The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, July 16, 1909, Image 6

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Newsy Items Gathered from All
Parts oi the World.
LHI impornni out rwi mm
tine Happening from Points
Outside the SUM.
Heat in Tutu i causing much suf
fering. Two umti bava boon mad in Chi
cago fo bomb throwing.
W. D. Conner will try to secure La
Folette's Mat in too senate.
Immigration official! are at El Paso,
Tex., inquiring into Cbineaa smuggling.
Mrs. Theodora Roosevelt and three
childran are at Naples, on their way to
E. E. Calvin, the Southern' Pacific
officer, is not yet out of danger, bat is
doing well. '
Bryan says the time la at hand for
all states to act in the ratification of
the income tax.
A Detroit woman has confessed mis
deeds in order to save bar husband
from the gallows.
Canadian officials say the report is
false that the bars are to be let down
to Cbineaa immigration.
Flood oondltiona along the Missouri
and Kansas rivers have Improved but
little and much apprebenson is felt. ,
M. Sakao, president of the Japanese
sugar company, committed suicide
when convicted of grafting by the gov
ernment. The Austro-Hungsrian union is again
Hundreds of new cases of cholera
are appearing daily In St. Petersburg.
Prlnos Miguel, son of the Portuguese
pretender, is to marry an American
English Suffragettes have succeeded
In reaching Premier Asquitta with their
Ambassador Raid has given a dinner
and dance to the king and queen of
Bolivians hare mobbed the Argen
tine legation at La Pas. because of an
adverse arbitration raking.
There is an Immense building in
crease in Chicago. At the present rate
1009 will ahow a gain of 00 per cent
A vigilance committee at Los Ange
les prevented the elopement of a white
woman with a negro. The colored man
was horsewhipped.
John D. Rockefeller has given an
other $10,000,000 to the General Edu
cation board. The board now has an
endowment of $62,000,000.
A severs earthquake shock ie re
ported in India.
The Colombian revolution has control
of the chief port.
English suffragettes have gained an
audlenea with the king.
Persian rebels are near Teheran and
the shah has prepared to floe.
An association baa bee formed at
Los Angeles to reform auto spssd man-
Cat boon has been refused a change
of venue and the second trial a ast for
July It.
Atlantis in 4 days, lfl hours and 86
The Missouri floods have begun to
fall, leaving death and ruin in their
wake. Fully S.000 people are homeless
and the property damage will rasa
The only bank oonoocted by Indiana
la at Fort Lapwal, Idaho,. It has a
capital stock of $10,000 and ovar 146,
000 deposits. The affairs of the bank
ara ooodoeted by three Indiana.
Miseourl erops neve suffered greatly
from the heavy raise,
Nino men wars killed by an explosion
of gas is a eoal mine near Trinidad,
CotO. , K
The mission etoemer Abler is miss
ing in the Arctic oosan with 1$ per-
The Americaa Soger Refining oa
paoy says it is not guilty of violating
the an It-treat laws.
Wheat he been damaged to Nevada
by the extreme oM weather. les
formed ta many ytaosa,
niMM frees rare. Is ISlHMted from
Many paints to Nebraeka. At Omaha
part of tee streetcar system to eat of
Railroad blockades to vartea parte
f Cetera, owe to heavy rams have
daisy ed mora torn l.O0 asisgatea to
ovattoaa to th West
Government Troops top Advance) of
' ' Insurgent Army. .
Pekin, July IS. A tmnarkabto story
of-tbe tragi fata of a youthful pre
tender to the Dragon thron and a
large number of his followers comes
through missionary channels from dis
tant Yunnan province.
Under the influence of Taoist priests
a prosperous member of the country
gentry named Cfau conceived tho. eon
vietion that be himself was ft descend
ant of too Chua' Ming emperors, and
bis aon, aged IS yean, tbo rightful
occupant of the throne. "' .
He rallied the clansmen and his
neighbor to the number of upward of
2.000 men. vsriouslv armed with old
guns, bows and spears. With the pre
tender at their bead, uhs insurgent
army marched upon Yunnan Fa, the
provincial capital, preaching an antl
Manchu crusade.
Nr Vnanan Fn a detachment of
the vicarov'a modern trooDB overtook.
attacked and routed the insurgents.
Several hundred of them ara nporwa
killed end wounded. All the members
nt the Cha familv were oromntls
slaughtered by the viceroy's orders.
The youthful claimant, whose neaa
was so lately adorned by the halo of the
Son of Heaven, was after his axeco
tion, being paraded through the prov
ince 1n a cage as an exhibit and warn
ins to all questioners of authority in
Mobs at La Pai Engage av Pillaging
and Looting.
La Pas, Bolivia, July 18. La Pas
is givsn ovar tonight to riot. The
people swarmed into the streets end
did much damage. The electric light
wires war cut and pillaging was be
gun on all skies. Shots war board In
every direction. The situation for for
eigners, especially Peruvian and Ar
gentine residents, is extremely serious.
The guards protecting too rsruvtan
and Argentina legations were suddenly
withdrawn last evening for some un
known reason. When this became
known, street mobs renewed their at
tacks. Benor Fossae and bis wire
hsd a narrow escape. They mad their
way out of the legation and ran eight
blocks, finally seeking protection in
the homo of the president of Bolivia.
Manifestations nave bean numerous
In public places, and at a meeting held
Saturday a portrait of Pigora Aleorta,
president of Argentina, was held down
ward on a pole and stoned to pieces.
It ie reported here that considerable
excitement prevails st Lima and Bue
nos Ayr, and the Argentine govern
ment's silence in the face of Bolivian
protests, is regarded as ominous.
Roads Los Heavily Because of Re
duction In Chargea.
Chicago, July 1$. Tho claim of Illi
nois railroads that the i-eent rate,
while stimulating travel to a marked
degree, bad reduced the' revenoee of
road from passenger traffic almost to
th ruination point, is born out by a
comprehensive investigation by tbo
Santo Fe road.
The Illinois railroad commission in
sists the law has bea beneficial to the
road. Th latter say they have been
compelled to employ much additional
equipment and more help to handle th
Increased travel, which did not, by a
large sum, compensate them for the
extra expense.
The Santo Fe worked under th
operation of a similar law to Kansas,
wee re a careful record was kept for
th first year. Th Santa F carried
aki acta mo than it did
th year luusly under the g-ccnt
aw. Meanwhile rereouee xrom nes-
senarer traffic for the asm period do-
miMd f 207. 000.
U Railwav men sav this doss not begin
to toll th real was, which mud
found In the great xpeoee for equip
ment and additional emnior. ine re
vision schedules and wear and tear
of property do to ipor oonataot use.
Upper Air to Be Studied.
Ban Francisco, July 18. A meteer-
oloHieal and astronomical observatory
at an altltwJ of about 14,000 feet i
to he erected on Mount Whitney by the
Smithsonian tnetitutien. The work of
preparing th trail op th mountain
over which th materiel will ba trans
ported by pack mo ie is already ander
way. It la expected the station, which
will be temporary, will ba completed
by September , whew Professor W.
W. Campbell and Professor Abbott, of
th Lick observatory, will ga to Mount
Whitney to make abservatiosm
' Prog Drtfte Stop) Tram.
Uttco, R T., July 11. A milage
from Qouveraeer tonight states that to
a heavy wind and rata storm there
thousands of assail frogs Ml. ewvortng
the sidewalk to such an extMrt that
walking waa difficult The rails or a
railroad for half mite war covered
and rsadirid a slippery the spied of
th teas waa materially
Plans for Extensive Trip to Pa-
clflc Coast This FalL -
Executive Wig Visit Portland and Go
on South to California and -.
' Gulf States.
Washington. July 10. President
Taft today gave an outline of th ten
tative plana for bis trip tnroogk tb
West and South this fall.
Th wssldent has abandoned all Idea
of visiting Alsaks this year, largely
because Mrs. Taft will not be ante to
go with him. Upon his arrival hers
today the president received word irom
Beverly that sirs. - Taft was rapidly
imDrovins: in health. He feels, how
ever, that ah is hardly strong enough
to take th long Western trip this fall,
which will occupy shout two months.
As soon as the tariff bill is out oi tns
wsy the president will leave Washing
ton for Beverly, to remain until Sep
tember 17, bis B2d birthday when b
hopes to begin his Western trip. The
preeident will go directly to Seattle,
stopping for brief visits n rout t
Denver, Salt Lake and Spoxane.
After visiting th Alaska- rukon-
Pacifle exposition, the president will
swing down to the Southwest, stopping
for a time at Portland, Or., where he
will b th guest of Senator Jonathan
Bourne, and proceeding thence to San
Leavine? San Francisco, tho president
will go to Los Angeles, where be will
top for several days with his sister.
From Los Angeles the president will
go to San Diego and then into Arisona
and Mew Mexico If the weather is
pleasant and hit arrangements permit,
Mr. Tat hopes to visit the Yoaemito
valley before going to Los Angeles.
Coming out of Mexico, the president
will stop for a time at 1 Paso, where
be expect to meet President Diss, of
After hi stop at El Paao th preei
dent will visit San Antonio, where he
will inspect Fort Sam Houston, -which
ba wa instrumental in building up.
After visiting Austin and Dallas, the
preeident expects to spend several days
on tho ranch of his brother, C P. Taft,
at Corpus Christi, Tex.
Continuing tost, tho president will
stop at Houstos and go to Nsw Orleans
to attend tba meeting of urn ueep
Waterways convention. After attend
ing the convention, Mr. Taft wants to
stop for a time to to Bayou Teen
country of Louisiana, the land of Evan
geline and Arcadia.
From there toe president will pro
ceed to Jackson, Miss., thence to Mont
gomery, Birmingham and Macon.
From Mscon th president will go to
LeaTing Augusta the preeident goes
to Savannah and thence begins his
northwsrd trip to Washington, stop
ping st Wilmington, N. C and Rich
mond, Vs.
Qrsat Pathfinder Btruotar Bald to Be
in Portion Shop.
Cheyenne, Wyo., July 10. Reports
received her tonight indicate that con
ditions at toe Pathfinder dam at Alcove,
said to be the largest to th world, ara
most serious. The dam ia held only by
a temporary dike bailt on gravel foun
dations. Seventy men are working day
and night to trengtbo th dike.
The govemssoBt geological survey
has a fores of man scattered slong tns
river for more than 100 miles above
the dam. taking measurement's of th
river's flow to giv indication of any
sudden rise In tbo stream.
Preparations have beea mad to dy
namite the dam if th water carries
away the temporary dike. Arrange
ments have also bora made toward
warning th peopto living ia taw valley
below in ease f danger.
i - J-
, Man Convicted bv Proxy.
San Francis. July 10. Aa extra
dition case with uneeual features saass
up for bearing this atorn) barer
United Rtetu AiHaiiaiiaMr Hancock.
Mosys don AmareL arrested on a 8 tale
ideDartment warrant, waa ee eased or
murder committed ea saw of to
islands, and aWairh be bad ned f
the country, was tried and eoavieted, a
, man appointed by to I'uiiagueee coon
1 mmmiIm kJe at the trtoL Moaeat-
ly he was raptored at Saw Lei Ohtopo
to this state, and new to reemttag toe
attempt of sxwoditten.
Ta Ouaro Weaken Boeder
I IC1 P. T- Jslv le DawtelJ.
Keefe, commissi oa or general of tananV
ratkm. - bv F. W. Berk
shire, chief inspiuii: for Texas,
ad thai it SnrfM en a tear f s
ties of tbo .tits Bi Grande harder.
preliminary to
frees Me
Revolutionist In Persia Gaining aw
Government Forces. .
St Potereburg, July It. Tb Rus
sian expedition from Baku which land
ed at Easel, a Persian seaport on the
Caspian yesterday, is mads up od 1,000
Russian and 800 Cow irk cavalry, with
eight field gun and sight machine
guns. Despite th correct attitude
maintained by tba Russians, th natives
are demonstrating their unfriendliness.
To unopposed advance of Biphidar,
tba leader of to, revolutionists, and
Sarderasad, th chief of the Bakhtiari
tribesmen, towards Teheran, is taken
bar to mean that General Liakhoff,
tb governor of Teheran, considers his
fore inadequate to engage in a general
battle, and that be has decided to em
ploy hi Cossack brigade merely as a
guard over the lif of tb abac.
Persons well Informed here regard
th entrance of the revolutionists into
Teheran as a foregoo conclusion, wbils
tbo deposition of the stash, which sev
eral times has been mooted, will now
arouse no surprise.
Boy Brought Here by Peary Will Try
for Arctic Honors.
New York, July It, Separated
from his nativ home for IS years,
Man Wallace, an Eskimo boy brought
to this country with ftv of his people
by Commander Pary from .tb Polar
rwgiona, sailed today on tb Bed Cross
tins steamship Rosalind, for St. Johns,
N. F., whence h will b conveyed to
hi bom in Greenland.
Before Men sailed, the Arctic dub
extracted from him a written agree
ment that be would not sgain return to
this country and that while to Green
land be would not bears arms against
the Peary expedition. This was do;
It 1 believed, to the fact that Mono,
angered at the attitude of Peary and
the Arctic club in refusing to take
him back to Greenland, ones saf to
his nativ bom, might seek revenge
for the treatment ba received while in
this eouatry.
Men said be would organise an ex
pedition of Eskimos to And th North
Uniform. Method to B Used In Phila
delphia Schools. .
Philadelphia. July IX. Both vertical
and Speneertan handwriting have been
tabooed In the public schools of this
city, and after this a uniform method
of penmanship will be adopted.
Numerous complaints have been re
ceived from business men who can't
decipher tba writing of their clerks and
applicants for jobs who have learned
their peculiar styl of chirography in
the public schools.
For some tints Superintendent Brum-
bsusrh has been at work on s plan to
unify and improve the writing, and
this plan was adopted at a meeting l
tb elementary schools committee.
A free, legible style of writing.
slightly slanting to the right, will be
taught. Students, no matter bow ad
vanced they may think their nourishes,
will have to begin again with pot hooks
and ciphers.
According to the now code, writing
will be taught like caliathenics or a
manual excrete. The teacher will
clap her band and count, and tb en
tire class will make letters with books
and toils and crosses simultaneously.
Tb exercise Is intended to'give a free
mechanical movement to the arm and
increase tho speed.
Earthquakes in Franc
Marseilles, July IS. Earth shocks!
occurred last night throughout the same
region which suffered aeiew ie dhrforb
ancea in June. The shocks mated four
or Ave seconds, and were in a direction
from aaat to west. Too inhabitants of
Rogues, Lamboaeo and St. Cannat and
other eommune ta th Aix district
were panic stricken and rushed from
their dwellings. They are now camp
ing to th open. At Marseilles the
patients fa La Conception hospital
were greatly alarmed , but they were
reassured by tb surgeons.
Tea oners' Occupation la Gone.
San Jean, Porto Rico, Jury 1ft. Tb
sti am it Carolina has sailed from here
for New York, having on board all the
American echool teachers who taught
ia Porto Rtos last year under contract.
' Va failure of the United States a
tepees the CHmeteed bill, which
de cerned to remedy th deadlock exiet-
mar kv twaaa the executive eaaneil and
the beat1 of delegates, leaves the to
la without ssaney to begia th fiscal
year, atoea the legialature has
Tlaex)fB AlMwl OV awlOwCateV
Madrid. Jury IS. The First brigade
of Cesadera, composed of six battelwas
of tofaatry, three batteries of artillery
and a suusdron of cavalry, a well aa
the erataer Nusnaeto and the transport
Admiral Loho, here
hWIUm, Btereeee. wh
Bsemtoa wmfcrno Iliad ay mUrvoa
waBieH t
Six-Fooi Wall of Water iushw
Don Grand Urer.
Heavy Rama and Melting Snow In
Mountain Turn Missouri Va
ay Into Vast Sea. '-v
Kanses City, July 8. Swollen by-
unprecedented rain and by melting
snows from th Rocky mountains, the
rivers of the Lower Missouri valley
are out of their banks, causing damage
in many part of Missouri and Kansas.
The results of the flood op to a late
hour tonight wr as follows:
Train No. 6, of tns Atchison, Tope-
ka A Santa Fe railway, which left ,
Kansas City at 9:86 a. m. for Denver,
left the track at Pomona, Kan. Of the
10 coaches which made up the train, a
baggage and three dsy coaches left th '
track snd slid into 18 feet of water.
A telephone meeeag from Pomona,
Kan., at midnight said the our-jeer-
old daughter of Mrs. Carrie Rose, of
Chicago, had been drowned in tho
wreck. Three hundred other persons,
who bad taken refuge on top of the un
affected coach ea were rescued by boat
and quartered at nearby farmhouses.
Pomona is almost completely inun
dated, the Mariaa des Cygnes river at
that point being three miles wide. A.
relief train wa sent from Ottawa to
night with food and other supplies for
the pea angers, who were aaid to have
climbed on top of the coaches for refuge
from the rising waters.
In Kansas City th situation to
threatening. Id th bottom in the-
western section where are located the-
stockyards, wholesale warehouses and
manufacturing plants, the waters from
the confluence of th Missouri and Kan-
eaa rivers are lapping the danger lin.
Fattens burg, a town in Missouri 60
miles north of Kansas City, ia ten feet
under water, and it 1,600 inhabitants
are In dire straits. Fifty rowboato.
were put on a special train at Kansas
City this morning and hurried to the
aeon. Later reports say that tba ma
rooned citizens were all removed to-
higher ground without loss of life, but
that the property damage will b tre.
At Cbilicothe, Mo., on the Grand
river, six men were swept from a bridge
this afternoon and wore seen floating
down the stream. - Whether they
reached shore or not was not teamed.
The bridge was carried out when a.
great wall of water six feet high swept
down both forks of tho Grand river and
joined at Utiea, continuing after that
aa one great flood. The water spread)
out all over the bottom land and did
great damage to farm and crops in its
Tba water overwhelmed th railroad
tracks, blocking traffic absolutely, and
causing tba death of several people.
Joe Willard and his wife were drowned
two mile west of Cbilicothe as they
were fleeing along the track a. William
Chriatisn was also drowned and six sec
tion hands are reported missing. The ,
agent st Gault Arthur Ftok, was ree-
lvwi I mil um nwi ui uni pwinw
a dose escape from tb flood.
Tb Burlington bridge to the west of
Cbilicothe has been abandoned.
Body On Way Home. .
Washington, July 8. The body of
Representative Cuahman. accompanied
by two representatives of the sergeant-at-arms
of the bouse, left New York
st 4:46 yesterday afternoon, and was
met at Harriaburg by Robert Joyce,
with whom Cuahman lived here, and by
A. G. Hendricks, representing Senstor
Pile. They will accompany the re
maina to Taeoeaa. The body Ie expect
ed to arrive there Sunday night
In accordance, with Mrs. Cush man's
wish no congressional party was desig
nated to act a escort Congress will
appropriate $7,600 for Mrs, Cuehman
In accordance with tho custom of be-
stowing upon tb family of deceased
members an equivalent to one year'a
salary. The bona will alee bear all
funeral ox pence.
Vytorvvnrn Men Maet at Yankton.
Yankton, 8. D.. Jury S. On of
most notable gatherings ever assemH
bled to this part of too country in the
interest of waterway beveloeeaent waa
called to order today when the M issosri
River Navigation congress met in sec
ond anneal, eon van tion. Representa
tives are present from Missouri, Kan
sas. Iowa, South Dakota and other
state in th Mctton tribpatary to the
Missouri river. .Senators, representa
tives, governors, captain; of ftoane
and other high to crucial and eommer
eti lif ara aehedatod as speakers.
CeJyte t Doing Meet.
Baa Franetoeo, J sty 8. Tee tonAV
M -SSI? - J
general mensgsr of the Scvtbera Paei.
Be oseapsjry, srho ssKtenseat s opas
tton for sppsndtoftto Besxtoy, to report
d to h astarely i