The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, July 30, 1909, Image 3

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- Salem QrswAra to Ship SO Oars to
lutarn Market., '. ,
Salem A m ere ta the prone buai
mm of Um Willamette valley waa ush
ered in, when ttaa iodependaqt prone
graol, repreeenting about 2,000,000
pounds of fruit, practical It decided to
accept a proposition from tha Earl company, of 8an Francisco, for
about 80 aw loads of gram prone, to
"be picked and shipped to tha Eastern
marketa at onea. Tba priao offarad la
' 40 cents per ermte of 24 pound, tba
prauea to ba aeeaptod and paid for at
-thl rate before leaving Balem. The
rowan are told tba will also gat' ail
that the prunes bring in tba market
over and above this figure. Each ear
will hold 12 tons.
The Eastern Washington and Idaho
arop baa been sold green for several
year. Last year the output of that
action waa 1,600 tons. This year
. there ia a light crop, amounting to only
about 860 tons, and the dealers in green
fruits are seeking to make op tba de
ficiency by buying Oregon's Italian
prunes, which are admitted to be better
tban either the California or Washing
ton products. Last year tha growers
of Washington and Idaho realised 80
cents per crate of 24 pounds, or about
80 cants per bushel, for their green
prunes, which the Salem growers con
sider mora profitable tban selling the
dried fruit
Leading growers state that SO ears
can ba picked from the orchards of the
members of the pool at this time and
not decrease the output of dried fruit
to any extent, as the prunes that re
main will attain a much larger growth
than if none were removed. (
Activity In Gold Minos.
Grants Pal There will be much ac
tivity among Southern Oregon mines
this fall. Many mining men looking
over the Bold in order to obtain good
options on soma of the beat paying
nronertv. In con function with this
movement on the part of buyers, some
f the owners are introducing the dia
mond drill. One of these machine ar
rived this week to be used upon the
property of toe National Copper ootn-
pany, located 17 miles from this city.
It is understood that the Buckeye group
of mining claims will also have a ma
chine of the same kind here within a
few days to make testa on their piop
rtiea which are in the same neighbor-
Big Tract Subdivided
Grants Pass Subdividing of large
tracts of orchard and farming landjatill
continues in this part of Rogue river
valley. Along the Apptegate river.
' sear Murphy postofflee, 600 acres of
land, with 200 acres under irrigation,
and sufficient water rights and ditches
to irrigate 160 more, besides abund
ance of water In the river that may ba
appropriated for tha remainder of the
Dremiaaa will be subdivided ha to ten-
acre lots and planted into fruit. There
will ba an earnest effort oa the pa-ef
the owners to sell only to- men with
families, who desire to have bones in
nleaaant climate, and to be close to
the railroad In order to market fruit
' . .
Haa AutomodHc Record. "
ValeIf the degree of prosperity
can be' measured by the number of au
tomobiles owned ia city, Vale can
boast of prosperity. It haa bean es
tablished that Vale baa more aotoa
tban any city its else ta Oregon and
eome extend it to the United States.
Vale haa one auto to every 40 inhab
itants, this estimate tncloding men,
women and ohildree. A year ago an
automobile bad never bean asen on tba
atresia. . .- -
Regular MaR Service Now. -PrineTi
lie After three yean' eon
stant effort by patron of tha discon
tinued Crook postofflee, which was lo
cated In the Bear Creek country, 66
miles south of Prineville, regular mail
supply was began Monday, July 19. A
aeries of four prostofAoss have been
oasbliabed by the - postofflee depart
ment for the accommodation of the ree
idenbJ of too district affected, some
400 In number.
" Harvesting Starts at Weston.
Weston The wheat harvest "haa jost
begun In this vicinity. Many machine
are now at work, and tba wheat will
aeon ba in tba sack, as ideal harvest
weather prevaile. fall wheat la yield
ing about 40 bushels per acre, and the
few samples brought m test 60 pounds
to the bushel. Smut onueoally pre
valent, because of the damp, cloudy
weather early hi tha year.
Coos Bay Wants ArSHery Compawy.
MarahOekj The msrsssra of the
Young Mod's Commercial club an De
cerning active in boosting Cos bay.
One of the steps taken w to pooh tba
srganitation of an artillery oompany
hero. A eammtttos beaded by Dr. E.
Mingua will confer with tba National
iGuard onVera. Many yawns; man have
already eagoinen their will:
mm sin, .
Kiametfi Marchanta Boost for Good
; Reeda Over Mountain.
Klamatfa hi la Ranchers from the
Silver Lake section, in Northern Lak
county, are coming to Klamath Palls
for their supplies. Already several of
them have made tba trip of approxi
mately 176. miles and have returned
home with their wagons loaded with
poviaiona purchased from the merch
ants of this eity. The on drawback to
getting all of the trade of Northern
Lake county ia the poor condition -of
the roads. At this aeaaon of lbs year
it i possible to travel over most any
kind of a trail, bat with the first light
storms the roods become practically
impassible. Northern Lake county uT
anxious to do its trading hi thia eity
and tba merchants of that section are
willing to have their freight shipped
va Klamath instead of Shanlko, the
way it baa been coming. The distance
ia about tba same, but tba freight rate
ta lower. It is very likely tbet-stepa
will be taken by Klamath to
improve the roads to this isolated n
Man. so that the vast territory In 1
remote parts of both Klamath and Lake
counties will be enabled to get all their
supplies from Klamath Pallet -
Thia city ia so situated that the r
rival of the railroad ba made it the
natural distributing center for all
Southern Oregon. The only drawback
is tba road question. Klamath county
is now prepared to build good roads at
a reasonable cost, but the county ia too
lartre to construct burn ways in every
:tion In a abort time. The opening
up of the Lake county traffic to 'Kla
math Falls also make an opening for
Portland wholesalers, who will have to
bustle in order to meet the competition
of Sacramento and San Francisco. '
Electric Una Promised. - C
Eugene To add to tba efficiency of
the local street railway system, .the
Portland, Eugene A Eastern Railway
oompany haa received from the factory
in the East an additional motet ear and
two trailers, the business of the line
having outgrown the equipments. New
lines are also being built and projected.
A prominent official of the com pany,
while in Eugene a few days ago, .aaid
that a portion of tba proposed line be
tween Eugene and Salem would be built
this year a far north as Junction City.
- State Veterinarians Named.
Salem Governor Benson has ap
pointed the following members of the
Oregon state veterinary medical board
to serve for four year: Dr. Alexan
der Raid, Morrow county, reappointed ;
Dr. P. T. Mots, Baker county, to suc
ceed Dr. D. C McNsb, Umatilla
county. . , 1
Wheat Bloestem, nominal:- club.
11.16: valley, f 1.15. New crop: Blue-
stem, $1.06; club, $1; Russian, 98e;
valley, 97c.
Corn Whole, $86 per ton; creaked,
$86 nor ton.
Hay Timothy, Willamette valley,
$2022 per ton ; Eastern Oregon, $21
28; mixed, $l(ha)20; alfalfa, $14.
Grain nags 6e each.
Fruite Strawberries, $2 per crate:
cherries, 6llc per pound; gooseber
ries. e; aprieota, 61.26(31.60 per box;
currants. Be per pound; loganberries,
$1.26&1.60 per crate: raspberries, $1
(3)1.16; blackcaps, $1.60; blackberries.
sz; wjki DieckDemes, wfisioe par
Potatoes 101.76 per hundred; new.
2(32 We per pound.
Vegetables Beans, 6e per pound;
cabbage, l8H,e; cauliflower, $1
per dosen; lettuce, bead, 26e; onions.
12Ka16e; pass, 67e pay pound;
radishes, 16c par doaen. -
Butter City creamery, extra, 29e
per pound; fancy outside rsamary, 17
28e: store, 20a. Butter fat prise
averago 1 Xe par pound under regular
hotter prases.- .
Eggs Oregon ranch, candled, 17
28c per dosen.
Poultry Hens. 14ii4Mc per pound ;
springs, l"Hlc; roosters, StiOlOe;
ducks, young, 11012c; gesas, young.
M210c; turkeys, 18c; sanafaa, $Z2.6
per doaen. '
Pork Fancy, rOQlOHspar pound.
Veal Extra, 0c per pound: ordin
ary. Kffle; heavy, 7c
Hops 1909 contracts, 16 16c' per
pound: lMMeropi ll12e; 1807 crop,
7e: 1806 crop, 4c
Wool abator Oregon, 12 per
valley, 2B26e; mohair, choice.
Cattle Swore top. $4.60; fair to
good, $4434.26; common, $8.7684;
cows, ton, SS.0; fair to good, 884)
$.26; common to medium, 82.60&2.76;
calves, ton, $6496.60: heavy, 88.604
4; both and stags, $17628.26; eom-
m, $24x2.60,
Hobs Best, S8.26e9S.fO; fair to
good, $7.7638; stole ms, S64M.M:
Chins fata, 6.7e7.
Sweep Top withers, $4: fair to
good, $8.808.76; owes, Mission aU
ynariings, beet, $4; fair to
goad, SfcKF.76; spring lamb. $6.26
Rush Order Given for Railroad Con
struction on Deschutes. .
Tha Dalles, July 26. Atl yMtorday
four-boras teams, hauling wagons piled
high with railway camp equipment,
have trekked out of Tba Dalles, bound
for the Deschutes river. Beginning at
7 o'clock in tha morning 11 was not
until 6 to the afternoon that the last of
the 40 wagons shipped bare by Porter
fires., railroad contractors, who. are
supposed to be working for the Hill
railway, wended its way to tba south
east. Indications are almost conclusive
that Porter Bros., intend to establish
not two, but flv or sis camps, as if
preparing to cover the so tire ground of
the Oregon Trunk line surveys. They
themselves did not know, was the re
ply given by repreaantatWee of the
Oregon Trunk to inquiries as to tba
number of eampa and places of location.
Every indication la that men and
equipment were asenred hastily, and it
ia believed here to b tree that the
contractors only know bin general way
where the camps will be established.
Either a sodden decision to contest
with Harrlmaa for the trams of Can
bra) Oregon or tba sudden acquisition
of knowledge that the Oregon Trunk
would be down and out very soon unless
it began construction is believed to be
tba causa of the rushing of men into
the Deschutes country. -
Either alternative raise conjecture
as to whether Porter Bros, are playing
a hold-up game on Harriaan or are
hack by James J. Hill or actually in
tend to build railroad themselves.
French Aeronaut Makes the 22 Milea
fat 28 Minute.
Dover, July 26. Louis Bleriot, ' the-l
French aviator, accomplished the re
markable feat of flying across tba Eng
lish channel Saturday in 2S minute.
The distance from his starting point,
near Calais, to Dover, ts about 22
miles, and he therefore traveled at the
rate of nearly a mile a minute.
The aviator left the French shore at
4 :S0 and within a few minutes sighted
the whit cliff of the English coast.
Ha descended gracefully in the North
Fall meadow, behind Dover Castle, at
4:68 a.m.
M. Bleriot looked little the worse for
his hasardou trip, although bis foot
waa burned by petrol. This gave him
soma trouble, and be bad to be assisted
to an automobile which waa waiting.
He drove to the Lord Warden hospital,
where be was greeted enthusiastically.
A French torpedo boat destroyer
followed the aeroplane, bat so swift
was the speed of the machine that tha
destroyer was soon left far behind.
Although the start was made in calm
weather, the wind aoon rose and a
strong breese was blowing at the time
of the descent, making the perform
ance all the mora noteworthy.
. The French torpedo boat destroyer
arrived at Dover at 6 :60 with Bleriot's
wife and a party of friends on board.
By hi achievement Bleriot wins the
special prise of $6,000 offered by the
London Daily Mail.
Tribesmen Put Up Desperate Fight
Against Trained Satdtors,
Malaga, Spain, July 26. -The steam
er Meoorouin, with 80 wounded aboard,
arrived bar today from Melilla, where
the hospitals are overcrowded. Pas
sengers on the steamer declare that the
resident of Melilla are panic-stricken,
the succeaiss of the Moors giving rise
to ths belief that tbey will swoop down
on the city Itself. Friday'a battle was
sanguinary, there being much band-to-band
Tba Moorish tribes now gathered
does to General Marina's camp are es
timated st 16,000. Their recent losses
are said to have been nearly 1,000.
The Spaaiah forces lost n- less than
8,000 men.
When the battle became general, the
Spasisrds endeavored to trap the Moore
between two lines of fire. The Vibes
men, however, wars too wary and
fought desperately. Tbey retreated
only when tbey were" literally hurled
back'at the potato of Spanish bayonet.
At dusk there was a lull In tba fighting.
Victory for Americana.
Pekni, July 21. On aeeaunt of the
failure of the aegoUitions at the re
cent meeting of bankers to London
and Paris, an attempt is being mode at
Pakin to alee quick iy the Hankow
railway loan by increasing the amount
so sd to give Americana equal partici
pation and not reduce the original allot
ments to toe other three powere Great
Britain, Francs and Germany. This
arrangement waa agreed to by the
Chinee foreign board Saturday and
the four days' negotiations ended with
the eouemltationa af foreign
UgMnwtg Hit Scientist.
Christiana. Nor.. July 28. Captain
ftigieetad, of the Norwegian navy, waa
killed by llgbtntng today. Ha was
taking meteorological observations dur
ing a tbusMtor storm. Captain aWt-
stad waa to have eosasmnded ths polar
expeditkm ship Pram on ths earning
" Monday. lwf 2
Waahington, July 26. Hides will be
put on the free liat if the tariff on
boots and shoe and other leather man-
fufactura ia reduced below the house
rates. Unless the advocates of free
hide are able to carry out this plan,
the whole is to bo called off. A decis
ion to thia effect was reached by the
tariff conferees today.
Ths conference adjourned tonight
until II o'clock tomorrow morning, but
tba bouse member -assemble half an
hour earlier that they may vlnn for
executing their part of ths agreement
It la expected that tbey will have a re
port from the boos leaders as to tba
possibility of paaaing a rule conferring
jurisdiction upon them to agree to
lower rates on- leather than those
named in the bouse bilL
, Saturday, duly 24.
Washington, July 24. - The hide
question was settled and unsettled to
day, and, while there seems little doubt
that eventually hide will go on the
free liat of toe new tariff bill, tha eon
teat over their status cannot be re
garded a closed. None of toe ques
tions made prominent through Presi
dent Taft's interest to them were set
tled today, although tba conference
was In strict executive session all day.
The conferees expect to spend a large
part of Sunday wrestling with these
Friday, duly S3. ,
'Waahinrton. July 28. While no
agreement was reached by the tariff
conferee today on coal, lumber, hides,
oil, iron ore, the cotton schedule or
wood pulp end print paper, it waa said
tonight that tha prospects of settling
these big queatioos tomorrow Were ex
cellent. Heroic meastirea ware uasd In an
effort to adjust differences between
toe senate and bouse and to carry out
President Taft's program for a reduc
tion of duties on raw materials. All
the conferees said tonight that the
feelings tbey entertained for en an
other were more pleasant than tbey bad
been for many daya.
Thursday, duly 22. '
Washington, July 22. Today was
one of conference and concluded with
a consultation at tha White House to
night, participated hi by tba presi
dent Senator Aldrlch and Represent
ative Payne, at which the chief execu
tive was assured that harmonious set
tlement of the differences t likely.
The senators opposed to ths free raw
material program were consulted today
by Mr. Aldricb, and a committee rep
resenting the same position on the
house side conferred with Chairman
Payne. In addition, tba bouse con
feree met to have the experts of the
senate finance committee explain the
senate changes In the cotton schedule.
Wednesday, duly 31.
Washington, July 81. Better pro
gress waa mads today by the tariff
conferees than on any other day since
the troublesome disputes were reached
Man oueetlon Were settled without
any renewal of hostilities.
The entire sine schedule was adjust
ed. Speltey waa made dutiable at IH
cento per pound, which is a reduction
from ths sonata rate of 1 X cants and
an Increase from the boos rats of 1
cent All the senate differentials were
adopted. Zinc in sheet will be duti
able at 1 M cents, and abeet coated or
plated with nickel or ether metal at 2
cents. The house rate at 1 cent far
old and worn-out line fit only to be re
manufactured waa adopted. Tungsten
oss, which is used in the manufacture
of ferro alloy, one of ths chief com
ponent parts in tba manufsctoTe of low
steel and steel parts of automobiles,
was stabs dutiable at 10 nor cent ad
valorem Instead of 16 par sent as
fixed by the senate.
Lemons will pey a duty of 1 H eenta
a pound, ths senate rate. This is an
Increase of-X sent ever the house rate,
and half a cent over the Dlogley rates,
Tuesday, dub; SO.
Washington, July 20. Wood pulp,
print paper and lumber, to say nothing
of hides, iron or and other so-called
raw material, are receiving tba most
serious attention from the conferees.
Ths paper and pulp flght bids fsir to
bo especially stubborn and probably
will be somewhat prolonged.
Much progress baa bees ssade on tba
ootton schedule, but hosiery and s
number of other leading items of sot
ton manufacture are causing the tariff
arbitrator much concern. The draw
back provision Is practically the only
Important administrative fee tore that
remains unsettled.
Although ths rates of duty have
Axed on practically all of in
steal products, there has bean prs-
against tha Insrssssd rate on
structural steel punched for nee. It
thought that s compromise on wad
Its prodoeta was m risw, but this
schedule alas has proved difficult of
sdjostoMot Ths duties on sloe In
blocks and pigs, which were mtroasaa
by the senate over toe boose rases,
watch M detoyuag me
ecttioment of the metals schedule.
Oanal Nearly Han Dug.
Washington, Jury 84. Substantial
progress in oanal construction all alsng
the line ia shown by reports coming to
the Washington office of tha Isthmian
Canal commission. Excavation work
approxissatee 80,000,000 cubic yards,
almost as much as the total quantity
of dirt taken out by tba French during
the period they were engaged hi opera
tions there. Leas than 100,000,000
cubic yards of earth remain to bo taken
from tba ditch. Colonel Goethals baa
estimated that tba greet waterway will
be ready for ths transit of ships by
January lx, 1816.
' ' ' Power Site Withdrawn.
Washington, July 14. Carrying out
the policy of Secretary Bellinger in
preventing the monopolisation of groat
water power sites by large corpora
tions. Acting Secretary Pierce today
withdrew for a temporary power site
26,086 acres of land along the Green
river and Its tributaries In Wyoming.
All of the water power sites withdrawn
will ba reported by the aecretary to
congress in order that legislation may
be enacted to preserve them to tba
Sentiment Was Unanimous. . .. .
Washington, July 28. In m official
telegram from Teheran, received today
at the Persian legation, announcing
that the hereditary sultan, Ahmed Mir
is, -bad been proclaimed shsh, it was
stated that tba unpopularity and 00
worthiness of Mohammed All Minn
caueed him to ba deposed. The mas
sage saing at a conference between the
bsada of the Mohammedan church,
princes, high dignitaries and tba old
members of congress, the vote waa
unanimous sgslnat tha deposed shah.
' Cabinet In Saving Mood. '
' Washington, July 24. A special
meeting of tba cabinet was held at the
White house today further to discuss
ths matter of cutting down tba esti
mates of tba various department for
the coming fiscal year, according to
the statement of several of the cabi
net members before entering the con
sultation room with President Toft
The cabinet devoted its entire session
yesterday to a consideration of esu
mates and ways and me ana of reducing
Taft WIJI Visit Oregon.
Washington. July 88. Representa
tives Hawley and Ellis called on tha
president today to ask htm to atop at
other points than Portland while hi
Oregon. The president said that on
his way smith from Portland ha would
stop at Salem, and If hi schedule per
mitted he would try to make other
stopa. In ease he goes to Denver, ha
told Congressman Ellis be would en
deavor to make short stops in Eastern
Oregon. . " 1
Congressmen to Visit Hawaii.'
Washington July 88. A party af 26
senators and members of ths house to
preparing to visit Hawaii. The vlit
is in response to sn Invitation extended
by the Hawaiian legislature at it last
session, and the party will aail from
San Francisco on the steamer Siberia,
August 84. Eighteen days will be
spent in Hawaii, during which time
the four' largest island af the group
will be visited.
I Probe Honey Case.
Washington. July 17. If
ishlngton. July 17. If lntorest
again be awakened in tha Honey
eass when congress reassembles next
December it I more tban likely that a
special congressional committee will be
appointed to probe Into the employ
ment of Mr. Heney, hit work as a spe
cie! prosecutor for the Department of
Justice, and his remuneration, made
from time to time, under 4jbJPiii af
the Department of Justice.
tlspona New AmbaaMdor.
- Wasbinstoa, July 87. Baran 4JchV-
da, It hi rumored, will succeed Take.
hira as ambassador of Japan to ths
United States. He was formerly eon
nee ted with the- legation hi Washing
ton. He has been connected with ths
Jepsnpss embassy at Vienna recently.
It is believed that " be succeeds Ts-
kahlra, the latter will ba promoted to
Baron Komura's post
Meet bias si Ssn Antonio.
' Washington, July 27. It seems
probbls that President Taft will meet
President Diss, of Mexico, at San An
tonio, Tex., instead of El Paso late in
September or early m October. This
arrangement Is probable because of
President Taft's disposition to observe
the ironclad precedent against Ameri-
presidents visiting a foreign eoon-
- Taft Stande by NeweB.
Waohinffton, J sly 28. The Washing
ton post, to an articls dfaeusslng the
troubles between Secretary Bellinger
and Director Newell, of the reeiama
tionaervtee, state that Mr. Newell baa
received asearancs from ths prasfctant
that be la not to be deposed, even
though bis scalp la dimaarlis" by Mr.
.1: 1 , - '