The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, August 27, 1909, Image 4

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    lone Proclaimer
lE. fVARDEdiUrand Proprietor.
Published erery Friday at low,
Marrow county, uregon.
Jy the Proclaimer Publishing Co.
UCniPT10IM 1.0 M v
Entered at the lode portoffice ai
second class matter.
7:46 a. m.
8:80 a. tn.
10:26 a. m.
l;lup. m.
3 p. ni.
4 1!5 p. tn.
.htm Heppner
Leavea Ions f
Arrives at Jnnotion
Leave Jar-clion -
iTr June
arrlrliAt HePpW
i . HAl LIS!
Wcet'-Dotlndlaavnii Junction 10:15 a. tn.
East-bnuiid lenvee Jwwiion 1:16 p. w.
C. J. Pennington. Agent.
Officer! of Morrow Cowtyi Oregon
Ctrrnlt Jul I' y .-!L 'iJ?, "
Joint Senator . . . I-.Wi Hri"".
Manly Jdtlft
1 , , ,W.T.Cmptll
A Cennlf CmwlMionn J j, j,
iirn'i uih'!.
ftSn? v. il
fttbtfuf iitrlniMlMil . K. mwh
CeuM.) UurBiitr - "a
Coumv wirt row" iHe flrt JOBdtf. A
January7 inl hjaltaJM?.?,V,,iJl"Sli
tlrdonlr In Xotrvnttwr.
Subscribe tor the Phoclaiiikb.
Ah the hnxzing of tin threshing
machine uti'i'f, llic twina iimchiro
takes Its placu' and the children
ure Iwiiit: jin'-inn1! fr mcIiohI.
" All.lhr- pi-nptp.rV the Old World
lire oxttit'-d over air (t'nipn iinJ now
Took Q.iii lt ii ih-w kind i "jiitih"
that has ii-nt. i.f vlllciiM'iit in
the bit i ilic m-fk that ik craned
watching nlTips.
-When nmny riviil rnd fight t-n
get into n con ill i , ibero Sinuiv
luiMt he snt;ftliiiifc Uicre f (irmt
Viilne. The liWuveV'iL .wciilth W
Ctitnil Or 'BM iH(ii'ir!iiHH:ii d li
A 11 C .t (Icvclo-n-mcnl, in that
land, hatt mit yet ht'Cli Iwirnctl.
it would entire!? car tor tins !
ily wuuts lor the winter. And in
here in Morrow county we plow
most evil winter.
The man whp l0 to ro to a
Fair thii (all anil take bin foiiiHy
it doing wrong jut there are two
clove at hand, our own county Fair
at Pendleton ind the count t Fair
at The Dallw. Tliert-ia no other
one thing that will aid I1 farmer
more lor the imall amount of
nfoney iiivevtrd than & vhrit to
thtesatheringa and a look at the
exhibits ol cattle and (train, while
the wife gets tumiy new ideas and
returiiH Ijorne rested by the trip
and change of thought.
'I'he o-.ilimik is b;wl inr till) wint-'i
in IhiMViiy iT hi;-, in tho purii
and hy nest ej.iin culllq will W
hijflt. Tin- p;ijn this vnF
aiicl: n fciuirt !iuin that Iho Ktmw
stiicks nr kiimII. Aiilh i ;uhI(
however, ruui :i Uny. yicUi.
Comhm in t. Ik riniratulutul
nport iu thinking ihkI progrepfhe
School Hoard. -They have addi-il
two ycurn of Xornnil Course lo
elietr llili i-liol and art one of.
if not the first, in tint Slate to try
and supply i need the legislature
failed to provide for.
. e-.rr1:-" I L
The coining Kfiir at Pendleton
should be now the chief subject of
attention iu thhieonutyas no other
one thing is of tuch benelit 1 it
people as a county Fair. It brihgf
together the faruiefp; merchants
knd working people ami shown
each the duvulopetueni tint the
county baa made since tbe ycartrit
fort. The common proprietor hip
of all people in the county nmkes
a brotherly feeling jI pride liiihat
union ownership and all return
home tbe better for having gone
and taken part.
It begins tn feel like fall aud
lueky tbe people who are in con
dition to approach the winter sea
son without worry.. We In this
open climate cannot estiwtatewkat
U means fu the l)kotni, Montana,
British Columbia aid tire rt of
thft -northern, wheat lands, Thtte
for sjhmHU Ute anow ts piled higk
t4 kUH ditfot -ftoM, -white
tmmiw iiwi. tboi a
IWf wenoont roa Opeet here
The Oregon Stale Fair will be
held at ttalein ou8einher 18 to
1H, and every person who. can
should attend it at least for one or
two day i. It lithe leading agri
cultural ey.Hijtition of the Pacific
Northmen and ii btuotmnjfirefltor
each year. It will be a very close
second to the A. V. P. exposition
now being held at Seattle not so
large, of course, but lhejulity of
many of tbe exhibits will bn even
better thun at the Seattle show.
The campground at the Oregon
Stale Fair, Sulem, is In rendinrrB
for tht jjretit number u( onmpers
that will occupy spaces thereon
during the forty eighth annual
fair which will be held on Seplem-
bcr IB to 18, HK)tf. Albert Tnsleir
is nuperintendent of the cnmpinR
pi a r tern and ho expects that the
tented city will be larger thonvoc
this time. Iimiv oak trcrttforin
H nice grove on the camping quart
ers, wlfich innkes it an attractive
place to enjoy a iteeV ouliugn-
way from one's home, whether it
be in the city or country. An even
ti k scene on the camp giound if a
most plettsojrt one getiemlly, espec
ially whe Ijic cji in pli (t'P ureburn
ing around which lire'. irBgemhlrd
roupf of people engt):ingiiisecint
ctinvefufl tind giimeit. iiitercpersi'd
No. 1 l'i in. Yellow Pine
4 foot Hotly Oak.
Chas. K. Fuller,
Hood Itiver, Ore.
twuur ituuwff
I SMMfcttrtSdensnt
CttMl aa dl n Wm aM OOUwnTf JtWML
rstrtra $0.50
4 sm iiij yu wsk
prtiiirtpai mi fiamm.
ROAB 4f 9k Tm(HAHB (PKostnm
Uek l 7i mm nil
120 075
AO threw (oc
suMpausuMMQ tMWAwqar
'Ncfribrf OF SAME OF HEAT,
T-J . . . $175
, . . , , $1.50
private safe to the hiifh"1 hiddcr
upon the turms hereinslier tUtcd. j
and snbjeet to confirmation by tbe
County Court of Morrow bounty,!
Htate of Oregon the following,
di scribed real property belonging;
to the Kitste of J. A. WooJ.:fy
deceased, to wit:. ..
RWi, of wctioo 1 ; 8W'i oV section 2 ;
W of KK of sectiba 3; K)t Nl : 1
otsuetioii 10; X at KW'i, W
li and KK 'of 8W of ssetioii ,11 : all 1
ofesctionlw; 2 aad'Ntt'.-s -4 mcUo
30; SW)i of section H; SW'-4 of bucU. a
,26; H of Beetlon M; (, ol wi tion 32;
WHsodKEHofeMtioiiltS; iNtUKtB
ftii of section M ; serf all of mUn 36,
all in Townihip 1 Horth, Ksic "Jl at
All of section 0 t all of eectioii 9 ; ZW'H
of section 14; HK sTKf-i aud V ol 8
Ki otseeuen 1; S WJ-4 oleeeiion !fif:N
W '4 of esetion W ; fsa sod 4 and BEX
of BWt of sect km 80, nllin Township
North, fUneeM KBH, W. U.
WjoI teotiou SO ;W Collection 32;
H and KWli sod 8W el NKVef ssc
Uoa Stl, all In TowMhlpS North, Hinge
Kist WMIsniette Merklisa. ' V
All of section l.l''f s Kortb,
RanfreZS Kail Willamette Meridian.
NEX Election 19 Tawntlilpl North,
Range S6 Kssl Willamette Hrilisn,
'H of sod W K of KF V
of mtlMl;EXeisctior4; riEtf of
eaelioa all ol section U; Wj of E
md !SWXf eetio,l3i
DdaW'oiKti.ftii; WH sad W
ofNK and NEW oiMEX of section 23;
W X of JiX of ok lion "S4 ; HE ,V of section
X; W4 of BWJ( of section 8t, sll in
Towniltip 1 North, Rente W Enet W.H
HWH and (ofKKH of section 28;
N of NKjk5 Of section HA; KJi ind Kjj
ofWSi oIw:tion34;ESr.INW'4,8
ofKWX spdSW'of MV'X of section
M, and BWjf of secttdn So, ill in Town
llilp 3 North, Range K. W, U.
ltel.S, 3sii(14 oj lectiuu 6; BEX
and of WW section fi, ill IuTown
hip N, Kance 27 K. W. M.
Ail of section 82 la Township 2 North,
Range 27 Kail Willamette HerrJian.
KW, and 'ol-KV olfecliou2;K
H of section 7, ol wet ion s; S4 of
section 1U; NKX of KK.V of taction 11;
Wyi of X W md o( N ft of sec
tion IS; SX Mt bVX of nrtlionSt; Wji,
WH uf KM sftd bKtt.'S?' 'V of tectiou
2b ami 8V 4 of rectlen Ml, hH in Town
oliip 1 ban III ltftti-fe S3 Ivnt W. M.
UtiMJmdl 4 8S.V ol XW and
8V f NEX of secliou 2; i-ot 2, 3 and
4 and 8-4 of N of section 4 ; except a
tract dencribed as follows; Befiiniiiog tl
L-lmitit rl iK Corner of S. of
vevtion 4, riiniilni: tlieitoe W 11 cliniuf,
llieuve N 'JU i:iiiint, tlienee E citaina
tlience at'. '21 cliaini to place of beiriim-
Ifijti contniniiTi; UJ4 acre J Ales tt"4 of
SW'X efNW ofwction8;rJofsection
r( of fttlioii 30; of ieetioii 3i,
Mud NX of wet Urn Si, all ia lViwntlup 1
I.S lunge 24 Eit Willamette Her id Ian.
tillti of fuctioo 10; SEji ol tec Hon IS;
E;j ot E, SV4 (.SEV end KK- : of
SV '4 ot fiion aU; SEX and K X of N
W'i : tf Kctiun ID. all iu TowimiiipS 8
Itfliie'-23 Wiilmnette Meridian.
W, of NEW end Wjf of 8EX ot sec
tion 12; in TuanalnpSH liange 28 Kist
willnmetle Meridian. '
8K'4 of net ion IK; RX of section 19;
and fEJ uf eeetion ,18, all in Toneltip
2 8. Ituit;e Kt w ilia me te sleritliaii.
EH of NEW and KXoltiKV oftecriou
41nToseLipSSIanse24K. W. U.
E of NKX f lection 34 ia Townanip
4 8. Hinge 28 Ent wlllamalts Meridiia,
Alto bote 7 ind 8 of Block 3, ot the Ton of tow, Oregoo; Lets 7
iwlHofPmfc Bloelt, Will's Addition to
Commercial Itik EspccUDr Sofidtkd t
Fats$IeOQ and: ,
$200 the Day ;
SpttiaJ Rate fbr boom and flur by Week.
qrence M. White
' - Oregon
P. 6, Balsier
mnoiBas w Vnicus
Myers Puminr,
gtorer Hrt Pan; ;
" ' Gasoline Eh fines,
' '' 'Mitchell. Wagons
Staver BugRies',
tar & Doable Power Wind Utile.
Sanders & Case Plows', '
, Aud Hoosier prillsV
P, J, Ctiristensott
Dealer hi
Wheat Lands and Tqwb
Property. 1 also handle
Thoroughbred Potrltry
P. n. Christenson, Propri
etor Swede Canyon Pout
try Ranch; Lexington, On
oVWo LundelL BitheL
Teacher op
Voice Culture. Singin; ,
Sight Reading .
iON&.- - OREGON.
, , R We 'Hickok :
Grain Buying a Specialty;
Lands Bought and Sold
. Life Insurance
Collections made.
Will bliy In any amount
CUckcos, Torkeys, Docks .
.. Veals zni Hides. ;
i Pturalclaii and Sarfcoa
. Office in the tone Pharmacy.
. ' ' lone, Oregon. ' '
Tlie Proclfliroer for $1.50 a year.
at the . '
W. R. COCHRAN, mmo
Will nit persons who are endobt
ed to the J OKincnid estate please
cajl at that store building and
settle with out dolay as we nrq
anxious to wind up the wliole
matter as soon as pontnble.
i( ' BL Pndberg,
TUB L. P. D.
Where Every 'one goes to
have a good time.
lone, - Oregon
lone, Orepili ; 11 tl of Pa k Block, lone,
Oregon ; East 0 1 Lotftasd West It
fevl of l-it 7 ol ltluek 15, of Will's Adi
tfun to lone, Oreirnit: Lots 5, 8, 7 and 8
of lllrrk IB of Will's Addition to loaf,
Oregon, All being rtt slovsow Ooontr,
Bute of Oregon.
Said real property will be sold
either intact and as whol or in
tra6ie parcels or sub-diTisions' to
suit purchaern; and tbe terms of
such sale will he either cash in
hand, or not lest than Fifty thous
and Dollars Cash and balance on
time snenred by first mortgage
on the real property sold.
frus sale is made andtr aud in
pursuance of a Hcenso and order
ml Bale, eranlfwl mauW and entered
ADMINISTRATRIX i n record Wy U Oowiity Court ot
Noltco.ta, hereby sire that tk Morrow Connlr. Oregon H the
nnderslgwed AdmlnietratrU of th. mk d v-ejl jlr, lfMfJ In the snaUeei
state of J; A. ootery, deeeaeW t tn) tbe RsUts ol J. A.. Wootery,
willfrofH abd after Mestday tb . teasbeeiaiwgUib adsaius
30th day of Aagnst, 1900, tA U
howr of 10 o,clcM tbe foretiosw
of amid d ol the effko ol C. X
WossJssmt fw tbe City of Heppher.
Mecrow Cwmly, Orefeds tiler g'i. A. iTeokry
tfatrig to sell easd read ptwejort
'. aai 4 v ' ' I
nun v iVBiainNawnBNnTa
1-Tfl.MstTwfrii e thm Bstetw of
Look Here!
A nice fresh line of all the
leading brands of tobaccos both x
fine line of LUNCH goods i
Jjust arrived. Any thing from
Sardines to Limberger cheese.
KOT g COlft satt Drinks i Spcclalii
-: ti. H. ward. ": '..7 ' L.t. WARD
Ward & Ward