lone Proclaimer Ur E. WARD, Editor and Proprietor. published every Friday at lone, Marrow County, Oregon. By the I'rocl aimer Publishing Co. tJIICKIPTIONI 1.SO Wtn .YEAR i Entered at the lone postoffice as second class matter. TRAIN SCHEDULE MAXCII UXt '.mvm Heppner 7:45 a. m, Ivh Ions B :50 a. m. Arrival at Junction - - 10:28 a. m, leaves Junction l;l3p. m. l,HV-i June -8 p. m. Armlsat llsppner 4:lo p. in. MAIS uxi tVwt-noiin1leeveJiiitciionlO:5 a. m. Knit-booiiJ leva Junction 1:16 p. m. C. J. Panningtou, AkvuL QffiCCTi of Morrow Cotmty, Orecon Otn-nlt Jii.1i. If. J.B liNltl.t Aiiyriwy Jnhit Mrtititiir J'lltit l:i,.r.writMllft T. 1. Mnhnnej- ILMHit Ju-la IMVltenou . . iW. T. I'Kmnbell liwiuir uMttlMtMft....... j jj, j.itoviii v-hh i "Vt - 1,1,1 K.M.Hb.tt tj A-wior u. V. I Umlrh-wit Crauur rijr V. It. it. Hul Hrli'ml diiriiWrtH( K. N'n GitniMi C.tfuiwr.. , J. I- Ouiim roun mm ths flrM StnniUy In JmiiiHrr hikI wu-kt ulienmto miinlli ; rirruil phuri men Hi third Mii'ly iu Mj ud third llondu U SuvitiubM. Subscribe !or the PitocUiMKB. And now crimes. ITie prophecy licit a new religion will he cm brae h I by the peojde, taking for lis only creoil, I,ovo of (iod and Fel lowman. II thi- creed wits lived to, (Imi prnce (but would follow votild lw like unto that of heaven. While- there is imuh wheat in evidouce llicitr tlnys nbout lone, 'it i.4 not ii tiind of one product only and among other thingft to he seen are the sixty young tixkoyj Ihnt Mrs French 11 it r roughs has raised for the fall u:arket. The railway war that is tuking place, for right of way into central Oregon, is only the beginning of this Awakening at to the thing to desired in that direction. With the entrance of the railway will onr.e n settlowient ol as fine n land tin God has pieced on earth. And lc wid us the fanning hinds will come into view a rich mineral that will give treasures to the people of the vniuahle nature , The young, unspoiled human animal has n liking far sugar just as it has tor sunlight, for fresh air, inr nlav. for paddling in the-eorl and plunging in the stream, or for food when itiir hungry and sleep when It is tired, and, subject, of course, to reasonable limitations, as wholesome na any of the others. This is precisely what our special iota in children disease and -)im reminded family physicians hre been ttrfiinj for decade past, and It would bt snft la say that next to the banishment of siarehy foods; gruels and papa from the nursery, and the substitution of purr, sweet milk, few thing, hare dne ntrtre to increase the tigor and happiness ol modern children and cut down our disgraceful Infant mortality, than th free and intelligent use in the, nuraery of aweet fruit, preserve, gar,tafi4 end butter scotch 8 ncees (Iaga line, - CcqL Almost refresh inf shower fell Monday irv this Tletnliy. Mr and Mr Chai lie Bee el pen dleton were visiting (he former daughter' Mrs Roger 8 few day IhefMit week. " h K .Mc Jtee made a trip to Echo Friday returning Monday accomp anied by little Hazel Mc Bee who will visit lior father fo; a month before school begin. Huita cleaned and pressed for 91 extra pants -10c and ladies skirt 91,50at the barlior shop. Ralph Hymnr i'rup. Also got your shoes ahined. Peter liaiiernlif ml returned from a ihonthVmitiiig at Mc Duffy Hot Springs Monday. ' Jack Ifyiids hum a.busincs, vis itor in Hc'!M,'r '""t tveck. Zeimett l.oniiti accompanied, by Mistf Jo.-. it; Alinli linn run-a-way Sunday which fortunately did not prove scriou.. The liorsi' became frfi'!itiifl i.r l bciin kicking and rumiinii upsciiiuj tin- buggy and breaking loo.e at l bo f nine time. Little K-liter Loau uns nlso in the I'lifjy. All t-ffcspid injury ex cept 'Zeiictt who li;ul an ugly gash cut u hi fiii t lieiul, requiring three sutrhe. Tiie hiiiTKV vnw somewhat tiuiuacil., M'(re ii ml Hoivl lgiiorn ol Arliiit.tu uur! in (.'ceil Monday TiifiMlay iiniutiiiybe Kerr G iff ord wareliuiiht; a bright vfrmilHon with nVaiiine en jim. and spray pump. '' rtrrTf-slingTs the oidcr of the dav here, l)oib liciulin and hay ing tw in?, under gond headway, and tie; yield nn'itu ln.yond expec tations. ' NotU:i!--Bi'ichke of Iono'wisb est iioi ify purticHon .tlifNorthsidt who h.'ivo -tock riiiiuiiift nt inrjjc that if ilify don't keep them out of his -ni in be will take llicm up ami iitiing them to Ion to the liv ely stahle wiire (be owner will have t" pjiy charges. TEACUEft'S EXAMINATION Notice U hereby given that the 'County Superintendent of Morrow County will 'hold' the regular ex animation of applicants for state mid county paper at the CduH Hoie ;rt -Jfepmior, us follows: r'OR' STATE PAPERS. (.'ommencing Vtnesday, Aug 11, ut do'clock a.Mn. and eoutinuing until Saturday, Aug. 14, iH rf i')e h in. . WEDNESDAY Penmanehip,. Hintory. Spelling, Physical Geog raphy. Heading. INy etiology. THUnHI.Y Written Arithme ti. Tm.)i y of Teaching, Grammar Bookkeeping, Physics, Civil Gov ernment, FRIDAY Physiology, Geog raphy, Composition, Algebry, 'Knglish Literature, School I,aw S ATlT KD A Y liotuny, Plane Geometry, Genera! History. ' fOR COUNTY PAPfcRS. Commencing Wednesday, Aug. 11, at 9 o, elock a. m., end contin uing until Frh'ay, Aug. Ill, at 4 p. m. . . WF.DXKSDAY. -Penmanship, History, Orthography, Iteading, Physieal Geography.' THURSDAY ArithmeticTheory ofTeaihin,Cranmar, Physiology. FRIDAY- -Geegraphr, Rrhool LaW.Citil Covernment, English Literature. t,.- Respect fully, . .. . . ' 8. R. Kotson, - j County Superiulendeni. NOTICR OF'BAT.R or REAL PROPERTY BY ADMINISTRATRIX . Notice 1 hereby siren that the undersigned administratrix of th estate of J. A. Woolerr, deceaeed will from and after Monday the 90tfc day of August, 1909, at the hour ol 10 o,clock In the forenoon of said day at the office of Q. X. Woedeon isi the City of Ueppner. Merrew Connjly, Orefoa offer at private sale to the highest biddsj upon the turws hereinafter stae'd, end subject to confirmation by th County Court of Morrow County, State of Oregon the following discribed real property belonging to the Ketate of J A. Woolery deceased, to wit: BWtf at section 1 ; SWt of section 3; W, ol8EVo( sections; N)of NE of section 10; KH of Kft'Xi UK of N W i and NK W of BW ' of SMtioall; all of section 18; fs ami fitt'H of section S3 ; N WJi of seetion 2S ; 8U'H of section 2ft; of section 91; EX of section !K; W and NEH of section S; and U EH of secliou 84 ; and all of section 36, all ia Township 1 North, Range H Kst WiilamfiileMeriillsn.- All of seetion 6; si) of section 8; BW )' of rectlrn 14; of NE.' and Kj4 of 8 of section 10 ; N A H ol secftlou 23 ; N W4' at Mction SH ; LotsSand 4 and KK of HVIH of eecllon SU, nil lit township x North, Kange H Ksit, W. SJ. , , W 4 of section l ; HW of section St ; and N WW ami BW of KKX of See- tfon 30, all In Towmliip t North, Range 35 East Willamette Meridlsn. Allot sect toe 1. lownihip g North, Run? 23 Eait Wills me tte Uerldine. ME) of section 2U Township 1 North, Rang3& Kaat'WiUaBiette llerMlaa, HWX, VTX ol KWjf and V) of BEX olrection 1; BEX of section 4; 6W of seclion0;alloferctionl3; WjJ of EK and NWX Of seetion 13; BEX of 8EX and SWX of Bectitii U; Wyi and. Wj of NEX and NEX of NEX tfaeclion 23; WX of EX otasction ;BEXofeectloH 2S-; WX of SWX of section 38, all in IVmuship 1 North, Range 26 East W.U 8WX and SX of NEX of section 28 ; N'SolNE etsecliou33; NX and N-X ofSX of section 84;EX o'NWX.S X of NWX snd NWX of SWX of section 35, and BWX of section 30, all in Town ihtp3North, JUii- E. W, M. I. ts 1, 2, 3 and 4 of aectlon Br SEX and EX of WX of section 0, all in Totru ship 1 N, Range 27 E. W.U. All of section 38 in Towmliip 2 North; Ring 27 East Willmiiotto Meridian. BWX and WX of KX of section 2; K H of section , WX ot seetion 8; NX of sectioii 1U; NEX ol NEX of section Hi WX of NWX and KX of NWX of lieu 12; SX of SWX of section 24; WX. WX of KX and BKW of SEX of section 23 and BWX of section 3U, all In Town ihip 1 Sou tb Range SKnst W. H. Lots 1. 2, S and 4 BEX of NWX and BW'X of NEX f section 2; Lots 2, 3 and 4 and 8X of NWX of section 4; excepts tract described aoiollova; Beginning 11 chaina Esatof BK Coriter of X ' ectien 4, running tlisnce W 11 cliaias, thence N 30 chains, Uienee E X chains tlianee HE 21 cbaini to place of beginn ing, containing lft acres; Also WX of SWX ofNWX ofsectionB;8X of section ;8X olscetloa;)irX orswtfcmtn, and NX offeclios 81, all ia.rjwnship 1 B R 24 Eaet Willamette aleridfan. BEX Of eetioa 10; NEX of section 18; EH of HEX, BWX of BEX and BEX of SWX of section 30; NEX snd E X of N WX of sectien 3D, all in Township 3 6 Range 23 East Witfnmette Meridian. , WX of KEV and WX SEX of sec tkn 12;inTovMliip88 Range 28 Eaat Willamette JlerWian. . BEX ef sectios IS; NX of tec I ion 18; snd SEft of aeelloa S8, all la Tomahip 3 Hi : Knnge 2 KH willame to Meridian. . EXofSEXuirfEXofSEXofieciion 4 ia Toweship 3 S Ranee 24 E. W. H. EH of NEX tf section 84 In Townsnlp 4 B. Range 28 Knit willanwtte Hrftlian A1m Lou 7 and 8 ef Block 8 of the Orlgii sl Town ef lone, Oregon; Lots 7 and 8 of Park Blouk, Will's Addition to lone, Orseoh ; Lot 8 of Pa k Block. lone, Oregon ; East 8 tret of Lot 8 and West 1 1 feet of L .1 7 of Block 15, of Will's addi lioe to lone, Oregon r Lota 8, ft, T and 8 of Block lo of Wiil'a Addition to lone, Oregon, AH being m Morrow County, Htataof Orrgoa, Said real property will be . sold either Intact and as a whole or In tract parcels or anb-diTisious to suit purchaMrs) and th term of such sal will be ettner cash In hand, or not le than Fifty thoas- tnd Doihirs C.ish and, hal&nce on . tme sttcwred- hy first janortgnge n the real property eold. ( Thi sal h made under and In i:traonc of a license and order t sale, granted made and entered i record by th County Coart of .or row County, Oregon on the .: h day ot July, 1906 in th matter the Kstate of 1. A. Woolery. ueeied authorising this admtnhv :Vatrix to sell said real property. Doted July SOth, 1909. ; Helen V. Kuappenbeg, , Administratrix of the Kstate oj J. A. W oolery Je usees d. ; ' . " : - FIRST Mrs M.V. GANGER Proprietor . Clarence M. White v LAWYER Heppner - ' Oregon P. fi, Balsiger , DEALER IN CHAMPION ' Mowers & Headers Sitters cfeiBfiH use Mm v- : UK Sled riwWS , and Mitchell Vehicles Ccttm weHwerkH - lone , Oregon P.'M. Christenson Dealer hi Wheat Land and Town Property, I also handle Thoroughbred Poultry . P. H. Christenson, Propri etor Swede Canyon Poul try Ranch, Lexington, Or. DR.'C. C. CHICK Physfclaa and fiergcoe - jrioitT CALLS pr6ptly at tended ' OfflealnthelottePharnacr. Iooe, Oreton, , The Proclaimer ox 91.50 a year.' HOTEL r IONE THE L P. D. -PASTIME- - Where Every one goes to have a' good time. HARRY E. lone JiookJtierel A nice Iresh line of all the i 31: leading Jbrands of tobaccos both o smoking arid chewing; also a 5 fine, line of LUNCH goods i just arrived. Any tiling from Sardines to Limlberger cheese. SHAMROCK, FWANK CNaC,MAN, MO. C. H. WARD. Ward & Ward Wheat lands TOWN PROPERTY. lon, , . Oregon. The Portland Journal CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS $ . CemmacUI Trade Especially So&dtkd & Rates $K00 and $100, the Jby - Spedal Rates for "Room an Board by Week. L W; LtindelL TEACHER OP -Voice Culture. Singing AND Sight Reading -OAg, - OREGON. R W. Hickok . ! drain Buying a Specialty. ; - Lands Bought and Sold -liffe" Insurance , " ' . - Collections made. ' H&PPNER, OffEQOV. Will buy in any amount Fat "Chickens, Turkeys, Dncks Veals and Hides. - . "M'ftMiicrs m Waalcd." " ."at the 1 IONE M EAT MARKET, W. R. COCHRAN. pwo. NOTICE. L Will all person who are enddbt- ed to the J OKincaid estate please call at that store building and fettle with out delay a we are anxious to wind up th whole matter a soon as possible, KLPadberg, ; ' Trustee. REED Mgr. Oregon L. C. WARD. and Proclaimei: