The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, August 06, 1909, Image 4

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    lone .Froclairper
Ul. WARD, Editor and Proprietor.
Published every Friday at lone,
Morrow County, Oregon.
Bj th ProcUimer Publishing Co.
a 1.10 MM ftAK
Intered at the lone postofflce a
eoebp oIaii matter.
ijMW Hepou' --.--
Leavee luu :00 a. m.
Arrivee at J a net ion 10:: a. m.
Leave Junction ;lop. m.
Leve lone p. m.
Arritli at lloppner 4:15 p. no.
Mi 1.1 LIXB
Weet-boaml leave J miction 10:4fi a. tn.
East-bouod leaves Junction l:lt p. to,
C. J. l'enntngtoo, Agent.
Officers of Borrow County Oregon
Clall Jtidn , ..H.J.BaMt
DltlrVt Altoruar O. w.flM-'lf
Jol lit Senator W.O.Iolc
Joint lloi.rwnuiltrt T. J, Unlioiitr
toumr Jmie c. c. PMitrmn
County Cemmlulontn..
tW.T. Csmpboli
iM. J.Uevtn
Conntrffilart - 1,111
Cniinit 8.ierl(f- It. SI. Ahull
Cpiuiiy litmiiirar.. KiiKvi)'). Nolilc
foil ii i y v-iwar I, I llemlrtaimii
Coil n tT iHirveviir V. 1. . Rei
Sili.wl' fluiwrliiivii'luni K. Smsnii
ouulj Corouvr J-1- Mi
Conn if rotirt niacin Hie ftnt Wninly in
Jaiuinrr ubi Ii ultfrTiiite tiinnlH; rlrrutl
conn met' ilio ililnl MitmlnF in iltf a nil
I bird Ho mi in .Novambw. -----
Subscribe for the Piioci.aimeb.
With u,ll tlie tulk nt the fair hi
- Seattle find the Otrgon State fair,
" don't forge our nun fair nt P i -die
ton in September, Have some
good exhibits this year, ntid begin
hi tinic. I.nit vcar it uiin llio lift
week tlmt any interest win arou-
d; thmyear be interested nil ilie
. There are it largo number of
maw people coining t town hoi nt
fur tlie holdings of the Woolen
estate are to he disposed of within
the next sixty day. The people
buy i iir th'i enormous tract of
i laud will ho ooiupolled to open it
fur settle iifetf$T$iTueUulely, (nun a
financial sense. Are YOU going to
let new people come liere endue
all the weeds in this town? they
won miuvraiiiiiM yttnr inimi
, ii not ftlsn 'ejeody" and will
wiiiia, limb niu . n uro ni m
4asy and "don't care" people.' It
will lfl ifnnossjble to make them
understand that tut men are nil
.LI..L t..l .1.-. .... I
harvesting anil are sprry" to tee
this state of affair, Let hate a
big dinner down town, and feed
with the best hi the land, all the
men who will give a few hours
on the streets, and hare the place
the eredil It Mum Id be. hi the
meantime, for prides take, do
elean up about your own place,
Tuesday evening the City Conn
cil passed art ordinance prohibit
tug minors entering the Past 1 met
ruf the town, tindur penalty of im
prisonment in tlie calabooee. The
i law Is excellent, and will beeoforo
ed. Tlie Oily Fathtin are resolvtd
that the young men of Ion shall
refrain front drinking and have
taken this method to preveut the
habit of attending such plaoes, be
coming second nature, ttixht now
la the time for the practical chriit-,
Ian work to oome in and a reading
'FIMIISTI nil bTTIUIIBIIiIIb ilnlllil Iia
established within the week and
the fathers of .the many statu, I
boys who are ooming Into young
manhood would Bud such eneetab
ti aliment the beat Investment Uiey
hart euer snad.
What Is the matter witb some
Of tbe radlee get t lug up ft social of
- ' 11 . ... . . ' .
some nature to raise luuds (or such
an undertaking.
' Last Holiday was the 79th birth
day of Mr Alex Youug an old et
alerof this section and his wife
had a fine dinner in honor of the
occasion and invited in Mrs Keller.
another old settler. While at din
n er Mrs Young mentioned that her
bOth birth bay, anniversary, would
occur on the 4th and Mrs Keller
remembered that she would pass
tiii milestone again on tine Olh; ao
again a fine dinner was prepared,
t im timo by Mrs Keller and the
guest Wrro Mr and Mrs Young.,
lone City Council-wet in regular
sesHiou AtijjiiBt 8nl, with Mayor
Pad berg in the chair; "
Minute of proceeding meeting
were approved and followed by the
tinal rending of ordinance No, 08.
C O Colter, ex-citv enciucer, pre
sented ji bill for f6tt. which wan
refund piiynftnt as Mr Conor left
hU work without pcrniienion from.
the I'tlv and caused tlie employ
ment of another man to take -bis
pi st:o. A lull from 0 T Walkor
store fr suppliee for 10.1 5 was
allowed and warrant drawn to
jinv Biuiir.
No further huitiiiess bvin be ft re
the bod, council adjourned.
C J Pennington, It reorder.
lone has hfeii so very prarre of
harvnHt hum.'' that Chas Hecil,ntrV
Dairymaii, ;ih wo worried over
harvesting his ulfalfii that he lost
several iiinlit reH; hut all at once
he had an inspiration and forth
with he started for louo. The fact
that the people of Jone are none
of them lazy cutm-d him to believe
that the voiiiifr youths of the totvn
would. lm of the inalerial that their
winces or arc, fo lie rallied nhi.ttl
iiiinrtvonf theo young hnpcfub
in the pertonsflf Charlie Pen nh g-
ton, (J era Id and Carlton Kice, Hur
ley flporry and Dobyne, whoae
ages ruiijte from ten to twelve yeatav-j
With glove on hiiudnand working
clothes on ImmHis the "crew" wi nt
forth) and at nonn airs Heed served
s good a dinner as stnall btrs
could want, Kvontug ftimid t';e
tribe back in town with ft piece of
silver in their pocketr and a heavy
oonaetouanes that they were"hr,r
vest hands". Mr Reetl save he has
seen lots of larger workers who
were not as faithful an these small
boys. ' '
. Iltrifal No tkUtU) Kot CmI Lalld
llriniiit of the Interior,
. i U. S. band Otnoa, Tlie Dalles, Or.
Jnty 7th. Ifl0
SoIIm It Innhi five that StiiBrn Mc Darin
nfloM. Orcguu. whean !. Wk, Iflitl, !
Hamta(t. Kulir. K !, tor KKltNwt(
unit MVtXtVtrt1natt,TftwKihlM Soil It.
Kmnw fail Wlltanctta UrMUe. h.
RW aotlr ol Inirmlne u nak Finn I
At jran 'mI, tn aMMtoh rUlw to iht IimI
ahoTcitaafTlbvil.bofara J P WillUm. I'HHwt
Staiat r-aoiniloliuisr t ltpnnat, Uiafan, an
llialT'ftitaraf Auff-W. itw.
Claimant nma a arlinvaMa! X(lwar4 Sta
IM'la.allatniiaa. Taitkh Mr r4a. at Inno.
inr lhbaiiy and Jlm UMailiaat Nrp.
tfMM '
Notice is hereby given that 1
undersigned administratrix oftl'.t
state! J. A. Woolerr, deceaei
wilt from and after Monday tl
30th day of August, IUU0, at tK
hour of 10 o,clock In tbe forenoon
ol said day at the offro ol C. V.
WondNon In the City ejf Heppner.
Morrow County, Oregon offer at
' l ii i L-LJt. "!T
private aajt4) the bigliest bidder
upon the turais hereinafter stated,
a.nd subject to confirmation by the
C,ounty Court of Morrow County,
State of Oregon the following
described real property belonging
to the. Kstate of J. wopiery
deceased, towit:-
Vhi of sMtioa i ; 8W et ssetfoa t ;
W,' of BKii of actions; Hol
hi and NE of Kw'ol auction 11 i alt
efeectioulO; and NWol seelioa
90: KWU of teclion 28 W e( aectloa
aft;Sofwetion2H;K of section 8S;
W,4 and KK)i of section 83 ; Nao4H
of section 34 ; and all of eectioM SI,.
all ia Township 1 North, Range e East.
All of section 5; all of auction ft;SWL,
ofioctioaU: HJiof NEandNHotS
E'i of eaetkw la; X ; ot section 32 ; H
W. ol section 2 ; fti 3 and 4 and HE
ol SW i. of ssttion iW, all In Township a
North, Bean U East, W. M.
W of eaet hn 3ft ; W4' of tectlon ;
BM and N WW ud&WV of NK of
tloaJO, ail in Towuiliip 1 North, Baufe
26 East Willamette Meridian.
Alt of section 1 lownalifp S North,
Ranse 23 Ead-Willnmatte Meridian.
K f seclbn Towaekip 1 North,
Raiir2o East Willmnette Meridian,
W, W M ol SW and el 8EV
of wction 1 ;bKV of asciicw 4i 6Ejf Ol
section 6;allof iettioH 12 WH ol h
and NWJC sect ion K HEX ol SEJC
andSWUofaVcli.nl4; Vifi and Wjj
of NEV and KKK of NEW efeection 23 ;
W of E of aection 24 ; HEX ol section
-XI; W H of HW'i of taction- 28, all in
Township 1 North ,'Rnnge 26 East W.M
HVTX and Btf of NEW of section 28;
S of NEW of seclii NH, and S
of 8ofBectionM;E!, ofNW.S X
'if KWU end NWJi of SWV of section
3S, and HV of eectiou 86, all tn Town
ship 3 North, Kanfie 3 W M. "
I. H I, 2, 8 sntl t of section 5
and ol W of section 0, all tn Ton y
sbtol N, Itsncc 27 E. W. U,
All of aection :CJ lu Township 2 North,
Ranse 27 East WillamettB Meridian.
KW and W'H ' of section 2; E
of section TyU' ol section; i ot
seel ion 10; NE " Ni:. of section 11;
Wj of NWX ami SKtf of NWy of sec-
tinitlS; BH of 8V"!( of clion24; tt,
Vi Uf hH and KV of HL of section
25 awl tiWtfut Ptttwti 3(1, ail in Town
ahip'l Sooth Range 23Enst W. M.
Lots 1. 2, S and 4 SKX of NW'X-aod
8 W of N E of iectioii 2 ; Lota 2, S and
4 and &4 ot ttVtk of NBtion4;xrepta
tract dafcrihctl BHfollnwa; Beginning 11
elmitts Eat of Corner of AEV of
ner I Ion 4, running thence W II chains,
thence N SOchaiia, tlienee E 4Ji cliniht
thence BE 21 ehflins to place of beftinn
iiig.cmitnitiingl.iK acre; Also W of
8U'X o(NWX efiw;lion8;8J, of aection
29; X of aeclfoiiSO; W), ol aection 92,
and US el aeeia )U, all o fwnttilp 1
HeJtuiifie24Kwe't ITilIf matte Meridian.
Wvj(-efctfen lOr KBjf ofieelioriTBT
KHdF.,k of PR and HK of
ol tectioii 0 ; NE ' end K H of N
WV ul wetien 2f, all tn Township 2 S
lUr- Kt Kmt Will me tie Meridian.
W ot M1.;X an WJ of 8EV of sec
tion 12; in Township 8 Range 23 East
Willamette Meridian,
HK V ol stclioa 18 ; Ki of section 19 ;
andrEJ.Iivclio33,allia Tornehlp
2 ft. Uange 24 East Willamette Meridian.
E of NK'i and E,ol SKj ofeeetioa
4inTowaehip3sRaae24E. W. M.
E4 of NEW ( ( section 84 in Tewnsnip
4 8. Hnnff IX East Willamette Meridian.
Also J.ta :,,! ft ol Block 8 of toe
Original Town of loie, Orefon; Lot 7
andH of fark Block, Will's Addition to
lone, Oregon ; Lot of Paik Block, lone,
Oreiten ; East 5 feet of Lot Sand West 11
feet ol Lit 7 of I Hock 10, of Will's Add!
tkia to lone, Orejron : Lots i, , 7 and 8
of Bicvk Ht of Will's Addition to lour,
Oregon, All bring In Morrow County,
8Uta of Oregon.
Said real properly will bo told
either Intact and as ft whale or in
tracts parcels or nb-divisioni to
suit purchaser; and the terms of
suck sale will be eitner eavh in
hand, or not lee than Fifty thous
and Dollars Cash and balance on
tiuiestictired by first mortgage
"on tbe real property aold.
This sale is made under .and in
pursuance of a license and order
ol salev a: ranted made and entered
of record by the County Court of
Morrow County, Oregon on the
fttli dav of Jul 1008 in the matter
0f tbe Estate of J." A. Woolery,
deceased authorising this admioie-
tratrir to tell said real property
Dated Jtaly kh, 1909.
. Helen V. Knappeerborf,
Adminietratrix of the Kstate of
J. A. Woolery Jeceaaed. . ,
Qlarence M. WbUe
P. G. Balsiger
Mowers & Headers
Ott tied rim
itchell Vehicles,
fetrrsl WeeewerkMft -
lone- Oregon
P. M. Christensoa
Dealer la
Wheat Lands and Town
froperty, also handle
Thoroughbred Poultry
p. n 9'irise,,son Prpr
eor Swetfe Canyon Poul
try Raocl, Lextnoon, Or.
Physician and oorseea
Office In the lone Pharmacy.
- lone, Oregon.
The Proclaimer for $1.60 ft year.
THE l. I. D.
Where -Evert)ne:goes to-
- have a good time.
V:'". . BARRY L REED Mgr
lone .. ; , - ; Oregon
'J -Ul t i
xleaingBrands of tobacco? both
0 smoking and 'chewing, ; jilso a 17
1 fine line of LUNCH goods x
J just arrived. .: -Any thing from
Sardines to Limberger cheese, g.
J KOT j CCID son Drieks spcctoiiq,
a AT
fftANa (ngclman, prop,
.m ...-- ail
JhPordanci J ournal
Commercial Trade EspcUIfj SoBdtkd
. : Rates $1,00 and -v
$2a00.the Day ;
pasttl Rates for Room and Boare by Week.
yojee Culture. Singing
- aND - -
t -I'- Sight Readino;
& W.. Hickok ;
Grain Buying: a Specialty.
Lands Bought and Sold
. 'Ufsj insurance , '
Collections made. '
Will buy In any amount
Fat Chickens, Turkeys, Dttck's
Veals arid Hides.
' "M oeiferi Net wki
ftt the
W. R. CqGHRAN. ror.
- Will all personi who are enddbtt
ed to the J OKincnid estate please
call at that store building and
nettle with out delay as we are
anxious to wind up the -whole
matter ns noon as possible.
, . Eh Padberg,
L. t. WARD.
& Ward
aiid'f rodainacr )aoo