The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, August 13, 1909, Image 4

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    lone Proclaimer
L. It. WARD, Editor and Proprietor.
Published every Friday at lone,
Morrow County, Oregon.
By the Proclaim or Publishing Co.
luiicRimoNi ii.o r yea
Entered at the lone postoffioe s
lecctid class matter
" im-txoi lis
. htm lleapnur ' 5 a. m.
iruluuc ....... HuiO a. m.
.-rriee lit Junction 10:26 a. m.
Imvm Junctiou .
leaves Ion ' p' m'
jtrrirlaat lleprtaer 4:13 p. m.
" MAI5 IMtm
1Vcit'lwaiii!ftivM.litiictJ'n 10:48 a. in.
iCdrt-bownd ltavjrniu:(ioB. :I3 p. m.
C. J. I'tuntnton, Agent.
Officers of Horrow" Cotrnty Oregon
, H. J.TK-n
..U.w. Clielia
j...,W. liil'oio
Jf. t. Mhum-r
, u. f. I'at'srwa
.. O. I. lUwlrtooli
v;i. Kl-hU
. . .H- K. Sowiin
..:...... J. I- Vmck
'( , nt MoniUT In
-Mute nifmlli: Hrrnll
1MI. .
Circuit JiiHe
(iliirl.-i AnTiir .A.
.FAlut eiiirr
i iul Li-pren-HUllfS...
VxttHI7 Judf
Cantr CoMMlwln.
J B.icrlff
m.nr7 n.Mirrwi
Courtly Aetr .
Ciiumit (ifvT"f
H(:)iwj BiMliituuliiil
Cuurltj Corvucr
' Count rourt mieli
January til wmHi llll
rourt metal Ihi ililril
3ubscril for the ritou.AiMKR,
'- .giitn the ring of the wheat
luiuler's hnriteii tirc'lnard on tie
ritMulH dl lono nmMho wurehouicB
are beginning t I-'' wil1' "brat
that will briiiK I be higheft prices
the dinners of thin mliun have
had in years.
I- - i m
The flitlrn H"f'u of Cngrcpfiis
ovvr ami tho tariff llnit is lo govern
business for the next number of
years, is a law and now whether it
tie for good or ill we must adapt
Ourselves to the condition. The
Republican party have made goml
for many year in upbuilding tunny
pirls of the Uuitod Sta'oa under
the laws that bare been theirs and
it is fair to be supposed that the
administration now in power will
maintain that state of Affair. Of
course there are many who are
never satisfied';, who constantly
howl that the money power own
the country, but were it not for
Aggregation of capital, where would
be the developemeiitotlhis wonder
ful western land. All who wish
can And a way under present con
ditions and it is to bo hoped that
(he people iu the cities, who arc
complaining of aevero poverty, will
come to Morrow county and rnbe
wheat and cattle and find what it
is to live the "natural life".
We are pleased to announce to
our readers, an addition to the
Knterp.'bw staff, by the arrival at
the home of the Kditor, Monday,
August 9, a screw pound iiirl.
Mother doing well and the Baby is
the finest on earth. Monument
Kilter prise.
Here's wishing you at much
happiness in pQeseniott ol the
Kuterprise daughter aa we have
In the one the Proclaimei own.
imtttw coumr.2
f w m rat
HOnt sWrrsiv, MKtMall.
W B lowing ati'l fninily moved
into their new rrithm;c Monday
which bas hai tfc lately eontpleted.
The meeting Uhl hi re Snturdny
by F M rfaxloit uwiiftwl f Cmwr
was larjifv utlinh ci by thoneinter
ested in irrigation mid others who
came out iff curiuUHily, for rumors
of chlcl-".-li.:it n-euM b:ive ttJ r
ceiuenffil, ami :i cliaiy ( 6. for
encb nitil t-Vfiy hlII in uso auri
other rejuirL'iiifiitH bmunw wllont
which K'i'biitliy pinnuertd down
to a charv " i." pentM prtr Acre for
all ncrr:i- unilvr iili:h and 1. for
filing p.ii t,.
Dry land farniftr niay ti!1 linul
water and tiio nirwei-reatbefs still
free, bn't ax f.fw as tho Wrights
perfect tboir Air.-t.ip and there usfe
becomes trueral, will lori-qnir-edto
pnv mi tunc!) a ctiUio (not for
the air wts.l'reaihf, with or
without sjutt, and ho di;:ft they
will luljut-t iiiiii'is ! prc'veiil u
getting tiir' lit in nr itarb when
the Wind IdiYivs.
C J Wliit.: an 1 wjfu of Willows
at tended llu' water meeting.
Mr and Mi I'M FamsworlU of
Rhea niliu- iloi-jHil Inny t-itoitf. Ii
wliitu cttro'.Ki' t ci ii"- iiKtuiiUinc,
Saturdav, t 'ik.-'iiiit tb.dr ditch
Noticf-l'i-n Bum-!!() i lone ivUh-
esto ii mi iv p Lit iimi tli'-Norlhcide
who b:ui r.ioi I; ru.jninj: at large
that if Uicy d"n'L kci'p ihem out
of hi t'taiu In- v. iil ta!av them up
and biting t l in to Iiuim tt tho liv
ery sluUc here Iho oivnor will
private Mleto'lbft highest bidder
utwtn tl.M tuniiK hereinafter stated,
and subject to confirmation by the
County Codrt of Morrow County,
State of Oregon- the following
discribed real prc.irly belonging
to the Kstate of J. Av Woolery
deceased, to wit
iWJ of lection I ; ol wcuon 3 ;
Wof6KH'ofecth3; KU
j v.- i .j tiu'i: ni Heetion Hi all
Mention lfl; Ntt of action
W; NWWolfection 23; SWt4 of ection
Wi8Kl?clionai;K,lol!etio 33;
and .NE.14 o( suelkn 33; Ktf and 8
Kf ol wet iuii 34; bihI !l of section 35,
all la Towniliin I Xorth, Baoge 24 Kat
All of section 6 ; all "I Motion 0 ; S V 4'
of wrtkn 14: S,4 ' XK'4' K o,( 8
K'i'olefB'ioii 1; S l4 olctioM22;N
W of mtt f-"'3nnd 4 mid Krf
of HWH of feclion 30, hi I in TowushinX
North, Kante24 Eait, W. M.
Vt of wctin 2fl ; HW4' M section Sf ;
8X and KW anil 8WV of KKfc of sec
tlon SO, all In North, tB
SKast Willaiiwtte Meridian.
AH f wction 1 lonnehip 3 North,
Rantie 33 Kait Willmiietlo Meridiun.
KKX of Mtdon ID Township 1 North,
Range 23 Ka Wil In met to Meridian,
MY, Wi ol MY and W
of section lKV ' seciioj 4; EH of
seellondiBltcfm-etion 13; of KH
and NW,'4 uliwlioii IS; HKJ(" ol SEJi
and 8W,' of sect! 11 14; and V
of N KM and SKW ofNKj ci section 33;
WU of KM of aenioti 34;t$Kjt of aection
2B; V,Uo(MVj4 0! section 38, all In
Tuwnshi 1 North, ltanvc 26 Knt W.M
BV and S,S of SK of spcIioii 28;
N ol NK' of w'iioM 3; S and N,
of SofHttiim 34;KiofNW4 ,8 V
of KWX ardNVVV of SW'V of section
38, and Htt'V of section 30, all in Town
ship t North, Haute 2ti K. W, U.
Iilsl,3,3ai14 of section ft; BE
and H',4lpf section 6, 11 ioTown
hip 1 N, llangeS; K. W.M,
All of M-ciion 3: in Township 3 North,
Range 37 Kast Willainelte MeriJiau. - and Wft.Qt HK ol section 3 ; K
ol section 7, V,4 of section 8; of
ectiou 10; NK ul SK of section 11;
0 Commercial Trade Especially SotidKea' 0
. . Rates $ t00 and
$100 Uk Day
Spedal Rates fer koosji and Board by Week.
Clarencfe Mi White
P. G. Balsiger .
Mowers & Headers
cse sled n)ws
Mitchell Vehicles
Cdcrai wtMMrkvaJi.
lone - Oregon
dwsty n ud ut ti wii h lioiu we
failfd Lo urt iian:t-n. -
f-B-l-Bee ttnd little daughter
Huiei left TtifuJity ltmrning fur
tho fii.i at Hr;rtti,-. Tliev wtir
joined at the Jiinittton by hiiiuiAlh
er Mrs Uiickliigliniii, of Kclio, ai.d
expect to be ahemi ttWut 10 day.
C F Dompsey and wifu returutd
from Portland Friday and are now
at the Jake Ibirtser farm. While
in ForlTa nit Ihdr'Olily daughter;
The! ma, aged tliree years, took
Cholera Morbus and hied August .1.
Mi and Iis Dvmpser h:ivo tie
sympathy ut nil who know them,
in their sad s miction.
lone Proclaimer and
Weekly Oregqnian-$2.
The bridge acrcss illow creek
at this place has been declared un
safe and a man is engaged at pre
tit putting In braces and supports
To the writer a notice put up re
quiring those who om Hit bridge
to walk their horses across and en
force same, might be a timely sug
gestion, as a gallop U a cemtnon
gait with some while going across.
Notios Is hereby giTn thai t..
undersigned administratrix of lb.
eeUte of J. A. Woftlery, decvwn
will from wild after Monday Ut
Wlh day o August, 1909, at Uh
hour of 10 o,cloc k in the foronoor
of sW day at the office of C. t.
WotMlaon in 'the City; of' Meppner.
lU w 12 ; S,S of tj of section 34 ; W ,
W ol K.S and SKV of &. of aection
and t?W ut frction 3tt, all in Toita
hip 1 t-oolh lUnge 38 Kast W. M.
Utsl,3,3nml 4 HK!, ol S', and
SWKolNKS of seclk)u2;IoU2,3and
4 and SofMV' of Bection4;axceita
tract dvwrihfd as follows; Beginning 11
chains Kjilof SK Corner of tfcV
section 4, rnnnias tbence WH chains,
thence N clmiut, thence E 4,4 chains
thuuec K I'l vlmina to place ol ueghiu
have to imv ( iiril tri e.
Aiming otliurji who uttrmltd the
meetinj; innii d.nH the rrevk were
Mr Peterson, J F Ion, Mrs M F
SetUen.iiT nod ."on !rt, Itolert
Wiln-n nod, uiit', Mr nd Mrslluff
Mrs I'tJlro anil daiix'dur Afollie, 1r
Uuedy, V It iiml II S Kwing, lr
Kestner, il V lnii lnnvt and 8 M
Mnrgin; innu bmcdmvii wereMrK
llryson, F C Hilrttiwwd i1 JJsw5lKWif of section of section
2; b.4 of nil ion 3U; V of section 33,
ami NH efsrctloa 31. all in raUtp 1
i Itmid 14 Kust Willamette Meridian.
SK'4 of section 10; KK of section 15;
K, uf SKV. 8W of and K of
SW4 offt-clloii 30; HE end E of N
id aeciien 39, all in Township 3 r
38 Kjst Wiila.neHe Meridian.
WSfl KKWnd Wof8E-4 of sec
tion 13 ; In Townalup 8 4 Range 28 Kast
Willamette Meridian,
HKU otsrction 18; N of section 19;
and sKjf id erclU) 38, all In Toansliip
3S. Unng34 Kast willetue te Meridian.
E ot NKM and KoKy eteeetiott
4 in Towosl.ii 8 B Kanre 34 E..W. M.
K of MK V 1 section 84 In Townsnip
4 8. ItMBse a Kast wMlnmette Urhliaa.
.lru Lots 7 aud 8 of Hiock 8 of the
Origiral Towa of loe, Oregon; Lots 7
and 8 of Pari Block, Will'. Additioa lo
tone, Oreffot ; IaI Ocf Paik Brock, lone,
i rigf n ; JCast ft feet of lM 8 aod West 1 1
feet uf Lot J of Itlork tft, of Will's Addl
lin to lone, Orr-yon: Hs 5, 8, 7 and 8
of Ilhrk 18 of Will's Addition to loue;
Onnn, AM bring fa Uorrcw Coautr,
8ute of Oregos)
Said real properly will be told
either intact and as a whole or in
tracts parcels or sub-divisions to
suit purchaser; and the terms of
itch safe will he ctlner cash m
Wml, or not less than Fifty thous
and DullaVe Cash and balance on
timesucured by first mortgage
on lire real property, sold
This sale is made wnder and in
pursuance of a Hcwnra and order
of sale, 'granted made and entered
of record by the Cownty Court of
Morrow Cowny, , Orrgnn on the
6th day ol July, lOfein the matter
of the Estate l''J.. A. Woolery,
deceased aolhoriiing this adminis
tratrix sell said rail property.
Dated July SOth, lVCf
II. Ub V kAsnllilaM
idmiuislratrix of I be tmi of
P. M, Christnson
Dealer la
Wheat Land$ and Tbwn
Property. 1 aso harudle
Thoroughbred Poultry
P. fl. Chfistenson, Propri
etor Swede Canyon Poul
try Ranch, Lexington, Or.
A, Wt LundeU,
Voice Culture, Singing;
Sight Reading
R; We ffickok
Grain Buylno; a Specialty
Lands Bought and Sold '
Life Insurance
Collections made; 4
Physktaa and Aurgcea
TENDED Offles hi tlie Ion Pharmacr.
lone, Or etna. ,
The Proclaimer for 91.50 a year.
Will buy In any amount
Fat Chickens, Turkeys, Dock!
Vcalx and Hides. '
' VMI iVsileri Net wealth -
: at ti.!e :
W. R. COCHRAN, moa
Will all persons who are cnUdbf
cnll at that store building and
seUle with out delay as we are
anxious to. wind up the whole
matter at soon as possible.
K L Padberg,
. , J
TUB b. P. D.
Where Every one goes to
; have a good time.
Hook Herel
. A nice fresh line of all the f
leading brands of tobaccos both 5 ,
o smoking and fchetvingj also a .'T
annc line ot LrUISCH goods
just arrived. Any thing from
Sardines to Limberger .cheese.
K0T g CCID sonftriasi spedaftg.
- rstANR tHGELMAn, fStOP. "
C. h vVard. , t-
I t
Ward. & Ward
HE atu Lands
-4- g
nr rM,w,y- r" l woolery k. . j Tine Portland Jeurfiil ihi Maimer" a.o6