lone Proclalmer lent, Oregon, Aug. $7, 1909. loocTpwa Officers ..X L fedWl Bacorder.. C J. ftunttifta lUhU JW- C ; Cauwble ,' v'JB-f"f num. Ltrti mad Wtie plat X. V. WIIKr ' ; (V. O. Bil(OT) Li. reraiut OMMlMaa . R. r. I 11 mot Ki HaUoratfa -C.B. 8prry Frank KnplBtol i orncaos or scbool Disrmict CUrt , X. T. Frbt (U.J.Pwiningu ,.; Iw. c cmd IS. I Slralloav DiNMM-u orvtcaas At m daluh lamp ornc Hliur . . . nk. W, MtOTw sSm:";".,v: 7 - I -.4. at a " the Bnl fnll moon of aarh month. Odd reiiowi intj oiyiui KebakaAt-rlmaAd UlnlThwnijmftlf SitMoWX W. O. W...WM, MMlInt nil third B(urlT Tntn of yh woeth. MO HO AN LODGE I. (. 5. F. So, lf, MM -fetch month. CI 'nil tTtrf I'hTrtdaj afgai at M LOCAL "All communications, as. far M , possible, should reach da not later . than Tuesday nignt. Please bear . this in mind and have eommunjca tions in on time." Editor. - "M1m Pearl Casbh will be ready' . to reopen her music eloee the first - ol September.- , t . Tie last Lawn party of the lea ton will be held at the home of Mr , and Mn P O Balsiger, Tuesday evening, August 31. It is free Ho , all and everybody 1 invited and desired to come and have a good ' . time. (. " j " . The new superintendent of the v lone School, Mr Coffman p( Wis- consiu, arrived with hi wife and four children in lone Tuesday and .are with Mrs Loren, Hale until they fix their house forliAnsekeeji ; ing, thev having rented the E Swenson house on Second street. , KeticeBen Buschke of lone wish es to notify purtiesontheNortbside who have stock running at larye that if they don't keep llieui out ' Of" his grain he will take them up lining livni to Ionv t thelitj ' 1 e-'y stublo wliere the owner wijlj have to-tmy-eitftrgt-s . J A Waters nnd V S Smith left Wednesday for SjHikanc an a buni-'-nesa"trip. J E Shaver received a postal card from Clui Dickey ami Jie i 1 ' 'workiisg on a threshing machine) in Idaho, i Mrand Mrs A Young haveboen entertaining their daughter-in-law-' ' Mr Walton Young nnd herdaugirt er of XewhaM, -California. Mr Herman nia'de a businese trip to Portland Wednesday. It would he a good idea If the 'leak in the water pipe in front of - the post office was fixed as there is ''a hole theroWvlmoit inrgw-enough- to bury a horde. OUR OWN---: . S O Ci E T Yt of the Third Eastern Oregon District AgHcultural Society at PENDLETON, OREGON. " Exhibits of thfc produces of Morrow and Umatilla Cdufnties $4000. OFFERED iri PREMIUMS. $r500. MILITARYBAND ' ! CONCERTS Afternooand Evenin3 ' , I SS II 1 1 , , All Kinds ot fuii an5 anrtusdments offered to all tne people for v .-OET. tCQUAINTEf WEEK , - Horses, Cattle'JSh jGeta Prwhxn utst. Hrepare Your wfcjA mm,mk mu1u. C E. ROOSEVELT. Prm. . -.a-.f YHtfe,l Geo Warner win in Tuesday and advertised hi final homestead proof. v."'" Mn Frank Akers Jias turned from br trip to the mountain. Paul Rietmen is hiuilinu hi - hi wheat. AYosaid they djdii't iiave anything on the north tide. . WBIilC SALE-?' - there will b a public taie of litWnck at (R 0. P. Bovnuu much on "B'tttar OreeVfths,Atdei;iJt,at !tt liur of 10. A. H. .flooded Jetaey. and -MnU stem 'cow vsm.Wlvw, and alio wui CoMliOThM win Retold on eight rtmirtlm time at eight per'fejtrt inlerost With- p proved eseartty Mrs C T Walker went ai far as tlie Juuctioa with her two uisr-n who have been visiting her for some time,' they goitit; on 4 . t heir home in Hays, Kanaas While, Mrs Walker went to Grants Pas i where site will prove up mfi-v ttiie -Mid timber claim she hus there. . Rube Sperry Vatd If mb didit'd put his naVne fn the paper tliis week toavhe wo'rft'staii it. Ijarry Akeri who has been work ing .in the h?vet Jiere niul at Condon left WsdnfUy for Port land where be expects tij remain Money to loan -m SIwiuw County Farm land. tAt vt cuj From three to ten yfVrs.- t Wi?SmitliI Post Office lone. Oregon, ' -m : '.'.. Yiqla Akers who hns spent her vaoationinltheQooseb!rry'otui(ry is home again. ' i. ,.t.. Sin, Lute Jordan ant Mrs Wall er Puyea have, rtiiintfiNriin their trip to, tlre tnoVnttainiiii'd the men about Un arc w (eiised for Ln an'4 Walter. ' Tliey riyy the way those two poor intu have HUrvcd themselves and grieved is enough to turn the hearts of atone, although they kept Hix'n lunch counter well cleaned. Ed Hammer and family return ed Monday from a. camping trip to Butter creek coal mines. They re- port a epieiulitl time uot-with.staiid Ing thqy lost their horses mul had a hnntof three dH f)efore recov ering" tlietn. V 1 T. J. Mahoney wns in town Thursday attending to i-upincFf. Ilort Mapon returned front n trip to Portland ttiul Seattle, on, hut Wednesday. .... K;trl PuyenJ left today for Gran geville, Idaho. Sfrs Let a Kin;?, of lleppir, daughter-in-hiw of A TKinp, is in lone visiting. - Messrs Johnson-and Snitlh of Dry fork brought iirtwo big wagon loads of bogs Wednesday. Ulihis Cochran bought them and will soon make a sTiipment of hogs and sheep to Portland. , t . Chicken' 'dinner with all the "fi-xin" at the lintel Sunday. p. SVin Flrult, Glh. " ' rL,A - - - - - I . , Aunn nn Inr. . - m . Walter Puyeer fell d SKained bis okle very bad and is new on Mrs Jordan has. for guests Mrs Josephine Chrrm and Mi Len- Lnie Cnrrin. " ; i ' Tbe embroidery eUb meets with ilre j. A. Wattrs to-day. Mr Williirmson Is moyjug InV vevjily to town from the rahch. As thlertnwn house basj btn va cant for some tfnw thay nV huV- ing a time eleatlitrg oHK weeds. Anyone In ntfed of irme.'cefrient, and shingles call nod see Q F fsr- ker before goiiig-elsewrnAut - Bill Windsor ant) .-, Wnlief, went to,Idaio for ft trip, ldayi They have done well here this falj in harvest and will return In a- month or Mvo for the winteh i . A 8 Wilcox went to Portland to d'ay'haviHg.put his combine uitde'r cover for this year, ",'- XSeq (J Carter preeetin the L Smith Premier Typerfiiter waft In V '.IJi t "' A R. WJ HhVkhk war down iropt Heppnjr .Thursday atid'wtni into- the count rjv . fjufue Cophran hss had the mis-, fort Mie to sose his aV(Mte riding horse. It had been used Sunday to' bring some cattle into ten and became overheated' and disd" from tlie effects. Mr Cochran i feeling as had over toeing an old favorite and to know it died from want of aare after its faithful tife'tfs from the money iavolvil. i- . The Portland Commercial Cluh is lulrertisiug extensively through all the periodicals that po over the -rart-and they are not only adver tising Purtlaud but art) sijring all kinds of good things for all Oregon. WALL ON TBE MAIN IM. Cmidiictor V11 j"-? gone troni the branch lino nnd f (tow delight ing the traveleisnn tiro ninth road from Portland tt Pendleton, with his genial and taking in Aimer. trp hero vt sin fir' -u mifs hint "tu nver v inaii, jojii:i u n lid ehi U I knows him and ns he, is the same to all people and that Fa'uieiiess of tho plc.-iHMtitcft nny.K u shall nil regret lilt- goinp. i . JUVTESiKC TBE fkk 8 T Warner, or J'uidMnn, hrt lcen thru t'lio'coimtry advortifinK the fair at l'endletotj. He wan traveling bv wrtgou and when-tl reached lono h:td lieen out two weeks. He has been to Pilot Rock Hcppner, Ixington and way points and went from here to Irri gon by wny nf the Wil)ow creek. Mr Warner says the fair will hi better than ee end That the pen- Ule who mi's it will regret it. Vefeftable ShowKetc. V-.r "V" -1 v -A Complete SukI ot FURNITtlRB Garpets and Window Shades , New 1909 Wall Paper. All Kinds of Furniture Repaired mi KcllnlsJiei Iron Bees Rc.f namdep. Anyt hing not carried in stock will be ordered at a Reduction s.e: moorb, ,ione;. - OEQON. ; ..... 1 j saavifaia I m ' MORROW COUNTY, WHERE WHEAT IS KINO. lone Proclaimer f OR SALE (HW H WOMAN) A 520 Acre soum Africu Veierai Msaif laal ccrnrtciic Iegued the Departmotit of the inferior, Governmpntrdf Ca8ifa( Ottawa, under tlie Volu'ntee .-Bounty Act. 1908. GootJ Trir 320 ncree of any Domfhioii i land open for en.try 'in Alberta, Saskatche wan bjr,Hamtoba. Anypetson mer the ape of 18 yearn, mam or iVoMAJI cnt , "acfjuire this land with tltifl. jdetlfflate wltlsrjirt furtlter charge For 'i-j waiKer, EsUtee -!. ISC & Oregonian $2. pacificx monthlyX m rosnuaispi cessnnw m I TTuUtfmtMasaxmA I ml tlseavl" ArtM -P-aebie sHeeia. - 1 RaW t4iW VMJ m taeWWa-4. X ' t ' , i)in i . " "in i I 1,.