The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, August 27, 1909, Image 7

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"Caarerrts are certainly Aa. I gaT frfeoe
Be whtn the doctor wu treating him far cancer
theatomacb. Th neat Morning he paaerd
mi piecnoi a una worm. M tnen got a box
lad In three dai be ttfd a Um-woth 48 feet
lpa. It u Mr. Matt Freeh, of Uillenburg,
Dhtn Co, Pa. I am Quite a worker for Cu.
ftu. tut tneiumyatiiaod Stw theni beneficial
mr moat any dlieaic'rauaed by Impure blood.1
uui. h. tnoooa, uwwaa, Pa.. (Mini qoj
, rWuuri. Pal a tables Poteat, Tact Good.
Do Good. NevarSkken.WeahraorGrlpe.
, Mc, 25c. 30c. Naver iold in bulk. Thaaenn-
hw tablet ttr mpe1 C C C. ttaaranMed to
MM oc job' HMr bask. KU
DtaTWB Wtl WtHN.
Hnry VIIL was musing phlloaophl
Bally In the royal study.
"A man." ha muttered, "can atand
She marrying habit, but U certainly
does make 4 woman Iom bar heed."
Baltimore Antrrlr-an.
Experience tn England ahowa that
In town supplied with toft water the
death rata la Is.S. wh!l In towns that
have a supply of hart water It Is only
TbrleIfpbone directories off tba ent
rant iaaua In Now York City would make
pile HTea and a quarter miles high, if
placed on on the other.
American blooded fnileb cowi tra be lac
exported to Japan. The atesmahip Tan
go recently carried shipment of fifty,
Misty Jerseys, consigned to Xokehaom.
- The tidal movement in the Petltco
dlac River at Amherst. N. 8., repre
aentt three million horsepower a day.
' A proposition to being eonsldarod to
harness It
He Traable Ahaat That. '
' "Bttt bow," they aaked Jonah, "did the
whale get back into deep water after de
poalting yon on dry land?"
"I believe," aeid Jonah, "the commenta
ten explain that on the theory that the
whale waited for the return of Ufa tide.
Sounds reasonable, doesn't Itr"
A Hard Staaaara te Eejaal.
no's a pretty aucceeaful amatamr
gardener, ain't he 7"
.. "Oh, I don know. 1 never saw
any off bit garden track that looked
h big or tempting as the stuff on Us
wka'i bonnet." Detroit STee pram
wu ret.
- The Conversationalist (to well-known
an Choreas) I am to delighted to meat
you it was only the other day 1
saw something off yours about some
thing or ether la some paper I The
Sketch, '
fair CI lentil want yea to an that
womsa for 15,000 damage I She. stole
my husband's affections I
Lawyer Bat, sedan, your hosbsnd Is
well known In this community. I advise
you to ane the womaa for a smaller soai
Few Cantaaletleu '
Toring man, save you 'Fox's Book of
Martyrs' r
"We hare, bdt Iff yon 111 pardon me,
Mr. Gay man, I don think it will inteieet
-Tea, H will; Tm breaking la a pair
of new ehoea" Oh lea go Tribune. -. -
"A earn oa the own that Invents
- bald spots V he exdsimed.
Bat the curaa earns home to rooafTaad
root ted.
. With the raoK that his head Is as bald
sow as aa egg plant. Chicago Tribune.
' erwaa saetinaeat to Meeaay.
"It Reginald at literary at ha used
to be?" said est young- woman.
"Yea." answered the other. "Only
' alt tastes ban changed. Before w
ware married be used to reel to Omar
Khayyam. Now bo recites Poor Rich
ard's aaaxbxts." Washington Star.
e ' Tha Brlht iMal
" TJoet Ur. Stormlagtoa Baraet try
to look oa the bright aid of things?"
, asked one actor.
i hrniid aay aa answered the
Other. "He's never content nulett be
la staring tbo spotlight right la the
face' Washington Star.'
' raatiUr. ,
Caller This may be a little out of
your line, bat I've aetieed that a me
with a big awes It mora likely catch a
cold ia the bead taaa ether man are. Why
It It? -
In format loa Editor I tnppose It's ea
account of the greater etst of h(a intake.
Don't etamble over that pile of books -as
yea go eat. Chicago Tribute.,
hat tha
hiak sricad hah fa
pawden wilt to ana doea
k bettor. It rati tha
daaab and Wahca Rght-
er. fweetar ana bette:
t t name and aditreaa. wa
catSOarT MIX. OO. Seattls. Wa.
SIS Paw Aerw ' M Years Tinea
at Oaaatws PnHne laW
mradm fnaa H boaMw of
b ISO bnaeaw aT aMa. r arte.
fnaa m m W bnahaa at waaaC W
J9 raHwara. taa and
If ta brat whaal land
an-jawima far
a. N erna MI
af anlwate aim. N erna ran
Sana toau Car frae ataatratae Marat
Perhaps at no other polntcan.M vivid aa impress ton of tbo riches and
grace of the French capita) be gained at at tba foot of tbo grand tUlreaso
leading to the Interior of the opera house at Paris, The exterior ot the
building with ita colonnade lit with blue mercury lights it familiar to
everyone who hat been to Paris, bat until tbo visitor bat witnessed thm
scene of shimmering satin and sparkling Jewels bo will have missed a re
markable tight which only the opera can show blm.
saaaM , I II j.,, ... " i ,
Arkansas leads among the states la
tbo production of bauxite, hor output
being more than 40 per oent of tbo
total last year. , .
Holland bat new law forbidding
the adulteration of batter, under pan
alty of Imprisonment, which may
reach one year.
The brilliancy of a limelight used
In a demonstrating lantern can bo in
creased by slipping It over an ordi
nary fs mantle.
The United States government main
tains flfty-eeven wlrel
stalons and hat ninety-six vessels
fitted oat with tbo apparatus,
A professorship of aerostatics hat
been founded la Oettlngen Universi
ty, and schools for training aeronauts
are to bo oouoiianea in several uer-
man eltitav' '
Tbo word -tangttoiler- hat boon
Mined ta define tba fixture aed to
hold a group ot tungsten electric
lights tn proper poeltloa to givo the
beat service.
Austria limits tbo amber ot drag
tores to tbo number of inhabitants of
a district or city, and tbo need of an
additional one must bo clearly shown
before the license It lesued.
The geological survey It erecting at
Pittsburg a testing plant for etrqeta
ral material that will bo able to han
dle girders 66 feet long and give them
g faa flf ft.ftQO.OOB pounds, , .
Government testa have shown that
many coals which aro too high la ash
and sulphur for eeonoeaJcal oat under
boilers or for cooking may bo made
commercially valuable by proper wash
ing. Messrs. Henri and Stodel recently
demonstrated to the French Academy
of Sciences the practicability of atertl
Itlag milk by meant of tbo ultraviolet
rays omitted by mercury, vapor tampo.
Ifllk thus treated can bo comalttoly
atorillsod la the sold. At tbo tamo
meeting of tbo academy Hons. A
Oaacard showed that milk to whieh
potassium bichromate has been added
as a preservative keeps mac a bettor
la tbo dark p , ; , r '
Tbo Tana language of aorihorii Calf
fbrnla represents a distinct UntrwaMfe
otook. and bad formerly three dialects,
one of which at now extinct til pos
sesses two forma of speech, one of
which to employed by ansa spsmklBg
to men. while the other ta Used In all
other cases, Practically, tbo Itwgws
baa only notwa and verba, the adteetf-
Ivee, adverbs, numerals, laterrogatlTo
proaeano aad conjunctions being form
ed trees the verba. - -
Ia tbo Calaveras Nattoaal Forest
there aro groves ed Wg trees. ' in
the Sertn Csova. to CaUvoras Ceaatty,
bora are tea trees aavrh aavlnc a
dlaaMter of M foot or over. aM more
taaa osvwsty bavtag a dlaasstsr raag
lag betweoa II aad tt test. The tree
mated to have had a height of 460
feet, and a diameter, at tbo ground,
ot more than 40 feet The bark on
those trees runt from 0 Inches to 1
foot Jb thickness. Besides the giant
sequoias, there are hundreds of sugar
pines and yellow plnea from t to 10
feet In diameter, and ranging to, S7S
foot tn height
mevalattamprr lisMe Imtaly SU
Telia af Mis Terr Vrlaaaanlp.
An Interesting hlatorleal lttttr, re
lating to Benedict Arnold's treason,
Oen. Gates disastrous campaign In
tba BoutherB States and the appoint
ment of Oen. Nathanael Greene to cuo
Med him there, retched SS at Free
man's in Philadelphia a tow dayt ago.
the New York Timet aara. The letter
hWM written to Greene from Philadel
phia, Oct a, 17M, by Chariot .Petit,
a member of the continental wnsosa,
who alto was assistant i to Greene
while the latter waa quartermaster
general. In regards to the West Point
treason PetH wrote:
"I cannot say that Gen. Arnold's
treason, so far aa respects hit turn
log tory and deserting the American
cause, waa any great surprise to me.
The constant and anlform tenor of his
conduct ta this city looked strongly
that way, and tba court he paid to
tha toriee was too plain and evident
and toe universal to arise from any
kothot motive than the larins of a
foundation for )o4nlng them at an
day or other, but the magnitude of
hit treason and the extent of his
plan, I matt oonfets, startle aad
amass me: I could scarcely have
conceived that the pride of aa ambi
tions man aad that sense of hoDorTor
at least tbo pretension to It, which
every man of station thinks hlmaelf
bound to wear the, appearance of,
whether bo really feels u or not.
would have prevented a man of hit
situation to rush sjt cmce Into a ril
lalnt a atrocious and degrading to
human nature. , Bat bo seems to hare
been determined not to bo a little vil
lain. Nothing short of the highest
rate could satisfy him, and la this he
has shown bit courage, . though his
tptaa has failed, f shall at present
add -only on reflsettoa. apoa tbla-affair,
and that la that 1 consider It
as a public benefit not only that tbo
plot has been so seasonably discover
ed, but that tbo attempt has teen
man''''' '--
la writing about Geo, Oatsa South
era ' aampeign Petit ears: , "The
toughers gentlemen paxtlcaiaTfy seem
ed desirous that Oea. Ore should
be appointed. The Southern people
are strongly prejudiced against a Caie
doalaa (Oea. St, Clair), having an
ogly post of them la their ova bow
els hi North Carolina."
ette S.
New thought wis beautify the
ptstBOst strl." -t'
-That may be so, bat very few girls
are going to grre up lodoas for aev
UotA'-rllllwaakos JemrmaL
S at Aur Stattom.
Tough Looking Passenger (present
ing ticket) Can I get, a e tope ft on
Conductor (Inspecting It) - store
than than: you set a kickonV
(Pulla bell rope.)
Walrel late KaawleSae.
"I will wait a moment," said the t sy
ne ranee lecturer at the - close of his
apeech, "to snawer.any questions you
may wish to aak.
"Can a person get drunk oa ssoer-
krantl Inquired an earnest woman In
the audience whose, husband had signed
the sledge. "
law of Caaapeaaallam.
Bobby (kickins) Arthuru doughnut
Is bigger" n mine.
Mother But Arthur's haa a much
larger hole In It that yours haa, Bob
by. St. Louis Poat-Dispatch.
aTotheia win And Mm. WlnaloWa Seothlas
Syrup tat-Wat rsmedv to umloc LaaiceaUored
Bun tig the leei hi ng period.
' llaw iarelvM,
He There was nearly a bad fire at
the theater. . , , . ..
SheHow was that
. HeThe villain-lit a cigarette and
tossed the match Into the snow!
Comic Cuts.
That Waa All.
"What do you know of his reputa
tion for truth and veraclty?''
"N oth I rur except that he
witness In the Gould caaa."
Praetlaal Pat rial Una.
The thing for yoiv to do now Is to
get. busy so that you will have an In
come tax to be taxed when all the
States acres to It That's true -patriot-lam.
Ind tana pol is News.
Lome back and Lumbago make a
young roan feel oJd. Hamlint Witard
Oil makes an old man feel young;. Ab
solutely nothing like it . for the relief
of all pain.
' Priats el Umm.
"There la such a masculine touch
about the dresses she wears."
. "You mean that smudgy streak of
finger marks along; the line of buttons
In the back" Houston Post
Taeealeallr Inmerrawt 1
The Doctor He's what you might
sail walking lamp of knowledge.
The Professor Not exactly) he's a
roamln' canrlt
Shaves Ma Inaaravanaeait.
1 don't see that her college educa
tion has improved her much."
"No. She helps her mother with the
nouocwork Juet as if she hadn't
educated." Detroit Free Press.
for Infant and Childrsa.
Tbi Kind Yob Havi Always Bought
Bears the
kaew alls Flaee.
Housemaid Pleaae, sir, will you
some at onoe, the drorin' roorn on
lire. Master Wall, go and tell your
mistress; you know I never interfere
la household matters. Punch.
- . V.
v Wa Little llct , 4
"In this matter ot quick thinking."
said the bass ball ampin, "all the bou
quet go to the players;' and yet we fel
lows have to think as quick ae they do.
If not a little quicker. If a plsyer works
his thinker too slow all be gets Is an
errer. If I do It I get a pop bottle."
Chicago Tribune.
fa taeae Sara -af fiimala dsnuJnc aa m aaa affoH a narlaat hw huia eante
menC It h jnat tl a WUal that ta fane nhaaM aare-thahaaaStat thah t poaalbln term .
Mehtnarr aad arnet wad era labor aarlae orrteaa aa H ta that a prnnerlr aiaaaited (artsvy
boa'dhavelLaadavaaaMfeaa We have m ear ti Iva Wart. Jaber avms marhhias
el aM kinaa amahaiaa tha Ian tan aream aad smke the farm the mart tnaapiJaal aaaa
aa the aarth: aMeMnan that smJb farm Hf aaMeajeraUeaM mad takaap tharwww
waa aattoM with farm work. Me farmer 'ever tar tad am money m' better aawaase
than whan be banght ana el the watBtna mention ad sahw. Thane era anaj whleh ere W
aeaaon NOW and are awae walah hoaM InUrart arary fnrmsr who iwwm m make a
aaacaaa of farwJne. ginmii rtafy Warsaw
toaawn aorel. J. L Caai Ptowa, gnadwmh
Kaovar Potato Dwrarn, Dsahla Aetke
snd Btrntw Oatawaaa. Btovar Onanhna
Bnainaa. New Iowa Cream gaparatara,
mpmn Pwaae, Bu., la,
De YOURSELF aad af a fever by
eitas Jar ear
1- - f
,' -r j.,. eY " ; I I
af V S
Slaaad ..
warra, at! r aria
ue kllli aUSUa.
hoat, irlnu., hru-
CutAl, itirn.
nt, cli4i Lia
all to
u Hi or Us
. wiu net bdH
Injur inr-
Sh 1 llli (lunnuW
taaliea, ay eat hhiH fart ta.
KU0I.S (OMEItS, I SO OaKalfe A., rkhik. tL I
of its kind ia the Northwest, we invite
the iavaetigatioa of those who went the
best ia a practice! edueetioa. Let ae prove
aaperiocity. Call, phone or write. Cat
alogue, business forms and penwork free.
"The School of Quality"
Tenth sad Morriaoa 8 Portland, Oregon
A. P. Amiitrono, ll. B.. Principal
Dt w. a. wtas
M learn a Laadar In PaJrJaa DaaMI
Work m Portland.
Out-of-Town People
Stteuld i aiitanili that oar farea I aa arranged
nacaaaarr. POHlTtVKLV PAIN LB 88 BX
TRACTlNO FREK when nhitaa or brlrtaaa ara or
PAIN. NO BTUDKNTS. aa onaartnlntr.
For tha Next Fifteon Days
Wewfllslraraa tea sal sr aara
lain crown for . ,.j OJ.m
m brtda taatb.
Holar erown .
Qad or onaakai ntnasa 1
BIItw BIHiiga ....r..T-.i.-.TTv. ...r JW
Good rubber platan JM
Thabaaired rubbw pwtaa.., TJ
pnlnlaat axtraetlana
mjt. wn. wig .
; . preeMeat and Idaascsv
The Wise Dental Co,
ONC.) TatodaniWaaMturMBsa'
sniat'smnwui iMJjiJiw,wimw.jii.,p.'ii
Altaehmanm. abow bar). ,
. JJ-t Driaa,
Bar Praams. INak'S Pa
. OR.
tftm esti eissiniev :j
rm IT Ti J- a. I
ii-i at
to sveaae a
to fcX It BS by dasssW
sailed the 'Vaihsr of tn