hanolao as rapidly a4 loose sand. SCeanBlwat CtaSUSl wtt. en.. an In koenlns cream naaat la tn kMtt it a8 Clean SB DOS- Ible., Clean cream cannot be produced h flith methoda of milking nor by hanA-iina- tha croam or milk in unclean utensils. Milk cans, stirrers ana pans should D thoroughly scalded In hot water and dried and exposed to tbe annllvht and OUfO Sir. The next stop la to remove ue ani mal hnat from the cream as soon as possible after separating. Run Ue nvam from the sspamor uno a con venient utensil for cooling. A or e gallon shotgun can Is most convent- rnnl tha cream tn well water t .ttne. In a few minutes it can ba reduced to the temperature of tbe water. Alter the eream la cooled rt w. mAAmA ta ths cream contained i. h. etmnlr can used In delivering eream to the station. The cream sup ply can, while being filled and held lor ..!. .hmtld bo kept In water at as near the temperature of freshly pampod water aa possible. The dvor- .7. - .hnnt H dearses. With It Ml" . . . ... cream can easily eo neio hhww - aikd at this temperature will remain sweet tor wn'irj m iaao naps at the station. Kansas Farmer. Tha hot water cure Is recommended by many for poach tree borers. It la a somewhat drastic treatment for the borerthough It does not hurt ths tree. The borers work either at or at- nsctly beneath ths surface of the ground, around the trunk. The tree may be hilled up in the form of a sau cer, the dirt packed a little and the scalding water poured In. This will Invariably bring out any borers. It It not believed to hart the tree, al though an excess ol water should not bo used. An emulsion ol 1 part or naUoleum to 160 parts ot water la also recommended. . , Tha Aommon cabbage worm ta among the best known ol all garden pesta, both As a larvas ana in ins adult stage, when it becomes ths com mon spotted, whits cabbage butterfly. The young plants should ba sprayed wlU arsenate of lead. 1 ounos to a gallon 01 water, mu covered until tney oegm u up well. Water heated to ISO degrees Fahrenheit will destroy all worms which It hHa, wiuout injury to u plants. TewUlaUosi ot StaMe. It was tha anaai ssason (or baawssn aa a amaa llmna kafco the pollso ats Uon. with a bkMk eye aad owe arm ta a bIIhbt. "Say. captain," he said. Mdreswdnc the onsoar la ekeuwa. "I UasL" -Oh, yoa da, f owatiod the est. "Are ya ssnairsr i. wji known that there Is eon nlderablo riah of Introducing now wswds by the purchase of manure and bay and other feeding stuffs B. I. Oswald, of the Maryland experiment station, undertook to obtain more def inite Information on Uls point, espe cially regards dissemination through manure, by studying the of fset of th fermentation of manure hananad la different ways and of pass ing through ths digestive systems or animals on ths vitality of various aawiB. Including seeds of about fifty tha worst weeds found tn Maryland. sxDSrimeuts In which the manure remained for six months tn a barn- arai asms and for a abort while ta piles, as when shipped in carioao iota fmn ait lea. it waa rouaa not ia ue o rat amss) there was ao danger, and to tha second esse little danger of dls- ribatmg live wood seeds. ... Fte Oars va. Altataa. Roan of the old-Uma dalrymsai ara eomlag around to tbe belief that rod etorer soeh aa was grown around Desv Tsr twooty-dvo ar thirty years ago, la batter forage for too production ot milk tnaa la alfalfa aa grown nown awav Certain tt la that wo are not now getting ths awalHr of milk that was produced a qaartor of a otnunj a wham aoarly ovorybody hod a Uttla natch af dswr. It waa swine (wUras, hsarm. that ws ehould has Thta alstnUB ShOWS mtUod Of OOB. structtag a fresh air Intake whore too noli comas to or near Ue top of wall aa found In many bank barsa. An ss cavatloa to neoBoasry snd a retaining wall la bulM around tha opes spaot narked C avals mr Bvary dairy butter maker whoso product Is known to be of uniform good quality can now easily contract' nil of Uetr surplus at 16 esnta per pound the year round: And yet the quality designated as "common coun try butter" nearly always sails behrw that price and during four or in summer months goes aa low aa U rots. Why why win its makers oa content to follow methods that span positive loss" Who can and will asa war thl question?- The Rural 1st. Tw Basel Asalns CSt Wiraii. Tar paper place around cnboaga and tomato plants win keep oft eaV Marsna. Insert the paper In the ground, making a circle about 4 hashsn in dlaxaator aad I It must aot ba forgotten that tfceeaa and tsldnsss ara the two arm pats in aaadJlag milk. . aaytkisaj, be 1 -see have saaat aw