The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, August 13, 1909, Image 5

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    lone Proelaimer
lone Oregon, Aug. 13, 1909.
lose Town Officers
... K.LFtdbarf
Iter order '
.a. j. rMmnnon
Tr. T. J. Carl
rrenxiror. ...... i ............. J. A. waiert
i;ounile W. CVura
But. MkIummI, K. K. MUltr
ConucUiucn . .
; It. F. Wilmol
i M- IlalrorMa .
I H.B. B prry
' frsak Kiiiimui
arrirus or ecHOofc district
Clttk K. T. rarklai
is, I Btratwa
icr . najrt
vsr..... lodu u. aD
-Urtei Meet us Follow
' MuMina-w.-lnMiisnitii! on or ncdll
the I'.rei full ki'mhi ui ' outn.
IUiiUl-- lrtwiil Ui.r.l TUUMJajf malaf
teni'li mo.iltl.. .
hnrt third 3 turd u evesiiiK ol Mb Moolb.
nrj ruvroy atf til I Utirgmn.
"AH cotniiiiiiin:al.onf , as lar i
bosaiblc. should readi us not later
than Tuesday" nigut.r PJenn bear
is in mind and hava eommunica
lions iu.on timeAditor. .
Knif.-t T-unJoir machine made
a ioT2 sack run and six-TnoreaJn
Vmo day. Thin lb u ijuod record lor
V'i year.
Mrs M R MoryTui who hut been
Vifiting in Hood Hirer returned
liomi Thursday. .
Anyone in nocl oMtme, cement,
tind shiutilen fail and seeG F I'nr
kei before goitg elsewhere.
' . Frank Voting of ijooscberry wa
fn lone JJiopi'ing Monday and call
' ed And renewed his subscription to
the IVftcittini'-r H says his crop
U good consb1erii the yoar. 1
Dick Mc Ellijfatt it thru Tieao
Ihg and ciun in Moiidnjf with
Soui'i of. the mni nho liar been
workiiifE lor him. They loft on the
morning train for Portland.
thicken dinner with all the
"fixin" at th Hotel Sunday.
Walter Racket and wife of Kiglit
mile were in Monday; Mr llecket
. jcame to ant Fwiuei(iioaiS'-toretnrii
. jos Ins whc;it turned out M-jjincl
better iAh riHiCttd that (lit sup
ply of sacks wevo short. Ha goi
an avtrhirf of eleven bushel to th
acr and vt lion he had expected nix
to t-ifcht it wt a bnppy surprise.
Jfilrs Hccket snent the day At Um
Proxliiuuor h oniu and lays thai
lone in looking good these day.
Mr and Aim Itobb, who hav
been working at John Olden'a on
Rheacreek, kit-Monday lor Colfax
V7.I. : tl.av will viJii
1,1 . ; '
- a inoiilii or two aiier which wy
will return to lone lor the winter.
Money to loan on Morrow
County Farm laud af 7 per cent
Vrom three to ten years
Post Office, lone, Oregon. !
Jyw Daridaon nietwiluAserioue
accident Tuesday. He was in town
with a double teain atjd buggy am!
In going out to untie them be e
. lectetl, by misUke, a buggy stand
ing beside his and the fit range team
were not used to bis way of handP
lng his own-ana one none Kieveu
' fiiua in the forehead. Or Chick.
Uresaed the wound and at last reJ
porta be was doing nicely.
- ' Mrs Burroughs broaght the Pro
. claimer people nouie apples the
other day that were not only large
iand beaatitnl to look at, but were
' moat Ueliciona eaten this rear J
f TlimwMthoapaUiflieleetllrfletoek
t.lbe O. f. BewoHUi ranch est Better
4CA.i. flooded Jerter mrni
au:CQjaa asai eabne, m alv.aotoji
horses wiU asUeneigMaoMhi
wm at eight per cent latere wkh l-
Mr Iaipcitlrrjt mimI durtgbt-
era, IMua and Joie, rrive4i town
-iatunlayt tearing Sunday, fir
several weeks risit iu the mount
ains and with J H Aiuleraois iu
Harney county. Mni E C Keeuey
and frifdreu accouipauied then
fromtriiplaofi.Moiiuuieiit filter
prise. ,
AsMrere are Dve 8iiiidayeintriM
moat-, tie pustur of thf Congn ga-
tiona) chrfrch will preach iu loin-
next Sunday and llw one fciitow-
ina t-reirctmig in tde u.ormng
and ogling. All are oordially
invited (o atteifd. .
Oraifdntra Hafe Went to Nrtl
Yakima-, Wediiedsr, where she
will vhritftoWnte tinie with ber
so vera 1 sons who Kve there.
Mrs WtHafd . Blake and tbs
smaliet tdV eii ccolnpanied Mrs
Hammer to the -mountains this
week whore they aTegolng to en
joy nature.
Mrs Uren Male wtnt to llcpp-
ner Tuesday to take leufchrrs ex-
Misses Audrey hnh- S'elntahtn
toolery ,retiirfied Monday from
an extended trip to Newport, Port
land and the Seattle iair, Miss
Audrey wilt remafn in lone witb
the Proelaimer people for some
time and Miss Velmaleialrtt Tues
day for Monutuent to meet rig
that ii to take her to the camp her
mother, Mrs Knappenberg, lias es -
tablished in the mountains.
Doctor and Mrs Chick 'have re
turned from the Seattle f iftr. They
had a line, tints and Visited the
Doctor's folks in Portland enroiite
home. . -
Misses Mary ami Georgia Virmond
lieces of Mrs Walker m Mrs 3 1,
Kincaid came to lone from II wye,
KaJMaiIJuirsd BjfnUjvHTiBit
their relatives hens
T J AHyn, wife and mothcr-in-
aw, Mrs Oblcrt wet to Weston,
Tuesday, where Ik has purchased
a home.
Harry Akcrs was in lone Wiil-
leedajk He has been working r.
the olt Wilrrtot place that baa been
purchnsed by P. II. pierce. Mr
Vkesa find Arthur Pierce left'fhur
iily for Condon to work in har
Mrs Padlwrg and Mrs Brysou
drove to Louis Padlierg's rsnrb to
get fruit, Wrdncsdny.
They stoitpetf at Kd RalPs ranch
and got some as fine apples as grow
lone Proelaimer and
Portland Journal - $2.
DPS. Mm & CO.
n et lie i:am ione ...
Dr. Gray ha already rytrnled i:ton humbm-sof lone'i
Ieadinp;citieens,allofwlirmwilitcll vou that tlioir . '
work is not only VAisMJmt pMA(Ti( A'tinl
that lip joes t'xaVtlV oa he clnim.
; , -r i1! 1 -. 't ',
Dr. Gray qpn jlll-jmur tooth p well aa xtraot thcfii
WITHOUT r.yiy.
tfro MisseH TrWiInWai'd Phil
lii wont to Uftpuet Tuesday to
lake the teachers WiaWjriralion.
Mrs Chrtstwmn of. finhis and
Miss Maud UttVlstat ilfhroh), sister
iiid niece of Mr Corsxm visit wl in
lone this wek.
Fred Richie and Wife returnm!
noih lftni)iier may ajier a luw
weeks tikf. - ' ' -
Those Icaring Friday to fW
lank and way ffttihle Vere Mrs t
K Corann and snm O 0 Fin-bee,
Chas Dickey Uert Mason and Miss
Simpson. Ucrt said he was gofnfc
-traight up from Poftrttnd.
Sam Qangeti iob Mason andM,
II rock came ho Hie smnunv after
I iii ding sevt-rnl iitiitilia hi and
about Puudletom f t ''
' Shorty Shaver tnotf a businets
trip to the Junction) Monday. --'
Mr J I. Kincaid brMt hi Ms
lxwIl from his ranch as site is
through helping provide for the
crew during liar vest .
.Carl Troedson left Friday toorta-
ing for Idaho where lie exiects to
remain for a few mouth
Mr U' A.I,alllaw of Purl land,
who lias been interestetl In Morrow
county wheat land for a number
of years, was In lone, Thursday,
and paid the 1'roclnimer- a ph-as-risit
ami subscribed for the pnjter.
Mr Laidlaw snys that this section
j will soon come into promiuence,
Mrs A T Kins; who lias been on
the WiliimiiHon place for Ibo past
week returned home Friday.
Well the report is out that Roy
Censer weirt.awtcy to get married.
We hope thi is Ixue fur Unynectla
a cook very bad, but to far we
have failed to sec the bride.
Now Hoy is acting ust about
like 'horty" Calkins did, ami ao
you will see, in another column of
this paper, that we gotinto trouble
ore what wo said about him, per
haps we had better "cut it out"
. Please Gall
Pay Your
Or Send It
BY MA lb
: We Need The
A Complete Stock of
Garpets and Window Shades ,
New 1909 Wall hper. All Kinds of Furniture
RcpairM ktfloisnci. irvo Beds lieiiiamclcp.
flnyttilng hot carried hi stock will tor ordered at, a Reduction
s B. moorb;
. (HAN
n vwuN)
452 Acre Sooib AiTICdB
Veieras Bonnfg mi
Issued by the Depart mviit of
the Interior, Cjoveriiinent of
Cflnnha, Ottawa, under the
VolunteeHiounly Act. VM.
Gooit for 320 acroe of any
Doniiinon land own for
entry in Alberfa, Saskntehe
wanorManitoha. Anypernon
over the- age of XH yenr, max
or WOMJyjtf, can aouire
thia Ifliift.with this Certificate
without further charge For
Itutmte ales pm.
Write tw wire.-fx & Telord.
Liai'.Stmter titTvt, Toronto,
; 'TIT
1 Tkt Uadmi Magazm 1
I 1
I ArtUU RaaU ttorlM. I
1 1 Mm Iiiij Wsw
SatfeHr. ArtiJn ssshsssli M
.. M iiiiaiilUiiiiwiea4 M .
TtsAcayyjswwm. .
n J 1 "fjjttf s v r
"1 in
We sure a Secdal ChbUaf effer
Bovg-oa wttfc tbetadfk KoatUf
aslffoclahnrfv (W I2.0&
yiSHi aeearity.
Canada, . .