1 f ,9- I i lone Proclaimer IMC, OtifosV Aug. 30, 1909. .brie ton Officer. Ktror. ... Pdbrt Tief irr v J. A- Wjwori . MaraMU ....f,....J...,if...JW. C.rlt - - ... .' ; ! tl r!ttn Ceneua-.. M, Hrvor . ' ' "' " .Wcmak Knftiaa orncsss or seaoqi manner ClmtU..... tf T- rrttftu , U,J.Pinlniae Wmist...,......,...,,. " omciuiTlti mum xm omci ' Reiiur . i. W. 11jt lUiTr..n..................l-4-H. ArnMK Keoordw.. .....v. f. rvnniaftoB Wtes NMt m FeNswat MMontwadDMdar !))( Q at-rmaAUl 'ik. hill moon ol each month. Odd Fallow ary muniM mifrnt. .1 . CKCll. IADUS W. 0. W., !Cq. 7SI Iftt ttnd third SlurdT evening ol "Mtnth. , MORGAN LODUK LO. O. F. Kn. Ill, HMtl vn JlmaraliM 4aaj.h tnnntli LOCAL "All communication', as fur as possible, should reach us not laterl thart Tuesday nigot. . Flense war 'this in mind, and have communica tiont In on time." Editor., Mr Jamison who ownes and re sides -on tbeold Wileo place north 'of town 1ms been qnite ill for the past week. It seems to bo an scute attack of either Lumbago or rheu-. matisin.. JtrsS AAgce came in Tuesday far the doctor ior him. Mr Pad berg Sr was in from Will's ranch Monday with a load of 4ie apples and vegetabetv - v';,.,v!. , The "Dummy" Frank K verso n, was o;oing some last Sunday. He has broken his Ana Itorse to drive ihtcrle and he borrowed a'bosirv 'and every flirt in town badlrrich PUBLIC SALE- - - Them will U pullie aria ci ttvertosk at the O. P. Bowman rancb on Butter .Creek, Tuesday, Aofnat tlst,at tbe boar ot 10 A. W. Blooded Jersey end llot stein cows and calves, end also some . .. Rood horses will be sold on eight month time at elf lit pet eentioucest sUUesv-f proved tecirlty. C. U. Johnson wife and; diBij-li-ler, oI.Tama, Ioflra are here for a visit with" Mr and Mrs Bortst'r- Mrs Johnson and Mrs Bortzer are sisters. , ' ; :- , J. B. Jones, that sporty yomg 'man who has been around here - for the ptisi eight tnonths and who left some time back' was here for a few days visit last week. v lr Jones likes this place and the peo ple very much Uui all wiM be sur prised to learn UhU hie name was not Jones. An article another place in this paper will explain why ho did' not earry his own t name. . aioney to . loan on - Morrow ' County Farm land at 7 per cent ; From thre to ten yeyrs. ; W h Smith " Pvst Ofliee, lone, Oregon ', r . . i ... t L. OUR OWN S OCIETY of the Third Eastern Orcfeon District AfiHcVi Aural Society at f PENDLETON, OREQON. SEPTEMBER 27, 28, 29, 30, OGTOBEQ tv 2 Exhibits ofJJ)e Producrs of" MofroW and UmatfiYa Counties $'4M.OFFERHD IN PREMIUMS. 11500. ArCARY BAND 'All. Kinds ot fun ani ' " f i i , n HorftM. Cattle. SneD. VVi we rurt, ; : 9 flG4 aVPnemium i list. lim Barnett has taken dvr the proprietoriiltip ol bite barber shop. No introduction is ijecessary with the lone people in the case ol Jfm and all wBl6n is tht his health will mimiii guod enUigli for hhn to eoiiUiiue in busineesv , 7 r... . Our.Atloinev Ruhiiieon isspori ng tt Jiew .Fedotu- aud lu oouse- eiueuce tiiemof stepn so 1gM'y he nearly skim the ground. Chickuti dinner with sll the "flxin" ftt the Hotel jjuuday. Q. F. Marvel formerly of Mor gan but who now. lives in A r It u fe lon huhtu tim proprietor of a liv ery stable there, droveto lone Sun- dy to hiitt" s ome parties aud in'iilte a itleasjint call at the Pro claimer ofiioe. while here, -' U:illi Uyuier, who has beenonr b:irWr lietc.for the pant eight m.iiiibK,. left iir roi Msnd Monday Where lien'il go into business. - Anyone hi newt I lime, cement i aiuJ flljinlt-B (-all am) see 0 F Jr ker before going eUL-where. ., Tim iitrc-ts tire a sight with WKKIlS and us tli hot days are brin gin k trHliestirfaceaoineenakes it woul'l be well if somepublle spir ited citixen would lukeujt- con tribution tind see tli.allhe WKKD6 are removed buforc nofwe child Is bitten. Mr Slmnks drservfs a nit-tlal for evenings after a hard day's work lie li.ni been- workiugln front of bid hotrse et Second-street and hftu'eleantid the weeds away from tlw whole rmuiwajt Why r.in't the rest-of t'ie peonlo have the Kanie'entiTr'pi'i.Hu? It is too bad to toll the mihlio outside of Jont that the streets urn in such ft fix ami we wULatiU Mmt Isst summer 4R,,8r wm,,e . HP 1,1 rms aboUt the 6nmlilioti f the rtieets. the .men rose an one inan and grad nrSecoiTsueot from end to jend mill put down new cross walks Kuiu Cncinitn isdriringas Itite a little team of mules these dav nt.in.sor(saiv,rwJ,l,ey lielong Uh Lew DavUlKn and AJrCuehran is brenktiiK tlifhT." Titer are bey in oJftr, weigh 1490ind are full bro- ier and siiter. ", ' - j Mr Jusper eAtnc to town Thurs day with Ralph Mc Col loch who was. struck on Hie liosd by the breaking of the friction clutch of the Biirlo tit rcshing m ft chine which was working s't the Gist ranch. '. l)r Chiuk put in several stitcher and Mr Mc Col loch will re turn to work 'm a few days. . Curt It hen was In for sacks last Wednesday. The Barlow machine will three It bis grain, also for Dor mas) and Smouse next week., " . EdBritow has moved ito -tWJ S M Akers home, recently vacated by Mr Brysorr. Perry Hopkins who ownes the house when Bris- tow livedo cm Main street, b) return lug to Ion to -live, . ' PA rri TZEFrTS Aftemoo and bvenvngs amusdment IVCQUAINTEO WEEK" nsjissi i i nm I ir PtetSaV EH Escuewhola carrying uu the hooting gallery litre is taking a vacation nd is down on tbal Simmons ranch workihg tu tim Alfalfa. - - - j T Knappenlwrg is buMV bant ing in bis wheat from the Woolery rancbv He seems well pleaMf with tb trtitput-and the fine grade of wheat produced shows that in this Country even in yeareof small rainfall tiieohuw of icf sin will b the best:'-:'. '. .; The Prwlaimer for m ayr Notice-Beh Buschke of tone wish- sto notify partiesontheNorthkide who have stock running at larg: that if they don't keep them out; of his groin he will tn,k tlicm up: and buirtg ttMjm to lone to the Ij v-i epy stable where the owner will' have to pay charges Mr. Thorp Is busy these days bulling Hbvriff bhuti's wheat to Lexington. .. ' ; . ' Herald, Nettie, MaWI ar.d Ina Mason will start Saturday morn ing tor the mountains to get some huckleberries, . Over at the Procjuin.er house the other day a jsrge jnake ran along the fence Jost where the baby had been a lew moments pre vious.' AVeM there oertsinly wat n exciting tiuiA Uiere for a few minutes. The" wife ran for Mr King while Audrey dajicett around in the vafd. , About Ibis tiine Mrs Race happened along and seeing the snake she tohl Audrey to get the hoe for Iter end she would kill iL And rev ran nut in the back yard and picked ur mop ji-k but hr this time Mr Kins: was thrre and killed 1. - We aknl Audrey why she didn't get the hoe and she said sjiu thoucht she was Kettiua- It but was seam) loo bad ti see good. ;' j Monday T L Djrnmu and Cico Peek besMi heading on the Tib- bet t place. . . - ; Mr ilindlft, stent' to Tarllsud having had a long dislavice ,phone Sunday that Mr Illiullr, who is in the hospital, whs not so well, Mflss Elliot, escaped lunatic f i om Salem, was captured here by Depu ty Sheriff, Frank Nash. Aftci tTie capture KHtot drenk some jtoiftm he had in his pockrt and -but for the nromitt work of l)r Chick be would have died. An attendant (mm the asylum cams and took Mm back to Salem. V T John Cochran, K f. Pad berg and family, Johnny Brysnn'and fiftiily Mrs Walter Puyearaud Mrs Frank Akers and eh i birr it left together for the mountains Saturday'. Tliey will 1 absent about ten dx CB Shaver, -Shorty", has re turned from a triple Walla Walla While there visiting old frjsuds be attended Rtugliug llrnlhers circus and said it was Qne. x the peorJe Ybr sow Vft i trShOWv. 1 3 jendal stir:. -t lYierci A Complete Stock ot ; FURNITURE Garpets and Window Shfe, New 1909 Wall Paper. AH Kinds of Furniture Rcpiati u4 Rcnsaci mi ftcis Rciiiaicicr. Any t hint not carried In stock will ba ordered at a Reduction & E. M00RC, - IONE, MORROW COUNTY, WHERE WHEAT IS KING. lone Proclaimer TC2 SALE '- ."(SM M VMUN) ; veicrd r: u:i ccrcce. fmiert by the I9otnrtiitciit of the Intdrittr, fiovcrnmf lit of Cnnatl4 Ottawn, ttmlvr the Volunteer Bounty Act. (Nfrt, (jocnI Nr?20 ex ret of any Dominhfn In ml open for entry in Allwrtn, Saskatche wan or M5'r)H'vJr(- Any pemh' ovet tri tfp otXn ywirw; vjk r WiM. rnn inMire thta Ioh?I with this rrtiuVatA wk) fartliercnarKb, For Write or irirtx U VHUh. en. OREQON & Oregonian $2. . . . . . . - ' 'J pacificx monthlyX rosrTLAiss Oswnnsi I U 1 LsJLasaisMe iwit I I md JmA U.W VWM MA I , H 1 1 i islssjlli Ni ii si ii lis VM.Sr. AM slsi sh sssosfc M - C. K. ICftnayit. r "