The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, August 27, 1909, Image 1

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ImXe Pest Cl
Morrow County Is the Richest Gounty Per Capita In Oregon.
rrow County
Vol. X. . Nq17.
JONE, diEGOS." FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 1909.1
. No. 55H.
. r
Fir Cord Wood,
' Slab Wood, :;
Any quantities, desired v
' Call and get prices.
Wind River lobcp cecipany
A. Im
Across the street from Post Office. '
The place to get a nice cool driiikr
Give us a call, we will treat you right.
, ... - .
''Over t tMidoii Titatredny, of
Unl ecli,iu of their citizens, J it
, Well. w- k'.l'ti by blow gWea
lliim by B K Searcy, the wuapon
I beinc; an Kk born. The sad dis-
alter wait emitted over A quarrel
lover i nmv curds betfCeth the
j deceived and James Kii4iD,in the
saloon of A I Searcy, where lie at
tempted to etip tlie trouble. Wells
then struck Searcy mid thelalter'i
j father. 11 K, trent into the scrap
witli thi fnt;'i ending.
Mi Wells iis well known in thh
j taut low and ninny (fluids expret
i pytupnthy f- i' h his family auddeep
xetrvei at tti.iinow3ege of liii death.
- Mr eun v to be sympathiied
will), as he.!) no intention of do
ing an yt bins; blitseparatingandeo
prcvoniinff ahiiiional trouble til
the qiwirnT, . . j ' . f
25 cent
Honed -25
"J EM'S"
Barbar Shop.
will come to a value of $100 per
acre, inert the people who are
standingln their own light by
nowung ituaintLMie iana;ny meet
ing every new oamer. and darning
country and discourageing every
effort at bringing hi new people,
theieknockerfi will sa,v"theclimani
is changing". For mercies sake if
you don't understand things of life,
keep still; if ymt don't want tft he
bencHtted, don't ctnnd' in the way
of those who do. For over a year
THRPfcocLAiiiRR hat beeu Baying
JUST the tiling Mr Me Henry
aid lust night and you hare been
laughing. We have told you that
this thing wilt come to pnun; and
you hav1auglird. Kuiiicn-lr
thoWwho laiifih lust laili-li brst
and yon hmi bntter get hi mi the
BhikI W'Hgoti and help push tl.t-
ooutitry r else i L w ill not In: ninny
years until you nil) be tlit- miti-MKt
from an lrn of proiperitv,. C
nil UIMtTT. ... 1
I in ttrtainlr thrt with the fancy Hair catting aad em
laantfri Mskct nt MID-Tub la coanectlon.
.. men, iti sbtif wins, It wr tw.
A wo t tress we learn lhi
: while op mi anting in the mount-
luiiiK witli hiy family, LonUKinney
i who wiw (ftt CityL Knginver here
snniiiin committed tuiridt
Ijy slioutinc himself with a rill.
Tiirtf wu a family quarrel id
I tli HhoLtiin; iriii tlx result. , Mi
" ' ' KinrtnTlWaite and two atop
obUi "Staving, j dtiilirrffn." He madte fci&jrfriindt
xff to
1s lifft.
Summer Rates East
During the Season 1909
J ' ' ' : ' (' . ( via the ' . ' . ' .
Oregon Railroad & Navigation co
: from ( . - ;
Portland, Seattle, Spokane, Tacomfl, Walla Walla
and all points on the O. R. 4 Ni line
To OMAHA and Return $60.
wliilo 1,. r- ud all tecreir to hear
E thib H-t t itding to U
: TIE WOPlf.
and to ether triad pal ritim im the KM, MkldU West and Soeth.
rHudHilt low faNO, ' K V 1.
1 -v
To DENVER and Return $55i
- taatoyW.J'agtll. . f
fleln traatU nK W dire fr 4ate of sale, ioal iwjan llsaji Oetabtr 1.
Thee, tteaate nwwwl s eory attwetlve leaMtae In Um f itopover
priril ee, eheew Um tff alia, aiannun mkn aid trios
Z aMUoc osi tha mtrnm ij tbragh Oalltanto ajrbadata eligbt adram
Fmll imUmUM, aWepiaf eav lewiislloos and tfelwta Will bo famltd by oay
O.B.aM.loaalatMt,r . .-,' 't "
WM. M-HL'aaJlT, ibmu rAsaswaM pMrun, Oaaaoa.
V. 8. Lad OAeeotThe naltM. t-
J"V. 3. !
BMW h www ikm ifci w jwr':
lalaieifce t
'If .Hit
aw toe ma a unA Ma ' ' A -
. CUiMM ITTr . B.
Messrs rrnncii Mo Henry and
Qlarence. A Partlowof theBonvlf
lnterniunient Company war In
iown..V-dnesda and Thursday
evening nnd gave two entertain
ment tiini. wcrrmitch an joy wl. Oft
VediietidM7 eveniHg th.oj wro In,
WaikorB riair-wnero thy gave
Ueverl sungit H) net rated by iltdet
nnd Mr Me Hwry ga number
oJ-iif Joct recitation that war io
clcrcr that tha; bouat wu In
-tnte of laughter all the time. He
then took the crowd on a trip over
the Uni
many yiewnofihe wonders of thja
wonderful Und of ours.
On Thursday wrtning Mr Me
Henry gave one ol tlie boat' talks
ever del ire red in this ity on im
migration from the eaat to Oregon.
He talked to-tht people of lone In
JUST the-way that-ahonld carry
ideas to alnk deep la- the mifeda,
And this talk it going to be the
way thai altlmaUlythii-Ubd will
be insMweed and eettled and when
It U tLM itb people, bea tbere
it haaay aaiiftll and heavy eropa,
some ba people will aay tba clt
mateaa.cbaaged'V Wlr, that le
all rot. - We have bad e
(h pet (ew years beeaaee tbe load
that J)M beta faraeed baa been
(moetly) taaaUhed only and the
vaMaieaalttaiaaaaad land It
maaaetaaieaay aaa tVS but
beconee tke mk toeifturt baa' not
'been eUrrtd ta ba tke fata ibe
elowde ondeteroed- ia thwwere
and when . the w hele- land b)
fvnd RIGHT aad tba aaabtare
Tin-re h niwuva a question us h
rliHt, lcii'iT icllii(lctlieii-oilt4.tiiv
IfN'iiL-'nttwi, a uifkiy papei' ghu
V) will l(o wlint it i:ut Au
I.iiht Hiring W ill Windn.i f t en
into.fii; Otlive and (old tSfc Pr"
luim that Ik1' did Hot like i '.n ili
Irtl'-'t himI 1 1 'lit ho won hi ';.y Em
a itn f MM'M'iMi.nmi io i.tnu (,n
or at Ellf tyliji'ttlorHdo-f -All rv!;
the iiniwr Thin y ;tfe i
walheil .1 W'lirdartr ami u-Ul ').
ProcUlinwt tii.m tlm't'wo Im.! ivm.
Jerwl why firrrt fwperoTmi nci
A'wk hrTI Unit t Iiii ho Ufl'l U-
'nmJc,mttn la the rmiii'tt Im '
be feit hekntfwthepeojite li-d thnt
hu fntoi4t iiv the co(rfttr w
attttl thiit an was loins t HniriLle
ho had wtrjjinfHj off at the junction
and had rim up here in U4"lirtn,iv
to tellitiif hi brother to t'! t hin
In Portland wttei- to
not only the'ouunlry hut ih' '
pie who eopfnirt aiich a newsy hofnr
No. we have been tell'iip ti
'if our ' iti rent forayoarthut ifoiif
hundred extras were sent from our
offioetoindividaahoach Week, tlmi
it would nwult In hringlnp In half
that number of new people in one
year. IinH this a little eucourag-
ing to find our idea is correct?
Charlie Cochran and Carlton
Riot bar been working in the
weeds book of their homes on Sec
and street and have made a fine
Job of it to. -
Some el the other people I n town
who have been working )n the
weeds this week are T Perkins, P
0 Baltlger, 8 E Moore, Bill Swan
son, Mr Knanpenberg , Pearl Coaon
Mra EdMllleV, Mrs Kngelmanand
tirlt.-tbe Williamson children,
Mrs Robison, at ihe Blake home,
Rofue Cochran, Fred. Ritchie the
Walker ojdHWoraan 4. Mason
starter Mh a the the town It
eotnhlg tut el its neglected . eondl
Uoa aaaaacn weea we are going
u live tbt avlee.el tboee whorare
doUg, tha, good work making
that 4bo . areHieet and cleanest
tewa ift, Keetem, Oregon. ' -
;;.V"'" :- '
Tftfr J?nrclaimcr and
(SerinlSo.OJlinyol Cjwi t.mol
lMtxirlnwiii of linnrior.
V.3. Uiid Oini, The Dalle, Or
Aiib. Ittli, 11)01) - '
NoM' her r tl Aiben O. lelpr
odaiw, Orrfn. wliean July, irttl, xia:1
lloaiieiO, tUitiy, Ko mil, lor 1 KKu
Rtction ' T. TotrMhlp . 1 Sanib.
Kanvo tut WilUmcita Moriilltn. ha
Hied no tie lillitntloii tn mK FIdkI
Ave fOBH Proof, to.tbliili claim i thUnt
boTedeacrlbcd. brfon-The )RlMrr diI Kf-
Clalmknl nmei wllnomcit: t'lit. Ritchie
V U Kr. B L rwlbvrfl nd John Kiltx ll ttf
" If HOOr '
MjriiMff -
WattlllNtSTON, P. 0 ,
Kl(K7lfl. A.M.
. Jlr20, lOOfi.
MEM AND KNf lr. ,
Notice In hereby given that the Aetlag
SemehM y o( ihe Interior Im vecaled de
pertuHwlat (inter o( withHrnwsl in so far
A iut mi nffeets Ihe withdraws) for '
irrfitaiimt pnrioets amler the act of June
17, li'02 (to tit., 3H8 for uan Io counee
tinn wflli l hi Umatilla Ptdjfet, Oregon, "
or the rollnufna; deacrlhxl Innda in the
State - f Orrffon, and by hn authority'
mih ni Kaid iracta aa have not btenliere- "
tolnrt. rli-nllv mtorad ntirt are not other-'
wW wkiiitrtiM'a.reserttxl or anprcprlat-"
nl, will t; irlijeot to wlllftnent umlet
ttw Vat.lic Intra oillirt (filled Stataf
in mil 'lLr(Hitolwiti. ItHfti tKIt alia 1 1
fry- . ii'Vn l'oviilrr. IlliiiunrMleetlnn
tint t V.Mt-r 15, JUOli. iit the f'uit
Kimu :.niA oillce at Tlie IhilUa. Oreaoti.
nrii:i'.i, tura'rly givttn that no
jwr ! . !,.viniiittvJ lo-rafntoffexer
ike !))'- tl.t '- whatever utuWany ullle-
il -irr-.;'j oliuli IwnfUti utter July t,"
IW'l, pc'kr to Ocloi.r1(i, IWOU, sit
Milri ri'.Jtt.i S(!t or OCClMitiwtl Mv.f fffi'
:U miBtte rrinPij'til Jlleridlan..
T. i "', V :il K., kll H,-vf. I, to ifl, 21 to'
:.Mi jii4tn4 '
T. a it ?.t-R , nil Siwh. 1 te 18, S2 to
T.8N., K 1U K., all 4ti I m lioo in
T, N., R. 'JO K., all,
T. 8 N ;, R. 10 K.t a' ij,t nnrt'oo lb
Orvgoi ,
T. 3N H fll K.,all. ,
T.JN..U. ?l E., all tlmt fort ion ia,
T ,, aE., all.4h.t,ituj ri
ani) 29 to 3H inrl.
T. 8 !t , K W k., ah Kcs. 4, A, A and
sooth of Col u hi I a Biver and all Sees. I,
9, tip Viand Vt toW ,
8. V. Proud At, Aviing Couiplafllaosff of
the General Land Oltke.
t'mnk Flene, r'hst Aniitaat Secrttaiy
of the Interior.
6 acres, about 7 mi lei from cenU
er of Portland, i mile frotn electric
car line station, all well ; fenced,
and in fine hearing oruhnrd, also;
all kinds of berrirt atidvcgetablce,
5 room house with toilet, bath, hot
and cold water, fine well, towct
tank and wind mill, 100 high
grade chickens, horse and wagon1,
many - oilier.-. implements, prfetr
7600.00, will fake 160 acres of
good wheat land, In exchange Iq?
part. tl -
Have AO acret af timber land, a
few lots In best coast town In Ore
gon, end a limited amount of cash
for thU wt want a tmtH wheat
farm, -- '"."
. 9 room well built hourt tit good '
part of Portsod, 00x100 lot. pne
block front oar line, house not-entirely
modern, bat (an be fnade ao
with rajjl fljponee, price ffWoJOO
will take inchapge, good wjitnt
land ap to 1000, to $4000.00 ,
Any one wishing infoririatioii
regarding any of th uhotf
i;; quire et tha - ' ! ' t '
pftootAirMta 6rr icp. :
lawm fii) begia ; (b. aaLWekkIyT)rcgoniaa-2.
a .
. ? :