The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, July 16, 1909, Image 5

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    lone Proclaimer
lone Oregon, Juy 18,-1909.
loac Toftu" Officers ', '
hrw.. ,l.L.l4u'
fctbiMV i ... ..C.J, r"eumuii'fi
Treaiuror..,.i J. A. ur.
Mralll.: ....T.J. rjl.
Contuil4 W. 0. Cumuii
aupkLtghtatidWawr plant..,, B. K. MUtr
. - K. T. Perklm
nuMfin. ' J H. r. Wilinot '
OmmHimb... Mjii ,ulr0M- .
' ' - 1 -a- e9"'J
Frank fcufdmaa
art'K'XK op school district
CHt ; . ...B.T. VcrklU.
Ktliwr C. W. Jlo..iv
RauaiTar LonU U. Arna.Qii
Lod&ea Meet Follows:
Mnn wdnMliir nlf hi oo at pfMadlBf
the ItfM full iiini'ii ii wfl moiitR. '
Odd Fallow
Fiminl DilrdTaur,ijravMlUK
Illicit niuJllh
. WT, N. TBS, want
and tl.ird Sainrdav ttvonlna
I of tMh month.
MORGAN I X K 1.(1, u. F. Ka. Ml, mibuI
wry TlLTtt uiglit t UorfkB.
"All coummiiicrttionf, as far as
possible,, Bhould reach us not later
than Tuesday nignt. Please hear
this in mind and havecommunica
tions in on timeA'-Editor.
H M Olden of Eightmile was in
town last Thursday and paid tin
Proclaimer office a very pleatiiut
Mr and. Mm W IT Phillip of
TJolville Washington, with their ti
'children are visiting Mr and Mr
Chan 1) Kly for a few weekh.
Mrs Chns l$ly made her Itonie with
them' after corajng -west until
'Charley concluded to take her to
his own home.
Notice-Ben Buschke of lone wih
'esto notify partiesontheNortlnmle
who have stock running at large
'that it they don't keep them' out
of his grain he will take tliein uj
'and biting them to lone to tlia liv
ely stable where the owner wil!
have to pay charges.
Miss Ague, Pennington bro'ugh'
the Proctaiinerthe finest boqoci
n at t u r tiums we have seen it
nianjr a day. :
Mr C Head, while heading tin
other day, remarked that the graii:
was too t lii n, no ho put. in in?
thumb and cut it off. It M getting
better now and ho thinks lie wil;
not muddle with the,' quaiiim
of wheat - again wheu hcndihf-
Harry Aker (fame in front Clif
halis Washington, Monday nin
will re'iiain here Ihrti ham-t-t -I
Anyone in need of lime, miiw-hI,
and shingles call and see (jr rlar
Iter before Roti.g elsewhere. t '
A T Kins received a letter from
his "on J W, who lives at Union
.union coiiiiiy, ana wno is wonting
for a Miirman sugar beet company,
his wife also being employed in
charge of the bmudiim house, tellt
ing of name bad look. The house
burned down Inst Friday aud
tiolhing ffii saved. As (he furni
ture all belonged to Mr King he
Js fueling the loss heavily, ,
J H Harl&e of Portland, was
'in lone on business tlie first of the
week. , f '
Chicken dinner "with all the
"fix in" at the Hotel Sunday.
Miss Audrey W'oolety made a
ueiness trip to Heppher Tuesday.
D C Ely has chant of the office
at theIotel lone during the ab
sence of hi dau enter Mamie who
la with her brother Hal thru har
vest. D C did not take-kindly to
- IHsmj A ud rev and Velmalela
Woolerjurill leave Monday for a
"trip to Seattle to tie Fair, return
1ng will spend two weeks in Port
land and Corvellis and will reach
loneAucnit first aa Mrs Knap
'penberg will go to the mountains
with ibe family daring tt beak
, The Proclaimer people ji're in
receipt of a letter from Mrs 8hai
hart whose bnabaod has 'tajteu1 u
Inniiealead at Progress, Nt-
Mesicb,, lei I i it g that they an
nicely settled but longing forfait)
Archie Cox passed tlirti Ion.
Monday evening on fail return
trip to Bumpier where he wan loofc
ing after their aheep wlio arc graz
itig there. -
Don't cook dinner at home Sun
day. Go to the hotel and enjoy t
ood dinner, without .the troubli
of cooking it.
Mrs Loren Hale is the proud
(iiwuesBor of a oow and young ca-lf.
Ira Morgan, son of M R Morgan,
it home from school at the OA I
it Cor va I lii. "
Ed Miller, the city engineer, - is
out -Harvesting ana the quwer
house is in charge of Frank Aker
Everything seeins to be moving
along all right and Frank is busy
fixing up lights and water pijtet,
so lone is to he congratulated that
they have him as a citizen to come
to the front when needed.
Lost; one yearling jersey steer,
with a wire pu neck: spiked bom,
light coIor animal in good condi
tion. Finder wilj be given by see
ing K. W. Cochran
Bernard Mc Devitt wab in lone
Saturday doing some shopping
and was in the Proclaimer office
Arranging for the publication of
his final proof
Mrs R S Wilcox came from Port
land Friday and will aurpeiintend
the cooking for tlie men employed
in running Mr Witco&'s combine.
Mrs Hymer came from Portland
Cridny, where she has been vifii
ing for the past month.
Suili cleaned and pressed for $)
tixtra pants 40c and ladies skirl'
41.50 at the barlwr shop, Rnlpl
Hymer Prop. ' Also get your Shoer
.ihiued. "
We think the harvest will 1
better than reported as flalvorsei
.md MaioR have sold ten licader jj
and l'ntil Itafsiger hns alra Iwvi
luisy KUpplying the market.
tev Bradstreet and wife and Mr
i'omii- and r-on r-pent !
lv I list week with Mrs E 1
Vr.drew and had ice c renin ant
ill farm deliclTcivs at their
fine ranch cn Hhea creek.
The Hotel is putting up an fiiu
'ond ns can Ito found out ghle o'
t'ort la nd. , 1 i you w n nt a .p'u
tinner, go Ultra tiul get it. Vol
ivill be plcifed.
Harvest hnndf have been comiiif:
into lone on the evening tvniir,
tiilc nuiuerouely for mj vera I inr
past. Tht-y have lieen met at Hip
tleput and hired lin'medtately upon
their arrival and ?et more are
it'edrd. It would be well if we ha I
i ulinune at the thousand of utarr
ing'peopJe Uie Socialist speaker told
of at Walker's IjiH the -other
evening. -
Mr and Mrs Dotty ns areout'biiggy
riding these nice evenings and it
seems nice to sen him about again.
S I Stratton is building anew fence
about his grounds. '
John Klits has retitrned rrom his
trip in Portland.
From the looks of things Mrs
Balsiger will haTe lot! of rasp
berries this winter aa she got four
crates last week. .
T H Mttlohlaes, a real estate
mtn from Forest Grove,. booirn
apmeland here, ras up Tuesday
and while here paid thifroclahner
nice visit, ,
Cart -Rhea, wife and baby
were shopping in lone Tuesday.
They lae met gramlpa J P upon
his arrival from "Walla Walla
.Mat Halvoraeo'weui pwr M tnr
warehouse llir other diiy to gxta
uuit oloil and pickw up mi itiitt
a liuleiu it. He landed at the ut t
with the oil runninir to liia tin
and a fiutt light pair oitruU(-i,
ruint-il. Much ayiiimljy ' hh
xnrraMrii for him by the bi
'.Mrs Currin son and daughter
atuafroiu Cur vail in TiieMiuy im!
wtHtt miCTn' Willianif md Mitthi
-uu' threshing camp nttire cji.
will cook, for, the barvtwtwrs.
K J K Crqnait, President of th.
lone Bank, who haa Wtxi in 1'ort
laud tor .he paitt mouth, returned
I'uet-day. , ,
Hhea caine ovet from tt'uili.
Walla luKt Tuesday, to ut-t noinr
liinggood (umU. ' '
Wtllard Blake'a hoyi Iiare ..n
iiting crowa' -and ate trying to
teaoh thaw to talk.
'-U'JH- ul - -k..u
III ir . Ulflll "II- DIMIUfil
green onions tp fred the w bole
ootiiily. He" is shipping theni l
points. ,
The Dalles tind otliui
' Opal Coclirau is agisting
PerkhisTn the post office.'
C J Currin came in froniCorval
is Tuesday and will remain tliri
harvest. ' ,
- lone Proclaimer and
Portland ournal - $2.
4320 Acre south Africa
Velerao Bounty Land :
Utud by the Deportment of
the Interior Government of
Canada, Ottawa, under th
Volunteer Bounty Act. 1908.
ood forS'20 occeff if any
dominion land open foi
entry in Albert Snskatelie
vnn orMauitoba. Any pernm
n er the age of 18 yearn, jjux
r WO.MAN, can acquiie
this laiwl with tlii? Certificate
'itItout fH'tiicr cliargp. For
iminodittto saks $S00.00.
Write or wire, f. K. Telfonf,
C:i Sliutcr Street, T-oronto,
f'nnada. ; . . i
(Si-rlnl N Mil;:) Not tixl tinriU
- DuiMtrlment of (lie Interior.
V, S. IjhuI Otllcp, Tlie IHc, Or. )
July 7ih, 1110ft
XMW li keraky fhentli! Ikimird lie I'erl!t?
nt Ion, Oti fn. who an V, liwj, ntmlc
una S i ttonai.To'iih(p' Xorth,
Hin 5. rt WllUtrtir MerlrittB, Dni
Bled nmii-s of nnatiMmi m innta EuuU-
TfCrikrt PTiol, nelklll ' Utnt i lh land
Jr erTlbcil.Ue(ir J V Willlm, CniuS
9UIM'mniUali.nariit llnpvMr, OttfOtt.on
D ml Ixlii'( B, Pmrli k t n.f , of !),,
Lftrnrr I"lvftr J"i"i Melmltcel Uryp-
Mr, OlOfOB.
c aoer
awtitif .
In 181T one Ilklinnl Tlicimton. eaUrt
to the bar ot tlie fclnffii Iftncb cunrRctt
with t: rnnnler of Mary Akfinl, In
open mrt tbraw down kin clore niwl
oefled tile aceaaer, wberenpoa rhrnt
was a twettr to do. Waer of battle.
It wn bupoomI. bad dtml a natural
death ! i the dark aitee, tnit IOrd Elti-o-borooit'i
after moch oooaotratloii, rot
prerak it held that It wa still the law
of Km ind and ordered a teld to be
dMiiKid. Kfrt year periunjoM
aeaed na aet flboUshtoff thhi nrivUeffB
af appeal to the etroni rtlht am.
Plokint ea Hint.
A flrat Krade boy bronaht verfeet
apelllBf papn bonw for aareral wttf
and then aaddeTily begaft to aakw art
aad six out ef tafl.
"How's ttala atmr aed hla father,
L -Teeohef a faalt," repllod the boy.
-How to ll the teaHter-e raeitr-
.J07 -
A Complete Stock of
Garpets -and Window Shades ,
New 1909 Wall Pper. All Kinds of Furniture
Repaired and reeflnlshel iron Beds r, icK?.
Any! hing not carried in stock will be ordered at a Reduction
: S. C M00RE,
10NE, - - , - OREGON'. ,
Ibne ProclaimeLigr
Printing '
Attaraor 9od CoaasMOor Uw
divea Proai4 at Carefel Attoatloa.
Land Ooateets, rraaato WeVh aad Ce
ytma iiiUlty.
D B Andrews has Volrrry-R
and Poke Judy helping him with
his Brst dlfalfa cutting. -
lira Rnmnibi Jiaar XOO liltle
'Uict - . Many f the... trV Ufa
ease new.
of the West
P inlfiillj IDwrtntod Ttawly
ArtlcUa RMdbl Storla.
M Utk U-dW. VWM mm
bilorntf Suer rtow KmniHI
SmWIt. ArticU mc meet
dMcnbfctt Um rMoercM ui
eliiliaHe va be
a aa taw- r "
1-Hiaa, Or
..-rm. .i-.-j i. m
I Wc luvc t Special dubbing off cf
now, on with tbcPaclftc Hoothlf
atU froctalojef. tar - ' -