rrow County Is the Richest County Per Capita In Oregon! lone Is the Best City In Morrow County - -r- " - Vol. X. No; 2. ' . JONft OMCGOff. faubAY. Jl'LV 3, 1909. . Whole No. 651', T 0 1' I X K .Header bed Lunibelr Rack Sills v ; and : FLOORING wind River Liins&ep coipaau LA. fact. Bn GilYISTON KliilNED V A TH)AL WIVE. THE OFFICE PASTIME. 1 On the. night of the 20Ui tidn wave struck tlie break wateriit (inl Vflstoii and broke away it for lion nf the sen wiill and Inundated the city.; urins the terrific jvtorm Ihatraged in (lie tiny ' idii col mteii with the railroad brititfe Unit connects lln city with thetjnaiii inu qiki itii comiuunicnttoii mi shut off. ' The most terrible resultsarefear ed ns tjio storm hat. been fenrfnl thntotit tU (lull and all tho cit:e in that section bare suffered from tho elements. . - HARVEST; , CHAS, DICKCV, Pnct. Across the street from Post Office. t - The place to get ft nice cool drink. Give ua a call, we-will treat ydu riffht. Rnzora Hpied l2o cents RALPH'S Barbar Shop (NEXT DOOR TO WOOLKRY'S OFFICE. 1 I , - RALPH HVMCH, Waa ft v I am; -certainly there ttith the fnncy Hair cutting aad smooth Shaving. CALL ONCE, AND YOU WILL CALL AGAIN.., v laiinrinn Rackrt anil luilh.Tiih In rthniirvl'm) - turf ruers, iw $ar wtr is m noite. - 1 1 iir vest is in full blsst ami all week tlie it t recta of lotie are dull, except about train llnic.ln tlie even iti iv hen tbe farmer nro.here look iug for harvest hands. Last Sun uiiy Uie town wnkened up ami looked like theSiiturday auction days ; of lat fall, for I lie farmer were in by the shoals buying ' eti e.it!iift,a di.ih of ice cream. drinking d little "near beer" mid incidentially uatronitiiiB lite biov- . 25 wilts'! ing picture show, at five o'clock, as a relief to the tired frames that labor so hard all lite week. ' Tbe wheat is coming in greater fpiantilies than has been expected nltlio' in sonie quartets there if a report of smaller harvest tlmn "Honked toft Air- Ifortzer rtuw-Wa . . FT ' lionet I Summed Rates East ' During the Season 1909 ; Via the - bre&on Railroad & Naviga tion co OREGON SHORT LINE AND , UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD " from yesleidity that his poorest piece of wheat waba disappointment,' -but that he surely won 13 do much but ter on the remainder. MrKnappeu bersaya the wheat on tbe Woolen-home ranch, which he ban rented, will giro him good return ami so Uie good word is passed a boat. A little later it is reported we are to have some Saturday a actions here and so the farmers arebeginn mg to cull but what itock they want to sell ami prepare for thoee da vs. . THE BANK OF I0NE tiafc served the community oi lone with bank th facilities for sacral years. In doing " fcnis we have had. cooperation of : " our local pcoule. We are oet- DQOJ, cer prepare artnan ever to r take care of the bank ing business .of - " this., com- . " . nullity. , '.. .' t Conservative business is liivfted. tapital - $I5,iM Surplus and Lnrtividcd Profits $1.1 J. K (JronaiL t -Prcfuiclit; T. J. AijilitiMAv- Viro I'resitioUt, J. 1. Cronuu, (Jashifr.. - - -----" , m m VrA I Aha frvirw or wwmi , t'SHZt.T KftOAUHC ... rnrp yw fM, ALL ron $3.00 UNSCT MAG A TiiTrnrTnfnniiiiriTrf artlnml, Seattle, SiKaiie', T?oohia, Vallii Walla . - ami nil jwints on tlie O. R. & N. line ' IOMA34Alind Return $60. To kANsas city " 6b; So ST LOUIS . ' J 67 50 To CHICAGO .'?v- 7 2.50 and to otber principal rltits In ths fel, illdilU Watt and Hoatli. ' ' .trx CorreapontUniix low hrea, , " i Or Sato JwMli My t, $, Anptst it" - ' - - - ' To DENVER find Return $55'. 4 0e4e fUj H, July I. Auaat tl , ; hoinf transit limit 10 Jr (rem ilat'ef sale, fnal relnra limit dctobeir 31. - IVw tickets prmmt frmvntr Mnteiin fMtnresitn the war of ttoporer brlvilecM, and eliok ol PMfM; thrsby Crtabllng pasesncrs to make Side tripe to many interwtlns; pntnts enrooted' y ; : t Rontlnf on the rat am trip throagh Ca.ifotnia may e bad at a slight ad ranee orre;atei qnoteii. i t I fitrUcnlare, eleeplaf ear reservalhias and tkketi rill be fdrnlslifel by any 0. IeaT. local atear, ot . . - - , , . Wlf. McMt'RUAY, GaxniAl.PAfitC.'tarcriKnvFoaTLAxr, Obmoh. We art In receipt ol an. "At Home" card at their home nt lackatnna Oregon, omev""J -1. xnTIPK FOR P'BtJCATlOX nKPAaniKNTOt-Tiii' ixTwrma Vv 8. Unci otr.ee afTt Imlw. Ort. inn .StW "nflh lirlr aitfl tdf lHrl irH- ',sw, tt. i I'f8ItIlT ii, a ' W- Mrl4l Sldl Mlt ( lIM iM W Mk Snal T-rr prMrfi WlUi iM Mlb ahnrt 4wrrlWt. Win tM :hwMMiaMlfr t Tin Daltn, Orf" an Of mk 4y mt npal, IMS. rlaiaai almnwi D. W4. If J p wwa mm) hM r llairiaM vAflns Mnlfc Mvtiii apt im . HarvtM ( "c-frt,h-?ee. " Jnnefand hia brido nee Miss Mary K D.iris ol Cnrnicl, 1n. Tbe r.ar raihr took pi nre at tbe home of iJr A Frank Kwrri-f who o printed on July IIHI. at his home in Bheridrti' Oregon. Mr Jones I well und Jalyrably knottn Iji louo country, hafinf lwen resident Pastor mi Ihe Con rrBrftlot;iil thufch at this place for lire years, lie I nine acquaint wi wiih his present wife.UiroiiRh bis friendship with Iter Ferris. kIi havlii)( liech a life long friend ol Mr Ferris. , - ; t ue gmm wisiies of this comfnun Jly follow Her Jones and Ills wife In their new bonis and trust that life Will bare tbe best of good thing in store (or them. SPERRV & WILT mm BIACESSMIT Quick Service and All Work Cuaranteed. A . Ths TOOTH, FOR V V1 I TOOTH. Ad osraaaai s 'r- CsllaaB4 waat to sit a book ta wt lb' pbntornsiibs ar all mm rela- Urrs la. Ol tbink tliU waa will to. ChnH-Bat that km't a family -boat, atr; that In a erranhook. . CeMiltt-Oh. that's all right, fonau aai all ar m rat'irca are acraf-nam-tvck. ' aWafcalaai : WMI. doctor, do yon think ft b saw. rblncatrtoaar ' -(. ao at am It Is bxtHt a boll a oW M-fc ynr awrfc. nt I mM atf- rSSawalw row to bmb row ere en "-Bfr IssaieT ParfulnM af Native CuatomS 1 -j "In Mareaoa. ; Tn"T4oroeco, tba BsJed-el-Maghraa (tbe land c tbe evtttac ana of tbe Arabsv tbe Lex Talioals la as mocb aa 'ntearai part of tte aodal sratewi ss are Ufa and death. Tbe Hoars, It mr bar aaid, are frankly brutal.. Tber bava a certala rode code, of Boo or td which tber adhere wbeo eooTenieat bat aoMHtv tbameelTM tbar oerlas swery possible escoae for not fnlolllnc atv Sasements with the gUumt. ,, On rhat nka ha)iul 4k an alma i ry imoetulooa iw euctlnf fail rasasnre from Earwpaaoa with wboai they bavw oeallnas. sad ananr atoriei miabt be tokl sbowbkf bow Moorlab faiwm mm at jostle to tboir owa paopla at tbe oetrlnMBt of the allow, -for I is s 1 1, it It wot Wry towt tea that a Brlrlah subjoet rldlaff (twotfefw tbe Boao (or airtat ptoep) at Mara bawl bad tbe 111 fertooe to pea calm half bltod etd wesaaa. who. falUnw to the vroaod, broke off two of warffwwttwatb. no atasllabAaa promprly vtttn4 banajiwaaillsB. It waa refusal, and tbe bajarad wwaaa before the loeal eald aWoaaadad that bar laaaeewt aggriaerW boold bavw two toetb knocked ewt t twtolbwtisw for bar tnjery . rrofaat followad o fwotswt aawtnat Caa awaetlow aatfl flaallr the saatssr WW aasftod to the saltan blaarff . That ealnlaSi Csad thla baataaca Is ffrow to show the fercwf ilnawa of aa tNw eoatoaa) bsgawa the akarl-sbsaa tw eaoaply wnw tbe old weaaaa'a da Uhl aad pablldy eerrlse bla teet fa rotwra for which MarJo be bnw Bowcsaaloaa wMeh hbv taade that Enolfcth toeretisow and hM ifthy II HOIBV POO, MIT'S - I JfV Man M la RHp aft aWSi J, J TTl ft!, a. a i .- I f .m aM a aai akaar la naoa m M . - . If, aaaa-Swa-aaiairKSSUN. II II aV MVUM. a b M ai waa 11 ' II' MM. Urn a at wan aaa an H II 'a iSJai a1iaialaaaf aai at f H Jaaaa) i -aafaaav aal W X Ht Wi aaiaalWJw3T JCjUtW I I' ' f laUItT leVWAL. I 1 N tM r cam' ' l tPM-i-i'ii' la -ara.ar"'H . awaaai pant a) Ma V 'aWMMaaww. J 0 " ft your subscription the Proclaimed due try' I