; lone Proclaimer WARD, Editor awl Proprietor. Published every Friday at lone, t M-jrrow Couutr, Oregon. py the Proclaims Publishing Co. UJOSCKirTtONsT i.so MB Entered at tiuT lone potoffice n second claps matter. TRAIN SCHEDULE mvm Hupi'imr ' m UvmIom " Arriru ut Junction ' Imvm JniMlian 1H0U- m' .i.nv-i June : ' ? P- '" Airlvisat lltunner 4"-lo m- MAIXM.-Ot Wst-boiinil leaves J iiiitlnn 10:15 . in. HMt-lwimil ituvw J auction I'.io p. U.J. l'eniiinlrtem, Agent. Officers of Horror ocnty Oregon Joint lt.-,..eii..MlM.....'. -T. J- ""'""J , W.T. ( itmi'bel) County ConiinlMioiiBM. JM. J.Devin County Clsr.. 'if'" m"! f.Mn.iv x.irri'vor V. ' ''I td Iiih.I J1,,"riii(Pti'toiit -J."' Cmin.(;uiiii':r ' rrDttiir mur: www it'''' Hr( Stnii'l.J' In Jliim J" .1.-1.1 - nllrtift! l"'1,,'h '"'""rf r-umt mri-f llie Third Mmulnj lit Mr "' third MoikUf in Soremlr. Subrihe for tlie PnocLAIMRR. A ppiril itf clfint'lttiPKH li.'iMtnielc (nnc tin- fci!n tire liiiif; up iiii'l Utinu'd ii every !i;iiiii. Tho Hlrct.-tt mo ttusv t here oiivs, many f;iriH"f.J in a nil .-njtplies (. in(j out for l!m lniiny jil- l;uiii Hint coon ill t a rt . Tli ft liiiu.-L ruin tlmt mulil lie tirril, came hi I he lorn ri'iiitm Thnmlny tiijihl und i nnly -thr Test of tunny that will wet I lie ground to :i!linr tlic runners to he 5111 plow in.-: mi. I Mt'il i njr. - On:) of Lut) l)iltltii of til ! s nc- tiou in the iHvcrfilitil I'ltm'.itionsof ii: niini! itnil lift. In tlx midst of nii of lint grr-utfUt rthent fielilp in Kaslt-rn Ovi'on m alio have fine Cirwltn w iili much a I fit Ha jumI Mfiir nt li.-md tlm niouiiliiiin where I lit' pi-iijiln drive fur wood nud l?ri ir. . i irtinTbltip h:i.s lice it etilrml liilo iH't.vci !'. twit praitii'til fiirner ' with li tinnv ultiirhni unit nrexooti I i li ' here ptu'.villtl mi tho Notth SMi. l,i mk (nit fur eropi the kimt yuil reiul tthtnil, next yeur. L1. . L ' J!..""ii!U ! inu I'll TTltVO lFi.ii i I Hi" Ht preimrinj; fur ijfhiK'l w'liM-k Ntitrt next Week. Tim S:liiiul 'tiuiKr Ihik Ihtu uverlmulrd autt- eU-mn-it front t")t to lioltont jjnl lite o,il put in mill It IritN mr t.t-lf 4 hiiiuior yrnr for loiii M'ltoot vhiMren. -WOMEN WOO COUNT. OviVlvc-rtt in totio we linTemtiiM rtsinnni of the clitfi that Imve tuai'i liiatory for many year ami m.t tin rtwun litres are MmWiilmil Idake, ,ta Jbvwiaiv Mr ': Uhlck nmi M ra Tom (i rn hi 1 1: Thest lailica.liavsltacnnie tired nf aeeii p t)t alraet. ituXcouijif their ltoiu a full ot weeU amt liar gone nit -nhl illti aml)MleilaUniialins larEr nk InrK Iioumi ami tlie boys ,aie nrihia til have alwilillra.. Sfi fiepniul atreei is citing to look an nlt-a n .al fall After .vr Uuly ot Um t ' ' V ' r lone Proclaimer and V ' . . I Weekly Urcgoniaarf'i.l CART TAiL FLOGGING. Thl PMuliar PunfihmRt rivurtatMd In England Up to3fi. Alttwugb noK','in at th cart'4 tall la generally unMfi hav ,eaaa aftr 1427, thiiihi iut-Ktiin :irt on m.'ord up td l"t! Vh'-ii u m:ui von Tlctcd of robbci'i frin tiw in-ra-m waa lowly parodwt thrn((l h principal arreet rf Baltaub "wl'li bare '"" k flumed at tlm c:u;lVinil. to wlii-'U ana ot lits ftauda wan lutfuA at uIUim aide. Two wen, armed with eat-o'-uiatnlla, laid "on beavlly anil weri oldod by the beadle or erter In unii'orm for not btttdis horder." Tlie punishment wai aomvtlmca n-'Ineed to a farce when the administrating- hi,nd had been we." "l'ed" or belonged to a aoft hearted offleer of juatlrp, a In a cnao mentioned by the poet C'owper where the thief waa the only ooa con cerned who aiiffered nolhlnff. A youth had atolep wme Ironwork at Olney. "Belnit convicted. aaytt Cowper "he ivna ordered to be wblp pel, which operation he underwent at the cart'i tall, from the atone botiee to the high arch and back aim In. It aeenied to ahow nreat fortitude, but It .waa all an Imposition upon the public The beadle who performed it butt filled hla left bund with red ocber. through jwhlch after every stroke be drew the Wli of hla whip, leaving the appear ance of a wound upon the akin, but 4n reality not hurting blm at aH. Thla being perceived by Countable Fllnacn--romb, who followed the beadle, be applied Mi cane without any euch management or precaution to the ahouldera of the too merciful execu tioner. The ecene immediately became more Interesting. Tbo Jwadle could by no mean be prevnlled upon to errlke hard, whleb provoked the constable to arrtke harder, anil thla double dogging wratlnocd fllCa Inss of Blh-er End, pitying the pitiful beodle, thn antTer lug under the hands of the pltjlww eon lOnble, Joined the proemalon imd. plae log hernelf lmtnltntcl.v behind the tat ter, acired him by Til capillary club and, pulling him back ward hy the an me, alnpned hla face with, a most amawmlnn fury." St. Jaraea Gazette. Fires In CeaLMinaa. For fighting lire in lie anthracite coal tnffiea n eheuileal fire engine la now be ing wed by a company In Iennaylva nlu. Tbls engine la built on n truck whleb can run upon tracks throughout the mine. When an alarm of tire li fKittmled tho engine la attached to an electric mine locomotlvo- nud' rushed to the scene of trouble at high Bitecd, Water played npon- m coal fire la nl mmt instantly convertetl Into steam, which further dlalntegratea, fonulug n (us ao etifrocatlng 41 It drives away tlic men- lighting the Are. Blue flamca which about out when water strike the hot coal often act a brass pockets of gaa In the celling. When a chemi cal engine plays upon burning coal the heavy gases evolved cling to the floor and another the blase by excluding tho air. Men are not annoyed by tlm -funiea and can stay close enough to do effective work. - - . Farewell, English tpaerew. -After hug arguments pro and eon It has seemed to be pretty well recog nlaed that the English sparrow does much more ham than good and that It la time he was eradicated from thla eomttry. Dr. C. Hart Merrlam of the depnrtmeirt of agrlcaltare baa prepared a eonsenaus of reports from many sMireea containing evidence for and agaJnet the sparrow. These report i are 10R in fsTor of the bird, 83T against and 4S neutral. Theas reports contai-i also a list of the native birds that haw been wore or leas molested by the pug nacious little sparrow, sod these In ni, uiiiTHni, nuua. mm, norned lark, hermit and wood tbmahes, mocking bird, purple grackle, meadow lark and many woodpeckers. Steps will be taken to speed the nn- welcome guest. Washington Herald. Tyaeeettere In Ball Ring, The bullfight given by the member of the a ten berg Typographical anion of Cbthunhua was highly amoslag sof waa attended by a large crowd that cberred the amateurs again and sain Bandeiilloa were skillfully placed, and one of the bulla was killed a- wmy that waa creditable to tbe young flgbt ers, although In others they were not always so successful In this part: Tbe nofeesJons of typesetter ana matador are far part, but tbe young men show ed versatility m their a hnny to do each artlv work after their sedentary Ufe at tbe easalhunaa- Osr. Mexk HeraJd. - Advertles la-Haaesawsets, Kansas City has- deemed as adve Has Itasir, . but thr prosaotara ef th pnbllrtty plan nr dertdad as won i saeaiasa wui nrma; too east rs suits. Our advice to the Kansas a? pr waters Is to aeseet s. Het af gaol winiera, and m eedeTto hack aJT? 1e yea hVuak flat vets M efsal met be hMg hafere she faihitiajkn I laajsr. Will pay a year s Subscription to The lone ' Proclaimer "and the Pfiqific ' Monthly Regular price $3 "This offer will not last long so come in NOW Oregon jHOItTlINtr IMonPacifu: AND ONLY LINE EAST VIA SALT LAKE and DENVER t - TIME SCHEDULES Daily departs for the East and Fort land at 8-20 a. m, ; arrive at 8 :0 p. m. 'V HTKAHER LINKS- Daily boat nn-les, Sunday excepted between Portland, Astoria, Oregon City ami Davton. Snake River Rente Bteamara between Riparia and Lewia ton leave Biparia daily, except Batsr day, atoitf.a. nr. " Returnin leaves Lswiston dallr. except Friday, at 7a. m For tatUntornatte call en 0. i. Pea niagUa.O. K. N. agent, leak, ON, Wa, MeM array, Oen. Paea. Aft. PortUad, Oregua. J w(moK you tvma cation Mt ( rt Land (rCBUHMRK terlal KoUJMa MpAsvMXXTorTii e ixvsarua V. S. Land Otncaat i)ie ltalie. Oreg !tAtloihfhyirlviithAi'UTii n ?.nmwli, ne flf iii ,tr nl lor Ui )ilru( Virlc 0jiuPia . 1..hiu n I turn Aiirn-t 19 - i'lc llflp-lft.l "tnirj. Xo lUWH.tor a..-, i, if.ridias ha DM mllrs iman ttea te aiii seal ftT-yar praof. inatlaMM eUlm la U Una abwva darrlaa. aafara tha RafNiirrMd Kaeelnw at Tha Dallas, Oregon ea tea Itu day af aoa-(. I SOS. Clalwaat lumaaM win-wss! X. Mrs J UWiili 4oa Jihm F llmnlwli i Ariln MaanaMBllT Marria and Use P Marvin at Marias, Ontea, U W aleere, Keglssat. ; TEE - , a"pB" x - ttwm - MtHw ctum;; nftiiimm ' NCarKMHimf. mtsma, FIRST Mrs M.V. GANGER Proprietor. Clarence JV(f ' White LAWYCR V Heppner . Oregon P. C. Balsiger IMPLEMENTS AN VBIKLES AGENT FOIl Myers Puinya, V Btover Hart Parr Gasoline Engines, Mitchell Wagons, Staver Bngpief, 8tar & Double Power Wind Mills, Sander & Case Plovri, And HooBter Drills. P. M, Christenson .Dealer' in ; Wheat Lands and Town Property. " I alsohanclle Thoroughbred Ppultry P. n. Christenson, Propri etor Swede Canyon Poul try Ranch, Lexington, Or; DR. C. C. CHICK Physician and oargeea BIQHT CALLS PROMPTLY AT TENDED Offloe In the lone Pharmacy, lone. Oregon. The Proclaimer for 1.60 a year. HOTEL IONE- THE L. P. 0. - PASTIME - Where Every one goes to, have a good time. BARRY L REED Mgr. lone Look Herel B" l-SBT A nice-fresh line of all the leading brands of tobaccos both 0 smoking and chewing; also a 1 fine line of LUNCH goods just arrived. Any thing from bardines to limberger cneese. HOT g COLD sonifrfoks i spcclaiig. I!!E SHAMROGK. htftftK CNGCLMAN, Pflbt. C. H. WARBi Ward WH EAT town property; one, 1 1 The Prfrtlarid journaVahd Prtotlainafcr ja CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS ,CommercUl Trade' Especially SoHcitkd Rates $100 and : : $100 the Day x - Special Rates for Koom and Board by Week. AeW. LundeUp b.. . TEACHER OP Voice Culture. Singing AND Sight Reading J JONG. - OREGON. R Wt Hickok - Grain Buying a Specialty mnus cougnt ana zoia Life Insurance Col lections - made. heppner. oregon: ' Will buy In any amount Fat Chickens, Turkeys, Docks - Veals and Hides. 'M aStffl Ml WMICL at the , IONE MEAT MARK W. R. COCHRAN, woe. NOTICE. . Will all nericrnr who are'enddbt ed to the J O Kincnid estatemrease . call at tlmt store building and settle with out delay as we are, anxious to wind up. the whole luaucr ua buuii as pimeiuir. KL Padberg, , ' Trustee. ' Oregon L C. WARD. & Ward LANDS alio, Orefotv 2JQO H X Pi 0) X s 3 O O 35 i - j