The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, July 23, 1909, Image 6

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Newsy Items Gathered from All
Parts ol the World.
Last Important but Not Lois Inter
esting Happenings from Points
Outside the State. .
Prince I to says Jspsn will help Chins
to become s modern nation
Mexico is preparing for an outbreak
that is sxpeeted in the south.
Mora earthquakes have occurred hj
Greece and the people are pan is strick
en. Despite the assertion of official!, the
treetcar strike at Pittsburg, is far
from settled.
Professor Msttouect, director of the
. obeervatory on Mount Vesuvius, died
while at -his work.
An Italian laborer on a railroad in
Colorado became enraged and fatally
shot three of his countrymen.
James J. Hill says if the people
would pay less attention to the new
tariff the country would be better off.
Count Bon! says be Is to marry
Msrjorie Gould, daughter of George
Gould and nelce of the count's former
British Columbian officials are
''charged with discriminating against
American halibut fishermen and favor
ing the Japanese.
The government Is to issue bonds for
the entire cost of the Panama canal. .
A alight earthquake was fslt at San
at Barbara, Cel., but no damage done.
An American la sure be recognised
Leon Ling, murderer of Elsie Sigel, in
A strike may be declared by all em
ployes of the American Smelting es
Refining company.
Mrs. Eddy, founder and leader of the
Christian Science deomiation, has just
paseed her 88th birthday.
All miners in England may go on a
striks in support of the Scotch miners
who are fighting a reduction in wages.
Eight anarchists arrested at Stock
holm on the charge of having con
spired to assassinate the eaar of Rus
sia, have been exiled.
The Japanese government has not
Tekahlre will be continued as ambas
sador to the United States.
The Union Pacific railroad has claim-
mA 9HA. (not atrin nf land through tha
town of Brighton, Col., which is now
covered wlb store buildings;
A son has been bora to the Princes
de Began.
The shah of Persia has fled to Russia
for protection.
Over 14,000 eeoal miners are en
striks at Pittsburg, Kan.
Hanover, Germany, police have
started a war en long hatpins.
Anarchy rales la Morocco and Spain
will send 8.000 more troops in an effort
to restore peace.
The Interstate Commerce commis
sion has ruled that express rates In the
West are exorbitant and has ordered
sweeping reductions.
Unices rains come soon tanners of
the New England states will face dis
aster. There has not been enough
water for the crops and they are said
to be burning up.
Immense quantities of asphaltom
- have been found on the Shoebone In
dian reservation in Colorado and a
stampede to stake out claims and se
cure land la taking place,
-in the bearing for the release of
Thaw from the Insane asylum on the
ground that he is now sane, Mrs. Thaw
testified that he threatened to kill her
and fears his deadly enmity.
A California couple was married in
an automobile in an effort to And some
aovel way. -
The English booae of lords doee not
favor the ooneoription plan of in ere as
Ing the army.
Nationalists are la full control of
Teheran and have summoned the Per-
aien pail I latent. .... --r--
Following Rooseretta aoiiey, Tn
has withdrawn a number of water sites
on pwtoite domain in the West.
" Secretary Bellinger denies that he
has quarreled with Secretary Wilson
and says their relations are ins nee.
Tha aommanders of Adam are to be
court ssarttalled for alleged complicity
In the Axtosnlasj misnaiis el last
Twa trunks, said to contain the books
at Heinse and she United Capper eeee-
pany. have been seised by
Maro Bandit. Jiklri, Had Sworn -to
. - - Kill IOO Men.
Manila, July . When JiklrL the
Mora bandit chief who was killed with
all his followers in a desperate battle
with troops and constabulary near Pn-
tian, on Jolo Island, July 6, began bis
career as an outlaw, be swore he would
kill 100 men before he died.
The record of the murders he-committed
is not complete, but it stated
in a dispatch received today from Zam
boanga that the bandit probably made
good his oath, as the partial record at
hand shows be took the lives of nearly
a hundred persons.
From the latest reports of the fight,
all but one of the several women in the
cave where the outlaws made their last
stand were wives of JikirL
But one of the women escaped. , She
was the wife of one of the Jikirt fol
lowers and accepted the safe conduct
offered by the Americans before the
assault on the cave began.
Lieutenant Joseph A. Beer, of tbe
Sixth cavalry, is agreed by all who saw
the fight to have been the hero of the
battle. He was armed with a Win
chester DumDcrun with which be did
great execution. His timely rescue of
Lieutenant Arthur H. Wilson, who was
struggling with Jikirl and already des
perately wounded, when Beer shot and
killed the bandit, and bis certain aim,
which brought down three other out
laws, are the talk of army circles.
Baer killed lour of the eight bandits
National Manufacturers Association Is
auee Statement.
Naw York. July SO. Tbs board of
directors of toe National Association
of Manufacturers today issued the fol
lowing statement addreeted "To the
Congress of the United States:"
"The National Association of Manu
facturers indorses any reasonable meas
ure to secure by tax the requisite mon
ey which, together with the tariff du
ties, snail be sufficient to support this
"We deplore tbs effort of dema
gogues to segregate American eitisens
and make government supporters of
one class and charity recipients of an
other: well knowing the character of
our best-grade workmen, we understand
that they do not relish attempts to
maks of them recipients of any other
man's contributions.
"We therefore recommend If neces
sary for" income purposes, the enact
ment of measures providing a Just and
equitable tax upon all eitisens. As an
illustration, ws suggest one-eighth of
1 per cent on all incomes; this would
require 75 cents from the man who re
ceives 1600 a year and $1,260 from the
man woo receives $1,000,000 a year.
Report of Court' Martial on Adsna
Massacres Msde Public.
Constantinople, July SO. The report
of the courtmartial on the Adana mas
sacres, made public today, Is a strong
denunciation of tha incapacity and
apathy of the police and ether local eu
thorties. It says:
"Fifteen pereona already have been
banged; 800 deserve death; 16,000 de
serve hard labor for life; 80,000 de
serve minor sentences.
'If It is decided to proceed with the
punishment, we will cordon the town
and deal expeditiously with the mat
ter." In view, however, of the general
reconciliation between the opposing
elements, the report recommends that
general amnesty he made the occasion
of a national fete.
Don Oarloe is Dees). -Home;
July 20. Don Carlos, of Bour
bon, pretender to the Spanish throne,
died tor ay at Varea, in Lombard!.
Don Carlos, Duke of Madrid, who
claimed under' the spseial law of soc-
ion established by Philip V to be
the legitimate king of Spain, under the
title of Charles VII, was bora at Lay
been, Austria, March SO, 1848. Hie
father, Don Juan, was the brother of
Don Carlos. Charles VI, known as the
Count de Montomolia, in support of
whose claims the Carl art risings of 1848,
1866 and 1860 were organised. ;
Naval Pageant Success.
London, July 90. London's naval
pageant, In which 160 warsaips are
taking part, was favored today by
glorious weather, and is pronounced
It has been aa-
I mm4mA Kt tha fin enah a larm Aeet
mvr before was gathered in the
Thames was tbs fear of the poesiietlity
of Ito being bottled in by an enemy.
. . ' Orano Pteaauuj to China. -
Pekin, July 90. Charles R. Crane,
of Chicago, whose selection as minister
to China by President Taft wan en
noaneed reoeotly, la persona grata to
the Chinese govsrwment. The grand
ecsjnetl baa authorised the fowign board
to tafgorm the United States
meat that China will gieoly
Property Damage Ji Greece Will
- Beltemendoos.
EeHhouako Seems of Volcanic Na
ture and Upheavals Reported
Near Village of PorihloS.
London, July 17. Special dispatches
received here from Athena say that
00 persons were killed or injured by
the earthquake that occurred yesterday
in tha province of El is. In Southern
Greece. The damage to property also
was very great Hot water is flowing
today from many of the springs in the
stricken district, while the water in
the rivers and brooks has turned a red
dish color.
Tbs earthquake demolished 400
bouses In the village of Havari, In Ells
province. Thirty persons lost their
lives at that point and a number were
injured. Neighboring villages suffered
greatly. All tbs bouses of Amalsiva
were rendered uninhabitable. Toe
shocks were felt st Patraa, Pyrgos,
Malamas and Tripoli, but outside of
Havari only a few deaths or injured
have been reported. A volcanic up
heaval is ssid to have occurred at the
village of Posjhioti.
British Admiralty Attsmpta to Allay
, . - Pears of People.
London, July 17. One hundred and
forty-eight British warships dropped
anchor hvtbe Thames tonight, the ar
ray extending from the estuary at the
sooth end of the river to Weetlminster
bridge. In the bf art of London. The
object of this extended and superb dis
play of Britain's fighting power is an
anti-penis show. Uneasiness prevails
in every quarter of Britain. Anxiety
In higher circles as to the condition of
the country's defenses has caused ap
prehension and pessimism throughout
the body politic.
Lord Roberts says tbs) arm y la a
tragic joke. Admiral Beresford says
the navy is not what it has been con
sidered. And Germany Is excused of
having aggressive designs against the
peace and liberty of the Britons. The
result of all this ferment is that the
country is fn danger of "going off its
head." The nighty armada on the
Thames Is the admiralty's heroic seda
Carried SSO.000 Worth ef Goods Un
der False Bottom of Trunk. '
New York, July 17. An Indictment
for smuggling wss banded down today
by toe Federal grand 'Jury against Mrs.
Fremont Chesbro, owner ef the Ches
bro Coastwise Una of steamers running
out of Boston.
The ease was placed In the bands of
the United States district attorney for
the district of New Jersey after the
discovery of s double bottom in one of
the trunks which Mrs. Chesbro brought
to this country with her on the Kaiser
Wilhelm II Isst May.
Wearing apparel appraised at 960,-
000 was found in this bidden compart
ment, together with bills and Invoices
indicating the purchase abroad of a
peer! necklace valued at 929,000. The
necklace was not found among Mrs.
Chesbro's effects, but wss yeeterday
turned over to the cue tome oAciale by
Mrs. Chesbro's attorney.
Big Muddy Rises Again.
St Louis, July 17. The Missouri
river last night rose so that toe gaoge
today registers 99.9 feet. Manufac
turing concerns across the river is Illi
nois are moving their atoeks to higher
ground, fearing a storm will wash the
wavea over the lees as which the eiti
sens are coon ting on to protect them.
Citisens of Cahokia, III., worked laat
night strensbeejng toe levees, ,whieh
will stand but a slight rise, " Five
thousand acres of farm land were flood
ed eerly today by the Missouri, Kan
sas A Texas embankment breaking.
i- - "
New Shah Rules Persia.
Tebem. July 17. Mohammed All,
shah of Persia, was dethroned today
and the crown inHBWistoltan Ahmed
Mi rasa, w.s nroeiaimed shah by the
national assembly, composed of toe
chief Mujtebida and the leaden of the
Nstlonalist fucees, to tha presence of
an Immetwecrowdpn lament aquare.
Mohammed All has taken refuge in the
Russian anmmsr leejation at
Kaiaer Favors FeocbeJ
Bealtn. Jnlv 17. Tha
directed that football ha included to
the military aawrehwa. His majesty
is reported as saying thatfootbeJl as
played la the Uaited States asm Kna
land is Sns tratotog hi tasajsr. as wail
as fr tha body . , .
Siberian' Convicts Land In Alaska nut
- Are Not.Wanted.
Cordova, Alaska.' July It. The St
Croix has brought here 100 Russians,
part of the 800 landed at Nome by the
Russian steamer Vaarg and held up as
the result of a Nome mass meeting,
but Anally landed when it was found
they had the- necessary amount of
money. Cordova objects to their land
ing and they may be taken to Seattle.
Among the party are several who
are believed to be members of tbe
band of political convicta who escaped
from a penal colony in tbe Interior of
Siberia several months ago and who on
June 20, were reported to be working
their way toward East cape, on tbe ex
treme Eastern coast of Siberia in an
effort to cross the Be bring straits and
reach America.
Tbe men believed to be tbe escaped
convicts are wearing old Coseack' uni
forms. These men have been keeping
their own counsel, re losing to com
municate even with the other Russians
who cams down from tbe North with
The party reached Nome from Si
beria on the Russian steamer Vaarg.
After arriving In Nome the men re
embarked on the steamer St. Croix, and
came to this port, where they asked
for work In tbe construction camps of
tbe Copper River ft Northwestern rail
road. The uniforms worn by tbs men sup
posed to be tbe escaped political exiles
show very hard usage. It is believed
tbe clothes were taken from the guards
killed in tbe battle at Chupotosk, near
the Arctic circle last March, when tbe
convicts defeated a company of pursu
ing Coasecka.
The Russians who came front Nome
oh tbe same vessel with the suspected
men profess to know nothing of their
identity, and share the belief that they
are the survivors of tha band of exiles
who were fighting their wsy across 1,
500 miles of Siberian waste.
60,000 WANT LAND.
Rush of Applicants for Indian Lands
Beginning to Slacken.
Spokane, Wash., July 19. Tbs num
ber of applications for reservation lands
Saturday was somewhat smaller than
on tbe preceding days, not only here,
but In Coeur d'Alene, Missoula and
Kallspell. In Spokane, about 5.500
applications were filed: in Coeur
d'Alene. 6,600; to Missoula, 2.300, and
Kalispell, 1,600.
Tbe total for three days In Spokane
and Coeur d'Alene ie a little over 28,
000 each. Tbe crowds at the hotels
are easing off and it appears that many
who havs corns West to flic are passing
through to Seattle to see tbe exposition
first and are planning to apply on their
Way back.
At Coeur d'Alene, where . serious
trouble among tbe notaries was threat
ening, an agreement has been reached
whereby all will get together, banish
competition and pool receipts.
Notaries here say that about one out
of every 10 applicants is a woman, in
almost all cases from the East seeking
s home in tbe West Many of the men
who apply look upon it as a huge gs co
ble. Tbe women, however, are in
earnest. Wisconsin,, Minnesota, Illi
nois and Iowa are tha outside states
most larwalv re lira as n tod. .
The grand total for three days of
registration is snout M.0W.
RockhlH Saya Boycott on American
Products Haa Ceased.
8an Francisco, July IS. William
W. Rockbill, recently American minis
ter to China, who has been promoted
to the position of ambassador to Rus
sia, arrived here today en the steamer
Ten yo Mara, accompanied by Mrs.
Rockbill. After a short stay in Wash
ington ha will proceed to his new- nest
of duty st St Petersburg.
Referring to present conditions tn the
Orient, Mr. Rockbill said that China
waa making greet progress in every di
rection. Political quiet prevailed, and
the Industrie of the country were
flourishing. There was no longer any
boycott or prejudice against American
products, and trade relations with this
country were ef tha most satisfactory
Twa Sinks Are Closed.
San Francisco, July 19. Pending an
Investigation of their affairs, tbe doors
of tbe Union State bank and the State
Saving A Commercial bank, of this
city, two small institutions which have
been doing business together for some
time, though not legally merged, were
ordered closed by State Superutndont
of Banks Aldan Anderson today. - Co
incident with tbe making of this order
word was received from Lark boot that
William von Meverlinck. actum anv-
ing toller of the combined banks, had
IIO.OOO Barrets of ON Bum. 1
BertlettveilW, Okie., Jury IB. A
sil arc raged hero today.
After tor tonka each containing 16.
000 barrele of crane ell swtoagtaf to
tbe Prairie Oil Geo
we ail
Tbonsands of. Bomeseekers Are
flocking to Reserves.
Registration WIN Close August 9 and
Drawings Will Be Held August
9 for Indian Land.
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, July 16. Reg
istration for lands in the Coeur d'Alene
Indian reservation commenced In tbe
city at 18 o'clock last night and will
con elude at midnight on August 6. A
heavy registration at least 100,000
people Is sxpeeted, and the notarise
are ready to do their share of the labor
connected with tbe opening.
Many of them were already central
ly located and are in their old offices,
but others have constructed temporary
buildinge id tbe business section.- A
charge of 26 cents will be msde for re
ceiving applications, but there is noth
ing to prevent a notary from acting as
agent for applicants, in which esse ha
will notify has clients as to their suc
cess in the drawing and receive a com
pensation for it.
All the hotels snd lodging bouses
have prepared for the rush, and every
available room will be used. Some of
tbe hotels have rented buildings and
equipped them with beds snd' many In
dividuals have secured buildings and
equipped tbm for sleeping purposes.
Yet with all of these aeaxnmodations
It is feared tbe large crowd will not be
amply provided for.
James W. Witton, superintendent in
charge of the opening of tbe reserves,
estimates that 100,000 men and women
will file for lands, many applying for
all three reservationa, making a grand
total of probably 800,000 applications.
From 16,000 to 20.000 spplicationa
from veteran soldiers and sailors are
expected. A single notary already haa
210 veterans listed for filings.
Some of tbe homesteads to be drawn
August 9 are valued at fl 6, 000 to 120,
000. It is believed about one applicant
in 16 will be able to aecora a homestead
worth taking up.
Miss Harriet Post, daughter of At
torney P. T. Post, of Spokane; Miss
Helen Hamilton, of Coeur d'Alene,
daughter of Genera Ortis Hamilton,
and Miss Christina Donian. daughter of
Judge Donian, of Missoula, have been
chosen to draw all tbe numbers for ap
plicants for lands in tbs Coeur d'Alene,
Spokane and Flathead reservationa re
spectively. On August 9 these girls, who are
about 12 years old, will be blindfolded
and placed beside the hugh piles of
probably 2u0,000 envelopes containing
applications for lands. These they will
draw at random, homeaaskers being
given their choice of lands in tbe order
in which the names are drawn.
There Is little evidence of a rush to
file spplicationa in Spokane for tbe
Spokane reservation, but there will be
a crash on the trains to Coeur d'Alene,
86 miles distant.
About 3,000 Homes eokere Expected
to Register tor Land.
Missoula, Mont., July 16. It la es
timated about 1,000 bomeeeekers arriv
ed in Missoula today to - register for
lands in tbs Flathead reservation, and
It is expected before tomorrow night at
least 8,000 will nave registered.
In an effort to get ahead of the crowd
from other parts of the country, home
seekers from various parte of Montana
and surround rng states have been pour
ing Into tbe city to crowds since yee-
Serday. Hotel' accomodations are at a
nremiom. Loderina- bonsM in 61 1 int
repidly and tomorrow night the visitors
probably will sleep in tents.
Fifty thousand persona are ' expected
to register in this city, and to handla
this crowd 62 govsrnraent notaries
have been 'appointed.
A large number of people gave pase
ed through on their way to Kalispell,
ottos for the Flathead reservation,
Truet Funds Are Gone.
new urieane, July is, wyatt H.
Antra m. Mr., tbe'truet officer of the
Hi hernia Bank A Trust company, of
New Orleans, wen arreateri st hie horn
this evening, charged with being a de
faulter to tbe amount of between 976,
000 and 9100,000. Ingram Is said to
have eonfeesed to Vice President PooL
of tan Hibemta bank, that his defalca- '
tioos would spproximete 9100,000. In
gram stood high in bneinsss and social
circles of New Orleans, Hie family
ccejuectlons in Kentucky, Maryland and.
other Southern states are prominent, .
Bpanaiida Shell Moore.
Madrid, Jury 19. A dispatch from
Melilla says Spanish troops at Atola-
yoa shelled a bedy ef trii who
were making pi ipsrillis to attack
the Spanish foreea. Several trihimaa
Mr. Crane. .
dey man