The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, August 13, 1909, Image 2

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Newsy Items Gathered from All
Parts ol the World.
Less Important but Not Less Inter
acting Hsppenings from Points
Outside tha State. -
Mobile, Alabama, ) now in tba lift
of "dry'l town.
' Spain explains tba Barcelona out
break aa a local affair.
A granddaughter of General Corbin
la to many a Japanese.
Great BriUin ia not greatly alarmed
at tha Japanaaa three ta on China.
Jerome says Thaw ia still crazy and
should be kept in an insane asylum.
Japan has commenced work on tha
Autung railroad in daafince of Chins.
California gardeners at Baaadena
have passed resolutions declaring Bur
bank a fakir.
A California couple returning from
a honeymoon abroad have been arreeted
for undervaluing goods brought home.
Turkey has renewed her threat to
send an armed force into Greece if that
country doea not withdraw her troops
from Crete.
The Swediah general atrike contin
oos and leaders claim more men are to
be called out. Two regiments of sol
diers have mutinied.
Japan has sent China an ultimatum
on tha railroad situation in Manchuria.
Cleveland, Ohio, officers are having
a row over tba Whitla kidnaping re
ward. Lord Kitchener is to be Held mar
shal and organise tha British colonial
Marriages of pretty cashiers has
caused Los Angeles hotel men to am
ploy men.
Tha Moors are again allowing activ
ity and another clash with Spanish
troops is expected.
The murder of a Mexican girl by a
Chinaman baa caused an outbreak at
Zapotlaa, Mexico.
Venesueln la about to bring tea
lose tba disputes with foreign powers
dating from Castroa regime.
A esse of Bubonic plagoe has been
f ound in Sacramento eoonty, Cal. The
actuation is not regarded alarming,
The Chinees government has made
arrangements to install a telephone
000 lines. Tha inetrumenta are to be
American make.
Heat Is claiming mora victims at
Striking bakers at Montreal, Canada,
have caused a bread famine.
The Japs have called off their atrike
on Hawaiian sugar plantations.
Tha Stockholm strike is ceasing a
famine and ia spreading throughout
An Oregon woman baa bean arreeted
at Oakland for aw ladling railroads by
fake injury claims.
Bernard J. Mollaney has declined
Mayor Buasa'a offer to be chief of pe
lioe la Chicago.
the Mormon loader Brig bam Young, la
dead. She was 88 years okL
Three wealthy Los Angeles men
have received demands for money with
death as tba nsualty for refusal.
Mayor Bby, of Borkeville, Pa., baa
been arrested for threatening to dyna
mite Pennsylvania Railroad trains.
Tha Illinois board of arbitration Is
at work at Chisago and hopes to be
able to settle tba streetcar trouble
witboat a strike.
Tha direct primary few was tha
aaaaa of a riot at Indianapolis.
A broese bust of Jamee J. Hill baa
been unveiled at tha Seattle fair.
Tha asytam superintendent and twa
experts agree that Thaw ia still Insane.
In a referendum election t-eent
street ear fares was beaten ta Cincin
nati. Spanish aoMlers at Melllta ere said
to baas trapped the Moors and routed
Germany la new the only astloa ap
posed to giving Amarioans a abare In
tba Cbtaeas railway tsee.
Charles B. Mover has been re sleeved
nvenidout at tba Westers Feds ratten of
Mlaers for tba eighth Usee,
I Cssriayltoa are await
ing the end ef the world at Dublin,
upending the Usee In pmyer.
A tfkansripal preaches baa been
1 to nee tor has life t be as-
King Unable to Control Labor itys-
, Hon in Vweden.
Stockholm. Aug. ia Tha tie-up of
tba business of the country as a result
of the atrike is so serious that King
Gustav Intervened in aa endeavor to
secure a compromise. Tba king to
day sent a massage to the parties at
conflict, szbortlng them to agrss at
tha earliest moment pose lb la and ad
vising arbitration.
It was after King Gustav'a massage
bad been approved at a cabinet meet
ing Saturday that ha summoned to a
conference at tha palace tba two lead
ers of tba warring factions Director
Sedow, of the employers, and Senator
Llndquiit, president of tha federation
of trades anions.
The result of the conference has not
yot transpired, but apparently the
king's efforts for a peaceful ao lot ion
nf the trnahla ware without raanlt.
Tonight it was announced the printers
woum stria tomorrow, snu ins na
tional labor union has leaned a nroc ta
rnation that, beginning tomorrow morn
ing, every drag wagon wnoss driver is
not wesring a onion badge will be
stopped by strikers. No exception, it
wss stated, will bo made for owners
driving their wsgons.
The union further declare It will
try to frustrate the attempt of the
Stockholm streetcar company to start
its cars on tne surface lines.
Many Clashes Occur Between
and Chinese.
Victoria, B.C., Aug. 10. Passen
gers arriving on the stsamerMontsagis
from the Orient today in discussing tba
situation between Japan and China,
ssy conditions at Che In too, on tba
Coresn border, are more likely to cause
serious trouble between the two na
tions than tha dispute over the An tang
Mukden railway.
When the Mootesgls sailed reports
had been received that tha Chinese bad
massed ,000 soldiers at Chain too
and collisions between then and
tha Japanese notice were frannefit.
Seoul disDStebss resolved before aalL
ing stats that, following the arrest of
a party of Careens by tha Japanese at
uneintao, toe Uhineee troops attacked
the Japanese and rescued the prisoners,
several of the Japan see being wounded.
A boycott baa been declared amafnat
the Japanaaa by the Chineee and Cor-
aana ox toe ajitrtet, . .
Chicago Labor Controversy Appear
to ma near ana.
Chicago, Aug. 10. -According to the
outlook tonight there will be no strike
of the streetcar employes of Chicago,
and a settlsmsnt is likely to be reached
by tomorrow night.
It Is said an offer of a wags increase.
based on employes' length of service.
will bo mads by President Mitten, of
tba Chicago Citv Bailwav eomnan.
John M. Roach, president of the Chi
cago Railwaya company, baa had his
auditors at work narurina- cot a method
of advancing wages, and It is said his
flrst offer to a committee of his em
ployes tomorrow will be on the asms
general basis as that of Mr. Mitten.
The controversy orobeblv will be ad
jected without resort to outside arbi
tration. iaa employes say they are
decidedly opposed to arbitration, and
rather than submit to It will accept any
- v a
i in . .
raeeonaoio compromise com log from
tha oompaniaa direst.
Saattb) Pair Half Over.
Seattle, Aug. 10. With the dosing
OT tne gates Sunday, the Drst half of
the Aleak a-Yukon-Paeioe exoosition
wsa ended. Figures compiled bv the
.position, mnsgvmt show tbs st-
tendance for the A ret half of the fair
tendance for the Brat half of the fair
to be 1
.744,61. Basing their eeti-
mates upon tbs pereeatam of increase
fee Anvuat and Sentamnar m tklThe
V- .
FT"? Tr rrw7mm..nlt'l
uona, uw omciais eewnats that tha
total attendance at the close of the 8e -
m.i1h i in l .
sttlo exposition October It will he
more than 4,00,000.
BonvlM Revolt Likely.
Upas, Bolivia, Aug. 10, It is stated
ami, aitnougn ne maaajuratten of Dr
Don Klldoro Villaaon as president si
ka in I !! ku mm t
.k.aUseia T-mm, -in
asTMSBsaatod hssasn of hia frtendli
neafe toward Argentina. Tbs situation
ia Bolivia sever baa beau asare aarisua,
and sanaational eveaU are exnactad
Dhka OImm Mm
Toktu, Aug. t. -It la believed tbat
the Chineee samlete to Japan baa re-1
served InstrvcUone Trees ftta sa
wbieb tba abjections af tba Chinese
to tba reoowotiutttoa nf
tba AntaasMwWsn railroad and
withdrew. '
aCOrei ATriVB il JUU"."'"'
UIH,US r .
Registration Is Closed.
REGISTRATION IS NOW 285,623 repreesntatives at once fllfdeemna
BLUivjuiltfn f "v I,. nnWMHjnva ao.inat Porter Bros.
,... . o...i Mnlrf the Ad- I
ruvr . nraa - - -
piaatlona, Which Weigh 9,660
Poundt-Clsrka Busy-
Spokane, Wash., Aug. 7. Total sp-
plieaUonsfor Indian reservation land.
received at Jodge James M. Witten's
m . j. .1 .i.J.. h
Ullice ( uoear O lumn jmmtMj " -
. 1 - i .i.k, .fn1ln.. I
ITbIibmII ?n tnr PUtheeri lends.
80,659. Grand total thus far received
nm mil lA 9flK 93
Judge Wittaa's force has been buay
turning away scores of belated appli-
nnti tnr TnHian land tha Rlidniirht
hour Thursday night having closed the
otneiai registration. Applications are
atill in the mails and will be received
for several dais.
Cor or d'AIn) booths, stands and
nlatfnrma muri hv nntnrina and lunch
venders are tsltig torn down and the
whole arty presents a remodeling
aspect At the land office 60 clerks
have been nlaced for the drawings, and
tables and pisiform arranged. There
are now so steal eana in the office con
taining the applications, divided as
follows: Spokane, 19: Coeur d'Alene,
20; Flathead 18. The applications
weigh 8,850 pounds without tha .cans.
Don Jsime Will Offer Spain 100,000
Men and Hia Services.
Cerbere. Francs. Auc. 7. Tha Car-
list teaders will bold a meeting shortly
a a r renen frontier town to decide
upon their attitude in view of meant
eventa, it wss said today. Afterwards.
It la understood, Don Jaime, the Span-
lah ore tender, will issue a manlMtn
declaring that be baa no intention to
pront oy ue aiisiortunes of his coun
try, but that, if tha nreaent mam.
ment is powarless to save tha honor of
ue nation be will act.
i no uariira say that they are In a
Doaitioa is arm and nlan in th uu
quteUy hWO.000 supporters burning
Coopled with this announcement
comes the news that affairs st Barce
lona are far from satisfactory. While
quiet reigns in the ty at present, as
far as actual revolt s-oes. the mliM
still busy arresting people whom they
aiirge were implicated in the recent
outbreak, and pobiie feeling is grow
Injr reaantful of their activity
It la also reported that prisoners held
U the Mont Jnisb fortrees have hwi
executed, and prominent revolutionists
made tae threat yeeterday that if such
aeuon were taken another outbeeak
would follow.
Dissenslrn Breaks Out Among
Worksnan at Stockholm.
Stockholm, Aug. ?. Tba tons atte
st ton arising rroea tne gvueral atrike
proclaimed a law days ago seemed
h. 7., Zl TrL AClZ
a rmmm rtawa bm. i
Ml.n.all.laU. ...
. , JT 7.
I ...11. rn J .. I
wiun. i am vwum u enae OC ma
i . o. i.L..
pienta nwavanoini announee
that their man will return ta work
si. von Sldow, preaident of ths Em-
i p n.j ii ... . . .
imm i-. nL.
would be without result, aa the differ-
"T" wri grw w i- semea m
T' . I!"'
I i"" uPP"v.
,DK ,m ,rZ 9tcvlc "a01
I tiOB h olniala
i w aJ .
" r
. .
1 . "- bsve been pweot -
I loir farmers fiess brinarlne' MMuima
ion tae city, aroops save been detailed
w patrol the country reada.
China Wee Wee ta Russia.
bar reply to tbs Ransiaa note af July
e - U a
Frarf- bi k. A Um .
pseifviiHT tha extent to wbieb
R " laisnaas aaaaa treaty.
saooiBen ay tbs
Mobs Cfcaar Pi shlMllen.
Moatgosssiy, Aag. T. Assld street
saaea of wild anil ulim . tba blU
akiag pKutibrUea
reponea omcianj pigv"i. iminwh, u "
Coeard'Alma 1,120, total for whole these rights, expended $8,000 in eon
reglstratlon period, 106,536; Spokane structing a grade down Ute canyon of
9 ttvt- . m 9S- Miuniila S.&34. ha nnhlaa tn thm pilpned-iirht- of
Judge Grants Thsm Right to Block
rfOSO Agstnai niinni.n,
u rw atiir S.-JudtreButlar late
injunction lasuea giu-i.
Thi. means that Twohy Bros. wiU no
Ti.u tht Tvohv Bros, will not
be permitted to cross too uurts reovn
with supply teams and equipment for
the Deschutes Railway company. - '
1 hint A M IWI
Not to no ouwooa. nsn-imwi s-
am anTAPr. In TaWsni BUI asnTJaUlDB IV HH
diaputed territory through the property
t .1 il.
I""""-- a-.
cupisd two dsys in tbs eircuit court
here. A night session was also hold
toexnedite the hearing. There was a
long array of legal talent for both
sting parties.
The evidence showed that the plain-
tiffs secured certain rights to go over
k.i wia
uivaa HIWW imuum - w
1 La.- I k. rihMh nf
way. But no deeds were taken by tne
plaintiffa from, tha land owners, nor
mnm unnnianti in. wrltinff. Porter
Rma uer the nnnortnnitv and nttrehaa
ed from the land owners the lands over
whipR thia road ran. and immediately
upon securing possession under - these
coo tracts stoppea us uescnuus nan
wst company from sending in supplies
over the road.
While the temnorarv in function was
in force, tne Desenutes Hailwav eom-
Danv had been sendinsr In about 10 to
lb wagonjoaas oi provisions to us riv
er each day.
Britain's Ruler Cleans Up SI, 000,000
on Stssl Stock.
New York. Aod. fi. Rv aoeenlatlns'
on the stock of the United States Steel
corporation. Kins- Edward, of Ensland.
has mat cleared more than II.UIHI.UOU
aa the harvest of a three-Bvwitha obbb-
paign, according to a story told today.
ine siory was given out in wail
street sod much comment was msde on
the significant fact that the king's
agents placed bis commission immedi-
ateiv aitsr a vtsit natd him bv J. .
Morgan, who knows eonaidersbls about
Not onlv has tha erosmed head of
Ens-land nrontad bv inoculation in Wall
street, but it became known that Ger
man royalty baa been bavins steel snd
other American atoeka. all of which
have made substsntisl advanced to the
material benefit of tha royal coffers.
It WSS throe montha an whan Kin
Edward's agents went into Wsll street
for steel. A short time before tbat
Mr. Mornn had viaited the kina. and
during ths interview is supposed to
nave given Edward VII a tip. -
Ranchers and Dealers Desperate
Housewives Happy,
Los Angeles, Cel., July 9, With
peacnes selling lour pounds for one
cent. eantalouDaa bain hawb-arf in
cento a dosen, snd apricots rotting be
cause nobody will buy them at any
pries, ranchers and commission men
are thoroughly disgusted while the
nousewiie rejoices. Prices are eo de
moralised mat cantaloupe growers of
mis section met today and decided to
let su out the best fruit rot.
Unly choice melons will be brought
Into market, and the tnm h.
ironclad agreement not to sell these at
ess that l a crate. The glut extends
I w, The finest kind in site ,
nOQ Only 111 aanta ,
I do toaayr
i j .
I ""UT w imiMM Donrraaa.
i .
L.""8' WB Wednea-
T mrwrno" will witness tba biggest
ot 17J N,tion1 Irrigation
iconrsees. when Rieharri SAkiiL n.i
Hngetr, secretary of the intaH. . -m
"J?" TJ? "Itade ' Govero-
i w - . ,t r :r-- -
thai TBalliner uZESZi
1 1- tnto hi. -7
A statement mada h R. i i i-ZTT'
-rameai a isKinar an an, vnUt.
-1 long as private capital was willine tnl
ln Private eanital... -n""
enter the field wi I k. iH " ! "
1 obct
1 saaion.
Twa TImummI tm
New York, Aug. t.-Columbia toJ.
versitv'a nw ,Umw-
a SUmmar
school, ass 1,000 stodentaon its roster
of erhom 1 &9n ,vm
wi Mcrares ana stodies end tK.
are attending ths Conega gf
I aj-.c,. urgeons.
Big Immigraoon Oaen,
UMega, Aug. I Aerardhw aa sW
area prepared by C B. McUod, ssmtr
ssan af the Weston -nisij .
ties, there was an
aatoto 141 fmmmk ta tba nunristtoa
Sweden In Throes of a Gigantic
Labor Straggle.
Werkmn Org.niz F(N
Keep Order, Means of Protec
tion Are Being Adopted.
n--. nVlnd .
, ."il"!'
nere give promise I
Stockholm, Aug. 6. With tbs street
si I esbdrivMM- .
labor riiffiMiiti
givs promise of soon beoominr
k' Tba sreneral BtiL. -n.j .
todsy has not vet beeoma tk...Li
effeetiva, though tba ranks of til
strikers bava bean considsrshly sue
men ted. Many affiliated organ ixat ions.
" " ' wim ue strike
movement, are still withdrawing k.
active support, preferring to let otbsrs-
wae we ieaa in tne preaent crisis.
ins siriae is by no means general in.
tba provincial towns and ii..i.t
centers of Sweden. In most places the '
streetcars are running and ths city enW
ployes are at work as usual. No dis
turbances have been reoortari. ti.
loading of ships at Gothenburg, where
10,000 man are on strike, ie a .
by troops. , -
Tne fast tbat troops are protoctinr
tba gas works and the alaotru u-Ll
plant has incensed tha workmen, wboss-
leaoers nraaten to sail out all the men
unless tha soldiera m uu
- mwiian,
A Corps Of workmen, en ma th...i
trong, are being organised with tba
objoet of maintaining order, and Un
people general I v. bankers. aTfcsVtvksB ntai
stc, are arming themseivas for self
protection. .
The gunshona of the eft aa nvuU.
eally denuded of revolvers and smalt
arms. All tooxiata have laft th.
and tha number of viaitnre raw i.
city U smaller than at this seaaon f-
many years.
Witt Soon Lead World-Japan's Piss,
to Kin Hsad Hunters.
Victoria, B. C. Auar. S. Pan! Rail
orinaar of the Honolulu Iron,
worka, returned on the Tango Msru to
day from Formosa, where be has been.
tuning auger mills for the Japan
Sugar company, and atatee that
Formosa will, by neat year, be the
atast sugar-prodoeing country in
i wru. r ire new Dills were erect
ed this year and Ave more are to be
built next summer, all equipped with
tha 'stoat machinery. The outout thia
year was 90,000 tons, all of which
went to Japan. .
The Japanese are aAmfla
method of dealing with the rebels of
Formosa, head hunters. They bare
tree tc bed tnvhu a hki -
districts, heavily charged with elee-
OaHfortsa Man Crippled Wlib Rheu
matism Now WH.
Reddlnr. Cel.. ln s iwtj h
rheumatic Dains. fmn ehu ka haa
suffered for months. Jamas R. Holt,
nesa or a Meal contracting Inn, sub
mitted himself to the stings of S9 boner
"'niseii ta tbs stings of S9 boner
t"- .l ""W W
wuwiWIoa nrst time la many
nis offlee for the flrst time ia
days, declaring that hia joint)
umoer as tboee of a bey.
. Mt- Holt baa been so crippled with
the disease that for month ha aa
compelled to use a carriage to go from
bia borne to his office, three blocks
Ten or a dosen bees ware applied
Mb aching joint, while ths patient
writhed in ssno-. Aft m .
.tod and a chill hurting
I two boara followed. He retired for
snd ftnaily fell aaleep. Whan
a- joroia.
"ajTeJocie is Quiet.
Bsreelooa. Aug. a. The aitoatlca m
Barcelona iUw u n i
1 11" which the dtypaau-dlaat we
I . "" I" - an
ma" and tbs torn-up psvements,
the r-enlarf tOBea af watch were seed for the
'"" oerriraoeaV- laese ny new
"Tr'-cooidrbu Pprehenaoa for tbs
mutre. - xne terrible jenrasalve
Oolesna. Auar. K.Tba Cotorne Ga
te tto's Saloniea isapoiiJiiiteablea
that tba Turkiab guvaiuaient bsaar
derad aw 40,000 iwiifs ka tne torriaary
ec tne Mipsad aawry aarpa eft Sstyran,
and hag aestassted with three sssesa
sblp eamnuntos far tba tassswmlallsn
of sawepe and sasnli
Crete. He aaye aees