The Main Chance Meredith Nicholton COPVSIOHT 1401 Tu Bosaa-Msssiij. Com pajtt " CII AFTER X. (Continued.) Within a fw da 71 two mora check from Porter to Pack ham passed through the usal channel of tht bank. By the simple feat at dividing the amount of each check, by tha currant quotation on Traction, Wheaton waa abla to follow Portar'a purchase. Tb price had re mained pretty steady. Then suddenly It fell to thirty. He wondered what wa happening- but the newspapers, which were continuing their war on tha com pany, readily attributed It to a lack of confldenc in the franchise. Wheaton mat the broker, apparently by chance, but really by intention, In theclutt one veiling, and remarked casually; "Traction seems to he off a little?" "Yea; there's something going on there that I-can't make out. I Imagine that tha fellow that were buying got tired of Stimulating the market, and hava thrown few bunches back to keep the outaidera gueslng-." "Right now might be a food tlma to get In," suggested W lira ton. "I should call it a good buy myself. I fiiena that franchise Is all right, bet ter pick tip a little," he said, tentatively. "To ttll the truth," aalil Wheaton, choosing tile words carefully, "tho out ef town people I spoke to you about have written me that they'd like a little more, If it can be got at tha right ttgur. You might pick up a hundred shsrea for me at tha current price, if you can." "How do you want to bold It T "liar It made- t am,' he answered. II had debated whether ha should do this, and ha bad bva unahla to devl any method of holding the slock without letting hla own mime apHtar. Porter would nut know,; Porter was concealing hla own purchases. Wheaton could nof ie Thai lr niitii-4iTiro1fferencey be "wast surely entitled to Invest his money as be liked, and ho rnleil tun sum necessary In this cne by the sale of aura railroad bonds which be had been holding, and on which be could realise at once by send ing tbem In the bank's correspondent at Chicago. He might save sold tbem at nuim, oner wmmy pruuauij nave mmv tbem off his bauds; but tb president knew that hla capital waa mall, and might have asked how ba intended to ra in vast th proceeds. 5 A few dsvs later Rurtoa sent far Wheaton to come to hla otnee. One hun dred abarea bad been secure from a ranchman. Wheaton carried tb pur chase axxjer in currency to Burtoo'e of flc; he waa as shrewd as William Por ter, and be did not tar to hava the dark in th bank speculating about his checks. II locked hi cert Ideate, when Burton got It for him, In hla private bo la the vault, and waited tha rebound which a firmly i peeled in the price of th stock. His sole Idea was to mak a profit by the purchase. II fait confident that Porter had bought Traction stock with a nn Jt purpose; b atlll bad a id who war lb principal bolder of Traction tock or bonds, and b was afraid to mak Inquiry. A man who waa aa se cretive as Porter probably bad confiden tial source of Tnformatlon, and Tve not safe to tap Portar'a wire. Hi con science was easy a to th method by which a had gained hia knowledge of Portar'a purchase! ba Otrtalnly meant no barm to Porter. CnAFTICR XI. Timothy Margrava waa, la common phrase, a good railroad man, II bad advanced by alow dears from th In- cumbency of too lowly manual office called Jobs, to' th perform! of thoa nobler functions known a positions. Margrave's elevation to th oaV of third vie preehVnt and general manager waa duo to b pull. He bad reeoive mat tb railroad wit getting loa much out af him and that he must do mor 10 preeaote bis own fortune. TH' directors war good fellow, and twy talnly treated him wall: hot It warned within the pal of legitime t Mterpri - for him t hreauru hU Ian east a trine wltbont In any ls 41 minis Mag hla aeal for theTranacoatlnostal, Th atreot rail way business waa a good basins, and Clarkaoa Tract) appealed a Margrave, arareovar. on Ita political aid. If he re organised rn company aad mad himaetf tta president ko could greatly tartiry and strengthea Ua oaU.- Altaoat guy day. b wo tale, ta Baal ' ra bondhMra might poo of down and Bit a receiver la charge f the opaay argrav did not anderatnad receiver bloat tnog wr an otcwa fat pillag. I U - hi. lift. Ik., u fat receivership had avr fallen ka hla tot. - Rat aa waa aa rata Traction blindly. H wanted to know who alas waa ta masted, that a might avoid eoaa plkattea. WllUasa IWfor woo lb only ma In Oarkswa who coo a awing Trao- lioa wlreent aassotanca; a me afoal at Porter. Margrave waa a saaator af tao art af fHthag larafoatUoa, aad aa ww t get rafersnattoa shoo Pasta waa ts corns It eat of Wheaton. Ha always allad When toe "Jim," tn remembrance of tha early days of Whea ton'a residence la Clarkaoa whan Wbaa toa had worked la hla offlc: Ha had watched Whaa ton's rlsa with Inter!; ha took to himself tb credit of being hla diecoverer. When Whaa ton called en hi dan (titer ha mad no comment; he know nothing to Wheaton' discredit, and ha would no more bar thought of criticising Mahal than of ordering dju salts substi tuted for coal la tha locomotives of hla railroad. When be concluded that ba needed Wheaton, ba began playing for bin, Just aa if tha cashier bad been a councilman or a member of tha legisla ture or a large shipper or any other fair prey. Ha. now resorted to that moat in sidious and economical form of bribery known a th annual peas. Wheaton accepted the pass a a tribute to hla growing prominence In th town. H know that Porter refused railroad passes on practical grounds, holding that sucb favor war attended la th hop of reciprocal compliments, and h be lieved that a banker waa better off wita out tbem. Wheaton, whoa vanity bad been touched, could aee no harm In tbem. He had lltritts for passe aa be knew and cared little about traveling, but ba. had always envied men who carried their "annual" in little brass-bound books made for th purpose. Ho b sure It waa lata in tha year and passes wera usually sent out In January, but thla mad th compliment seem much more direct; the Transcontinental had forgotten him, and had thought It well to rectify th error between seasons. II felt that be must not make too much of th railroad's cour tesy ; b did not know to which official in particular ha wa indebted, but b ran into Margrava one' evening at th club and decided to thank bin.-- - "How's traffic V" he asked, as Margrave made room for htm on tb aette where be was reading the evening paper. "Fair. Anything new?" ..o; k's th soma routine' with m1 pretty much all tha time." ' "I guess that's right. I shouldn't think there wax much fun In banking. Yon got to keep the public too far awa. I like to be up against people myself." "But you railroad people are not con sidered so very warm," said Wheaton. "The follows who want favors seem rn think so. By th way, I'm anch obliged to suiuc on fie an miiiur 1u.11. 4t - it up in my mall th other day. I don't know won sent It to nw If It 'a you " "lTmr Margrave affected to hava been wander! 11 g In his thoughts, but thla was what ha waa waiting for. "Ok, 1 gucsti that wlWIIou. I never fool with th pas business' myself ; I'v got tT0l T?.f , , .K""" "V." said Wheaton. as If b owed an apology to the road for accepting iL "Better com out with m la th car some tltn and se th road," Margrave mi Kgea ted, throwing kla newspaper oa tb table. "I'd Ilk that vary much," said Whea ton u. "Wbere' Thompson now? Old man's pretty wall done up, ain't hel" ' II went bark to Art sons. He waa her at work all euutner. He's afraid of our winters." "Well, 'that gives yon -ywrr- chance." aald Margrave, affably. Then ain't any youug man la town that got, hat ter chanca than yon bar, Jim. 1 be lieve there's going to b a good thing for som on in Traction stock. Porter ought to let you in on that." Margrave didn't know that Porter waa la. but be sipected to find out. "MrL'umr baa a way af keeping thing to himself," aald Wheaton, cau tiously: yet he wad tattered-by Mar grave' frlrndllawaa, and aniioua to make a favorable Impression. Vanity la not. a le'asuelly aaaumed. a mer lmcideot of character: kill disease. "I suppoee," aakl Margrava, "that a man could buy a barrel of tb stuff Jnat now at a low ngure." "What'a your guess aa to th tar thla Traction business will takeT' asked Wheaton. He" had aot:"etpeCt(! an op portunity to talk to any one of Mar- grav' standing oa this subject, gad ke thought be Would gat soma Information while the opportunity offered. "Don't ask awl- If I kjtcw I'd Ilk to get Into th gam. But, look ar" b moved bin fat body a little Mint to Whatn "the way to go late that thing la to go Into It big I I've had my y on it for a good while, bat I ain't going to teach It anla I can awing It all. Now, yoa know Porter, and I know him. and roa can net your hist dollar he II never bejible ta handle It. H nla't bnilt for ill" Hla voic sank to a whisper. "Bat If 1 deride 1 go in, lva gal to get rid of Porter, M and Porter can't trav el la the satat hamea. Yoa know that. Now, I doa't know bow mock, he's got, aad ae'a an wssrioos yoa can't tell what ae'a ap to. ton know bow ke la : ya can't go ta a fellow like that and do baalnesa with him. and n woot, may, anyhow, unless you play hi way." "Well, I don't know anything abont hla affairs, of eonree," said Wheaton, yet feeling that Margrave's confidence must bo reciprocated. "Just between ear salrfa, be did bay a IMtl some tltn age, bat no great amonat. It woald tako a goad deal af money ta caatrwl that eaaa paay." -Toara dead right. It wonW: and Par tar aaaat any buaiaeaa feollag with IL Toa'v got ta ayndicat a thing Ilk that. H' probaaly got a tip froaa sons af hm Baatera frteada a In what they're going ta do, aad bee baying ua, waea a can. at get aoxt. Rat say, aa hasa't any Tract loa boada, baa br Wboatoa had already aald mora than be had tateaded, aad rsaiatsd new that ka had been drawa lata thla conversation; bat Margrava waa beadiag toward him with a great air at eanaiariadlag Ino- Porter had never has grav waa and gives hla hla start fl Aat M.I.V an- at sMSt I know of at" Hla mind waa oa thoa check ta Packman, which cwarly rep re cent ad parebaeee of stock. Of course. Porter might have bonds, too, but having gone thus far a did not to dm,t u Margrava boar Iktl a rsa7 Portar'a doing. "That's all between oathat little mat tar," said Margrave. fcemwij, Mr. Margrave. . CHAPTER XII. Porter went Into Fenton's prrratn, of Sea and shot and locked the door after him. He always did tb!, and Fenton, who humored Ua best client' whim par force, pushed back the law book which be waa reading aad straightened the pena on his blotter. I didn't expect yoo beck e eoon," be aald. Porta, looked tired and thvra war dark ring under his aye. "Short ken oon curried," aa raanufe ad, polling a packet from bis overcoat. There waa eon thing boyish In Por tar'a mysterious methods, which' alwayo amused Fenton whan they did not alarm and exasperate him. Porter eat down at a long table aad th lawyer drew op n chair op posits him. "Which wav have tou been thl tlmt" "Dow In th country," returned1 Porter, Indefinitely. Fenton langbed and watched hla atlrat polling tha rubber bands from hla pack age. "What hava yoa there oabi r wfeeatr "What I bav bere' said Porter, 'traigbtenlng oot therlsp paper be Jiad taken from hla bundle, "la a lew aaarea of Clarkaon Traction stock." Oh t" Fenton picked up a m! tw played with It until Porter had nnlahed counting and am oot hi hi tha atock certifi cates. "Phot yoo are." said the banker, pass ing the paper over to I'enton. "Bee if tbey'r all right." Faatoa compared the names on the face of the certificate with tb assign ment on the back. srhUf Porter watched him and played with a rubber band. "The assignments ere all straight, aid Fenton, Anally. He eat waiting and hla silence Irritat ed Porter, who reached serosa and took up tb certificates again. "I want M talk to you a Uttla abont Traction. v "All right, air," said Fenton, mpeoV fully. "I'v gone la for that pretty deep thla fall. I started In on thie down ICaet laat anmmer. Those bnnda all went East, bat a lot of the stock was kicked around out here, If I get enough and reorganise the company I ran handle the new s- muUm Jaw. ft m oV mil rti,l, Twt S hHSl nasa, . Jiow, I've been gathering In th stock around here on th oniet. Peck bam'a bora baying some for me, and be' assigned it In blank. Tbera'a no aae in getting new shares Issued until W'r read to act, for Barnes and thoa fal lows are not above doing something nasty If they think they're going to low their Job." "The original stock lau waa Dt Ihoo sand aha res," said rVmon. "How muck liar your"- . , ' "Well, sir," snit IVrtcr, "I've got about half and I'm lookiug for few 'shares more right no." . f win giiM wp bat voter again and beat ha knuckle with iL Porter bad ex peered Fen 100 ta mctarn him sharply, but the lawyer was omiaoualy oniot. "I'm free to eoafeae," aaid Fenton, "rbat I'm sorry you've gone Into this. Thla isn't the kind of thing that jWr la the habit of going lata. I am not much taken with the Men of mixing up la a corporation thaWaa aa disreputable a record as the Traction Company. It's beea mismanaged aad robbed until tbare's not much left fur aa boaeot man to tab bold of, ihev issu no tatement; ao on of any resimnsiblUtr has beea coanectel with it for a long time. Th outside stockholder arc scattered alk over tke country, and amat of tbem bav quit trying to enforc their rights. If they mu b said to have any right. Ton remem ber that th bwt tlma they want Into court the,v er knocked oat and I'm ire to aay that I don't want ta hava ta go into any litigation ngainat tb eom- pany." "Yea. but tba bunch! la an straight. ain't Itr "Probably It la nil right" admitted tb lawyer reluctantly, o.t that iaa't tba whole etnry by any manner of meaaa If It' known that yon're picking up th stork, every frikkw that has amy will oak you good and hard before be part with It, Now, there an the bondaold "Weil, what can tb aoadaoldara dof demanded porter. "Oh. get a receiver ami hart a M f fan. Yon may expect that at aay Haw, too. Those Eastern fellows at alow sometimes, bnt they gvusrally know what they re shout." "Yea, but If they twit Baatara W- "Ob. bondhoWert righ tra as goid on nlac as aaotaer. Too Mir an usually brought In the nana at tba to in their behalf." "Now. do yoa know what I'm tola to aor demanded Porvar. I'ai rng ta rnra up at the aoxt aaaaal meeting and ewea this thing ant. Yoa doa't think It's aar good: I'v oat faltb tao company aad la the town: I koHrv It's going aa a aood thina. Thla si til ga hoe that's kwaa raanlag It ba got to go. IN emg up anme stock he mat 1 Ikaaaht w.e Ust. At th BUsI oly eight knadred ewt af lv th share war voted." (To ba oaathsaod.) hty. why tWt Aw. 1 keapa It ty aa I 1 ajlashabnh.'awr - Plaak Frasaa. Tha sort of frame her pictured la called th plank aygtam and la a hip roof braced from tha alll and piataa without Dost. Tha sketch explain It self, but to make certain, that no mla- tau win occur a gay u m is o-lven. No. 1 In tha main aid poet buodt of two piece of 1 In. x In.; No. 1. Durllne Doat built of two piece 2 In. z 8 In.; No. B, purllna roof aup port, ona plec 1 In. x t In. 19 In.; No. 4. main tie, ona pioce, t In. x t In.; No. 6, aubupport, ona plec. I In. x A In.; No. 6, aUy, two ptocaa, t a M 4 In.; No. 7, Ua. S In. x I t in. x 8 in.: No. 8. atrut 8 in. x 8 in.: No. 8. alll or main crosg tit. two pieces, t t. x 8 in. ; No. 10 line showing pitch of roof; no. il, main PUNK SYSTEM rUHL plats, two places top place, ona plec 8 In. x 10 in., and side plec, 8 in. x 8 In.; No. 18, purlin plats, two pieces. 8 In. x 8 in.; No, 18, collar tie, -8 in. x 10 liL, or 28 In. " ' Dry Vatatoos for TmmM. Consul Frank 8. Hannah sends a re port to th Department of Commerce and Labor relative to somo recent ax- perlmenia in the drying; of potatoe undar tha auspices of -tha German Im perial Interior Department, which may offer -a- new flam for termer. Th potatoes are reduced by this proc ess to about one-quarter of their orig inal weight, and can b kapt In a good condition In thin compreoeed form for an indefinite length of tlma. The military authorities hava made thorough experiments with this prod uct and have become convinced that Its nutritious vain is fully equal to that of corn, and that the dried pota toes ean take tha plana of one-third of the former ration of oata. Tha fact that the potatoes ar reduced to one fourth af their original weight bring about a corrpondlng reduction la the price of freight, ao that it will pay to grow mora potatoes than ha former ly bees the case. Michigan Fanner. Th Plata rarsB. Speaking of farmer' Institute, en man says: I wouia 11 10 snow what Is la the ralad of the working farmer in fait boota. who sit la tha back seat" He add: "A few people who are good talkers pralae the work, but what about th silent oaeo who listen and aay nothing Th Rural New Yorker, comment ing on theee Utaata, aay a: "The itltate apaalsarB n not do . aay wiser thing than to learn bow to en courage and keep Just this class of farmers. Th retired farmers and aue- cesaful men who mak up a good soar of th audience ar well able to take ear of thasaawlvea. It Is pleas ant to entertain them, and their praise gives a nun a thrill of satla fectte. It Is a truer sarvtc to the State, however, ta gain the confidence of th plain farmer and help him." - Taw Weow. ta Saaaa. Working horse from grass ba never beea our way, although a groat many do It and keep their foams In very good fix. Whoa there la only light work fr a few days, oar horse have tb ran of good pastor when not la tba haraeea. but moat at th time they are la the barn, where they got grain and bright hay throe time a day. It seams to as they are better able to stand hot weather when oa a hay raUoa, with grain, than whaa they got grain and green grans for their naghaeas. It probably doe aa mor barm to a bore to sweat than It does a fMrtna. It I anally certain that whaa a bora Is awaating freeij be m taking aw hart, bwt a "grass sweat" eaa b avoided by feeding hay IsafsdvTwatith Century Parwesr la order to eotorsnla what el eaa en ta of plant food are AatVaaat la a 00U, It. ts ac ary a emrafully Study tha arwwlaa crow, bfaay far user swam to bo of tha aaialaai that a ahleal aaairsu at tha sad wil asaawat of -amat td contained tharn- Th chemist can only dotarmlne proximately the amount of nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash tn a aoll, without pacifically showing what pro portion of those element can be taken up by the growing plant A large par oentag of than element 1 not avals able Rt plant food. Henot the neces sity for tbem In an available form Ws must turn, then, to th crop, and by watching It closely during it growth and by a careful examination when matured, so whether th soli la deficient la plant food and what ele ments ar lacklng. ' car ad soettsiat afowa. " When sitting th hens In order to keep the lice from bothering them, a good plan is to fill tb nest boxes with wood sharlnga, preferably those that hare som odor about them. Ce dar shavings ar excellent and so are cedar twigs, and the hens will appre ciate the nest of such materials. Lie are a great drawback to a hen when she Is on the nest, and many times they compel tba sitter to leave her neat when she does not desire, and It there Is anything the poultrymaa can do to keep th sitting ban comfortable he will be amply repaid for It In th end. The shaving ar inexpensive and are easily destroyed. They do not pack hard in th boxes and ar quit comfortable for the hen. Try some of them when sitting a hen and see how useful they really are. Rural World. ' Ltva teat aad PrwaaoHty. Live stock is the chief element of agricultural prosperity. It is th foun dation upon which both the present and future profits are established. W boast of our treat wheat and corn crops, and we bav a reason for so doing, but If w depend npon tbem alone w rob ourselves and our chil dren by selling off th fertility of -th toll with each year's crop. For many tears the soil will continue to yield their crops, but they will get poorer and finally fall unless they are fed. How much better to make your farm richer instead of poorer; to get the baneflta of the Increased crop during your own lifetime and then leave a rich and valuable farm to your chit drea after you have done with H. Live stock will do it a nothing ls eaji. Kansas Parmer. ..A Csrw Itrar Cliy 'blight can be controlled by praying with ammonlear carbonst of lVFftJVr. JLV HUH IUM, U.Myvv w - ounces copper carbonate In pint' of ammonia, and add 26 gallons of water. To make copper carbonate, dlsaolv 8 pounds copper sulphate (blue vltrol) In 8 gallons of water, alas 8 pounds carbonate of soda In 8 gallon of water. Mix the two oolutlona slowly, stirring well. Let the mixture stand until next day to aettle, after which pour oft the liquid. Pour on 10 gal lons of water, let stand until next day. and repeat th operation, after which strata and dry the blue powder. which la tha oopper carbonate. Tta riava af BWttao. It has beea a generally accepted theory among teachers and writers oa dairy subject that the production ef good butter nacesslUt the develop ment of a certain amount of acid la th cream, for two reason to de velop a desirable flavor and to Im prove th keeping quality. Recent In vestigations by the United State De partment of AgTicnlture Indicate, how , ever, that butter mad from neatest- lead swet cream baa hatter keeping quail tie and remains free from 00- lectlonable flavors for a longer time than butter made from sour cream. Dew ramtii Wrwtt. Dry farm fruit promises to yield aa. abundant crop this year in Colorado, according to B. R- Parsons, of Parker. OHo oa of tb moat successful dry farmers tn that Stats. Mr. Parsons created much Intareat tn tha subject of fruit growing on non-trri gated land when he dear ii bed- hi orchard la aa aadrosa at us uiro ary 1 arming mum grass at Cheyenne, and has promised to and' an exhibit of his dry farm horticultural products to the Inter national sxposltUn of dry farm prod acts when tha dry farming congress holds It fourth evasion at BUllnga, Mont, October M, 17 aad 88 next. Marvo flaease at IHswoee Bees return to their blvee la a af reet lino when they have beea carried away and liberated, ap to two mile. This has beea supposed to ba dua either to the era af sight or of smell, but th experiment ef Oastoa Bonnier have proven that neither sight nor saaell eaa ssrr tha parpooe and thai bee hava a special "aenae of direc tion." Thla saaaa la not ta the aataav Vtoi a Osw wae fa Good hay eaa only be mad by wt ttag the grass aa eeoa a tt heads ewt, aad clover aa aoea aa the aeaaw are ta rail btoonm. It la a mbMaka to walk until th haada turn hrwwa. There as nothlag ia th theory that swaahia aloa BaeJtes hay. Air hi a mean a feotar ao swash tee. Cartas ssaiaiy km the wtarewa aad hay eeeka la nf praetMed hy asaay of er beat hay ap aa inaicUaa. that m with himi aad tl waa really Ma