The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, August 27, 1909, Image 2

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Newsy Items Gathered from All
- Parts oi tte World.
Lmi Important but Not Lass Intor
sating Happenings from Points
Outside tho Stat.
Thaw 'a mother claims b U badly
treated at th asylum.
Extensive gritting baa been nneov
red at Montreal, Canada.
Telegraph companies . have impended
new rules in regard to cades.
Harriman surveyors are at work on
line from Eureka to Portland.
Taft eonfere with cabinet on inter
atata commerce and anti-truat laws.
The city of Monterey, Mexico, head
quartera for the Beyes party, baa been
swept by fir.
Wisconsin politician! will try to In
volve President Taft in politiea when
be visits in that state.
Two more spectators and a mechani
cian were killed in the Indianapolis auto
races, making aeven in all.
Trana-MlHisalppi congress asks open
ing of mineral and farm landa in re
serve and indorse Pinehot
President Diss, of Mextao, baa aent
more troop to cheek the Eeye move
ment and may be obliged to call off hi
meeting with President Taft.
Wellman'a dirigible started for the
North Pole, but a series of accidents
ended Anally in the explosion of the
balloon and abandonment of the at
tempt. On of tho Moroccan rebel leaders
bat bom captured.
Spanish- warships are bombarding
the position bald by tho Moors.
The Greek flag in Crete baa been
brought down by a shot from a foreign
Tho row between Plnchot aad Bel
linger la likely to canes Pinebot'i res
ignation. A British battleship want ssboro off
41.. IT.n.lii1 It la hnrxid in
sots the Teasel.
Heney baa bean nominated by tho
Democarta of San Francisco for prose
cuting attorney.
Thirty-nine of Japan's loading buel
mh mn have started for America for
tour of tbs United States.
Thaw has been returned to tbs- In
sane ssjlnm without apsctal priTi leges.
Bis mother will continue the fight.
Tho Chicago, Burlington A Qnlncy
railroad inclndss Bibles among ths
books furnished tbs library compart
ments of their trains.
Prohibitionists from all quarters of
fth Mnuntrv will oalebrato In Chlesgo,
Bsptsmbsr 22, the 40th anniveraary of
tbs founding ox ineir pany.
Ths standard of the G. A. R., car
ried in parados at national ancamp
msnts for SO years, has been missing
sines the parade st Salt Lake.
Rarriman baa started home appar
ently In good health and spirits.
A alivht oarthaosko bsi been fslt
through Central Illinois sad lows
Reports from. Paris say Spain is
aaxioua to nagotisto with tbs Moors.
Tbs trial of tho Japanese strikers on
Hawaiian sugar plantations is nearing
an and.
The Calhoun trial In San Frsnciaeo
-has bosn delayed by tbs illness onf ons
of tbs ettorneya.
Americana in Mexico are forming a
military company for tbs protection of
American residents.
Pk Mntraet haa haea aimed at Ps-
fcln admitting Americana to a shars of
the Chinese railway loan.
Tbs proposed visit of Taft to Seattle
baa rant ths Sound city, in question
to whether tbs president shall play
wolf or an tha fair.
Th IrVanelace) nrlmar alactton
nominated William Crocks as mayor
m tha Hannnitean iicaet. nonov sa
behind bis Ueknt for prosecuting at
Ran will visit tbs Bosttls expos l-
tton daring Its closing wor and tbs
defeated esndtdaU for nresktentUl
bonora IS apeoted to bs suits s draw
ing Sard.
a mvmmt UerlsJ battle to OB hi
Federal conns st Portland far tho enr
tetenoa of th Oregon Trunk railroad,
the opposition to Harriman oaths De-
sohatea Into Central Oregon.
Tbs recant beat wars at 81 Loads
Easssslvn bast
Charles De-tta, a aaarear M ths Dsn-
Speed Record Brokon-Wright Ma
chines do Stoat. .
Bheima, Aug. 14. The spectacle of
abr. aeroplanes simBltaneously winging
their flight in huge circles near the
plain at Bethany here today marked the
opening of aviation week. At the finish
there waa a great burst of cheers over
thia wonderful and Impressive, exhi
bition. .....
Intermittent showers and high winds
prevailed, and the eliminating trials for
the selection of tbs French representa
tives for the Jamea Gordon Bennett in
ternational cup, which is to be contested
next Saturday, were spoiled. Only Le
FebVre, with a Wright bi-plane, Bleriot,
Esnautt-r'eiterie ana captain roroer
KhvuI kn niat v miffa. TPnbTM alone
succeeded in negotiating the complete
circuit 01 tne course, ue remained in
th air fnr 18 minutes in a 26-mile
wind, breaking the speed record hereto
fore held by ussanaier, covering iu
kilometers in' 8 minutes 55 4-5 seconds.
1 th nthnr an tared in the trials.
Bleriot was only able to cover a auf-
Auent distance to qualify.
Rhnrtlv hnfore dark the rain suddenly
ceased and the wind fell to a dead
calm. The sky pilots soon were busy in
getting their machines out. .Latham
was first away, ascending high from
the start. He passed the cheering tri
bunes at the height of ISO feet. Lara
I wirt KntnmAr. r!wktnrn. Da In Qranffe
and Fournier followed in quick suc
cession, nnu mm unmu ouui pil
ing the first round, now. at a height
of 300 feet, six aeroplanes, like sea-
mis, were noveiiug wvi wn
Fournier was nrst aown, isiuag aeau-
nn intn a. havstnik SJ Lambert SWCDt
around into the second lap, his machine
seeming to cut a Driiiiani ramsow.
MaanvhilA I.Fohvr started afresh
and was followed by LaBlane, Buneu-
i. 'P. ml a: Dl..i.t
varum, iisnsuuicr, ivivu)
Paulham, until the entire air seemed
filled with mammoth birds. -
Latham came down after finishing
the second round, the others gradually
dropping -out until only three Wright
machines remained afloat, Lambert
made four and LeFebvrs and Tiasandier
three circuits each.
TdFuhvni nntidd with a thrllline
demonstration of the maneuvering ea-
fFBBlbjr U4 Ul mmiulO) CIIUiiDg UUU11U
th at art inn nnint. An t tin if a v Aral flo-
ure eight and swooping down over the
Cpie in iroot oi tne iriounea, Ltm
t finishing at the same time.
Tliirins thla hihitinn T.amhnrt and
LeFebvre passed each other twice and
gave other evidences or control over
thiv mAhin. The Wriffht Sflronlanaa
alone completed tbs required throe
All ths principal automobile manu
facturers have representatives here
watching the contest with a view to
embarking into ths manufacture of mo
1 .1 ah tan ant Pumminifur V. Il Chanln.
American naval attache, is here, having
tMnaivail aahla initrnntinna from the
navy department to attend the contest.
Settlers Driven From Idaho Forests
and Firss Still Rags.
Spokane, Aug. 84. Fires raging to
forests northeast and southeast of Spo
kane are destroying an immense area of
splendid timber and driving the lew
settlers is the more isolated region to
the river's brink for safstr.
While the fire along- ths Pend
d 'Oreille river in Washington ia nnder
control, it still biases furiously, bavins;
cut a swath a mile wide and several
miles long. The damage will total an
immense sum.
Terrific winds are blowing thia even
ing near Sandpoint, Idaho, fanning
small fires, which so far have been kept
under control, and they threaten seri
ous damage. A large firs south of Co
colalla threatens to destroy timber be
longing to H. C. Culver. Eighteen men
are now fighting this firs, out cannot
subdue it
The Lumbermen 'a Protective Asso
ciation is preeaiag every available man
into service to fight the flames. A
large firs ia reported to have dose a
great deal of damage st Naples, Idaho,
but at preeeat there ia ao means of eonv
muaicatioa with thia ptaee. Another
large firs between Omntt ff4 Athol is
reported to have destroyed a largo tract
oi standing timber.
Forest fires have destroyed several
farm houses ia the vicinity of Pert Hill,
north ot Bonner Ferry, Idaho, burning
mueh timber also. - lien eaanet be had
to fight ths flames. West of Bonaera
Ferry a large fores of mea la working
day and aight to extinguish the flames,
but have not mads any headway. .
A million dollar would not pay for
the timber already destroyed, but it is
difficult to estimate the exact loss. For
est raagefs have tbs fire mndsT eoatroi
esst of Bsaners Ferry,,
. ,
Crazed by Fool Qusstlofto.
"Bsa Freaeieeo, Aug. t. George L.
Boot, n tootiet ssadnetor st ths Chi
cago, BuaUagtoa 4b Qui as y, whs was
foaad wandering shoot tho railroad
yard la a half-onaeated condition" to
day, attribute his maatal breakdown
to ths eosaplaiats, protests sad ques
tions nburea lato a is unwilling ears by
a party sf toariato sf whies ha waa la
charge on tbs trip to the soaat from
Kansas City. Ia hi lucid intervals, at
the hospital, bs declared that ths woes
of his charge after s alight aeeideat
ia Colorado causes: his mind to besom
aabsJaneed from worry.
. ,' . .
OlouaWss In Catorada.
On ray, Cote., Aug. , A sloaftarat
thia afternoon esna-4 a stood in thai
eity sasrs disastrous than that ad a
moath ago. Portland and Cascade
reeks eves flowed. Th water waa three
S . A. Ik. Ms malitiaa
jwsrs reported.
Railway Tracks Washed Out and
. Train Service Suspended.
Water In Irs Wild Fury Almoat Up to
Famous Bridge in Royal Gorge
t-PusbJo Under Watsr. -
Denver, Aug. 21. Another cloud
burst st Four-mile creak, near Canon
City, last night mads mors disastrous
tbs flood In ths Arkansas river, which
aincs dawn yesterday threatened the
adjoining towns, washed out railroad
track and tied qd many tourist trains.
Tbs cloud burst was one of the heaviest
in that section and soon ths river,
swollen by mountain torrents near
Canon City, had riaan sight fsst lis
Ths trains of ths Denvsr A Rio
Grands and Colorado Midland railroads
wars blocked st many places and
scores of tourists were delayed st Pu
eblo. Sal Ida, Grand Junction and other
Ths mairnifloent Royal gorge, wnere
ths Arkansas river rushes through a
canyon nearly 8,000 feet deep, was s
scene of wild fury. The water bad
reached a level of the famous banging
Ibridgs. Many of the nearby canyons
wars washed cleer of tracks.
At Pueblo last night ths water was
SDlaahins over the levee at the state
aavlnm sroonds. and with a six-inch
rias ths ground of the asylum as wall
as s large portion of the residence por
tion nearby will be under watsr.
Officials of ths Rio Grands state that
4B miles of their track between bars
and Sal ids, a distance of 100 miles, is
washed oat and that it will bs st least
a week before main line traffic can be
Immonas Volume of Watsr
VaUowstons Park. .
Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone
Park. Wvo.. Auk. 21. For two or
three dare past thee have bosn indica
tions of an eruption of some kind near
Fountain hotel. Yellowstone park.
Yesterday a new geyser broke out in
full fores shout 100 foot north of tbs
regular Fountain geyser, near tbs ho
tel. Todsy this now geyser, which
does not SDDear to affect sny of tbs
others in tbs vlelnity, plsyed to s
height of 160 to 200 foot, throwing
immense quantities of hot water and
Ths new geyser does not play regu
larly, as doss "Old Faithful," but st
abort intervals, eruptions occurring
Ave or six boars apart and lasting
about ons hour. Tbs crater of the
now gsyssr is targe and ths qusntity
of water thrown similar to that of tbs
great Fountain gsyssr, located soma
two miles sooth of tbs Fountain hotel.
though tbs watsr from too new ons is
carried to a much greater height.
Flnda Four Took Port In Con
spiracy to Hawaii.
Honolnto. An, tl. After botng
out six hours ths jury to tbs ess of
tbs four Japaness strike lender ebsrr
sd with criminal conspiracy brought
in a verdict of nllty st 10:46 p.
yesterday. Tbs defendants. President
Uakino, of tho Higher Wags associa
tion, tbs organisation to charge of ths
Tntmnsos taborsrsm tbs- sugar planta
tions of ths viands; Editor Bogs, oi
ths Jananesa newspaper Jill, and
Assistant Editors Negoro and Taehaka,
of tho some asms, wsro nrrastad and
charged with criminal conspiracy Joan
14, when officers with search warranto
entered ths oAees at tbs JIJI and tbs
H labor Waff essocistioo and found
there evidence of what the authorities
claimed to bo a widespread movs on
the part of ths Jspansas strikers to
take possession! of tbs goTsrnsasnt d
tbs territory. " -i-
C srsncsasT s Editor
Parte. Ana. fll.M. Clsmsncesn,
who recently resigned as premier of
Franco followfosT a dispute with
nternbor of tbs Irswcb onbfost, will
take an editorial position on ons of tbs
big Paris dailies, according to a seml-
offlslal tnnooMstnont sands todsy.
CtemsaesM to planning to toks a trip
te Africa and il to expected that
will toks on his now do ties on aisrs-
torn from that tonrner. IBefore eoter-
insr aon his nolitiesJ ox
was s newspaper write and bs won has
nam while engaged to )ouraliaaa.
V b-Sas Trios Hist alar. '
Mosas, Asv SI. Aisssdlag to
diapatoh rsssiwsi bsrn today from Ts
herna, ths r-wst sateens f the yoong
abab to saaasart awtobto wsa rsolly aw
atteaant to asasantoate tbs shiM by ass
fntbar, tbs dapsoed rntoa, fcwbs
tbs bay with
Wallman Mads Good Start, but Acd-
slsnis Bring Failurs.
Camp Wallman, Spitsenbergss, Aug.
Lfl (vis Hammerfeat, Aug. S3). Walter
Wellman'a second attempt 'to sail over
the North Pojo in a balloon has resulted
failurs. Ths giant dirigible bal
loon "AnurtjteftV" in which Mr. weu-
mas and hi party of three est out,
proceeded about 82 miles from ths
starting point, when disaster overtook
It " "
After a long preparation and wait
ing for favorabls weather, the oppor
tunity earns today, and Ifr. Wellman
decided to make ths start - It was 10
o 'clock in ths morning when ths great
airship waa brought out of Its shod and
the daring explorers took their places
in the car. 1
When tbs anchors, were east loose,
the airship ascended beautifully, the en
gine were set in motion and everything
seemed to work to perfection. Ths big
air craft was manuvered for soma time
and answered the helm perfectly.
Then its head was turned northward,
and it set oat at a speed of 85 miles an
hour. Suddenly, after having covered
32 miles, and when everything seemed
to bs going splendidly, the leather guide
rope, to -which was attached 1000
pounds of provisions and stores, broke
away. The accident occurred just as
ths airship waa nearing the pack ice of
North Spitxenbergen.
Beleaaed from this great weight, the
airship shot upwards at a terrific pa'es,
until it waa s great height above the
clouds. The pilots succeeded, however,
in bringing her down near the earth,
turning her about and set out to fight
their way southward against a strong
Ths airship proceeded slowly south
ward to the edge of the pack ice, where
ths steamer Fram waa anchored. After
mueh difficulty, a tow rope was gotten
aboard th Fram, which started imme
diately to tow the airship to Spiteea-
bernen. 1
The strain waa so great, however,
that it threatened to tear the car to
which the rope was attached to pieces.
and Mr. Wellman finally decided to
bring the airship down to the surface
of the water. Thia waa effected with
out mishap and th car rested on tbs
surface of the water until all tne mem
here of the crew, tbs dogs and ths sei
entific instruments could bs transferred
aboard the Eram.
The America waa then towed back to
the landing stage, and within a ahort
distance of where the start waa made.
But the ill-luck of the expedition was
not yet at an end. Just as tha airship'
had reached the landing stage and ev
erything looked favorable for its rescue
without serious damage, a sudden gust
of wind caught the big bag broadside
en, and snatched it away from its tow
It was carried careening over rough
lee hummocks for some distance and
then it exploded. All the scattered
parts of the airship were subsequently
recovered, but the damage waa so great
as to preclude any further sttempt to
By over the pole thia year.
Must Mafcs Campaign, Howsvsr, on
Independent Ticket. -
Newport, Or., Aug. S3. Francis J.
Heney furnished ths Oregon inn a writ-
tea statement today, in which bs figures
nut that, according to tha recent 8n
prems Court decision ia California, be
cannot accept ths nomination for pre
eating attorney on either ths Demo-
ergtie r Independence League tickets.
"Tha only way in which X saa be
come a candidate ia by petition signed
by a certs ia number of voters who did
not vote at tha primary election, rs-
qnestiag that say earn be placed on the I
ballot as an- independent candidate, '
ava Hr. Heaev.
Mr. Heney haa been nominated both
by the Democrats and tha Independence
League, but California's new primary
law forbids that a candidate accept
nomination dt two parties. .TOrtaer
more, a eaadidate must be named bv
the party with whom he announced hia
ui iiianoa at vne pnmanesi jsx. uaney
ia. registered a a Republican.
kr. Money aaya ho does not wsnt the
office of nreaeeutin: attorney, but will
if nominated and. elected, aaeriflce hi
DUBinesa interests for tbs publts weal
in order te continue ths war against
is gratters. i
Ftab Tows Boat Mites.
Avslttw, CaL, Aug. flS. After a six
hear battle off Seal Rocks, a O. Conn, a
wall-known yaehtaaa, landed a 110-
poand tana yesterday. Coma wss the
only aniiissful one of sesres of sports-
ansa who started as sews as tbs report
got about that tbs tana had reappeared.
Thia tog fighting Sab towsd Conn's
teaman, atea miles befeso bs oosM bs
btosght to gaff. Tbs aamdsei rsappeox-
asMs of torn after an amasses ogjavo
years to eWwteg bugs- ammoers sf
angles to Catsliaa,
aVaFavtrv' IwM Qua vHtflsJ ,
London. Aug. tfe-4arat William
Booth, flamaadar-i-vohtef mi the Sal
vation Army, was operated span today
fee ess tie pnlnsniag of tbs sys. Tho
(teeters are not yet able te any whether
the Oaaaral s sight ma. bs saved.
Southwest is MacL Believed by
Cooling Breezes and Rain.
Many Prostrations and Soma Dssths-
Reportsd From All Ssctfono
Esst of Rocklss.
Kansas City, Aug. 19. 8cvers warm
weather throughout tho Southwest,
gavs way to a limited extent last
night before cooling breexes.
Tho dsy wss tbs most trying Kan
aaa, Missouri and Oklahoma bavo ex
perienced for years. Despite ths ex
cessively nigh temperature, however.
thers wars comparatively fsw prostra
tions. Eight deaths wars recorded at
Kansas City.
Oklahoma reported excessive heat
Government thermometers at lie A lea--
ter registered US; at Ardmoro, 111;
st Vinita, 101; at Oklahoma City,
Guthrie and Tulsa, 106.
In Kansas City and Western Mis
souri ths temperature was near the
100 mark all tbs afternoon.
Naw York Hsa Big Downpour.
Now York, Aug. 19. Ths steady
downpour which during the last two
days has broken all August rainfall
records, is over. Tbs city's rain gauges)
show a total precipitation of b incus
as the official record of tbs storm.
Fierce Wind In .Charleston,
Charleston, 8. C, Aug. 19. As a.
result of a floras wind and rain atom
which passed over this eity yesterday, ,
all tbs telegraph wires loading Into tho '
city are down and communication
with tbs ootoids world ia by long
distance telephone. Nf loss of life to
Hast Rscord at Fort Worth.
Fort Worth, Tex., Aug. 19. With
th weather bureau thermometer regis
tering 111 degrees sod street thermo
meters recording 120 dsgrsss, yester
day waa ths hottest In tbs history of
Fort Worth.
FJvs Kilted In St Louis.
Bt Louis, Aug. 19. Despite a ftV
eidod drop to tho temperature, fivs
mors deaths wsro recorded bars yes
terday aa a result of ths best Thro
of these wars parsons previously pros
trated. Tho maximum tempera turn
today was 89 dsgrsss. .--
Thros Death at Norfolk.
Norfolk, Nob., Aog. 19. Ths boat
claimed three victims In Norfolk and
vicinity wst night.
Dc ape rets Attempt to Blow Sara of
Portland Factory. ,
Portland. Aus. 19. - Safecrackers
mads a desperate effort to got Into too
oafs of tho Dornbschor Manofac taring
company yesterday morning and suc
ceeded to badly damaging ths safo
with three charge of nltro-glycsrins, .
bat did not got at tbs contents.
E. R. liickley era in tbs flreroom ol
ths factory when bo was suddenly
seised by ons of four men, all of them
masked and armed. He was thrown
down and hia arms tied behind bias.
They then wsnt back to tbs factory.
gathering op a aledgs hammer and
other tool, and wsnt st tbs oaf. They
knocked off- tho knob with a hammer
and drilling boles, set off to all I
charges of nitro-glyesrino. In tho
midst of their work a switch sngins)
pulled Into ths siding to pick up cars
from tho factory, tbs brskeman enter
ed tbs roar door to got his orders and
was tost by a volley of shots from th
robbers, ooo of tbs ballets going
through his hat Bs promptly ran off
and tbs engine backed down town
going back to half a boor with pottos
aid. As ths angina returned. If ickley
wss found bat ths robbers had cons.
leaving a pint bottle of Bitiw'gryesTinsSi
and all their toots to tho fnstory offlc
Miss Elkma May Marry.
Rome, Aug. 19. Rnmsrs are cur
rent bora todsy that all tbs objections
of the royal family to th tcnarriag af
tha' Daks tvf Ahmnl fen attea gatnariisa
Klkins, of West Virginia, bavo boon
removed. Tho couple, aeoording to
ths totost reports, wiU bo anarriod as
soon aa-Aosjnko rotnroa bto explora
tion trip to tbs Biinalayaa, United
States Senator Elbtao boa repeatedly
denied that bis daughter was to marry
tbs daks, dec wring that if Mtoj El kins
is ever snatrisd it will bs to sa Amar
Trcjopa to Quit Fort wflatom. '"
Wfanmpsajt Aaa 19. Tbs regular
aoMiers arho haw boon an dvty at Fort
WiUtoas i Uma id to awaar aawracaa
bars toaa. tesvteg 9s i
Paciaa railway in still is asssad with
wiili ICassfllsa
wlto stealing gs