- - eAa ma i D O G OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST MAKING ARTIFICIAL STONE. Klamath Fall Industry Growing end Plant WW Bs Enlarged. Klamath Palls. To extend tha nut lecture of artificial atone and briek by aa hydraulic prosssa tb Hydrsulie Stone Briek Company has erected building and installed a plant .pf raodera machinery here. . . - , Tba materials for th cement block -aura prepared and placed is a mold, the back being a mixture of cement, -crushed rock and aand at a percentage of five or six to one and the facing be ing a mixture of aand and cement at a mixture of three to one. By the nee of levers a pressurs of 100,000 pound to the square inch ia exerted, thus pro ducing a block of even density in which all the- component parts are brought logetner to form a solid m - Bricks are made of a mixture of tare to one and are ths equal of what as commonly known as pressed briek, with many points of superiority. They -can be made in any desired color, though it is doubtful if any one will -desire other than the natural gray, as Its appearance is both lasting and pleaa ing to the eye. Several thousand ofT these bricks have been made and i superior to anything ever seen ia I -city. In addition to the bricks and blocks 'the company is preparing to manufac ture sewer pipe. Machines for this pur pose have already beea ordered and are -expected here in a few davs. Paving blocks and tile will bo added and within, the next, year this company will be-tirniBhing employment to local labor and have ' a weekly payroll of several hundred dollars. ' -GOOD INTENTIONS GO WRONG Scarcity of Salmon In Rlvsrs Attrib uted to Killing of SeaUona. Astoria, Although the slaughter of wealiona has beea carried on systemati cally for some years and has received the' sanction ef the state authorities as being a means of getting rid of one of the greatest natural enemies to the salmon, there Is a well-defined oppo sition to the practice being continued growing among some of those who have Been directly interested in the fishing industry for several years. They assert that while the seallons xist on salmon and destroy many of those Ask, they also drive the fish into the river, and that otherwise the salmon will not enter fresh water until they are -ripe and ready to spawn, To substan tiate their contention these men say that a similar ease occurred In Norway some years ago. There the government took up the work of destroying certain natural enemies of the salmon and the -result was that the fish stopped entering -the rivers ia schools or "runs," but straggled ia much as they have dona In the Columbia this season. This year there were hundreds' of sea llons killed pfl thenuath of the Colum bia and many more were frightened sway, and the runs .of salmon have been small. At Tillamook and Nehalem there -were large numbers of sealions and more 7hinook salmon were caught there than over before. V Right of Way Causes Sutt. Madras, Or. W. K. Ellis and wife, -who have a plaaa two miles southwest f Madras, were served with summons In a condemnation suit by Deputy Sheriff J. C Bobinson, for right of way of the Deschutes Railroad company aver their land. There was a wide difference between the price offered by to right of way sgent and that asked by the owner of the land. Tba ease will come up for consideration at the October term 01 the circuit court la Crook county. Railroad engineers have commenced to set grade stakes for the Harriman Toad, and it ia presumed construction -work will begin in a few days oa both sides of Willow Creek senyoa, north and south of this place. Big Timber Sal In Unn. Brownsville. The largest sale of tim ber land recorded in Linn county r a number of years has hist taken place acre, the lands involved ia ths transfer being known as the Martin tract, owaed by local people, consisting of approxi mately 2500 acres, situated en the north slope of the divide between the Cela ' pools and Mohawk rivers. The price paid for this land was eloaa ta $45,000, purchaser being the Crass st Timber company, ef Portland. It m surmised that the land goes into tba bands of peculators. Brownsville Is only fear and a half miles distant from the land. The land la admirably situated far log ging and miliiag. - Trout far Oregon Streams. Washington. The bureau of fisheries Baa deposited young flsb ia Oregon streams aa follows: tOOO brook trout for Bpnng creek, Hilgard, Or.; 200Q Taiabow trout for Meadow brook, Hil gard, Or. j 1000 for Beaver sreek, Hil gard, Or.; 3000 for Jordan creek, Hil-fi-ard, Or.; 6000 for Piv Points creak, Hilgard, Or.; 0000 for North Fork af Burst rivef, Baker City, Or.; 3000 for Beer creek and tributaries, Baker City, Or.: nn0 for Downey lake, Baker City, Or.; 5500 fer Eagle sreek. Baker City, Or.; 3000 fer Piah lake, Baker City, Or.; aad 6000 for Dayly rank, Baker City, Or. ; t 4O0 Asree h Spwds. ' tJaios. Over 409 acres of potatoes ia the riciaity af Union this asaaoa prom tee a hamper crop aad ths oseUtf will te mrst-daea. " CROPS IN GRANT HEAVY. Wheat and Fruit Will Briny; Farmers - Good Pries. Pralrla City Por the Srst tiros to the history of tb John Day rail tba produeta of ths toil will bs thrown up on the market. With too coming of the railroad this fall tba fruit and grain raisers will be able to aand their sop pi ie to Baker City and ail railroad nointa. - According to reports received here there ia a abort fruit crop in many s tiona of Ess tarn Oregon. Grant coun ty never bad a bettor yield of all kinds of fruits and grains than this year. Heretofore epplee bars been fad to the hogs and fruit could be bad for tba picking. Thin summer eon tractors are bjying the fruit in the orcharde. It will ha boxed and shipped to ra'lroad points. I Tba floor mills of tba John Day val ley ars paying f 1 a bushel for wheat. Although the yield ia moeh in advance of previous years, there will not be enough wheat to supply local demands. Tba people of Grant county have im mense tracts of land that have never been cultivated, and now that the land is contingent to the railroad the wheat yield should bo Tory materially in creased. Wheat of Grant oounty compares fa vorably with wheat raised in the lower counties. In fact, the Blue mountain wheat ia of superior Quality, especially where It baa been Irrigated. Conserve Waste Water. Arlington The John Day .Power company, composed of Oregon, and Washington irrigation enthusiast, ia preparing to develop the immense wa ter power of John Day river, about 14 miles west of Arlington. The energy of this water, which baa been idling away its atrsngth for ages, will be converted into electricity and distrib uted over three or four counties. The company hopes to be ready by next spring to furnish Arlington and neigh boring towns with electricity for lights and power. Buys North Bend Sawmill. HarshfleloV The mill of the North Bend Lumber company, at NtJtth Bend, has been sold to W. E. Best, of Seattle, and Frank Stan dish, of Portland. The purchasers have bought the stoek of several of those interested and part of the stock of L.' J. Simpson. Mr. Best has taken charge as manager. The mill has a cutting capacity ef about 70,000 feet a day. It is understood that the intention is to double the capacity of the mill as soon aa the lumber market improves, PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Track nricee: New eroo. hi ties tern, 04e; club, 88e red Bassian, 861c; Valley, POc; Turkey red, B8C 40 fpld, 80,0. BarleyFeed, 125.50 28; brewing, $26.5037 per ton. Osts September, S27.0Oauw per ton. Cora Whole. $35: cracked, $38 par ton. Millstuffs-Bran, $26 per ton; mid dlings, $33; sorts, $29(5)32; chop, $22 20; rolled barley, $2930. Hay New crop: Timothy, Willam ette Valley, $12(5)16 per ton; Eastern Oregon, $17(5)18; mixed, $15.5016.50; alfalfa, flZJW; clover, flljglZ; cheat, $1314.50. -4., Grain Bags H each. Buttar City creamery, extras, SSe: fancy outside creamery, 8731a per pound; store, 8122e. (Butter fat pri es average fs per pound under reg ular butter prices.) Egge Oregon ranch, candled, 88 20c per down. Poultry Hens, 16ySlfc; Springs, 16 (S16i; roosters, 010c; ducks, young, 14: geese, young, IOst-turkeys, ft; squsbs, $1.76S per doses. Fork Fancy, Halite per poena. : Veal Extra, 0i10s per pound. Fresh fruits Apples, saw, $1(2)3 per box; pears, $1.758 par box; peaches, 50e(S)$1.10 per ereta; caataloupa, $1.50 (5)2.50 per erstej pluma, 1575e per box: watermelons. 1(3) lie ner sound: grapes, 60c$L7Sj aasabaa, U0 per aoien. Potatoes Oregon Jl per sack; sweet potatoes, Sc per pound. Onions new, ajjo per seca. Vegetable Beaas, 4ri)5 ; cabbage, 1 He per pound; cauliflower. 40e(S)$l per dp tea: celery, 50e$l per doaea; corn; lS(a20e per doaea; encumbers, 10 &254 per doaea; lettuce, hothouse, $1 per box; onions, ltlfftlfie per doses; parsley, Se per doses; peas, Ta per pound; peppers, 510s pet pound; rad ioes, Ua per aosea; spinaeh, oe per pound; square, Act tomato, 75e $1.15. Cattle Steers, top, 4.804.60; fair te food. $44S4.t5; eommoa, $3.75&4; cows, top, $3.40S.65; fair to good, $3 (W2.25; eosunon to medium, $2JHho)X.tS; calvea, top, $55.M; heavy, $3.5XaH; bulls and stags, $3.753.2Si eesamoa. Bbeep Ten wstaera, $4; fan? to saoa. S3.60v.7ff; ewes, c less en all grades; yearlings, bast, $4; fair to good, $3JO 3.75; Bpring lambs, tB.K&SM. Haga-tast, $8.75; fair to good, $f 8-50; stackers, $67f Chlsa fata. $70 $ 8. Word wot lacervsf frem Iadepasd eaea that Miles PerteTaeM bad emtrae ted to deliver 30,000 p 4s ss saw hops to Xlaasr-WeU Jlettor at $0 Hubert Latham, Frenefe Aviator, Out - does Paulham. Bethany Aviation Piald, tasims, Aug. 27. Hubert Latham, the Pranck avi ator, today took glorious revenge for the hard luak be expeneaea in his n cent attempts to cross the amglish Chan nel by establishing a new world's rec ord for distance, 164 kulsmetera, $50 meters, or $6.88 miles. Lataam covered.! 1$ la pa, or 150 kUometera, t hours, 1$ minutes, 0 seconds, sad las. fall dis tance in t hears, 58 minatm, f S-3 Me. oada, which are alto works's records. The flight waa at tba rat af about 88) kilometers aa hour, as aosjptred with 53v made by Wright at Lenans and a fraction under 60 made by Paul ham yes terday. Nothing could have exeeeded the beauty and impreaaiveaess of ths pro longed flight. In grace ef lines n other aeroplane here eonparea with Latham's monoplane. Tka slightly tilted planes from the lost skiff-like body give It the resemblance, when close, to a winged canoe; wane sailing high up in ths air, it loom from the distance like a mammoth dragon. For an hour, witk fluttering wiaga, like a living thing, it fought its way sgaiust the storm of wind and nia at an average height of 160 feat, mounting higher as the wind rose, astil at the worst of the' storm, it row folly 1000 feet. Latham early in the day, witk No. 13. an aeroplane of the same type, made a flight of more than 70 kiloaeters, and after he had flniehed, Count da Lambert covered 116 kilometers, 72.73 miles, in commanding fashion. The flight there fore ia a single day totaled sore than 210 miles. HAVOO WITH MOORS. ' Spanish Artillery Kills Hundreds, and Moors Mutilate Prisoners. Lisbon,. Aug. 27. Special dispatches received herefrom Melllla say the light ing ia general on the aforeeeaa coast. The new Spaniah artillery ass wrought terrible havoc among the Moon, who nave lost 1U00 men in tne last three days. Ths Spanish casualties amount to 360. A Spanish column bis destroyed three village near jtestinga. A Moorish deserter who has soma into the Spaniah lines declares ths Spanish prisoners, after being horribly turtured and mutilated, are decapitated and their bodies flung into a hole on Mount Gu- ruga. Estimates place the aumber of Spanish prisoners at 1000. The water being doled ent to the Spanish troops is insufficient, and driven by their overwhelming thirst they have drunk from stagnant pools. Many cases of poisoning have resulted. Already 68 men have died from this canst. ZEPPELIN EN VOYAGE. Starts on 460-Mile Trip With Berlin aa Objective Point f pTicderiehshafen, Aug. 27. The dir igible balloon Zeppelin III started to night for Berlin. The course will be via Nuremburg, Leipala-aad Bittrfild, about 450 miles. Ths run te Bitterfield will be mads without stop and the air ship probably will arrive there after nightfall. It will remain at Bi Kernel d until Suaday to replenish the gaa and benzine supply and, then will take on Count Zeppelin, who will pilot the ship to Berlin. The crew consists of only enough men to manage the airship, the government rejecting applications ex others who wished to maks the trip. Oregon Man Champion. Camp Perry, O., Aug. 87. The na tional rifle matehes were concluded to day. Ia the individual match another world's record waa made. A young riflemaa from the United States Naval Academy, Midshipman H. O. Boeeeho, of Oregon, who won the governor's atateh last week, made the remarkable score of 195 out of a pos sible 200 at alow flrs ia the 200, 600, 800 aad 1000-yard targeta, thereby win ning the $20 prise for the highest slew.- are score. in 622 anmnetitnra. witk tha muihI score of 830. whieh is 30 above the score by whieh Lieutenant A. D. Sotarock, of Okie, took the honors last year. Investigate Pan Tans. Spokaae, Weak, Aug. 37. Mayor Pratt today appointed a committee of Ave prominent eUissss to Investigate the Panta Pantois' secret polities! so ciety, alleged to havs been organised to serve personal and special interests by securing the appointment of its mem bers to publis offices. Tb mayor has had the proposed investigation under consideration for some time. Ha urges the committee, all of whom have agreed te serve, te aske thorough aad impar tial inquiry. Testimony will have to be voluntary, as the committee bee not power to subpena witasssss. Oner Bathing Suits Uft 1tiaMn.cfe-Tdka. Oat. a er 'Tbe Strathcosa Bote! at Chautauqua Park, a landmark, was ocetreyed by Are today. The 160 guests last all their be InnvinM. Ther were aavar! aumw scapes. 'Possibly 60 paraeae from the hotel were is hathiag er on the golf links er teaaie conns when the are tart Jul lUvaral woaiaS Uia all Htmir elethiag except the bathiaf salt they wars wearing. s . . i Tisplilss to Ooeel OoneMew. Weaalagtos, Aug. 37. The shisa seat byCelasel Bum volt svsa his Africa hasting trip were today unearned at the Natiesel Masssas. The speeisseaa NEWS FROM THE MAKE WINE FROM ORAPES. If Any Other" Ingredient Used, Label . Must So State. Washington, Aug. 87. Upholding Its contention that the consumer is, under the food and drug act, sautled to know the character of the product he buys, ths board of food and drug inspection of the department of agrioulture today issued a decision declaring that a bever age cannot be labeled wine unless it is made from "the normal alcoholic fer mentation of juice of sound, ripe grapes without addition or abstrsctiong either prior or subsequent to fermentation." The term "wine" can only be used for a beverage made from the mare of grapes if .the beverage is labeled "imi tation." A fermented beverage pre pared from grape "most" by, the ad dition of sugar may be termed "sugar wine," according to the board's de cision. . The addition of watsr to the grape "must" will also require further characterization than the term "wine." The decision waa reached by the board ia connection with the labeling ox Ohio ana Missouri win. Try to Leave' Out Perm Land. ' Washington, Aug. 86. Statementa and interviews quite constantly are printed from friends of ths policy of eonservstionbased on the assumption that amendment of the law will be nec essary to enable the elimination of agri cultural lands from national forests. Associate forester, ia the absence of Porester Pine hot, when asked about this mstter, and requested to make a statement setting forth in substance the facts, prepared the following; "In estsblishing ths boundaries of national forests, it is the aim of the service to exclude, so far as possible, lands more valuable for agricultural purposes than for forest purposes. Any one acquainted with the mountainous regions of the west in whieh are located national forests will realise, however, that small areas of agricultural land-in pockets and in valleys of minor-streams exist, which in establishing boundaries to inculde forest land could not be ex cluded." Peace Squadron to Orient. Washington. Aug. 27. Another "peace" fleet Is to bs sent across the Pacific by Uncle Sam. It will comprise eight of the strongest and fastest cruis- rs in the naval force and will leave Han Francisco a week from aext Sunday. It will be occupied with its mission, which s declared to be friendly, more thaa Bve months. The vessels whieh have been ordered to prepare for the Journey are the fully armored ernisers Tennessee, California, South Dakota. Washington, West Vir ginia, Colorado, Maryland and Pennsyl vania. According to ths navy department's schedule of their 28,000-mile journey, af ter making several tide trips to Chinese and Japanese ports, the whole squadron will reassemble at Yokohama and will sail home January 10, 1810 Rata Hearings Advanced. Washington, Aug. 27. A change in the itinerary of the interstate commerce commission on its Pacific coast trip de veloped today. It had been expected that the work of the commission would begin at Spokane, October 4. Commis sioner Prouty, however, has assigned the first esss for hearing at bait Lake Ulty on September 28. The rehearing ef the ease of Spokane against the Northera Pacifle railway and others, knows as the Spokane rate case, is set for September 29. It is like ly the advance In the dates of the hear ing of these twe cases will automati cally advance the dates of hearing of the eases ia Seattle, Portland, Baa Fraa eiseo, Los Angeles and Beno. . RooseveH Order Disliked. Washington, Aug. 27. Ex-Prsideut Boosevelt7e order, by which 15,000 fourth-elsas post m sat era wsr put Into th aBine4 civil aervlce at one strobe of the pen, stands a good ehanee ef meeting with a suuaea ena, Becoming tA i formation obtained at the poetof- flce department According to high de partment officials, the move has proven of doubtful value, and It is generally conceded that the remaining 45,000 postmasters who were not ineinaea in the November order will sot be pissed in the classified service, as long as President Tsft remains In the White linnw at PnstBiaster-Oeaeral Hitchcock retaias his prassat cabinet portfolio. More Land for Settlers. Whlt.tfl Am 7. Under the en larged homestead aet, allowing entry en 320 iastead of ISO acres,' Acting aecre tary of the Interior Pierce today desig nated for settlemeat 842,480 additional .ma im Unntina. Biakin a total acre- sge designated ia that state Of 26,030,- 080. TimAmr tha sem act 7 S3 .330 acres of lead ia Baa June scanty, Utah, have bees Similarly designated. atperry to Be sth-ad. Waafcinotoa. An-. 87 . Rear -Admiral ftperry, who took the Atlantis battle ship Beet ss tts cruise irom nss rraa rises to the Philippiaee aad through tb fin nl t HamotOB Road, will be LluuJ mm tka retired list Beaten be 1. having then reached the age limit, No Trouble In Mexico. ' Washlaartoa, Aug. tT David & Taompsea, U sited States Ambassador te Maiiee, bee totogrspbed the state dsnsrissest that there no awagar ef serious tteeMe la htexie. NATIONAL CAPITAL PLOUN TO BE SEIZED. Department of Agriculture Does Not Approve of Bleaching. Washington, Aug. 36. The requests of maauf astnrera of bleaehed flour that no further seiBurea of bleached flour be made until a test case should have beea decided; were refused today, following a conference between Wade BL- Ellis, acting attorney-general, and Dr. H. P. Dunlsp, of the pure food board of the agricultural departmeat. The food ezperta of tha, department some time ago decided that oleaehed flour was In violation of tha pure-food laws, not so much oa the ground of im -purity but because of alleged misbrand ing, and the areata of the department were instructed to maks seisures of flour. Counsel for the millers have been suing to have the seisures discon tinued until a test case could be de cided. . Today it waa determined that the seizure would be eoatiaued without regard te a teat case. It ia sot known what percentage of floor now consumed in the country is ' put through the bleached methods. Two processes of bleaching, on by elec tricity and the other a chemical pro, cess, are used nearly altogether. The large millers of the northwest stopped bleaching flour oh February 1, The hard wheat of the northwest makea a white flour without bleaching, while the softer wheat of the middle west does not produce suck a white solor whea milled. CAR SHORTAGE FEARED. Railroads May Bo Unable to Handle Immense Buslnsss. Washington, Aug. 81. -A heavier business than has ever been known ha a single year ia looked for by Chairman Knapp of ths Interstate Commerce commission for American railroads during the present fiscal year. The serious sltustraa anticipated, not only by Judge Knapp, but by other offi cials of tha commission, and by ops rat ing railroad men generally, Is that there may be a shortage of cars. The crop prospects are considered so bright that the transportation sompanles map be taxed beyond their capacity to ban- dls the freight. According to the figures submitted to the commission, the railroads havs recovered from the low business pres sor of a year and s half ago, and are now handling almost as much traffic aa they did in the rush months of 1907, which was the banner year la Ameri can railroading. Canadian Wood Pulp Hit.' Washington, Aug. 81. Rulings on tba administration of retaliatory pro visions of ths Payne tariff law, directed at ths wood pulp and print paper In dustry of Canada, were issued by the Treasury department Friday. It is di rected that if any province forbids the exportation of wood pulp, an additional duty of one-tenth of s sent per pound should be levied on print paper valued at 8 oanta per pound or less, which comes from that province, and duty of one-twelfth of sent per pound should bs assssssd on mechanically ground wood pulp coming from such a province, and which will bs otherwiee admitted free of duty under the general provisions of the law. Exhume SuttorVs Body, Washington, Aug. 27, The body of Lientensnt James K. Button, of the United States marine corps, will be dis interred and eiamined by medical and gunshot experts te determine the nature of the wounds that ssused his death. Before reinterment, however, the ground, la which the bodv now rests ia Arlington cemetery will be consecrated under the rites of ths Cat hoi is Church, Csrdinsl Gibbons has sanctioned the plan. Cardinal Gibbons, It B said; "oT" aiders it hss been established that Lieu tenant Suttoa did not take his own life, at least with suicidal iateat. Nickel! Oett No Pardon. Washington, Ang, 7. The depart- ' meat of Justice today announced that President Tart had refused to grant a pardon to Charles Niekell, formerly a United States commissioner and editor of a newspaper at Medford, Or. Niekell was convicted ia Portland of conspiracy . to suborn persons to eommH perjary by -making fslse statements ia their" appli cations to pure has land ia that state. Niekell was sentenced August a, 1800, to 13 SMS ths' imprisonment. , No Politics M Census. Washington, Aug. 87. President Tsft- has made it slear that he docs not In tend that the seasas work and politics shall be mixed. Aetiag Secretary Me Harg of the department of commerce and labor today received a letter from Mr. Carpenter, secretary to the presi dent, stating that senses supervisors who held political positions, suck as sec retaryship er cbeirmaaabipa of county committees, mast give up either tfcstr political ar-their geveramsat position. Raise Rsglsrratton Poo. Washington. Anr. 17. ltMu of f cants Is to be made scon ia the fee for registering letters and packagee, AiaiiMtMMt ml tk tr naA ihian was mad today -by Postmaster-Oeaeral Hitchcock. The governmest has been losing heavily through ths Brass st sye 1 V", 4 ''nfl' V'1, ' '