The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, July 30, 1909, Image 5

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lone Prbclaimer
knc Oregon, J my 80, 1909;
IoneTown Officers
layer , I. L. Padborf
Recorder .. '.,..0. J. Pautntuma
treMiirt,.u...u..1...Ll J. A. IVuten
Marh ........r. T.J. CirU
i:,miublf W.C Cmou
aePNPl. Llt JuJ Wnor iiUnt.,,. E. B. Miller
(f. G.Bi.inr
I K V. Allium
T. Park I at
"'""."I Ma- ll&lvomsa
i:.B. B Mm
- - .Prank Kiigalmaa
d ricBM or school putaict
Clark. T.fsrfclni
fU. J. Pennington
' U; 1 Stratum
JteslfUir : C. W. MojW
tti-eir i..1....,.,..Lonii H. Ar&MOD
Lodges Meet s Follows;
3lMon elnwdy ilia-tat mi or ireeedlng
tlie llrt lull imwiit "t iwfi month.
4 Mil Follows -Kvrtj :-'inr0uy ulght. '
, Jtobekai.t Flntniid ihlrd ThuMiajr vln
(OHl'll Dl'Mlttl.
lCKc;lL l,uJiK W. f. W !o.7M. meaia flrat
"kihI tlilnl Uturd? evrnlmfl each month.
OKUAN t.OliUE I.ll.O.F.Ko, Ml, K0U
Ttrr ' nvwflay oiah t Morgan.
p'AH communication!, nfl far at
ssiblf" should reach as not Inter
V?uan Tuoitduy nignt. Please bear
this in mind and have communica
tions in on time.'1 Editor.
Mr Wm 8 wan son is liouse
'cleaning and having the' house
repapered. '
Mrs Dohyns and Walter spent
thff day at Mrs iioipe'i home on
Itliea crock last Sunday. This
. being the first time lira i;ohyns
hai left "Iter invalid litishnml
for over two yerrs and eaten a
ineal front home,
- ' IfllB I Willi nimi fl UVIIH IHIIU
her many friends are rejoiced that
Dr Chick snys she Will not hnvi
'to go to Hie Portland hospital at
' this time.
Don't cook dinner at home Bun-
day. Go to the hotel and enjoy n
Rood dinner, without thd trouble
of cooking it.
Mrs Knappenberg and MSbs
. Edna Woolery visited Heppner
Tuesday, .,
The water conference at Hepp-
ner whs. largely, attended and
another meeting will be held in
the near lutnrei ' . .:
Tlte Mi!fl.,Apl, Coehram and
, , Pearl iOnwin and Hearts jCaeh
Mallorv und Ed Fuller drove to
the M(i?on 'ranch last Sunday;
IO5t; 0iie yearling" jersey steer,
with a wire on' nek: spiked horn,
light Color, animal hi good condi
tion. FimU-r will be given by see
ing1 R. W, Cochran. .
-"KuMiiTcTVniotlier left for her
home .Wednesday after a nice
' visit here. '
T '."' Born -WednwdnyUuly 28ih
y-Mon to Mr arid Mrs Oscar William
f Hln at the home of Mrs Jordan in
- W T fife Nahb came over from
Kei Perce Tuesday to be present
at the water conference at Htyp-
ftirand MraWilinotanddaughter
left Monday for m few davs in Port
ua. , - ' ' '
John llnrbko enme up from
- Portland Monday on a buincsa
" trip. ; ' .
, Mr and Sirs Mationey paaeed
-through Wetinesdnjr orf a trip to
Mr Escne hae started a ihooting
llefy in the old Harry Reed
tand next door to the Hotel.
Anyone in need of lime, cement,
and shingle call ahd see G F Par
ser before going elsewhere. ,
J P Rhea aod wilt of Walla
Walla cam ow Batunlaj for a
Tisit. Urs Rhea, said thej, bad
bronghl orer.ODe toed for oar
people this time.
The lone Preal aimer ia 10 a jr.
Mrs Marcotte and daughter -of
San Jose, California are- here
visiting her sister Mrs N Swan son
and her brothers, the Troedsons
of Ella, '
E. A. Race, Manager of the
Wind River Lumber Co, vent
over to Mora last .Monday ami
returned, to Ipne on Thursday
with a wife. The young cnnple
wilt make their home here and
the people are wore than pltastd
to have them among us. ,
The Hotel is putting up as fine
food as ean be found out side of
Portland. If you want a pood
dinner, go there and get It.. You
will bo pleased. '
The Lawn Social given .by the
ladies of the Congregational church
last Friday evening at the home
of E J Rristow wag a unqualified
success. Early in the evening a
peanut hunt wai enjoyed by tiie
children in which Charley Penning
ton. took the prise. Refreshments
were served and a large crowd did
justice to the Viands provided. .-. '
J W Beoket of Portland came
up last Saturday to visit his sou
Walter and family of Eightmile.
Miss Anna 8wannon,. who hnt
been the successful nniM lone
has known for several years wnn
married July Slst in Portland to
Clyde .Nichols of Grangevillc,
Idaho. The happy couple visited
the Seattle fair and came to Alor
gaif Wednesday ,pf this week to
visit Mrs Nichols parents. Thry
will leave for their new- home in
Grangovills Monday. ;
Chicken dinner with all the
"(Uin"at the Hotel Sunduy. .
lone Pfoclaimer and
Portland Journal - $2.
Ruftis - Cochran ' has a meat
wagon, out supplying the harveters
with fresh meat, Jetsie Mnson -be
ing in charge. The two tri into
tbe Kightmile region ha been a
great Biiccess. :
Eva Ln'udeU seven yeara old,
and Leola Akers three years, had
it birthday celebration of the Lon-
deU and Akeral families a,t the
home of A. Lunriell on July 29th.
All had a delightful time.:',
E H Andrews came In Saturday
brought in a sample of his forty
fold wheat. The Pet leys boys are
catting it for him and ihey Bay it
is tun mm. mej nam cut mis year.
The lone Skating Kink
will be open Saturday nihlit
Every bed v- r -mritcd
Co mo. - - '
. (HAN ; 01 WOMAN) ;
A320 Acre souti Airlcai
VcierJa Boustg UN
ccrisacaic v .
' v . t - . - i '
Ifuh1 by tlie Depnrtinent of
the rnteriorovcriinient of
Canada, Ottnlvit, under tlio
Volunteer lioupty Act. 1U08.
(jooI for 3'ZO 'acree of any
Dominion land open fur
entry in Albert, $ukatclie
wan or Manitoba. Anrrrson
over the age of 18 yeirrVxAn
kr WOMAN, cnu acquire
this land with thin f'vrtifientu
witliout further.cliaVge. For
immediate sale, 100.00. ,
Write or wire, I. E. , Telford.
131 Shuter Streef, Toronto,
lone Proclaimcrnd
Wecklj Orcgoriian-2.
Will pay a yearns
Subscription to
V lone
and the ; :
Pacific t ) .
' ' "
Monthly '1-
Regular price $3
This offer will notiast
long, so come yc NOW
(Serial .No M1 Not 'ol IjitiU
J)eMtrinieiito( the (meriur,
U. 9. L-nd Offlce, The Dallci, Or.
- j July Till, IH0
XMtM it hrhr flvMiiaal IWionnl Me KTllt
of lem, Oraim. wbe on (M l. nxh, tw.1. mad
Uone(d, Knur. 1-W. Tor KKUSWIt
nd NWiaKX). Ssetlon U, Towmhip v .North,
King 4. t.n WllUroolIti icrldin. hii
A led aotlno el Intontlo to iantr Flul
in roars Proof, loeiiabllah "talm io ihaland
aboradeaerlbad. belora J P Williftuii. Unite
Statoa CommtMlutir at Ilepintur, Ori'iota,
thalTlhdaroAniinit. 1.
Cla1tnantti4mia wltMBuwa: KihvurJ lie
Uatla.ol UxKn an . 1'airirk t.t art, of ono,
Larncy O'hcrlr &) JoIid Mclwilrof Upf
ner. Oresoa.. " . '
(I Hoor j
"" 1 : acfiitwt
viriut WofMn DM.i
These la such to be said against tbe
Mew York caoby, bat there fre
qaent occalon when one Is- realty de
serrlas'of sj-mpatLr. Tbe other day a
cabby drove a well dressed and re
(tned looking woman to a Broadway
restaarant, where sbe ordered an x
peoslve luncb and then told the waiter
that sbe had lost her parse, bnt that
her cab was waiting- and U he would
send a boy with bar she would sjo
home for the money. Tbe boy entered
tbe cab with her, and sbs directed the
cabby to drive to a Sixth avenue de
fwrtment attire. When they arrived
abe left the boy fa tbe cab, entered the
store to make aa Imaginary purchase
and went out at the opposite entrance
la the hope of getting' Information
a boot his departed fare, cabby dime
back - to tbe netaaraat, acoampanteA
by tbe brass tattooed boy, whom he
blackguarded all tbe way for letting;
tbe woman escape. The restaarant
people discharged the lad far die aanjo
reason, and the dstvet cried aon
New Vork Time.
OhWetane Nleknamii '
A eolteeUoa of tbe nlekmuaes that
were from time to time conferred wp
oa Mr. Oladatono would be a Sag dic
tionary of epithets alike ef tore and
dislike. Besides sort perennials aa tna
Grand Old iltaa, "the O. O. M and
the pt-ople'a Wintaa wo recall the
Pranel,.ae BiO, tbe Pope of Enclend,
St Wl' am the Woodcutter, the 1'eo
dl ef ? Midlothian, the Old Parliamen
tary H. ad, the People'a WUL Mr. atev-rypebkJ,-,
tbe Andes Senator, Tonart
the tUx ni mi fci B4H, Prime Billy,
W. the Only WuJlam and the Old
OenOor aa At one time bis same wan
a fnvetua thssne.Car Cnrfsbnen emv
asnsng wnlon may ha teansaa.
tbe foUowlnw sliaaat ewtbnrnt
of a Oanaervatlvw wit: 1 ahonM he gay
ret n I eamld threw as seeend atmy
-WeaDy, gVaat
-ok, joyr
it ansa eemin. If yea any
YJt. eyr aamat 1 stml g stnlgmt
Wfc, yayl On. yt Ok, srP est
General JMercIiandise
JfWt :
-V :
1 A Complete St'rTT' :
Garpets and Window Shsdss
New 1909 Wall Paper.
Retired and Rellnlshed.
Any! hing not carried in stock
S. E. M00RE,
I I ..:. ,vi:: 1
lone Proclaimer
proclaimer oma
lone. Ore.
t Law
haetssaai AO CenrtB. Leant Intam
Btven Preeay and Carets! Attention.
Land Contests, frees Wert ams Oaa
wy sliaj a ajidilsy.
FOUND Between IoneanilOoeee
berry, 80 grain sack r. The owner
oan have samt by catling on T V
aforgan, Gooseberry, and paying
for tliis notice. .
The ProoJni xner for $1 .60 i y r
AH Kinds efFunniurfc
iron Beds RctoiucEcpa.
will be ordof ed at Red action
& Oregonian
of At West
satlfiilrr llmstresad Timely
Artlelee Reedahle gterkse.
U.d Jm IWWs VMS r
Im st lle 8ery Wew - ..
SsrbtlTr. AraWe"-', !
hi the West,
tmi s SMMflrfsfceOaV
gH i-f Liril
We save a Special QobHog offer
now oa witfc the Pacific KootUr
aaPftdaintTlar - ' -
mI ew Sswe k sesAest ef res
Atfm ....