lone 1$ the Best City In Morrow County : Vol. X. No; 85, IONE, OREGON. FRIDAY. AUGUST Ifl. 1909. ..Whole' No. 554. Morrow Gounty Is the Richest County Per Capita In Oregon. o " ROCK SPRINGS COAL - Fir Cord Wood, ; Slab Wood, ' Any quantities desired Call and get prices. ; m?A River tocrcog THE OFFICE PASTIME. chaw. oiCRrr, ; Across the street from Post Office. The place to get a nice cool drink. , Give a-call, we will treat you right. Razora Honed. 25 cents RALPH'S Barbar (NEXT DOOR TO WOOLERY'S 6FF1CE.) RALPH HYMCR, Pw, I am certainly ttien villi the fnncy Hoir cutting ad smooth Shaving. ( CALL ONCE, AND YOU WILL CALL AGAIN, Share rntrl, fc sfcttft wtrts, U mm. Summer y; , ; During the Reason 1909 : ' . -.. y via the -1 -y'y '' Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co - OREGON SHORT LINE AND s y UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD . ;" ! from y Portland, Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Walla Walla ' and all points on the O. R, N, line . ToQMAHA and Return $60.. . To KANSAS CITY " 60. So ST LOUIS 67.50 - To CHICAGO 7 2.30 sad to other principal Htiee ta Uw East, UldJU West and (South. Correspondingly low fares, , t Or Sata JaaWlfcdsly t, Amgmti lU To DENVER and Return $55: Oafta ftey V, Jaly 1, AaftMt fl Oohw transit HmitlO dss ro date at sale, fliUl rslant limit October ft. Thee tickets prtrnt aom wt ai tractive (eateree in Hie war ol stopover pirit, ad buieol tljortby enabling jwaeengert to make side trips Rooting m the retaro trio tbroofh California nay be had it a slight advance ever theretes toted ; Fall parttcal-rs, sleeping reservations and tkkeU will to furaUhad by any O. B. 4 N. local agent, o ' ' . - " " " WM. MeMCRRAY, OssFtAl PASnexora-AasjiT, roart!W,-OBsooa. KOTICE FOB rmt.ICATlOX i)ifmiwonn imwws V. 8. 1 Jim) yUkc at The I1im. tna .r-t.wa KtHlfwhlMrrVTSlrtn'diaU'Un It XnipTt. 'tih bflr f h hir4 't"- r Miia, t.i.' " H-mtr--. tolT,p4,W f.M.1 wh. W' JIWU ft I'jAr.aw-mwii.lJt. Unt IWtitar iHt Tlt-Ttr at Taa Bllt. Onsw M talath Uy ml Ari. VM. . CtaiauNM umu -l'tt. 1. f. Wa. HnJ ft ! in Jnw ni t l na4 Matir Mania a-t a V t raa.Or a. -, V t lew, Scalar. Razors Honed 25 cents Shop Rates Bast A IAWN PARTY. '-5. v Miss Agnfcs rutiuincton enter tniiied.laat Satiirduj" at thvir home on second street. Tlie Aard was lighted with Chinese lanterns and the soft glow made the lawn beao. liful. The evening wirt ptntin playing game and music and Mrs Pennington, with her well known kill, had prepared refreshment of the claw that make people glad they are alive. Among 'thote pre sent were; Mitaea CaBotf, Opal Co ehrait, Mao Walteiilierp, Eriup Aker, Kilith Vusp, l etRn lUlvor mii and Ague I'emiryglou ant! Mcacra Wntaon, Chiehelin, lUWrl 8 perry, Everett King, 1W and Roy Puller, Bull, Shaver And lltirrough AN EXCITING TIME. Last 8ntiirda j afternoon the deer in the loHYcxt door to the linn It caused considerable ol a hubbub for a tir.e. Little Dolninr Waten had daily teen tb dotf from the Is nee but having a liUlespnretimt awny from mother and father con- etudrnl lit wonW make a call and get better acuunintcd with' tin pretty ereatnre. Mn Wnlker, n'uni ol Deliiiaf and whom he had beet visiting, missed him and an geing out to look for Ms jfrlloreiilifluts, discovered him lying down and the deer standing direcllr 'over him. Bhaeiitlcd (JcratU Iticl, n mull boy of teii years ok altd sent bin. in to bring the Utile ft Hew away. Gerald ill AnproncMng, jiiuked ii stick As W'mifrMMj'"" w run at and stnick him mhh it! head Mill as he fell to tlw ground it began pawing him savagely, Hh ncreains.cfllled (he town and Mr Kd Moore juniwd over 1he fence and drove the deer cff. Gerald has some very painful bruises but little Del mar was unhurt. Ilotb boys are satisfied to have the fence be tween tltein and the wild, bntpret tjr animal. AN IMPRESSIVE SCENE. LutSundity afternoon IlevCraw ford of the Chrlilian church oi Heppner, litre in lone administer ed the riteof bntifinmt Mr Frank Eiigelinan and her little daughter, fttthy . TI7e pluce select eiT wns on Villow creek juxt Iwok l the old .fingntwood home and the sldea of tHOttrenm wre litml with people of all clitsies of thought who had 1 assembled to worship wills thoso of the Chris Isn fahh. In pure white drrsvee lin y, win were to accept the faith, went down to the water midst the tinging of that old and well kwotn hymn, "Bleat I the .tie (Ut binds, and all hearts were touched at the earnest acceptance of ChrUl'a Injunction of the iiecra!ity of baptism to enter into Ih Ingjlic Ijfc f tlw christian. SOT1CK KORPUBUOATIOK. (A-rlal N.MW)Xnt Cial Um4-. . )?nMrlmentotlielDlerlor, Land Office, The Oalles, Or. JnTy 7ih.lM Xw(ir It lieraln- ginfllfttil tmrntr lit Davlti jlitint. Ofrf.p, ihaoa it. til a. '!. m4r lluferfltfl. ruiir. ',:- JflPiKWI, Atit-ifX'XKf. rttmi3lfTwfctf. Smth. Unta sS, fatt Wlliimofa Hrt'llH, ha IM ilr f lai"' mm - riaai A rnn Ffwaf. lavaMUU rlalai m laa lat idrlM-rtb4M'ra i WJaa,.(;twit awaCmn(nltari ItpHWt, OrriaM.Oft italTihdra A"S ; CUwiMMMti lla?aWi lUwarJUV. n-4v.'M(ln (. rat k V'I f Ihmf. ktmr lolM'i'JCH'''"1 ," r.'iinp-aV " A LETTER FROM REOR6WN, Mndin, Crook Co. Ori. to the Editor o( liie lone Proclaim er sirs, I set- fktt h publif-htd In your paper to tin- vxU'iit fhnt my daughter Kvalyu was uisrrivd to George Culklits in May and that became to Mutinm to mini hif wife.- Wow I itpe'nly ay a htacker lye never win iullithrd tml (arth er if their is jmi correction matte for tlw lanw 1 will entrr iiilt'itt once, my dauphtrr is'tn yottng evei if I were niilitip nho is only 15 years old. so thcrerort It is n tcandel a well hs a n oromli on my family so wate a.rily.. Urv J 1) llrown' the father of ICvaUn It row n At wt were fearful, our language was too feeble to mit tlx Itcvercmt gentloman, wo haw prinltd hi letter exactly -na he srnl It and know he will hi ptenn-d Kditor. Will pay a year's Subscription to The , i lone 1 Pfodaimer and the Pacific -Monthly- Regulricel3 This dfFer will not last long, so Tomciir NOW W. H. Kacue .... Preprleter ev the SHOOTING GALLfeRY. Next door to the Hotel ! Marry MtO's eW place.) $ ghoti for a nickel, so come in and trjr yoi r luck, Prtze Shooting. k. W. ROBINSON AttawtMtl CfMfMM0or it Uw u MTAJrv rumc fta AH CMrts. Ltl SwsIsms OH Presspt end Carefal AttsoiKm. Losai OestteaU, rreWlo Wsrk aajd 4 oarucla soeeWlf. Moans KOTICKroit rOBMCATIO ' lrlal sa.;U3l KotCoaJaO) Dvtmrtpient of the InseriV. ' P S Uiul Olicf , Tli Dntle. Ore May.aAthW, ' KMirataarrabT slTfk 4lnUUIihShBwr. on of iko hvtra and far ilmhain of Baajaaia r.xanffMNilocnaMri.ol llaannar. Omot wha.oa DotmUrMtli. 1SDU nada UoaiMtead antrr, lor Lot. I hN-X!,',M!tIRIt,i. 1i ami SKiKl. Sortlnn 18 Twp 1 t,Ra 34 Cut Wilianiatte X'ori.l'aa hai Sled Ut9nt lalauiloa ta aiaka FlnaJ ST-far mnot tm ataMlah rlalm ! th .ntt abov diatrl4. for I he UaunlT Clerk at all oact lu Hrpilwr,Urtron.Atitlie I rtajr of Jaly, IMS, '"' Malwam lumwMwMiitMii: f llttrroaiha' laM. Vnlhrjr Itar.t' (' Rlina4 Ibl Ball, of, llaaiwar, Ottfao - ' C W Woera, Kaglatar, DKPAnTMENTofthelXrifBJpItj WAHMINCtTON, D.C , K lbOO-744-te. A.M. July , 190$ K0TJCKOFRKPTOIIATIONOV . iTftucLANitNto hkttle:. WENT ANp ESTBsT.-KoiU-e l hereby siren that the Actio SMteiary of (he lttterinr has vaeated da Mrli)ieiiifll onlt-r of wilWrawal lb so tmr aaUie ssoie sfltwti tt withdrawal tor, lrricntioti pnrpeffi nntlt-r t lie set of June 17, 100S i!tj Ki.l.. sH) for dn in eounec tinn with iba Vmaiilla Project, Oregon. ' of the foUfta-hif tlurrlhd lands In IIiq Htite of Orrg-JM, ami by lits satbority twh of mil Irani imliavenot been here' tofor flnnlly rnrfl and are not other- , wise uliliilrmrti. rttmmt orappropriat- will tw ealijttii In aeitlemcnt under thw piddle lui.it inwsof rho United States on and afiVr OctoWr lit. 1900. but .halt not be stiljcct torniry,Ai;Qf;or selection until Nnvt'iiibrr uo0, at the United ' rttates Isml nftlpi' at llie Diillti, Oregon , wamliif )H-li)fcxprnwlr givnir lhat no -(MH-awii l twniittmt ta pain or esor- ' dse any ri.t Miaievaraiideranysjtlle. nent or fH-rtKyilliitt fU(i after July' 0t ! IttOO, ant) jirti.pf. l-twlwr ID, 1(100, t ' snrh vel I kcnt ,t orriipfltlon brlngtur-' blddep. , Vlaaitte Prlucirm) Marldlari. T. 1 !C , . i) K, 1,11 gt-ce. t to 18, tl tr .SH-aiirfsS In feUiu-J. " ' ' "V T. S y., It. 11 K , nil He. NajJtrJr''ht . 37 and ft to Mitttd. : T.l, H-'lp Oil ti t P ti3b lij. Oregon, T.Si tt., R. 20 E , all. T. S S., K. SO K ,. s I ti.-t port'on In Oregoi . . . - T. 3 N., . 31 E., alL - " ' T. 3 N., K. 21 K, all that portion h ' Oregon. T. N , R. 33 all oi s-4 to 0,-10 to S and 2b to lrj, T.nS. It 22 K . al. 8es 4,S,t aod ,t sooth of Culeaibia Kiror aod all 8scs. tt, .IfttoSI sml 2N toaa InH. ' 8. V. l'roirilif, At'iHtt OMnfnUalooer of. tltsOeneral Uml Oili.e. . Kraiik Pierce, r'irtf Awhrtant Seefttaty, of the litU':kr, TRADE COLUMN. 6 acres, about 7 miles from cent-. er of Portland, i mile from electric cur Hnritrtttcnr, -itlh wdl fenoedf -and i lliib lies ring orchard, aln nil kinds nf horrirs and vegetables, H room Itotise with toilet, bath, hot and cold wtitcr, (1n well; tower tank ami wind mill, 100 high grade chickens, horse and SMgon,f many other implenients, price, 17500.00, will lake 100 acres of good wheat land, In exchange lor port 1 i Hare 80 acres of timber land, a, few lots in het coast (own iff OrK . gon, aim! i liiiiltod amount of cash for this we want a small wheat farm, tV-foem flll hnilt home n good, part of forlloml. oOx 100 lot. one block from rarlii:.' house iioi en- (tive1t modHvUutcaii beistadVso. With small expense, price S500o-00, wiU tske in ixchange, good wheat ; Una ty to dooo, to nooo.oo , . AnVrtiinwiIiiilp information revt:n!ii:c nr.v a f tl.r' fthove pRocLAiMca orrwfc. . 1 0 -i art tm.J t-t