The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, July 23, 1909, Image 5

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Jl I I I ' " t
(one Proclaim
lone Onto. Juy 23, 1900,
. lone Tow Qfflccrf,
yrw ,.(M X. U PMhMg
pcordr..,, .......C.J. fatminaiua
freaaurer , , J. A, Wawn
f.'onaiabla "... ..".. '.'".""'w.'c Cuon
Supt. Ust aa Wstunlant.... B. . Millar
. . - . ' f P.Q. najifar
. r.wilmot
C. B. t oerri
omens or scaouL wrrsacr
Clerk T.Pwkiu
I (C.l.FmnfnW
jnnmsrs tiiMii utioD
' " ts.1 amnion
RefUter ; ..C. W. Movn
kacaim ....Lasts H. Araaaon
Ladftes Hft m FoHsw:
Maanai WadnatilaT nljrbt an r timiiIIh
Ihe Brit full moo ii of lul tnooth.
kl.l Fullaw KvcrvSnturdftT night.
Kebetttii-PlN t AtMhlrd Thuaday staBlsc
fem ii month.
eg;iL LulMigw.o. w.t Hs.ra mMtilnl
Will Hilrrt SainKlHT avanlnx of each month.
fvary llivrada; night at Uorsas.
"All oommuitlcationi , as far at
possible, should reach us not later
, than Tuesday nigut. Please bear
this in mind and have commutiica.
fiqus in on time." Editor.
Bill Watson brought In the first
sU horse load of wheat this year,
last Monday. He lind on 70 sue ten
and just as lie was in front of the
Creamery the tire on (he back
wheel came off and had it not been
for some one the walk bo won id
have had a breakdown
Last Tuesday two men eame in
Iono to paint the Balfour, Ciutlirle
and the Kerr, Gifford wan&ouscp.
It took "olio day for tlio whole- job
And it certainly was fina work.
They used a spray pump and n
gasoKnengine. -
Don't cook dinner at home Sun
day. Go to the hotel and enjoy n
good dinner, without the troublo
'of cook ins it.
J II tiemlrix brought in a
sample of. bine stem wheat last
Monday timt is fine. He says it
Will easy go 15 bushel to the acre.
' Mrs AT King, who went Fiome
with her daughter who has been
here all summer and who lires at
the Cascade tacks, returned . to
lone lust Saturdny and A T wu
(lad to stop cooking.'
host; one yearling jersey steer,
with a.wire on neck: spiked norn,
light color, animal in good condi
tion. Finder will be given by see
ing It. V. Cochran,
On Wednecday morning the
train was stalled in lone for ovor
n hour ntf a double decker sheep
car had a break Jown.
The top deck broke down and
the sheep fell onto the lower ones,
killing live, and while the oUen
dents were trying to liberate those
that were not hurt and remove the
dead ernes, twenty-four got out and
onto the bills. Ike Howard made
arrangemelilstb capturltiSOTl
that were' lost and the train went
on at eleven o'clock. . '".
Chicken dinner with all the
fixin" at the Hotel 4anda.
lialpb Hytner left Monday for
a few day visit in Portland. "
' Mrs J T Knappehberg and little
Joey went to Heppner Friday and
remained until Monday to Oave
tome medical treatment as Mrs
Knapbenberg is ' having serious
trouble with bet heart and Joey
hoc been threatened with appends
Anyone iii need of lime, cement,
and shingles call Jfiid teeO F Par
ker before going elsewhere. .
" llfseet A'ndrey smd Vehwaleta
Wooleif went to fle fair at Seattle
Nit cold near Wet draught
at the IP 0 pMtime. Step in
M try a flaea, it '
pur eontraetor. Mr Allinger,
has just oqm.pleted the lUtngalow
for Mr Ike Howard on bis ranch
half a mile from town. Mr Ai-
ligersay it is aa complete lioihe
as one would want and that Mr
Howard hat not stinted in any
way the materials to. make it com
plete, know Mr Allinger lias
doue good work and both he ' and
Mr Howardaretobeeongrntnlated.
W J Martin, formerly of Mor
gan, but now living in Walla
Walla, wai hare lost week visiting
his daughter, Mrs Ben Morgon.
Notioe-Ben Buschke of lone wish
esto notify partiesonthcNorlhxide
who have stock running at large
that if I hey don't keep them - out
of his grain he will take them up
and buing them to lone to the liv-
ry. stable where the owner will
have to pay charges. .
Mr Escue, the man 'who was
so badly injured on the' night of
the ; Earhart hunt. Is milking
about the town with his urin in a
sling. He is very weak ajid hns
Llost over thirty pounds, but fs
cheerful and fulr of praise for l)r
chick, Mr and Mrs Carle and Mr
Burnett for the fine care he hue
had. He bay U was near It worth
the accident to find such whole
sale kind hearted new as the lone
people have" given him.
Mr Warren, father of Mrs Jesse
Mason came to lone Wednesday
evening, and will remain, for
time. '
lone Proclaimer and
Weekly Oregonia:i-$2.
Mrs Billie Mc Millan of Taxing
ton, accompanied by Mrs John Mc
Millan, come down Tuesday and
a pent the day with her parents Mr
and Mrs Wilniot.
MrsMJ Miller, mother of City
Kngincer Ed Miller, is here from
her home at Oaksdnle Washington
tor a visit. . "
Mr Ed Race, Is fant recovering
from the shock' of having a finger
reinovvd. after it Was so hndly
njuretl last week.
Mrs Strntton hns been having
some dental work done Ibis week
by l)r DiCvif.
G F Parker loaded the couihine
here that belonged to the Holt
MniiuTucturing Coiupaay of Walla
Wulla this wetk, and it took him
just tliree hours. He sent for Mr
Luudy, better knowius "Bones ',
to come and help, and when Hones
ftit thcie hu told G F that if ho
would let thu brake tfff it would
load easier. Park said, "I wonder-
what made it pull so hnrd."
lone Proclaimer and
Portland Journal - $2
4320 Acre South Alrtcsi
vtter toonlg imi
If-sucd by the Department of
tlio Interior, Government of
Canada, Ottawa, under-the
Volunteer Bounty Act. 1008.
Gool for V20 acres of nny
Dominion hind opon for
entry in Alberta Saskatche
wan orMnmloho. Any person
over the re of 18 ; enrn, jias !
or WOMAN, cmi acquire j
tlito Innd with thia (Vrtiflcntej
without further ciinrpc. Kor'
initmiliate sale, rt00.00.
Write or wire, L, K..Telfofd.:
111 Glini CfMA TninnU
Will pay a year's
. 'Pfoglaimer
gnd the
Regular price $3
This oiFerwifl not -last
long, so come in NOW
. (KprUi Mi MUCI) Not foul UihI '
littnirlm'iil ol tti Interior.
(J. S. Und Office, The Dulles, Or.
July 7ih, li W
Nollra fi hereby given thai Bernard Uc Uovlti
of lone, Oregon, whoon Oi-I. UUi. 11W2, mlr
llomrliai1. Km it. K ll,".!, fur NK' XW,
xnil NW.V,MtH.S.i:ltMiU.Twuhn. Hh.
Itaiig -Ji, LhI WIllaiMU JlerldlHR, h
Ulcd nut Ire lnlUoii In nme Kll
iive jriiurf Proof, In anlkblUli i-Uim nlh Uiul
-ibort ilrii-rlbrl. bo(ur V Willm, LihkI
4lul0'4'innilluiiar at IJctar, Drvgoa. uli
ihclihtnro(Ai t .Me.
CUIntant namDioa wltMnn; K.twarl Vv
liailv.of I,xlna on. irmri. It Mc t adr, f :niw.
Lat'ier iM'lieiir "! Jelia Mc Iniiru ol Hvns
iwr, urcKou.
Why Was H an Miott '
There Is a story told of a very tatka
five Inily who met with a well de
served re Irak at a social sataerlDir not
ioaff ngo. Her tmabuod is a man of
ulgli Rtandlng to 11m world of scienot,
bat to lady resarus him ss a dreamer
of inipoMihle (lrenius. "I)o joa Icnow,"
cne remarked, "that genlaa and imbe
cility are twla brothenil The world
regards John as s seotaaj Now, titer
in times when I believe aim to be an
A paloful silence fefiowed. broken
by a blant old doctor wh had orer
beard the remark.
"Are we to understand, madam,w be
sold, "that Prefaseor f though your
hen band. Is so lightly esteemed by
"I say what t think,'' she retorted.
"At times Joba nunlsukably aa
"Ierely becaose he la yoar has
bandr - -
"Slrr - " - 1
lobuler. "We will t It anotber way
He Is yoar basband becauee he to an
Idiot Will Uuit dor Pearson's
Weekly. '
The Felklerc f Put.
Pass bos earned the reputation .of
-being catherwlse. Good weather may
be expected when "tabby" waabes her
self, b-t bad when she licks berself
against the grain or sits with ber UU
to the l i.
Formi 'ly la Scotland wbea a family
rwiuore.: from one hoaee to soother the
family tnt was slways taken as a pro
tection r gainst disease. It la cartons
to nod rSe opposite practice obtaining
ni lreU:: J, where is cmtdered bliiB
ly anlw-ky for a family to take with
tbetn a cat when they are "flitting.
especially so u they here to cross
rlrer. There Is a popular Mlef that a
cat born in the month of May Is of no
use whatever for catching rata -and
mice, bat exerts an tnjtirloa Inftneace
on the boas through bringing Into It
disagreeable reptiles of various kinds-,
says Woman's Life.
. In Scotland Mack cant at supposed
to brlag not only good hick, but also
lorem. In Hhtstrsttoa of whlcn may be
noted rbo well known rhyme:
VbssfW tk eat th novas la Maeft,
" 1 : -
General Merchandise;
A Complete Stock of
Garpets and Window bhsdes
New 1909 Wall Paper. All Kinds if furniture
Repaired aod Renalsliel iron Bcils caele
Anything not carried In stock will be ordered ol a nc(!uct:o:i
S. B. M00R&,'
IONE, , - - OREGON, '
lone Proclaimer
esrk NesD sod Iama ssaj
4m.. IVIIC VTIts
4 U
Prsodes m Atl Courts. WaJ "sstswoi
Uven Prosspl and CarWrU Attention.
Land Coo Mats, Probata Wetk tod Cm.
amnnsing a siaiilty.
KOT.'NR- Between fitneamHitmiw
lierry, "i0 grain sacks. Tlio owner
can have same ij calling on T W
forgan, Gooscberrr, and p.ijlug
for tliis notice. -...-
The FrooUimr for $1.50 ayr
1 VkM Innuirrnv'l
Ion hwit I
pr. -
Oregon, .
& Oreeonian $2,
of the West
BtarfMly mnatrstoi Tbnary
Artlclsa RsadsbU Storlea.
lUad Uk Lo-aWs VWid sod
kstorsatrng Story Now Running
Serially. ArticlM oacb monta
McriMng Hm roasoffoaa asa
sposrf witUs bo losoal
M tm SsmW (Mha Mm
Partlaas. Or(
OiWiiiiii Eitclaai
We have a Special Clubbing efftf
now cd with the Pacific Month!
and Proclaimer,- far - - - 1100
InsiMCtton about two weeks bsaeo.