Constipation ""Per over nine fnii I auga red with cbronin one ti patina end during thia time I had to take am Injection ot warm water once every n) boura Wforc I could haiw an action an my bowels BawpUr I tried Caeearete, aad today I am a well wm. During Un alne yeare before I need Caaterets I snnVred am (old mlnry with internal pilea. Thanks to roa. I ani free from all that tkia atoning VH can aa tab In behalf ot angering homaatt. B. P. Pieaer, noaaohe, HL PVaiaaL Petatabb Potent. Taata Good. ' Do Good. Never Slchan. Weaken or Gripe. 10c. Be. sot. Never sold In bulk. Thecea - nine tablet (temped CC C. tanarantooil to . : eare or roar nuatr bask. i COFFEE' TEA SPICES BAKINO POWDER EXTMCTS JUST RIGHT &tMJW4.L1'JIJI- CLOSSETaDEYE KKTLAHD. ORE. BU8INE83 C0LLE6E MTHB SCHOOL OF QUALITY" Teeth and Morriaoai 8 Portland, Oregon A. P. AKH STRONG. IX. L, r HI NCI PAL Tha hJ-ataadard optnmereiei school of the Northwest. Opaai ail the year. Mora alia lor bats tbaa wo oan aeeee ponkioa artain. Cieoe end todivMhtai taetractton. BookkMpiog from written forms and of uee practice. Shorthand that exoelo in all respects. Special ""kip dopart sees. Call, phone or writo for catalogue. 4 OH. W A. Wit Lander hi Peatleaa Penan Work in Peruana. Out-of-Town People Bbookd ram ember that ear forea b as arraiurad that WE CAN DO THEIR ENTIRS CHO-N, BRIDGE AND PLATE WORK IN A DAT If necteaary. POsiriVELT PAINLESS EX TRACT) NO FREE warn pUtaa or hridm are or der I WE REMOVE THE MOST SENSITIVE JEETH AND ROOTS WITHOUT THB LEAST AIN. NO STUDENTS, no uncertainty. For ton Next Flftoon Days WtHtffMrnitawiflk anal er pare- tain rrown for P.S1 HkbrWrt teeth t-S Molar crown . Gold or animal alBaae LOO 81 " llina .M Good rubber platan.. S.00 be boat red rubber elates 1.00 laiiu Dr. W- A. Wise The Wise Dental Co. atf. fMH "d "ahmr 94a. - , STOVER GASOLINE ENGINES Full Line of Implements , -1 Ban eapeebap eSavaad HH II lib 1 I and sa faet aaw dMtp that laatwiree a ... . (If arrena. lalbM. in Tber ere f Ml teat, ehaeda and eealh anSmiuS, lib r M an nine whiab enrena. an near hew i V trJehn haiml a i at each aaaSaea, ena ' I enarea. aa eaeeeMrr ee ea eaanrt. ba I abaaa.bhianiaJaaarhiafer aayhbalnf P i i 1 WMI'y S at plnanant flam, "Is It reellv only tern minutes walk from the station to your houser asked tttlraan, .. -a - "What a ridiculous questloat" es Maimed Bububs. ' "Nobody hi lovely SwatDphurst mr "wslks" to tbo sta lion. I may any, however, tbat It's only about eight sad a ball minutes run." - . Aa IntewaelMoat Meneorw, ' A small custom appeared at the grocery store, says writer la tbo Century Magazine, and tha emlllng grocer asked him what at wanted. "Plassa, nliur," said tb boy. 1 cast i mm bar what au sent bm tor. but yoa can tiT m two cents' worth o papparmlat candy, oaasa'sM said I oould hsap tha chang." .... Cam CUava Creaaa. . Austral la. tbo land of oddities, anl mal, ToteMtble and mlaaral, has few mora curious creatures tbaa the slant cranee soften flvesnd six feet In belfht with beautiful blue-tray plu mage which are called native com panions. Those huge birds mate for life and, ss mates, are stnculsrly and touchlDfly devoted t one another. . reawe f Habit "I bag poor nardoa," said the land lord, "but do yon walk la poor alcepT" "No. air," aaawcred the fueat, who bad arrived the day before. "I sop I didn't diaturb yon las, nigbt. bet tb fact la I've keen a country doctor for thirty yearn, and I'm at eead to being called up two or three dates daring the niiht that unless i.get out of bed and walk around ones In a while X don't get any sleep." SnMnan Mawnnnra Tradition is s noble thin- Bot did yon ever hear or A graduate who'd say er sing t "Beyond the Alps Lies Italy" New Xork JdalL O. yee. Indeed, young man ! And sty If yea were older you would know Of one ewert girl grad., anyway. Who wrote that empty years sgoJ- Chkage Tribune. Whew Wo Tnkl II l laraNl. "I hare read," aaid tbe visiting for eigner, "that when yon celebrate your Fourth of Jnly in this country the de struction of life end property in appall ing. Don't the people take any Inter est la bringing about s reform la the manner of obaervlng the day?" "O. yes," aaid the native ; "we begin a crusade for a safe and ease fourth tiie nest day after the celebration, and sometimes ws keep It ap for three er (out weeks.' . Wangg lat lb Fwaav "Well, bow did you llko tbe playf -There's one thing about It I liked aeeedlngly; the etar didn't corns on until the middle of the third act." MQUU? - STJn-nm - Aawar end Pbavtfk LlTTlU. OolunJo. Svacimea prlf! Gold. SUer. La, KL (told, SUnr. Ha: Sold, Ifc- l,ot at Ooppar. SL Halllu nnlarM and foil arlre lb hi db applttwtloa. Ooairol and ruplra woekaa-llnllad- aWeaaaeM Tbilmnrti rlitlaiF rt-h. ALBERTA WHEAT LAND 1 Per Acre 10 Yeara Tbwa TtMMbmdaaf Canadian Partite Kafrftap ridue rooi to H baabab of wheat. 71 100 bnaheta of aata. aer acre, AD near rallwan. towna and aehoola, PoaltlTetr abebnt wheat bind propoaition for ea of aaodente meana. No rrop fallurea. Send todar for free Muetreted literature, atrial rata lat and Uth e( everr a-anth. IDiVlsTCARTHY LAND Ca - Lena Aaente Oaandlna PaeMe Saflwap a LAHBOarmen a muauna PORTLAND, en. 1 LEADER PNEUMATIC WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS FOR COUNTRY HOMES The beat end meet Vwtenl aiedaai erf femhS). Ina water ret derbed. ajS tanh b placert la tbe baieiaent er In tha aroMnd near the boajae end keepa the water aoel in tnranier and proof aa-ainat freeainf hi winter. It aeei laeke. It b bnpoeaible for haerltr tn awt lata It. H outiaata the buildina In whieh It b inatatlrd. It emu a Tittle mar to beeia with, bat there b no eeoond eoat. We bare a eatalacue whlcb Ulaatratee end aaerUMetae Laailar armeea. Aekeetok. - WttUC.WrL MtStJDAflO. ' toinjrc zsT thi Tsmrrmt. Jomrnm reblleba, aeraaa StaeUedl 1 seewme Prwnnrwd. , "XkM work 1 the Philippines, pure ly American, has eseaned general at tention," ssld OT. rrsderlek J. Houaer, of Minneapolis, to reporter for the Wsshlngtoa Herald, wbo has spent a number of years la the Philippine gqvarnmc&t service, lt's the kind that's dons wita a microscope and so does not attract pibllo notice like building bridges and roads, and sew ers and water works, and harbor Im provements. It Is the work at what Is called the bureau of science. "That work has ben worth millions to the Philippines," continued Dr. Hou aer. "It grew out at the aeoesslty of examining the water supplies, of mak ing analysis of foods, of InvesUgsUdg agricultural problems, making vaccina Tlrus and serums for certain diseases, aa well aa studying insect pests and making assays of mineral products. Oradoally all theae functions and many more ware centered la one In stitution to UTestigste the natural resources of the fduaads to study dis eases, to standardise weights and measures and to form a great scien tific library. There have been all sorts of chemical work done for the benefit of agricultural "All kinds of germs hare been stud ied and serums hare been prepared for them. More tbaa 0,000 botanical specimens have bees collected. A Sne scientific Journal Is published and has mads Itself known throughout the world. "Do you wonder that the Filipinos have a reputation for being lssy? It Isn't laziness. In plain English. H Is a ease of worms. The Filipino won't be good for much, either' In the way of govern meat or industry, until you get those worms out of his system. Well, the bureau of science Is getting after oeoeoeooooooooooooooooB 0 g S KTJ1THIH0 THB BIO EAHDS. g o OOOOOOOOO DODO Bawvvvv w v Where the waters of half a conti nent become hemmed in between the rock walla of the River Saskatche wan, at a point not a third of a mile wide, with such steep descent over huge boulders and reeky Islets that 14 could not bo any steeper with out being a cataract, one can well be lters Mies Agnes Last's declaration, la Scrlbner's Magaaine, that at such a place "things are doing" la the river. Bne describes tbe passage of these rapids ss follows: Ws heard the tar wh-n-sb, then the wild roar, then the full-throeUd shout of triumphant waters. You think your blood will not sun any faster at that sound after having run more 'rapids than you can count? Try Itl We sat up from our sluggish, easy postures. Then the river began to round and rise and boll in oil eddies, and the canoe ts bounce forward in leaps wtthov nay lift on our part, then a rece-homroSbjs; and we are in tha middle ot farlowe tumult Tbe Indian rises at tbo stern and leans eagerly forward, Even the cool aezsmtth admits, "This it S place where tha river really docs things, tan't itr But the Indian Is paddling Ilka, a concentrated fury. Then ws shoot forward Into a vortex of whirr ing sheaves of water. "She strong she pst strong rap id!" shouts the Indian, as we swirl past on rock and try to catch the current that will whirl aa past the next "Pali pell puH a strong ped dle I" And wo riss to a leap of wild waters, have plunged Into the trough, aadr sre elUabtng again before aoms one can remark, "Say, I dont llko sidling to rapids." There la a rock ahead about tha sfse of a small bouse, where the waters are breaking, aqnfver and white with rage. The Indian had risen again. "Stop!" he yells. "Dont paddle! ' Let her anl" Bat he hlnwelf la steering furiously as ws grass past out to the bouncing waves, Bo we run the Big Rsplds for about mile, then rids a third rapid la a tone, easy swell, and swerve to tbe aorth, . fsnTa Banap eat fnawnea. There's tale to say ot the pce sunv writes a Qeorgf roangster: "He ain't no bear, 'cause he's always giinnla' like he was la a good humor with ever' body. It's test aa If, when you tol' him yon was gota to kill Mm, an ceok him, an' eat hint for dinner he looked en It as a good toko Jest took It tor a laugnla' asat- tor. I don't know whether be la jsst snwd-aatared, er was horn grinnla -Atlanta Coeetttstlew. Woer Sh-adna erf Caanev Argewe Is a dsgsswratlen sf argent, sanlasj silver. Teres asi hi yellow. and alesan Is said to he brown with ptnk rslirtlona. The names of eoiers eat el Me erdlaary are tn vested by dyers and aasaetlasw ep- The Kind You lluve Always Boufrlit ban borne tne sijriia ture of Chan. H. Fletcher, and hits been made wilder hie personal supervision for over SO years. Allow no one) ' 1 to deceive you In this. Counterfeits Imitations ,snd Ji st-aJ-rood " are but Experiments, and endanger the) beaitb of CnUdreA-KADerljrioe asjalnst Kx per intent. What Is CASTORIA Cnirtorla'ls a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Dropa and Soothing- Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, SJorphine nor other Jiarootlo aubstance, lta aw is Its rturMite. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishneas. it cures DtarrhoB and Wind Colic It relieve Teething- Troubles, cures Oonstlpatlom . and Flatulency, It assimilates the Food, regnlatea the Stomach and Bowels, clvlnnr healthy and natural sleep. - Th Children's PaikMCev The Mother Friend. The Kind You Hare Always Bought Bean tne Use For end atniaun nejianv. w i "Ife sort e enrioas," said UncU Jerry Peeblee; "but wbea a sua work In' for another mas he'e el we ye wan tin' to go and aee the ball game. When he's work In' on bla own time he gets stingy with it snd can't pare it." Chicago Tribune. ' An Opiates). "Maria, Is there a tingle good thing about theoo treat wide bats the women are wearing T "Yea. Jobs, there la; when two wom en meat they can't klaa each other ew." m a a timm ViariiM. Bnntbtna Syrup the betramedv to nee lor UiaUehUaiea eurtag uae I eat aim ymtt. CrnloaO. "The Isw, you know, presumes that every sran is Innocent on leas be has Sees proved to he guilty." "Yea; I sometimes think the Isw baen't any Basra sense than the average iurj." d Hnrehnl City Has Yos broke sa eld sen free erantln tn natf HowT Suborbanlte I set her hi one ef amy wife's spring hats. Bore throat to ae trifling silsMnt. It Till sometimes earry infection to tha entire antem ttrousn tne xcea that hi eaten, Hamlino Wisard Oil is a sure, quick euro. Mwt br Tbad sjnaao, ' Bhse Baleamaa (le toll, bony cuatonv ar I'm afraid theae ahoee will pinch you s trifle, madam. I suggest that yon try what we call oura' ear eeatractsd No. Cnetonwr He, sir: I wont wear a f. Have you en etpaoded Hev W Built early id the eleventh eeatary, there sre great era eke sppesring In tbe aorth snd -oath traaeepta of tbe sathe dral el oethwaB Mlneter. England. w a-, tn. fulfil, eoww Write Aliens. Oluited.Le Rot,. r.,fora tree MrapU of Allea'i Poot-Eaae, It earae eornt. Inarowlnf natto and ban lorn. All drug BbueeUjb lbs. Pon't eeeept any sabMUnie te rraltp riavse, "Old asy, that entice of years was s peach." "It wasn't ss had. 1 had- er- prase It down Oil It was Juat about the rlghi WaC site Atgy If there Is earthing 1 Is this so-called "Joy riding? Mini Tartos I don't doubt ft I saw you on horseback the ether day, and yon didn't look the best bit like a joy rider. Si liPrlkilr' POWDER 00NCEJ, ai Sjensaf signature- ox Over 30 Years. i vena err. CRESCENT feHtn hoaphehr rJer thai tbat tha hllh priced baking BAKING powdrri will do and doel It better. It raitea the donah wakaallcht er, iweeter aod brttet rivafoodi. Sold by era. POWDER cera 2 5c per pouad. 5c per eouae. H r)H Mod ei eame end addmi. we iD eead roe a book aa health and baking powder. CPUcnrr MVO. Ca Seattle, Wn. KILLER I aoel any ra. atlr.ita Bl I Biee H-at. L'taaa. "rm a mai lnt. rhrmp, tarta II bVM of MM. euiut IU or U oiar, nil aet mi af ttra. Of all danlare er aw eraia tar aaaw. HMbHA HHtlU, HO Si IS , aaaaJaa.IL V. A CURE FOR FITS The) Trwataaatit It to Accomplish What ScaMCw Has Bern Strua g ling to Attain for Cmtoris tihiHaMMMiaii bne bean Manlferted rhroue bout the oountn far the wonderful urea hat are being aeeompibhad daily by aplleptelJe, till contiauea. It b raaibjr aurprbina UM vat number of peopb who haTa ahead haan cured of Au and arvouaneaa. In order that everybody l- .A.. ,Vm mAlIMm l.rv. trim! bottlea. Taloabb literature. Hblorr of EpiWpar and uatlmontab. will ba aant by mail ahwlutetr free to all who wrlu te the Dr. Map Labweeary, Ut Pearl Street. Mew York UW- C Gee Wo Ik CklHS kepf thb woneeret wee bee hi a lifaatudy of the Jropertlea of Koota, erba and Haras, ana la alvlna the worU the banentef Me earrteae. '.P. erOVwevUaedt Ne OperaUeee er fmUm Oanrmateae te rare Catarrh, Aarhaia, Lane, Stomach and Itdnor trouble, and all FrrmM rtnai tj " aand Worn. n, a sun can cm oust Jnet reeetred from Pekbt, CUna infa, eare andraUeWa. U.-inUiaa la lta werba. If too eanaet ealL wriu for ayraBtam bsjah end aaiabr Inalena 4 cenW in atneapp. COMSOtTATrOM rBU "Th C Get W(J MecnciiprCgT" aak rVel aweee. Mil i ail a. Pirllead. Or. F" u PfO. S3-OS ITirwmr wnamm 7trium plawee Yf aaentlaei thU pnawv. I DAISY FLY fry COMPLIES WITH ALL dfUME FOOD LAWS Makes the fialtlnfj Sweeter, Lighter lJUwaya work ridht i NO FAILURES Co.t. YOU Less NO TRUST PRICES 26 Ovnuws for 23 Genta BEST AT ANY PRICE Vehicles AGENTS ' at jrofnr monmy hmck . . EVERYWHERE asid a hiskimsa ts-day. to a sten he dMlsem, "yew reasind sse Sf heSt