The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, August 06, 1909, Image 1

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    V : -v- w.
Morrow County Is the Richest County Per Capita In DregoA
i. '- 1 .
lone U the Best City In Morrow County
; lOm, VB$20lL TOlDAY, AtfeUST ft, 1909.
Whole No. 553.
lleader bed Lumber '
Rack, Sills : ;
' : "and V ; ..
Acros9 the street from Post Office. -,
y ' The place tx get a, nice cool drink.
- Give us a call, ire wiH-treat you right.
J" Honed
25 cents
I am certainly there with the fancy
Launarg Basket anfl Baft-Tuft In connceiioiL
r Start razers, tet start wtrH, Ii eer
During 'the
- . , ' via
7 r
Oregon Railroad
r - r- from , -j- --. ;
tnlatii4 flfuitll finnt
V " and ail points On
OMAHA and Return. $6a
and to other priifeipal rittw im tht Eut, UkMI Weft aod Soatbi, .
, ' i , &rrwpof"inflr low tarooj i
0r7SMtiMf rfV2,.Aotrt 11,12,: j
To DENVER artid'Return' $55
t;ii (M Sol Hay It, JKIyi, Mftott 11 (' ' "i.
(Mm trJiilimlt 10 don ttom data of oaU. SraIttorliBiitOtodttft. .
. I Thaaa tiekalB III Mini OMOO VOT oHMkUtO fOttOIM ! tOO WOT Of ttdDOTST
:priTiloio, oo ehoieo d lootoi I thorabyaoblinl pumangm to Bioko bdo trtpa
' T ha tk Minrm trio th ranch
J: l'thortoqootad. ' t ' ' ' .
' Vqii partieolon, afflbpiBf ear rwonraliooa aad tfdtot will In foraiabod of ray
O. ft. A K. local am t, or t ,
Wat. lfcMtTRkik OtnfVi-L FaubW A'bwwr, fvkum, OmaooR. r
mMCMlL pcbUnO) arrtliim s
- V. B.lMdOeatThanaliM.Orog.
I Jn.4L1H. ,
MleFfahMSKltttiii a
Mf tW air BtM fr lh Wlrtaf Vtnta
tOtTMpta.WuMnftiMi.1 who.aa 1.
mwM Hnnnuwl tntrr. Ko ll-M,lw
(Wi,fW)t aM.tL ',8BVT". IX. IM
ataM. W. iterMlaO haa IM MInIIiM
Maa atata ImI ata-faw araal. wauuirt
' tUf tfc aaa 4wfria. Mm fa
Bainiii il amlni al Ta Pan, Ongaa
.M IM Mia 41 af Aagaat, HOfc
' ClalaMat awaiai wllanaM'. J. D. WwU.
rWj WkOa m Jim r HmImt at AMla
taaaaaifallr M4rTa"aa uo aWtla W
tlMti, aattmr.
1. , -V
25 cents
IairuUing ad smooth Shaving
Season 1909
& Navigation co
Ann Tncnmti Wall ft Walla
the O, RAN. line .
QftlllartiiaiBiOv bo had at a iliht advaaM
f - : a
tune, Orogon, Auffiift B, 09.
Editor of The P roc I aimer, i
Ferfiajw tlis greatoat f 'and
outrage with which the fVuiar ol
thia Bectioh have ever bee Wrought
director in contact li now lieing
Worried out. And the itrange thing
of it is tfiat uoarly all reeognue h
as a graft and are almost ,ffgliting
mad. I say Almost, for if they wpi
tus nearly mad as they ought to be,
they would have nbsolutelr refund
to pay for irHgnlioi and stock-
vatering rights after Hffteuiiig
the farce enacted at Heppner on
July 28th, by the President of the
Uoard of Control, Sexton ;
This man. when asked vitiilqut-t
lions concerning water-rightr, th
plan of apportion ine) it, expensei'
fttc., could or would uot answer.
Pi me and again question ' wi-ri
asked him which were of the iitinos
concern (to tht fnrmsrs mid I ;
woaldouly make some ide-stpp ;
iiig excuse uniformity in every car '
liia advise- was, "Take out a wait
right"'. This means five iW!a -for
water for domstie purpose
and fifteen cents an aerefor irrigi
tion, besides a dollar recording U
Notice that in ereryoase'theadric
as, pay money And'ln rU'"'
he could not show Lha4 ahv.adrant-.
age would come to the farmer lu
m. doing. , . . . J
On the other hand )t is ns I
show many (liadvantti'gcaVcaoll
ing from tha enhtrcemotit of tin
state law.
Firstly, theexpenae, -fifteen oenU
au acre for irrigution, five dollar
for watering stock and a dollar r
cording feo.- This -hat to- hi pat
even it a man takes wnUr from -spring
on his ranch, In addition
to this ii a large UITTorcoiistruo
tlon of dams, hendgates, sud whai
rtr else in needed, which n il) fal
to the Irrigator. AH this appHt
merely to the IndiridnntA who bur'
the right to use tUeit own water,'
But there is another elemtfnt of ex-'
pense more . obnoxious to tit
people at lrge, RvcrrlKMly h
Oregon is taxed to maintain th
law. Tlie fast lesislature annroB-
lated WmO. to put this law' h
force. Money will have to lw atv
propriated every year to maintain
the commission. In addition an
overseer jb. to be put In each dial.
rict irrigated. Of course his salary
wilt bo large and the whole people
will pay that also. ,
Secondly, No more water will be
secured. In the late winter there
is Water enough for everybody. At
other times the only result will be
to shut off water from ome to give
it to others, tot ff the water were
divided tofM nobody, would got
enough to irrfgato anything. It
would all evaporato before it reach
ed the ieid where it was to bo
nied. Plainly the fiueation arkod
aa to how touch water each farmer
nt, lor it will bo ivpoaiiblo to
consider their answers in the ap
portionment. . 1
Thirdly, The Jaw Is bound, to
become the eonreo of ill-will and
lawsuits between neighbors. -
Fourthly, The whole law if on-
jott. . The farmer o not want it.
They did not vltelor ft They did
oot give their representative any
awtbority toVote for it. the
water Is theirs. The-y bought it
with the land. ;
Since this is a law eviUently
passed by a body of men who
eithsr did not know what theirJ
constituents wanted, or deliberat-1
ely disobeyed their duty, the most
advantageous thing to do is to re
consider the law. Either a peti
tion should be sent to the state
legislature demanding its repeal,
or a petition should ,be circulated
to . compel its reference to the
people. .
Thia is supposed tobedemocratie
country. If representatives have
the right to pass and euforce such
laws we had better stop prating
ilmut freedom and settle down to
An Ordinance, "Prohibiting the
iwner, lessee, proprietor, or eni
tloyee, of pastimes, from per mi t
hik minors to' eiictige in certain
itne or hiter or remain in nrf
."tniim, o'nd prohibiting min I
fom misroprcfciiting their ages,
r the purpiw of iitdifcing sue I
rMiii, to, jpefmit .suclt minor i
"gage in such gar..ea,or loiter
7matn in spch jilncif ,nnd provii -ng
penalties for violations of tht
iroviaious of this act"
, Section i. "J
If any person being the owner,
leasee, proprietory vr. implyee of
any pastime within thehmiu
of the City of loifc, Oregon, shall
uffer or permit any minor to rp-
main or" Jfliter .,.in , such
pastime, or engage in any game of
cards, dice throwing, billiards, or
pool, or other game ot chance.
either pramussmentor otherwise,
in such Fastimejeucb-per8QnaUalL
be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,;
and upon conviction thereof, shall
be punished by a fine of not lep
than 96.00, nor more than I'iO.OO
and the costs of such conviction,
or by imprisonment in the pity:
jail not exceeding 2ft days; or by
A both fin and imprisonment at the
discretion of the Court.
n Seetion Jf. (
Tf ny minor ahall r.fanl
and pretend to theowner, proprietor
losseeor employeny pastime, that
snob minor Is twenty-one years
cf age pr upward, for f he purpose
of inducing suth person tq permit
such minor to miter or remain in
such pastime, or engage in any of
the games enumerated fn aectipn 1
in sadfe pastime, etich minor upon
conviction thereof, thai) be pun
ished by a fine of toe less than
95.00 nor more than 950., and the
costs of. such conviction, ox by
ImprisonmenPin the City jail not
exceeding 2o days', tor by both
fine and imprisonment. '
All . ordinance or j arts -of
ordinance In conflict herewith
la aefoby repeared; This ordin
ance anal I be in uiu, force eno
effeot upon its pasrsge by the
Common Council! nd approval
fby the Meyer.
Peeted by the Common Council,
of the City of kIone. Oregon, this
srd day or August, ivuy, approved
by the Mayer of the City of lone.
Oregon', this Srd, day of August,
1909. .
. 0 J Prfrmlngloo, Recorder, j
S L PeAberg Mayor. '
6 acrst, about 7 miles from, conj .
er of Portland, i mile from electric
car line station 11 well' fenced, "
and in fine bearing orchardi alto
all kinds oMerries and vegetables,
5 room house with toilet, bath, hot -and
cold water, fine well, tower '
tank and wind mill, 100 high
irrndo chickens, horse and wngon
many other implements, pric
7fi00.00, will; take lflO acres o
good wheat land, in exchahge tot
part. ' i . .
Have 80 acre's of timber la'hi, A
few lots in best const town in Ore
gon, and a Mini ted amount of cash
for this we want a small wheat
farm, . - . i . , 1
9 room well buifci hAhfce In good
part of Pnrllnd, 60x100 lot. one
dock from ear line: Iiouev not eh
tlrely mmlerh,.butcan be made ko'
with smaU expense, price 95006.00
will takoriuij(cha'nge, good wheat
and up to 93000, to 94000.00 .'
Vny one wishing informatioir ;
regarding any of the above -
nquire et the : !'
(Swtal m.nmi) (NotOuii Lad)
Departbient of die Interior,
, U ft Land Uluce, Tim DnlW. Ore '
MetlMli hrbf ftrcH thai Keith Bpari
on of th bait nd for Uio hain f BnJmia
P. iiirfMndwvi1i at lUniitiert Qttgtrn
who, on Owmbrrih. Wl mwtv Iomitad
ntrr, ISI'-K for Lot, ISXNE.MtHE.Safl.
MumI SKSrfKl, Swtlon II TwpllKuM'
14 Kwt Wlllmactia erll'n haaAUtt aailcaoe
Intantton to maka rtaal ttvr-Trar uool la
atUUlab dalM Ulh land aboru dravrlbad. aa
fora ttw Canmr Clark al . all affloa la
Hattimar.Oraeoii.nn iticO I Aykl Jalr, im,; ".
t'latmaMt aamaaaa wltnraata: F HitrroiJalii
k Iom, Valuer Bar. ' ltca ana kVl 'Ball, el
Hepvaer. Orcvot, ,
iKNKAi. i,am orrnn,
. tr
July 30,1906
' MEM AND ENTRY. . ' ,",
Koilce Is herebr titan 'tliat the Aetiag -decietary
of itie larerior hav vacated de
partmental order of withdrawal la to far."
aa tha aim affects flu withdrawal lor.
Irrigation parpoeea ander the act of June
17, 1INU Iftf Bint.. WW) for see la eoaseea.
tion with tha V'maiilU Project, Oregoo,
of tlie following doacrihed landf lo the.
taWtJregonrTnd" h'hla authorityT
tnctiof aald tracte aa have not been here
tofore Anally ra(orad and are sol other,
wise wHMrewmreawrred orannroDrlaU
wf, will be aoWeot if taltloment ander '
Ibe fAiUla,laid ie.wsoI the United fttstee
en and after October Itt, 1UUU, but shall
not be sotyect toentryv Blina; or selection
untjl N win lai S, hm, at tin t'oited
Sralee land eUlce at The bailee, Oregon,
warning balniexprMlr given that no'
pereo will be pernaitted to gala orexer
eta any ritht whalavef gnugr any settla
mont or oeeopatlon b-itfrh alter July s
lWfcaml prior to October 1U, IMS, alt
an eh etttlaninjt or oatniUlon being for-
Mddea. i ; .
Wnfametle Priacfpal Ueridiaa.
T. 1 R., R. 90 all Bees. 1 to IS, to
ffandiatoSninvh - - .
T. 1-V Jt- it Kf, allrea, I to It, 33 to
7 and V to ftfl lcl, .).
T.bN., B. l'j fc , .11 th portion ta
OrOfOO. . . ft . mi . i
T.J".,.rl.;lli ' .
T.l H...k. p., al tiait port'en lo
Oreawi.' - y
T.3M..1I.31 fc-.aW.
T. tri., fc. Sk It,, atl tlHrt eonue Im
Oreajon.' - i " ' "
T.I K?, B.51B., a19-ifttetltefr "
nd rate Inef 4 ' . 1
T. S R. 33 K., all fee J, g, $ en 7
eonth el Colomlila Rfver and ail Beoj. a,
e, Ifl to 21 and tt to M laal.
0 V. Pro-drtt, AHiiffOrtnajtlaBioaar ty
the Oetierat Land OOteo.; ' V '
F-aaih PUee; Plrst aarttm Beerftary ,
41 .bo WrtertoT. .
' 1
f '