(ONE PROCLAIMER IONE , .OREGON EVENTS OFTHE DAY Newsy Items Gathered from All Farts of the World. teas Important but Not Lass Irrter sting Happenings from Point Outslds tho Stat. King Manuel, of Portugal, is to via It King Edward, in England. A strsctcar turned tort) at Denver, ariounlv iniuriiiB- iivh Dsrsona. It la said no operation li intandod on Harriman until after a rait euro. A bug sawmill burnod near Clair Tille, Cal. Tb loss-is placed at 8100, 000. Prince Men! Ik, of Abyssinia, baa aiked that hii country b aavod from England. Great Britain will turn over the Ea quimalt naval atation to tb Canadian government. Tha International tup for aviation haa bean awarded to Glenn H. Curtiss, an American. Coant Bonl de Castellans li circulat ing a rumor that be will marry Mar ' joria Gould, niece of nil former wife A aeandal baa juat been uncovered at Montreal, Can., whereby the eity baa been losing $500,000 a year to gr after on public works. Two persons are dead and a score In jured aa tb reaultof a head-on collie ion between a pasaenger train and a freight trainon the Wabaab road near Glen wood. Mo. Cholera baa been taken to Holland front Kusai&n porta, Daniel T, Amear tha greateat hand writing expert, ie dead. The American Bar association haa de clared for reform in atate court. Harriman la mating at hit home at Arden, N. J., but chafe under restraint of inaction. Graft ia charged in connection with the cement and paint eupplie for the Panama canal. Latham haa beaten Pantham' record for time, epeed and distance in the air ahip trial at Bheima. It la rumored that David B. Thomp aon, Amerieaa ambaaaador to Mexico, baa bought the Panama railroad, Thomaa F. Walsh, millionaire mine owner of Colorado, he given $5000 to encourage tha aearch for radium on in that stats. The French bark Gael, bound for Portland, waa wrecked off the Austra lian coaat, end only one boatload of her crew ha been beard from. Moorish deserters declare that Span ish prisoners are horribly tortured and mutilated and then heheaded and their bodies flung into a hole on Mount Gu ruga, Bfngrr Hermann may not be prose cuted, aa Heney ia too busy. Bt Petersburg reports 80 aew ease and 12 death from cholera in 24 hour A negro ran amtfek at Monroe, La., and woundfd 80 peraona, three fatally. He waa Anally shot. Five deatba have occurred in Ala bama from fating stale green corn. Tha disnaa ia known aa pellagra, Harriman haareaehed home, still etek and in need of further treatment, but the Oregon Trunk haa prior right in Deshutes canyon, oaaea on original aw Toy maps. -- Woman tuffrage waa discussed at a meeting at O. H. P. Belmont' aummer home at Newport B. I., known aa "marble house." With a delegation of 8,000 men and women the Supreme Lodge of Negro Knights of Pythias opened a fonr day' cession ia Kanea City. A ateamer eoMeieal at Montevideo ot over ISO Uvea. Spaniard are preparing for del aiv batUe with the moors as Mel 01 a, A ateamer arrived at Antwerp from, Btga, Kuseia, with flv dead ef aholsre pa board. Governor Johnson, of Minnesota, will andergo a fourth operation ia Septem ber for appeadieitia. -. The bodv af Lieutenant Button will be exhumed for examiuation and then buried la soaeeereted ground. A Federal court baa overruled the Missouri Bailread eoramlseione rate cr eed greatly ertailed its pawer. ht robbers got about 8000 tb of Jewelry fronV a Portland reei m which bad been left aloe mm k.M iniuei AtlanUe W. J. wiH aeek t compel the pe- iudge t receive eompleiaia of w Mm vmmvmf . M ef Lea Angela, say, Mr. Long- , bad example ror oya aae girw haa a deswrenaiag anrecs apmi DEATH LIST GROWS. Twelve Hundred at Leaat Crowned in Mexican Flood. Monterey, Max., Ang. 81. Twelve hundred and perhaps more people per ished Friday nigbt and Saturday in tb flood which swept a largejwrtion of tbia eity. Conservative estimates place the property loaa at $20,000,000. Fifteen thousand people are borne leas. Mora than 600 bodies bva bean recov ered. - . The river baa fallen eonaidcrably, nH while still hia-h. the danger ia over. Seventeen and a half incite of rain fell during Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Tba greatest loaa of life occurred Saturday morning between 9 and 11 o'clock, when the large building on the south aide of the river commenced to crumble. Many of the house bad from 100 to 200 neraonB on their roofs and all diaaopsared In the flood. In one scnooi nuiiaing vv woman children were drowned. Tbey bad hurried to the acbool for aafety, but the water drove tbem from room to mom until thev were all clustered in on room. While two priests were performing aoine religloua rites, we walla fell and all were awallowed up in the eeething water.' Tksuiaarwta nf mmmu War Stand int? ott the north bank of tb river, unable to render aid to tb unfortunate on the building on tb tooth aide, for nAthinsr amid have lived in the current of the Santa Catalina, which waa half a mil wide and flowing swiftly. ATTACK POSTAL MONOPOLY' French Striker Combine to Compete With Government. Paris, Aug. 81. In a few day tha French poetofflc ia to have an active competitor in the shape of a new co operative postal association, formed by some 160 dismissed poatal acrvanta. The, under the directum of MM. Barbut and Simon net, tb poatal offi cial who took a prominent part in tb recent strike, are organising, a aervioe in all tboee branch of tb poatal bus ineaa not claimed aa a monopoly by tb poetofflc. Thia includes the distribu tion of newspapers, circular, aamplea, catalogue, etc., also the collection of account and debt collecting. Tb new association, which will start operation on Monday, ia known a tb "LaborieUM." It ia understood already to have bean promlaed tb cus tom of some 90,000 Anne, trade men and privato Individ oale, who at the present utilise tb French poetofflc for distribution of their trad circu lars, aamplea, account collecting, etc Each of the 160 membera of the "Le borieuaa" baa subscribed a $20 share. Besides tola, the association baa at it disposal a working capital of $4,000. Members of tb oc-operation will be employed in tarn in different depart ment, . , s . INVESTIGATION IS ASKED. Cunningham Dnlt Fraud In Alaska Coal Land G rente. Seattle, Aug. 81. C d Cunning bam, who represented tb 88 elaimanta In tba ao-called Cunningham soal land claim tn Alaska, which are being in vestigated by the government, and who waa aboard the ateamer Ohio when It waa wrecked, returned to Seattle to day with the other survivors and de clared that the charges the claims have been Illegally filed upon, and that Sec retary of the Interior Bellinger bad at tempted to compel Special Agent Glive of tb land office, who filed a complaint with President Taft recently to permit the issuance of patent on the claims, la absurd. Enemiea ofSeetaryBalngerare involved In any scheme to turn over the coal Ian da to partia represented by me," said Mr. Cunningham. "We court to fullest investigation. I feel certain It will be found tha land have been legally filed upon. Shook) it b fonnd there has been any irrego laritier in filing, It will be found tb entries have been mad In good faith. and the error are due to technicalities in the praasnt law." Mr. Cunningham denied the Ouggsa helm and Morgan intereeta are becking him ia hia claim. 7 Greece Grant Reform Athena, Aug. Il.-Tbe crisis to po litical affaire, which reached Its height in the mutiny of tb Meal garrison ana tb formation of a new cabinet, baa subsided. A decree waa publiehed to day granting amnesty to tb troop mniwixH in tb enntin. Anton' the reforms demanded by tb troops were that command of tb army aoouM o antmeawl en three officers of th rank of general, acting ander to sapreen authority of a royal prince, am outer of the mil familv In the army to be treated aa ordinary ameers. Suftwaarav Make Reewr. Piuilnaatawn. Ma.. Aug. St. A world's record for speed on th arface by sabmexine was mod oft bar yes terday by tb meaner la Narwhal dar ing her contract trial. Daring 86 boon ever aa even MO miles, the Nar whal averages it taote an a with OPERATIONFOR HIM Oxygen Tanks, Cot and Doctor Arrive at Ardeo. SECRET THOROUGHLY GUARDED Though Family Seems Optimistic and Danlaa It, Indications Point to ' Approaching Operation. Arden. N. T.. Aug. 28. Whatever be F. H. Harriman 's ailment, whatever hi true condition, the public i not to kuow until he ani his family dcnie that such tn announcement is opportune. All avenues of Information were carefully guarded today, but minors wore spread I'Toadcast that Mr. Harriman waa about to be operated upon. This supposition vu strengthened by the arrival here of two oxygen tank- and a collapsible cot anch as is used in hospital. Coincident with ihe arrival of these requisites to an operation came two men from New York, one of tbem car rying what appeared to be black bag of a surgeon. Une of the men, It was said, waa Dr. George W. Crille, of Cleve land, an eminent specialist in abdominal surgery. According to report, he was summoned to assist Dr. W. G. Lylc of New York, whe baa been Mr. Hem man' physician throughout his illness. Mr. Gerry denied the operation re port and said Dr. Lylc waa the only physician In attendance. A. C rot, superintendent oi tno es tate, confirmed Mr. Gerry's statement. ' ' The stories that Mr. Harriman is ib a critical condition are not founded on faet," said Mr. Ford. "He ha a firm grip when be shake bands and he appear brighter." Th impression grow that an opera tion of some character is to be per formed en Mr. Harriman, but details are well-nigh impossible to obtain. . FARMAN BEATS THEM ALL. Unpretentious Englishman Wins Aero- - plane Grand Prize. Bethany Aviation Field, Bheima, Ang. 28. Henry Fannan, the English avi ator, a hitherto unknown quantity in the aviation contest, in a biplane of his own design, broke the world' records lor au ration oi nigut mat owence in heavier-than air machine today and won the grand priz dc la Champagne th endurance test by a remarkable flight officially recorded as 180 kilometer (111.78 mile) in t hoar 4 minute 5a 2ft seconds. He actually covered aa extra tea kilometers and remained in the air 10 minute after 7 :30 this even ing, the hour that tbs timekeepers, under the rules, ceased to keep a rec ord of the flight. ' Farman's victory was a complete anr prisev Ho had been preparing hi ma chine secretly and had not appeared upon the field until today, except for a few practice flights, and had been al most forgotten. Indeed, after he start ed, keeping eloss to tbs ground, while Latham and tha others were soaring high ia the air, Farman attracted no at tention intil be had flown 80 kilo meters. Then, suddenly, the watcher wok np only t discover that he had gone out carrying petrol enough for five hours' flight and equipped with a acol mg revolving motor. BIO TREES IN OANQER. Forest Fire M YoMtnit Rapidly Ap proaching Merced Grove. Tosemtte. Cel.. Aug. 89. The for est fire wiirh started yesterday in th Yoeemit National park ia completely beyond control tonight and ia eweep ing np the eaavoa toward the famous Mereed grove of big tree. Th names are within two oa three- miles of th grove and are being serried ia that di reetion. The hotel at El Porta, which waa threatened during tha day, ia eat of danger. The fire haa taken a direction at northerly right angle to the Toeemite valley, toward th Hereea ana m olumne big trees and the ketch Hetchy valley,' whence San Francisco ' new water supply is to some. The fire start ed a few feet from El Portal station within a atoae'e throw of the hotel. The long gram waa ignited from sparks from a loenmAttvs fire-box and bad gained aaeoatrollabl headway before th danger was realised. Lmt. m Vounsr Tatar. Taaeoaver, B. O, Aag. . For boa iaa a stream into Ueeaeibilitr. the rabbins kin i bavin aim without aid. Clay Been, II years aid, was today aeateneed bv Jndm Melaaca to years penal servitude and 10 lasbce withia the first U days of his cafin ment. - The crime was committed re- Mallv m Ht.l D.fc mmA ike ! is the first of Its hied imposed ia thia eitv for Mhh with violence. Thia is " a -mZ. kt tu faiM stated that each a rrim had a4 a augle n- aeemiag lecture, . uwnmt Oram to Oswada Taaeaaver. BV (L, Aag. M. Sydney Fifth tr. eeniiileei minister ef rieul- ture, estimates fiaaade'e yield f wheat for thia year ervativly aft 1V 000,000 bnshehv and stated today spoa hia arrival here that he believe there i everv far a hichlv M aaaaaa for farmers Uveeghewt tb FLOODS IN MEXICO. Raging Water Claim a Toll of BOO Uvea 16.000 Homeless. Monterey, Max., Aug. 80. Eight hundred neraona drowned. 16.000 home less and property damage to the extent of 118,000,000 is tba result of a flood that struck tha city between 11 and 12 o'clock Saturday morning. . , . Floods bavs turned tb imal! and peaceful Santa Catalina river into -a dozen Niagaras. Hundreda of parsons were swept away in house lb the midst of the cur rent which caught them in th night. Then is on chance in a thousand that thay escaped. On by one the hooe ee. built of adobe and atone, are col lapsing and carrying tenants to death. ': No train ha com into Monterey for 24 hour. Railway and telegraph Unas are down and many miles of track are waabsd sway. The fate of trains and passenger is not known, but It is fear ed many peraona are drowned. It ia Mtimatflri that 20 inches of rain fell In 24 hour. Tba water work and electric light plants are out of commis sion and the streetcar wires nave mien Into toe street. The smelters and steel plant are damaged. It is fnu4 a neetilanee will follow tb flood. Th poorer classes are hud dled by tba thousand In tb cburcbes, boapitala, public places and eity build in ga, waiting for the rain to stop. PINCHOT PLAN WINS Stirring Scene -Mark Close of Con servation Congress. Seattle, Ang. 80. Tbs first national conservation oongresa closed her Sat urday afternoon with a complete vic tory for Gifford Pinehot and bis follow ers In the support of the Roosevelt pol icies of tbs conservation of natural re sources. It was a harmonious meeting until Saturday, when United States District Judge Hanford, of Seattle, brought In a minority report in which be opposed tb contention of tb Pincb- ot men "That th water rights of the country belong to all tba people and should not be granted In perpetuity to any Individual or corporation." Hanford contended that "private en terprise" had been tb greatest power In this country for ths development of resource and pointed out that through private enterprise tb resources of tb East had been put Into practical uee, resulting in tb general prosperity of th country. He argued against any change hi tb present policy of the government, asserting that tha West ern states bad entered tb union under a compact that they should have toe same rights as tb Eastern state. Former Governor Pardee replied to Hanford in a spirited address In which he said that "private greed" instead of "private enterprise" was gobbling up tb public domain. When the vote was taken it waa shown that tha Han ford re eolation had bean lost and the Pine hot resolution was adopted. GREAT WEST SHOW. Reclamation Work to Be Exhibited on Circus Una. Chicago, Aug. 80. Amazing, thrill ing, stapeodoual Unci Sam's $50,- 000 production, the greateat Far West show in tb world, la coming. - xou can't afford to miss it. Heralded by some such modest an- aouncement at a dosen state and coun ty fairs, and equipped with a black tent, glittering posters, fluttering ban ners, a corps of "barkers," a tent dis play of American agricultural great ness in anclaimed lands will tour th country. Th toot fa) black ao tb etereoptkon views may be given. Moving picture of animal and rang Ufa on the former arid plains will be offered hourly for the education of tn tending West bound emigrant. Specimens of fruit, cereals and other prodocai that ahow tba mar vel of irrigation ara to form a feature of tb exhibition. Th M'sbow" emanate from tb Chi cago reclamation pfflce. Its purpose Is to direct attention to the richness of th reclaimed region. A railroad coach will transport the ahow. it will exhibit at the following places: Iowa state fair, Dee Moines, Septem ber Hamlin. Minn., September 6 toll; Wisconsin state fair, Milwau kee, September 18 to 17; Illinois stats fair, SprtagnekL October 1 to ft. Japan to Take Part. ' Tokto, Ang. SO. It haa been official ly announced that tb armored cruiser Ideas will sail September lb far San Francieco to take part to the naval pageant during th celebration of Por- tola'a discovery ef tn ftolden Gate, which will be bold October 19 to 23, The vassal Is ander command of Cap tola Tskeeyma, and be en board aa one ef its miner enVenPrinc Shiamd sm. Th dale ef arrival at Sea Fran- ctos to set for October 14. After th celhratioa th era mar will viait Pacific Ljaui Town Oaatiuisd. Mw Ortasa, Aug. The town ef New Iberia, L with T.9Q0 tobaM toato. Is reported aa befog deaUajed by fir today. He saaawiaalMiiim with th town hi avamwle ami details are lag. It ia i saw ted that a fetali- ' BREAKS ALLRECORDS French Aviator Remains In Air Nearly Three Hours. BATTLES WITH WIND AND RAIN Daecenda Only When fuel Tank' la Ix hauated Hailed aa Greatest of Aviators. Bethency Aviation Tiejd, ' Bheinuv Aug. 26. Another sensational exploit waa added to th marvels of aviation, week today when Paul ham, the plucky French aviator, broke the world 'a rec ord in a wonderful night of S hours oft- minute 24 second for tha Prix d la. Champagne in a Voiain biplane, Dur- ing 20 Minutes of ths time Paul ham had a heavy rain and wind atom ta contend with. . in the air waa made by Wilbur Wright at Lemans, December 81, S hours 20- minute 23 1-5 seconds. The unofficial record was 2 hours 27 minutes 25 aec onds, made by Sommer at Marmcllona. i'auiham '' new record for distance was- -about 134 kilometers, or 83 miles. He made IS circuits of th course and the- wind squall passed aa he was coming down the home stretch for ths but time. Simutanouslv, the dirigible Colonel rtsnsco. eppearea o ine westward, plow ing ita way majestically through the smoke of the eity of Jtheimn. When Paul ham finally eame down, it was be cause the 56 litre of essence which ho carried ia hi tank was exhausted. He said the machine and eelf-eooling motor had stood up perfectly and that it could have continued indefinitely if the tank. nsa oeca replenished. Ao one who witnessed the flight now entertains the slightest doubt that aerial navigation with beaviar-taan-air-machinea haa a glorious future. starting in a 12-knot breeze hortly before 4 o'clock with the avowed inten tion of completing the 50 kilometer be fore 6 o'clock to bar hia leas venture some rivals, who desired to await calmer air, Paulham not only accom plished hi original purpose, bnt eoa- tank was empty. STRIKERS AS SHARPSHOOTERS- Civil War ConrJmiM at McKeea Rock Urged on by Dabs, Pittsburg, Aug. 26. Th town o Schosnville, where the Prevaed Steel, Oar company strike ia in progress, ha aaaufed a civil war appearance instead of a town riot-gripped. Sharpshooter are in the woods on the height above ' the worka Troopers, heavily armed, parade all the street. A great searchlight, mounted on top of the plant, with tha operator pro tected by a sheet of steel, is constantly revolving tonight to discover any effort to break inside the vteekade and to spot sharpshooters. The state trooper have laid aaidc their maces and ride out of tue stocked with rines across tbs pom -meis of their saddles. The entire community bear a grins aspect. Both side are waiting for some move that will bring oa conflict. Eu gene Debs, the socialist leader, today urged the men to fiirht to a finish, and they are determined that they will not leave the community or give ia. Anna arc being purchased at gun stores and mere ia xearthe near future will bring about a conllict that will startle the contry. During the early' hours this morning several shots hit the metal shield erect ed by the deputies for protection against fusillade ont of the dark. The marks men were onnjMsrh hill about a quarter the poor ability of the marksmen pre vented tb loaa of several Uvea today. The atate troopers will not permit any eae to stop and talk. The foreign ers must remain at a distance or In doors, but they are stubborn and re vengeful. Further adding to the warlike ap pearance of the stockade, Lieutenant Charles P. Smith and 29 troopers today went to a large tenement house ia Preston. Th place waa surrounded and aooada were detailed to seareh the apartments of 20 families. Three riflee, tea revolver, tea knives and a machete ware seaf ieeated. Movgan'a Yacht Dhwbted. New Torn, Aug. . Tb fact that 3. P. Morgan, tb financier, was nearly shipwrecked ia Long Island Bound while returning from New Have to tbia city Tuesday oa hia yateh Corsair became known today, when the yateh waa put ia a drydoak for repair. The accident happened near City Inland la the west erly ead ef Long Inland Bound. The Corsair waa making fast time when she track a submerged ledge. BevereiBg her propellers, the yateh backed off, but began to leak. The Corsair proceeded te New York aader redaeed spaed wit her pamps going. . " 1 ' m Oaga Pan I.6O0 Fast Mexie City, Ang. M. A special Ch Pth from Mateahaala any that 10 miaera were killed ami 80 entombed by tb dropping f a cage iato ths La Pan mine there laatight. Tb sable Darted awA the meat dropped 100 feet. Saw parties at to teach the lew es atom. ttoshav OS tats t