The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, August 13, 1909, Image 3

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Pries Ars High .and Eastern Oregon
Rang Eaamiton, . ,t'
Pendleton -The run io this section
of the very boot and sheep prospects
ww never a bright. Sheep of all
fciodi an commending high prices and
hs proseeta an that wool will b as
high or higher next spring than it
. last. These facta coupled with tha ex--ellent
rang gives sbcotnoa . cause for
much gratification.
The reason for the good range Is at
tributed to the peculiar weather eondi
tiona which bare prevailed daring the
soring and early summer ntontha, m
- well ae daring laet winter. The heavy
-fall of snow which rsaaalned on the
ground as long waked to a great depth.
Then ehowere have visited nearly
-very section of the mountains at in
tern I, io that the gr&ae la both tall
and green and there ie every indication
that it will remain to throughout the
For this reason tha aheap will some
ot of the mountaina tbhi fail in the
beat of condition, and will be able to
-eome through the winter In good aha pa,
van though there- abaald he no early
, fall raina to pat the- wiater range in
ahape. The fine summer range will
vmake it possible to keep the aheap in
1 'the mountaina longer -than asuel.
Southern Pacific WtH Rush Work on
: i . Natron Cut-Oft.
Eocene Good newa la contained in
the statement of A. O. Wattle, of the
Utah Construction company, who, while
la Eugene recently, stated that hia
company wouid want 1,000 men to go
to work on the extension of the Booth
-era PacinVa new railroad to be built
from Natron to Klamath Falls.
Mr. Watto said that a trainload of
'construction material and supplies had
been shipped here from Orovlll and
Reno, Nov., for the railroad work, and
they will arrive in a few days. " We
aspect to have a large force of men St
work beyond Natron in a very short
time, and wa will use 8,000 man If we
can get them," said Mr. Wattia, who
-elrove on to Natron. ,
The party consisted of A. O. Wattle,
bis brother, L. A. Wettis, N. J. Swee
ney, W. B. Hunt, W. H. Measlnger,
W. W. Hunt, O. W. Dye, John Gar
rison, Ralph . Smart, W. A. Beehtoll
-nd G. S. Col ley. .
' Troutdale Shippers Complain.
. Salem The Troutdale Prod ace and
Fruit Growers' association, through its
secretary. If ias H . Dewey, has filed a
-complaint with the railroad commie
ion against the Pacific Express com
pany in which It to alleged higher
ntes are charged for shipping fruit
East from Troutdale than from Port-
land. The Fruit Growers' aaaocistion
alleges it is charged 46 cents a crate
Jor shipping fruit to Wasco, while the
Portland produce men are charged only
JI6 seats. A scale is presented show
ing namoroos similar alleged dioerim
hiations against Troutdale shippers
practiced by the Pacific Express com
pany, which operates on the Oregon
Railroad At Navigation company lines.
1 ' New Dairy Bulletin. '
Prof. J. H. Prandaon, of the dairy
department of the University of Idaho,
baa In press Bulletin 67 on tha subject
of "Bettor Dairy Kathode." This bul
letin contains much that will be of in
terest to all directly or indirectly In
terested in dairying; much that abouM
feelp to make dairying mora profitable
and desirable aa a buaioeee. This bul
letin will be sent free to all requesting
it. Address Department of Dairying,
University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho.
TUIamoofc Una Swvsysdw
1 TtHaiMMk -w-
-which has been working over the moun
taina down tha Wilson near ana reecn
ed this city, thus completing the sur
vey for the United Railways' Una into
Tillamook county. It hi supposed this
te the road which will give tha county
flrat railroad connections with Portland.
r Regatta Fund w 8,000. .
Astoria Tha regatta committee an
nounce that K bee raised subscriptions
amounting to $8,000 for tha coming re
gatta and thin amount waa apportioned
among tha enbeetamltteee having
abarge of tha various festers. The
xoeeo is to be selected by popular vote
and the -balloting has began.
Steel awMgoa for Law.
Albsary County Judge Daxtcaa baa
adviess that the steel for the new
bridges to be beilt at Seta and Browne
villa has passed through Huntingtoa,
: and will arrive bj this city within a
week. A munaer of Steel bridges are
to be baft bv the scanty daring the
joar. - .
Moiss Ta slew. - --
Salem Msrtor Pish Wanton B. E.
MeAllister ia sesAtog as secretions to
aerre to Balsas Hereafter be will
aseietate sfecsncse the state sasete)
Nawh Organized Faranora Una 8a
curee Right of Way.
Pendleton To negotiate with set
tlerson irrigated land sneer Harm is boa.
A. A. Cola, secretary of tha newly or
ganised farmers trolley lino, ia In the
west-end of Umatilla osunty working
along the lino of survey, making pre
liminary srrangementa for right of
way. -
Settlers have Indicated a wilHngneaa
to assies the railroad by donating right
of way and. subscribing for capital
etock if needed, but as tha work has
bean only preliminary no deeds have
been taken. Mr. Cole will determine
on this trip something of the cost of
land from Pendleton to Hold man, and
especially of tormina) ground at Uma
tilla. The line ia sorreyed across the
Umatilla Irrigation 'project, with a de
pot site not far from the big reservoir,
and on into the rich farming country
near Holdman.
The plans now are to use steam an
the line until an Immense power plant
can be constructed on the Umatilla
river. C A. Hill, of Holdman, Is pres
ident of the new company, and A. A.
Cola, of Pendleton, is secretary.
' Power Plant for Deschutes.'
Prineville The Crook County Light
A Power company, with headquarters
at Redmond, has began the erection of
a 26 foot dam on Ita project about-one
mile above Cline fails on the Deschutes,
where it Is proposed to raise the waters
of tha entire stream SO feet Water
will be diverted Into a flume six feet m
depth, 80 feet wide on the bottom and
one mile long. The power plant will
be situated just opposite Ciiae falls
on the plateau. The company expects
to generate 16,000 horsepower, and
will use the electricity for lighting
several of tha towns ia the Deschutes
valley and later may proride power for
trolley lues. , ,
BuHdlng Roads In Clatsop.
Mist Much baa best) dona to toe
way of road making to the Nehalem
valley thia year, both in Clatsop and
Colombia counties. Considerable sums
of apeeial tax money have been expend
ed,' mostly In gravel and plank roads.
The road from Vsrnonla to Astoria can
now be traveled in automobiles without
much trouble.
Alfalfa HuHar for Vale.
Vale A complete clover and alfalfa
boiler has been purees aed by the Vale
Threshing company, a local organisa
tion of farmers and business men. The
machine ie made in La Porta, Ind.,
nd la the first of Its kind brought to
the Mai bear valley. It was laid down
ia Vale at a cost of 14,000.
Fruits Apples, new, $ 10)2.26 per
box; sherries, - 7 12 per pound;
peaches, 76cHl per box; cantaloupes,
2&t. 60 per crate; plums, 76c$l.t6
per box: raspberries, (1.26&1.40 per
crate; watermelons, ll),e per pound;
blackberries, SI. 40 par crate; wild
blackberries, 9010c per pound.
Potatoes New, 131 te per pound.
Vegetables Beans, 6c per pound;
cabbage, lXsslJfo- celery, 90c381
perdosen; cucumbers, lba26e; onions.
12H16c; peas, 7ft8e per pound : rad
ishes, 16c per doaon; tomatoes, 40e
1.26 per box.
Wheel Blucstem, 11; club. Me;
red Russian, Me; valley. Me; Turkey
red, 66c; 40-fbld, P6e.
Barley New, 126.60027 par ton.
Hay New crop Timothy, Willam
ette valley, flftl6 per ton; Eastern
Oregon, fl718; mixed, 916.60O
16.60; alfalfa, 916.60; clover, 911
18; cheat. 16314.t0. - '
Grain bags 6 He each. '
emery, extras, WUc
per pound; fancy ooteide ereemery,
27 K 6(80 He; store, 20s. Butter fat
prices average 1 H per pound under
regular batter prieea.
Esrgs Oregon ranea, eandladV f7Q
kperdoawa. .
Poultry Hens, 14Hfl6cpar pound;
springs. 14HJ5c; rooetara, t&lOe:
ducks, young, 12HO160; geeaa, young.
ftrttlOc; turkey, 20c; aqoaba, 91.76
Pork Fsney, 11011 He par pound;
Veal Extras, BHvilOo par pound;
ordinary, 7r8e; heavy, 7c
Hope IPOt contracts, 21ft2tc per
pound; 1906 crop, 16c; 1907 erop,
12c; 1906 crop, 8c
wool "Eastern Oregon, 16vfflSe par
pound; valley, . 234s26c; mohair,
cboaea, 24e26c
Cattle Steerc top, 84,60; fafr to
goad, $44.; eownnoa, M.760M;
eawa, top, 86.60; fair to good, 83(4
1.24; eemraca tomdrasa,2.601.76;
salves, top, 96e6.60; heavy, SS.0e)
4; bolls and stage, 6 2. 7648.76.
Sheep Too wethara, 94.26; fair to
good, 88.6002.76; awea, He Uaaesi
allandes; yeeeliMa, beat, 64; fair to
teed. 6S.6Ott0.76 apaiag saaaaa, 6a.S6
Hogs Seat, 19696.16; Han to gead.
98CR1.60; sliaVira, 6eJ7; Chaw fate,
Ragistratton for Ooverwnaot Und
. Reachea x7.ou.
Spokane, Aug. 6. Breaking all rec
ords to the history of the United
States for isnlstratlon for government
land openings, registration for land on
tha three roearvations, Flathead, hi
Montana. Spokana, in Washington, and
Coaur d' Atone, to Idaho, aioaad at mid
night last night with a grand total of
274.629 sDoiicatiooe , received St the
central office of James W. Witten, at
Coeur d'Aiene.' Those ia the lettem
will bring tha total to 290,000, exceed
ing the famous Oklahoma reservation
rush, tha greatest known.
Until Monday the force in Judge
Wltten'a office will bs preparing to
send out tha lucky notices to those
drawing for lands. Tha high platform
from which the drawings will bs made
is complete, and the 90 steel cans
which contain tha applications are
guarded by armed moo until August 9,
the opening day.
During the period of application.
certificates of authority to administer
tha oath have been withdrawn from five
notaries in Spokane by Judge Witten.
The offenses consisted of altering the
name of the agent in soldier's power
of attorney and in leaving signed and
stamped application blanka with clerks
to be filled out when the authorised
notary was absent.
On Monday, August 9, Miss Helen
Hamilton, the pretty niece of Mayor
Boyd Hamilton, of Coeur d'Aiene, will
pick the winning list of 1,600 numbers
on the Coeur d'Aiene reservation. On
Tuesday, August 10, the little Miss
will will continue drawing a substitute
list of numbers up to 8,000, this latter
list to be used in case those flrat drawn
do not appear to file on the land.
On Thursday, Friday and Satorday,
August 12, 18 and 14, Miss Elisabeth
DonJin, daughter of E. R. Donlin, of
Miaaoula, will draw the winning num
bers on the Flathead reservation up to
6,000 and an Monday, August 16, Miss
Harriet Post, daughter of Frank T.
Post, of Spokane, will select the lucky
slips for the Spokana reservation.
Southern Pacific and Santa Fa Will
. Lead to Fight.
San Francisco, Aug. 6. After ten
days of discussion the freight agenta
of the Southern Pacific, the Santa Fe
and other transcontinental railroads
announced today that they had decided
to tight the affirmation of the Spokane
decision and Its application toother
Intermediste points.
George W. Loos, general freight
agent of baa Southern Pacific company,
aaid that when tha matter is taken up
at Spokane next October hia company
and the Santa Fe will contest the atti
tude of tha Northern railroads, which
favors the granting of tormina) rates
to Intermediate point. A battle royal
is expected at that meeting.
Luce declared that hia company took
the position that intermediate points
to grant them aoch seteKwdUld' be to
open a vast field to the manufacturers
of the Middle West heretofore reserved
for Western enterprise.
Bo said that hi view of tha water
competition on tha Coast, the present
policy of forcing intermediate point
to pay sates ta tha Coast plus the local
freight back, was considered fair and
reasonable by the Southern Pacific and
Santo Fa, whereas the Northern roads
favored a proposal to limit the distri
buting arsa on the Coast to a narrow
atrip paralleling the shore line, .
Mfciasulmsna ta Macedonia Three ten
, invasion of Oreoce.
Constantinople, Aug. 6. Serious
agitation has broken out ia Albania
against the attempt of Greece to annex
Crete. Forty thousand Albanians as
sembled at M on astir today and sent
imperious messages to the government,
thuattilng thai unless effective meaa-
uree ware adopted the entire Mossul
rnan population of Macedonia would
march against Greece.
Tbt grand vixieTj on receiving the
massage, hurriedly left the council of
miaisters. went personally te tha tele
graph offiee and replied that the gov
ernment was taking native steps to
prevent tha annexation of Crete by
Greece. - , .
Pirates Loot and KW. '
Victoria, B. C, Aug. 9. Advleeeby
the Tango Maru today note remarkable
racrodea canoe of piracy ia South China
waters, the moot despsrate band of eut
laws having headqoartera apparently to
the vicinity of Macao, where tha com
munities are so terrorised as to lend
the pirates active as well as passive
aeaiatanee, fearing summary vengeance
otherwise Near Sbantuk the water
Derates, united with a weal band of
robbers, mads s foray Inland and took
by storm the eastle like some of s k
and financier.
- Epidemic KMng Oattto.
m. aw. Aa: a iifeiM
received bare today at tha naadenar
teraof the Texas Cattle B steers' aoae
etotton, amy that settle ere dying by
tha Ihinmaiiila areand Mkltoad as the
Thursday, August 6.
Washington, Aug. S. Tha tariff has
been revised and the extraordinary aaa
slon of congress Is ended. Both bouses
endjourned sine die at 6 o'clock today.
The conference report waa agreed to
by the senate, 47 to 81, at 8 p. m.,
and soon afterward tha concurrent res
olution making certain changes in tha
leather schedule was adopted by both
President Taft arrived at the eapltol
at 4 :46 and entered the president's
room. His appearance there, the first
time sines bs became president, oauaed
congressmen to form In lino to be re
ceived by him. There was a constant
procession of handshaking statesmen
throough the president's room from the
time of his arrival until his departure
at 6:60 p.m. At six minutes past 6
the Payne tariff bill, as the measure
will be known, waa laid before the
president. He pieked up a pen sup
plied by Chairman Payne, which bad
been used by both tha vice president
and the speaker in signing the bill,
and attached bis signature. After
writing "Wililiam H. Taft," tha pres
ident added: "Signed five minutes
after 6 o'clock, August 6, 1909. W.
Wednesday, August 4, -Washington,
Aug. 4. As though
protesting againat being called out to a
night session, senators ware very tardy
in their attendance upon the meeting
of the senate tonight Nearly an hour
passed after the appointed time before
a quorum could be assembled. It
waa finally obtained after an order had
been Issued to the sergeant-at-anne to
bring in the absentees, For over an
hour the senate employes had been tel
ephoning to the homes of senators, and
were told that the telephone had bean
temporarily detached.
A number of the senators spoke on
the tariff measure when a quorum was
finally aseembled. Simmons, of North
Carolina, declared rates wars higher
on goods used by the common people
than by the rich. Beveridga insisted
that the next tariff measure should be
drawn up by a commission. .
Tuesday. August 9. ' ''
Washington, Aug. 8. The complete
collapse of all Important opposition to
the conference report on the tariff bill
waa evidenced today when the .senate
agreed to vote on that measure at 2
o'clock next Thursday. Half an hour
after unanimous consent had been
given for that course a disinclination
on the part of senators to apeak
brought an early adjournment until
noon tomorrow.
The lack of interest to tha proceed
ings waa evident. This was caused by
an agreement of Wee tern senators to
vote for the conference report and to
correct tha hide and leather schedule
by meana of a concurrent resolution to
be acted upon separately. The form
of the concurrent resolution was agreed
upon at an informal conference in
Aldrich'a commites room. Instruc
tions are given by this resolution to
the enrolling clerks of the senate and
bouse to change the language of the
provision reducing duties on boots sod
shoes and harness,
Escapes From Submarine Through
Whitehead Tuba.
Waahlnetoa. Aus. 10. The navy de
partment has recevied word of a won
derful performance of Midahiprndn
Kenneth Whiting. In command of the
aubmarins Porpoise, now in Manila.
For tha purpose of demonstrating the
possibility of an escape from s sub
marina through S torpedo tubs, Mid
ahinman Whitine. who is an expert
swimmer, had hia vessel lowered to the
bottom of the bay near Cavlte. Far
taw tha water, probably WWW
feet. Whiting crawled Into the torpedo
tube. The end of the tube to the boat
was dosed behind him. The tabs In a
submarine ia closed or opened on the
outside by s port, which is moved by
powerdl machinery- When uwier tne
water there ia a great fn-rush of wafer,
filling the tabs as the torpedo flies out.
Whiting, within the tube, got a sou
on the port. The officers inside the
veesel tamed on the power ana cue
post was swung out. Whiting went
with It, cleared himself of the torpedo
tub, and then let so. flying upward to
the surface of the water. He was un
injured by his experience.
Lsndo Figurshssd to Stats.
Waahinarton. An. 6. Through the
efforts of Senator Jones tha figurehead
of the cruiser Washington has been
lent to tbo state of Washington. It
now lies st the Paget Sound navy yard,
arbm It was recently removed from
tk shin. The sovemment has sot yet
decided what disposition will bs nisde
of the iemfnhsad off Ueweys nagstirp
Olympuv. . - -
Oh-octes of rhs 18 tot- .
Washington. Aug. 7. President
Taft today appointed T. Piatt Andrew,
of Msasashiaistts as director of the
Colored Oovarnmant Employe Was
Davie' Bodyguard.
Waahington, Aug. 6. James H.
Jones, s colored employe of tha senate
stationery room, is ill at his home in
this itw and hia rHamfts fear he will
die. Jonas was Jefferson Davis color
ed bodyguard and valet, and is the only
living being who knows where tha
great ssal of the Confederacy is hid
den. He declares he will die with tha
Jones bid the sea) himself ander m-
otructions from Davis at tha tiros
Richmond waa evacuated and prom
ised Davis whan he was on his death
bed that bs would never divulge the
hiding place.
He positively den ice that the seal
was thrown into the- James river, aa
one story declares. He says be oould
put his hand on the ssal today, but ha
never will. The negro has been offered
large sums of money for the seal by
various Confederate aoceitiea, etc., but
always refused.
Jonas has been In- the government
employ for about 80 years. He was
originally appointed a laborer to tha
senate stationery room by Secretary of
the Sonata Cox. He made good, and
ia well known and liked by members of
the senate and officiate. ?
New Law Works Smoothly.
.Waahington, Aug. T. Information
received at the Treasury today from
New York, Boston and Philadelphia in
dicates that the new tariff law Is work
ing with unexpected aaaoothnaca. Gen
erally st the beginning of the operation
of a new tariff law matters In the big
custom bouses are "at sixes and sev
ens" for a few days, but no confusion
has yet manifested itself In the admin
istration of the Payne law. This to
accounted for by the new law having
been constructed on the general lines
of the Dingley act, although, of eocxsa,
the flguraa differ.
Special Session Scheduled.
Waahington, Aug. 7. The adminis
tration and the leaders in oongrsss are
considering a plan for s special ease Ion
of congress to bs held In October,
1910, to consider the report of the na
tions! monetary commission. It bss
been decided not to attempt to present
the report of the commission at tha
next regular session, which will begin
December 1. It is realised that the
subject trill demand extended debate
and there la a strong belief that it
would be best to consider It at a ses
sion called especially for that purpose.
Smokers Are Protected.
Waahington, Aug. 10. Purchasers
of Philippine tobacco hereafter will
have a government guarantee as to Its
quality and cleanliness, as a result of
an arrangement made by tha bereau of
Insular affairs, with the Philippine
government Every package Imported
into the United States will be stamped
with s certificate indicating tha qual
ity of the material used sod the work
manship. The arrangement wss mads
to insure strict compliance with the
new Philippine tariff law.
May Not Mows Barracks.
Wsshlngtoo, Aug.i 6. Senator Jonas
says the entire Waahington delegation
opposes the removal of the barracks
from Vancouver to Seattle. He seys
the proposal did not originate with tha
delegation, but has been consistently
resisted by them. He queetiooe that
the War department will persist Is tha
removal against the protests of the en
tire lepreeentation sf Oregon and
Msy Be Ffvs Tsrlff Expsrts.
Washington, Aug. 10, It was an-
nonneed at the Treasure denartaaant
today that the board of tariff experts
te be appointed by the president might
consist of five instead of three. It wss
pointed out that tha number was dis
cretionary with President Taft. No
selections save yet bean msds.
Thanks far Favors Received.
Waahington, Aug. 7. Because of hm
Instrumentality In having a higher duty,
placed on hosiery, Senator Penrpss, of
Pfinneylvania, Is to be tendered a ban
quet by tha hosiery industry of the
country and the manufacturers of Penn
sylvania The banquet ie to take place
October 96 to Philadelphia,
Data far Meeting It Set.
Washington, Aug. 7. President
Taft, of the United States, and Preel-
ncrre utmm, n anic are w iamm as
El Paso, Texas, October 16. Thia
program has been arranged as a result
of correspondence between the United
States and Mexico. .- . ' .
Washington, Aug. T.-J The battle
ships Aalberaa and Maine' were today
placed out sf sotraissisa to order that
extensive repairs may bs made pan
these. The battleships E en tacky' and
K wssrgs alas srtll bs avietecgotog ra