The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, July 30, 1909, Image 7

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    ' U United Btates gererament b tea
la tare individual purchaser of electric
lamp Is this country. It buys oUMWO
annually. '
Mothers wIO find Mr. Winlow eV-otMae.
fcrup thf b-t lemcdf to me lot taakohUdioj
-turuf lie tee tain- perlad.
Or er ena ralllSoo persons visit the Brit
ish Momub each year.
A feeling of security and freedom
from anxiety pervade the home in
which Hamlio Wiwd Oil to kept con
stantly on band. Mother know it can
always be depended apon in time of
The Peril ns bare a different
lor every day la the month.
For Infant and Children,
The Ktad Yon Han Always Bought
Bean to
Fifty yeare record of criminal statis-
rlcs ahow that thievery haa decreased 40
per cent.
"I hare used yonr valuable Caacareta
and I find them perfect. Couldn't do
without them. I have need them for
some time for indirection and biliousness
and ant now completely cured. Recom
mend them to everyone. Once tried, yon
will never be without them in the
family." Edward A. Mara, Albany, N.Y.
' Pleasant, Palatable. Potent. Taste Good.
D Good. Never Sicken. Weaken or Gripe,
' Mc.ZSc. 30c Never told la bulk. Thegaa
oine tablet stamped CCC. Guaraaleed to
eare or year mooter I
Art the Brltiah rich In Immediate
dancer of being taxed off the British
IsImT This to a question that to be
ing naked ssrlously. The British preaa
day by day echoes the despairing pro
teste of the well to do against the rap
Idly toe retain hardens of taxation, of
which no man knows the end. The
prediction to freely made by English
men of affairs resident of this coun
try that any substantial Increase in
taxation will be followed by an exodus
of the British well to do, and espe
cially of the British rich from the
British isles. They will seek in this
country or some other a havea where
the Idea of taking away the property
of those who have It to give it to
those who have none does not obtain.
The Englishman pays a tax when be
Inherits property.
He pays an income tax on his rent
als and on bis salary ejP
He pays a tax on nls automobile:
He pays a tax on all stock exchange
He pays, a tax eh all his land, and
on all increase In land values.
He pays, tn addition t the rent ef
his dwelling, tax for lighting, pavr
ina and police protection. ' ,
He nave a tax for the privilege 01
wearing a ring with a crest on it, ana
a tax lor putting armorial bearings
on bis omrrlage-
He nays a tax for his carriage, bis
dog, his gun. and bis pistol.
Alaska-Yukon-Pacifk Exposition
Cocoa to the Fair: you'll llhe It.
' BUILD rN OS aant for 90e Honey Order
And another of the diy nf
Very Fit, 'or 11.06. poatpakl
Live to Seat Jo and happy
!7 lafcol Sat staTHi. SUM. la aw Mil
hi all Drlced bit in
ewdcrawilt do and doei
it bftter. It reiaes the
douti and nukes Uht-
ar, sweeter and bcttet
ritenloodi. Sold oy (re
aanie end sddieu. wo
SriS toad yes a booh e health and baklnc powder.
CPXSCKNT MTG. CO, Seattle, Wn.
Sloeed ear.
fad kill all tit.
M, fli vru
mrnwJ, itixi
Iruhrhatp. Leaks
all a. CM
mat ti 111 or U(
evar, will ae oil
or lalnr aay.
Sealer, er eaat prepaid Car at eoata.
tUROLB sOEEM, 1 10 Oeaals awfc, rtS., t
t fJttlUCTS
U tease a Linear ta Palataas D aj
Work a Pltllni
Ont-of-Town People
SfcuM ii i ill it Out ear fares hi ea arraaei
TRACT I NG TREK wfc-n letaa or erW are or
jrTavp irurwc TX1K Hon SENSITIVE
FAIN. NO Mi ULI.W lO aewmaraHW.
For the) Next nrteem Darya
. lata craws for ...." "J-J
GaM ar OBaaaal SBSaaV-.
??TZi- : i
Tha baat red robber aeaMe -
- - - aaaS aSiianal
The Wise Dental Co.
(fjaCJ tlirJaa
Re pays ft tax tor the .privilege of
shooting game.
Hs pays a tox eai every servant
. He pays a tax when he dies or bis
estate does and leaves property.
"Americans neve little idea of the
various taxes that are Imposed In
England," save a writer on the sub
ject. "If yon are ft renter and pay,
say $800 ft year rent, yoa would be
obliged to pay not less than 190 addi
tional, which would cover the light
ing, navlngeead police protection. But
richer people are caught to all sorts
of way. For Instance, in England I
would pay $E a year for the privilege
of wearing this ring. It carries a
crest and if I bad . ft carriage witi
armorial bearings upon It I would be
obliged to pay $10 a year for that
privilege. When a man diet bis estate
must pay a tax of 1 per cent on every'
thing. If his estate to below $8,600
In value; I per cent on $6,000, $ per
cent on $&0,000, 4 per cent on $125,
000, 4 per cent on $200,000, I per
cent on $225,000, 5H per cent on (500,
000, per cent on $750,000, 7 per cent
on $150.000, $ per cent on $2,600,000,
t per cent on $3,7e0,0OO. and 10 per
cent on $5,000,000.
"Perhaps the .greatest burdens
which the land owner to subject to
are on account of the poorhousse,
which are maintained at great ex
pense, and on account of the nsw pol
icy of old age pensions; that to, pen
stoning any one over certain age
who hasn't an Income of LU a week.
The great question that to being con
sidered In England apparently to not
what to do with the unemployed, but
with the unemployable. ' The people
who have saved mousy and nave mads
the most of their opportunities appar
ently will -he obliged to take ears of
those who have not taken care of
themselves and who never could take
care of themselves. .t
The amount of the graduated death
duties, or Inheritance taxes, collected
In the United Kingdom, which has a
population of 44,000,000 and upward.
ranges from $80,000,000 to $66,000,-
000 annually out of a total Internal
revenue of $470,000,000 to $480,000,'
000. It Is drawn from more than 7,
000 estates. The revenue from the
death dues is a little more than half
that from excise Imposts, and conald
erably more than halt the amount real'
toed from the Income tax. '
The mature of the realty which eon-
tributes to the duties to varied, but
agricultural land furnishes toss of the
total than household property and
business premises. For 1808 the net
value of household propers jnnd busi
ness premises was 28.I37W while
in agricultural land It fVi trifle
under 17,000,000. Leas.nolds were
valued at 9,100,000 and ground rents
at 3.945,000. Other Items exceeding
1,000,000 were building lands; mines,
mineral and quarries; cesser of an
nuities, and sporting rights. Real
estate not classified was ft fraction
under 2,000.000.
Owners of big properties alone will
not suffer The great landlord, it to
predicted, will promptly advance rents
and stop- all Improvements jtnd con
st ruction. Financial opinion to unaul--mous
that enormous sums will be
driven out of the country. The bank
era and big houses which float go
ernment- and other foreign loans say
that the new tax on sucb -transaction
cover the entire' margin between
profit and loss and that such deals
hereafter will go to Paris, New York
and Amsterdam, The New York stock
exchange, it to ssld, will profit mate
rially. There haa been large specu
lation in American securities In Eng
land, but the bulk of that business
hereafter will be transacted In New
York to escape the English stamp tax.
The effect ef some of the other new
taxes to problematical.
Tfte Bta. Wfce rivet r-- M tat
ky- MohMIm sad DM ret.
To-day Idaho Springs will dedicate
mnnument to ths man who first
found gold in the Rocky mountains.
Oeorge Jackson to dead and beyond
the reach of the honor paia mm mem
ory. He died several years
obscure corner of the State where he
was making ft freah try ftt fortune.
trying again In Old age to nna ror
himself enough gold to remove him
from the necessity to keep up ths
erck. Independent ana sen-".
to the end as he had been wnen miy
years ago bs was living on the natur
al food of ths country ana mating u.
hnmi nnder the stars, be who had
pointed the way for many men to be-
millionaires through mining
gold, lived and died with empty pock
eta. -
The dav George J season louno we
first gold fcn the land out of which a
great Btate was to be reared because
of his find, he was most Interested in
the fact that he bad found some dig
gings where be (Oeorge Jackson) was
coins: to make ft fortune If be could
and that he bad killed ft mountain
sheep whch would help out Us o
mlnlsblng supply of "State" gruo un
til be could get hack to wnere ne
could get more of the same. His chief
concern rixht then was the fact that
his dogs, "Drum" and "Kit," bad been
worsted in a fight with ft carcajou and
were tog lame to travel. There wasn't
much In all that to suggest thought
ef empire building or greatness. Time
be taken ear ef that and brought
It Into perspective, on Hi part it
was a simple act In the day's work;
In ths light of fifty years we are
ready to pay with our regard the debt
ef obligation under which be placed
a State which set op business In bis
f - iletiBg
Time to Jealous of It large tasks.
It picks and test the men rt permits
to perform them. Most often it con
siders' ths privilege of doing them
sufficient reward. Jackson was per
mitted to find the gold; ether were
foroed to be content with merely min
ing ft' The others grew rich; Jack
son had been marked for ft btoaer of
trails, ft searcher. So be died poor In
the midst of the rich field he had
died as be bad lived poor
proepsetor doing the work Time had
picked him to do. He left te the fu
ture only a esemory. but that will live
long after those who were prlvi-
Iteed only to harvest In his field will
have been forgotten. It to a way Tim
has of evening ap the score- Denver
Honnbllean. .
- j j- j - .
Tate Files saw If Haei PaM tai
laaojs a ftestvnanpees. '
. There to no more pernicious sophis
try than this widely prevalent theory
sheet "easy noae?" for ft strikes
Sanaa nature at It weakest nefat,
say n writer e the Kansas City
Joe real. People who could net he
teanpted to ooansalt ft ertoso will taaas
at the ehanee t get eeeesthlng for
aethlng. sad away who might not be
too scrupeiloe hot would shrink free
a hetauM etense are ae Breed agalnet
the swdnetlnsjo ef "easy oesy." The
yarycaoeoery of thla weakness Stay or
mr net n back as the ftiurdea of
deal nasi the prises, ewrse ef SfL
OartaJn M to that there) to a hiharint
to h
I A , -C. . , r , , 1,.
" , " , ' . I . '
m -s ; f
V " I ,v 1 l'' s 1 f" 1
" t ( ' -. M 1
' I itsr-T . . SiAdAX jprxrw
JF M"- Avaieirlt TJTs
Th Wright airship has no wheels, bat ft est of wooden runners like
tolgh. Tbess travel upon ft rail, and the Initial Impetus to given to the
machine by ths release a weight which run ever a pulley In d wooden
tower. The descent of the weight makes the airship fly o tn a Iseetlon
nway from the tower. The Impetus causae it te rtoo ft Uttto, end afterward
Uasecrews and plans keep tt ftflont
tt yield as evil, yearns for the eternal
pood and stretches Its bend epwsrd.
w tow U may have mien.
swsat of one's brow. Normally eenv
etracted people combat thUj rebellious
spirit through the human ejection
which ennoble toll end eoneecrate the
hardest tasks t the couifsit at leeed
owes. Bat there r few neeple who
work Terr hard for the ftsaaw lev ef
working hard.
-Easr awner to the flisrast and
hardest In the world; tt to gsleed at
fearful pries, whether M Is the booty
ef the hlthwayaaan or the umamrwed
and in-awtten gain ef the dishonest
man of basin east The human law but
net tench the otaaer. rich or poor; the
peaHawtlary doers may not swing shut
on either. But th price meet he said
aH th saaai f" bi a eeta ef the
seel, tn peace ef mind saU leeeef oerf-
h thee easel way tn
-People wtU praise mr wort After t
mm dead." said the playwright, gleevn-
-Pertaaps," answered ton cold bleed
ed actor; "bat isn't tt a good deal ef
a sacrifice tor ft Uttto aratoer Waatv
tegten Star.
Th Pntter---And do yon sleep with
year bond te the north
The Deeeeev Let ss ess! Whleh
way does the ehsreh Stand, snywnrj
Teakers fitalismi.
He wssiss should give' way" ht grant
Let bet neep her hair frtseed. aa4
ef Varies CMsttHew.
Belgian works are getting large er
dsrs for steel rails from Brasll, Swe
den, the Kongo and other coun
tries, also for bolts and metal ties,
say the Nsw York Sun.
. The rubber Industry In Mexico to
not as profitable a was expected. ' In
side of a few years the far eaat will
hare 90,000,000 para trees producing
from one to three pounds year of
rubber superior to th beat Mexican
grades. Fewer tress produce mora
runner in ui rar ease.
The study ef English hs been mad .
compulsory in ths primary schools of
In 1908 there, were organised In
Austria thirty-five Joist stock eonv
pan lea, with $16,$ft0,000. abont halt th
1007 record In number and amount.
Italian Import of American good
In 'th. nlns month ended March,
1809, reached ft Talus of $47,78,71,
or $6,216,000 more than In the nine
months ended. March,- 1908. Argen
tina's Imports were $25,414,817, tn in
crease of $1,148,000. , ,
Ths Bwsdlsh government . 'has ap
pointed n tariff commlsstonin prep
ration for a thorough revision of the
tarts It mo.
July 1, 1908, will begin: in enforce.
meat of the new pure-tood law In
Switzerland, . The American meat
trade to largely latereeied. a some
and the Inspection fees Ipajr, bs put
iar um oigo. -fti
The Mexican railroad fled It fa
cilities overtaxed te move the Impor
tations entering th country at th
port of Vera Crux. Notably among
importations the automobile demand
In Mexico to shown to bs steadily in
creasing. Taxlcabs ere ft success la
Mexico city. All told Mexico bought
$3t,7,71ft worth of American good
In the nine months ended Msrck, l90f,
against $"4,689,837 purchases by Araer
leans ef Mexican goods. i
Portugal Imports yearly from $80,
000,000 to $85,000,000 worth Of mor
ehandlse, .of which $ per cost to
American. Sit articles cotton, com,
petroleum, tobacco, wheat and staves
account for all but $700,000 worth
of the American goods Imported. That
$700,008 to mad op ef nearly 800 sr
tlcles, many ef which sre material
for manufacturing. In maaufaeture
Imported th America share to In
significant. Transportation to -our'
handicap beside want of know led a
of the Portuguese market Americas
letter are not Infrequently addressed
-'Lisbon, Spain." TartsT rate are high.
, ,. - , i
flmtt-Ci Cftllwrem.
ft to not only the frivolous whom
low epirn wi hiiuihimi jhh blvw
leading astray. Silliness to the fash
Ion even among th wis. Women
eeneefalty affect a hi of eMtdtob
shrewdaess la talking sn serious suh
tact. Like children who bare the)
HUH ws wvwmniium, xamj eva ibw
awns Of reality, and because they
never talk exactly as they think they
begin to thlak exactly a they telkv-.
Leas' on Spirted sr.
reese the Befty, "
Hewitt Osss year baby keep yeej
Jseste -We, I feetod ktoti fts sson
s The ws born I gat a job wwslodj
nightn. '
A swan who hepes ft great dent witt
erearthlnaj naay
our henum neusjre. ven whue