tf The Main Chance MY Meredith NiehoUon Ctntran MM Tans ImmNhmu Comfamt GHAPTKR IV. (Continued.) They apent the day in tbe saddle rid lm ever the range. The ridiculous charac ter of tb 1'uindextar undertaking could not spoil the ml value of the land. There was, Ms it on could see, the making hers of a treat farming property; he tell hia old interest In outdoor life quickening aa ht rode back to tha bouaa ia tba aven Ing. Mnyder cooked supper for both of them, while Barton repaired a decrepit wind- ' mill which had been designed to supply the house with water. He had formed u poor opinion of the car taker, who bad no well-defined duties. There waa noth ing for any one lo d., unless the ran, were again stocked and cattle railing un- "dertaken aa a serious buints. Halt on waa uaed to rough men aud their wsya. .He had a happy faculty of adapting blm M'f tit tbe conversational capacities ot Illiterate men, and enjoyed drawing them out and getting their point of riew ; bu Bnyders waa not a visage that insplrec connneuce. lie bad a great abock o black hair and a arrant beard. Ha la d an eye, and ha bad a habit of drawing ma oeaa around in order to accommodate nia remaining orb to any necessity. He did thla with an Inelnuating kind of de nigration that wcama tiresome Id a lou interview. "Thla plan la too fancy to ba of orach tbe man vouchsafed. "Ton may unu some ouae that wanta to plant money wnere enomer dude baa dng tba firsl oi out i reckon youU hare a bard lima catching him. A real cattleman wouidn tears for all thla bouaa. It might be made Into a stable, but a horaa would look ridiculona In here. Ton might have a corn crib made out of It ; or It would do for a bote! If yon eoald get dudea to pena ma rammer her; but I reckon ns a utile hot out km for boarders,'1 itie only ml value la In tba land. aid nexton. -I'm told ttaera'a no better ea IM river. Tba room la a hanrflrsn r would ba ao regarded by the kind a, msn wbe make money out of cattle. Have yon ever tried rounding up tba cattle Mat at rayed through tba fences T Tin roindexter crowd muat have branded their laat calvea about two years ago. Assuming that only a part of tnem wa old or run off, there ought to bo aome two-year-old still loose la thla counm j u m wunq unuing. ' iar jokin- I guess. These' feller, around nere ar good fellers, and all that but I (imm they don't giv any thins bach I guesa wt ain't, got any cattle omit so un. "Wbo'vs yog bass reporting to, 8ny darT "How's thatf" "V'bo have you been considering your Self responsible tor "Well, Jim Wheatoa at to Clarfcaon National hired dm. and I reckoa I'd re port to bim If I reported to anybody. nut it you re going to run this shehana and want to be reported to, I guess 1 can report is you." I want yon to report to me." eM John, quietly. "Is tbe Aral place I warn the bouse and tbe other buildings cleaned out. After than tbe fences must be pen In- shape. And then we'll aee if we can't find some of our cows. Yos can't tell i wt ami open up a reslTtnch hers and go Into business." "We(l, if you'rs lbs boss IH so It your way. 1 got alouf all right with Wheaton." Baxton determined to tears for Clark son the following morning, nnd formulat ed 1 his mind tbe result of bla Journey sod plana for tha future of tbe htcon r nous combination of properties (hat sad b -i entrusted to bim. lis est for ao boiir Iseu4g out over tbe moos-1 It val ley. Ha followed th long Sweep ef tbe lain, through which be couM see foi miles the bright ribbon of tbs rivsr. A train of cars rumbled far away, am lb Iron trail between tbs two oceans, latee alfylaf tbs kmrliaeai sf tbs strsnge bouse, . "1 mm to Bod so If tbs musty place,' bs as Id aloud. In tbs morning bs ats tbs brsskfaai of coffee, hardtack and bacon which Boy ds prepared. Hnyder rods with aim to the railway station. -Give my regards to Mr. Wheaton, be nM. ma Baxion iwubi himself into tbe train, "you'll Bad me ben at tbs aid stand when 'you mas hack.' , "A queer customer and undoubtedly a bad lot," waa Pax teas reflection. When Hasten bad written sat the) ton ol his trip bs took It ts Wheatoa, to get his auggeetloae before forwarding M s Boetea. lis looked Upon tbs cashier a bla nwdcessir. sod wished ts avail hia self ol Wbeatons a sow Mas sf tbs Isca) esAdltwna affecting tbs several prspsr Ilea that bad now nsased as bis ears. Wbestoa nadoubtsdly wlsbed ts bs sf as aanssjcs, and k ibe4r dhiaal st tbe report, tbs cashls nwds ssany anggaa mm s4 vatns, si wbkb auss) was gad svsJI Uasssol as Hat NndMbst Ssxssa ffftsOy, Tss sssb sOvsttlafoc H for Bala In tbs bops of fading a buyer, bat without results. Tbs poop Is at bead quarters can't bother about tbs detail of these thing, bat I esnt sat why we should maintain a sarstaksr. There' nothing to lake ears of. That house Is worse than useless. I'm going back In a few days ta ass If -1 can't coax boms soma of tbs cattle we're ea titled ts, and then I suppose ws may aa well diapause With Snyder. " "I don't ass that there's anything else ta do," Wheaton answered. "I ts been to tbs ranch, and thsrs'a Httls personal property there forth caring. for. That man Snyder cams along one day and asked for a Job and I sent bim out thsrr thinking bs'd keep things In order aarli tbs Truat Company sent Its own tsprs- seiiUtlvs here." There were times when Whsaton's black eyes contracted curiously, and Ibis was one of tbs tiroes. "I don't like discharging a man that you'rs employed," Baxton replisi. "Oh, that'a all right. Ton can't kn him If bs nsrforms ao service. Don't troubls about him on my account, How soon are you going back there?" "Next week aouos time." 8s x ton was not surprised when ba re turned to the ranch to find that Snydei bad mads no effort to obey hia Inetnic tiona. He made bla visit' unexpectedly. Hs reached tbs house In the middls af tbs morning and found the front dooi bolted and barred on tbe Inaids. Aftr much poundlngths auceceded In brfugtnj Hnyder to the door, evidently both aur priaed and diapleased ar bis Interruption. "Howdy, boss," waa tbs salutation ol tbs froway cuatodian; "I wasn't feeling Just right to-day and waa takia' a little asp.' The great ball ahowsd signs of a ca rousal. Tbs dirt had Increased sines &m ton's first appearance. Empty bottle that had been doing service as candle stick! stood in their greaay shrouds on tha tabls. Ssxtoa sat down on a kdg. which had evidently been recently emp tied, lis resolved to make ouick work of Snyder. "How many cattle have you roandfd up alncs 1 was here 7" he demanded ' "WcH, to tell the truth," began Snyder "there ain't been much time for doing that alncs yon waa bars." "No : I suppose you were busy mend ing fences and cleaning bouse. Now you havs been drawing forty dollars a month for doing nothing. I'll treat too battel than you dsssrvs and give yon tan dot- Ian bonus to get out. I believe tbs pony 1b tbs corral belongs so you. We'll 1st It go at that. Here's your money.' "Well. I guess as He Wheaton hired ma, bs'd better Are ass.' "Yes, 1 spoks to Mr. Wheaton about yon. lis understands that you'rs to go.' "Hs does, does be?" Snyder replied with a sneer. "Hs most bav forgot thai I had an arrangement with bim by tba year. c -t "Well, It's alf off," aald flaxtoa, rising Ha began throwing open tba wlndors and doors to 1st in fresh air. -WelL 1 guess I'll have ts see Mr. Wheaton," Snyder retorted, finding thai Saxton waa paying no further attention to bim. Hs collected bla few bolongi'igs, watching In aotonlahmcnt tbs violenoe with wblcb Buxton waa gathering up and disposing of rubbish. "Hs seems to bs mors Interested tr Wheaton than Wheaton la In bin," ob served Sexton to himself. Baxton apent a week at Great River. Hs hired a man ta repair fences and put tbs house In order. Hs visited several ot tba large ranch owners and asked them for aid In picking out ths scattered rem nants af tbe Poiadestsr bard. Nsarly all of tbs m volunteered to help, with tha re sult that b collected about one hundred cattle and sold them at Great River tor cash. He expected to sss or boar of Sny der In tha town but tbs fallow bad dis appeared. CHAPTER T. James Wheaton waa SB years aid, and was reckoned amlng tbs solid business men of Clarkson. Hs bad succeeded fai beyond his expectations and was fairly content with tba round of tba (adder that he had reached. He never talked about alawett aad as bruad nu lailmaieTriends It bad never bees necsssary for bim Id givs confldsBcsa, Hia rather bad been a barnewt-maker In a Httls Ohio towa; be and his older brother wars expected to follow tbs sates business ; but tbs brother grew restless andsr tba threat af enforc ed apprenticeship and prsvsiled on Jamas ts rua away wltb bias. They became tramps and snjoyed themselves roaming through tbs country, until finally - they wars caught steal lag hi a Httls llUnols village and bath wars arrested. James waa discharged through tbs gen erosity af bla brother in taking aH tbe blame an himself ; tbs older bay waa seat to a reformatory alone, James then weaT to Chicago, where hs sold papers and blacked hoots for a year until bs found employ meat aa a train boa with a com- pa ay operating on vartouo llnea running out of Chicago. Thla gava aim a wide soon sin fairs with Western towns, and lavMlSBtally with railroads nnd tallnad Hs grew tired af tbe road, and ob tained at Ctarhson a position ta the of - Acs af Timothy Margrave, the gsweiul maaagsr of ts Tinnsronttnsntal, which, hs bad beard, waa a grant primary seem I far ambitions boye. , k . Ha attended sight senses, waa assMs- s In his duties, and attained In doe suras tba dfaulty of a desk aa which bs took tba cards af Hargravs'a sailers, m dtted tbs kttsr bosks and espied figures ndes tbs divert I af tba chief dsn After a year, bearing that sue sf ia Oarawu National Saab's misssngira was about as resign, ba anpllsd far this peace. Margtust tsmmmiadia bim: tba Meal maaagsr af tbs news agauey saathid far bla tatsgvtty, and ba da course ba wead tba at rests af Ctartaaa wttb n Issw bm-bsat. tba enjrwurd aad vWMe ahrs at hat nssJtloa aa asssasaajnr. Ba was ataad- past rinaftng rjtrtssr sad farfbnr banana bim. - . Wbss, at an tntpsrtant boar af his Hfs, Wheatoa was promoted to ns paying tsU- or, bs waa In tba motiving teller's sags. Re had knows that the mora desirable position waa vacant sad bad hearu bla fellow clerks spsculatlng as .to tbs posst billty of a promotion from among their number. Thompson, ths cashier, bad a nephew lo tba bank: and among tbe clsrfca ha waa tbouxht to havs ths best chance. Thsy nil knew that ths directors were in session, god several whose taska for tbs day wars floiabed, lingered later than waa their wont to ats what would happen. Wheaton kept quietly at bla .work: but ha bad an eye on tha dons oft tha directors room, and an sar that in sensibly turned toward ths snnnncistot by which maaasngera wars called to tbe board room. It rang at last, and woea ton wiped bla nan with a Httls mors than bla usual ears as be waited for the re sult of ths summons. This waa on his twenty.fifth birthday. "Mr. Wheaton!" Tbs other clerks looked at one another. The question that had basn nmwrmot with nil Ol them for a week past was answered Thompson's' nsnhew flammed his book abut and carried It Into the vault What ton put saide the balance sheet over which ba had been lingering and went into ths directors' room. Then had been no note 'of Joy amour his associates. Hs knew that ha waa not popular with them; be waa not, la their sense, a good fellow. Whan tbey ruabed off aftsr hours to ths ball games or horse races, hs never Jolnsd them. When their books did not ba lanes be never volunteered to help them. Aa for himself, hs alwaya balanced, and did not need their help: and tbey hated him for IL This was his hour of triumph, but he went to his vic tory without the cheer of his comrades. ' Later, when nerd arose for creating tbs position of assittant cashier. It waa natural that tne new desk thonld bs as signed to Wheaton. Ho was faithful and competent ; neither Porter nor Thompson had a son to lasts!) In tbe bank ; and. aa tbey said to sach other and to thsir fel low directors, Wheaton bad two distln guishlng qualifications hs did his work and hs kept his mouth shut In the course of time Thompson's health b robs down and tbe doctors order ed bun away to New Mexico, and again there seemed nothing to do but to pro mots Wheatoa, Thompson wished to sell his atocfc and resign, but Porter would not havs it so; but when, after two yearn, it was dear that the cashier would nevti again bs fit for conthiuoua service la tbe bank, Wheatoa was duly sleeted cashier and Thompson was mads vies president. The relations between Portsr and Wheaton were strictly of a business char acter. Thla waa not by tntantlon an Por ttr's part Ha assumed that at some time be or Thompson had known all about Wheaton 'e antecedents : and after aa anamy seem s akttsfaetenr service, during tbs greater part of which tbe bank bad been protected against Whea ton, aa against all the rest of tbs em ployes, by a bonding aompsny, bs accept ed the cashier without any question. Ba rb rs Evalyn'a return bs bad ana day ax- pressed to Wheaton bis satisfaction that Bs would soon have a home again, and v neat on remarked with civil sympathy that Mlaa Porter must now aa "quite a -young lady." J "Ob, yes; you must corns ap to tha bouaa when ws get going again,' Porter answered. Wheatoa bad teen tba Inside of few booses in Clarkson. Hs had a reosllec tloa of having been sent to Portsr'a sev eral times, while bs waa still an errand boy in the bank, to fetch Portsr'a bag on occaaloiia when the president had been caiicu away unexneetedir. He rem be red Evelyn Porter aa aba used to soma aa a child and sit in tba carriage outside tbe bank to wait far her fatbsr; tba Porters stood to bim tbe at, and now, toe wealth and power. Raridan bad a contempt forvWhsatona Intellectual dVnciendea ; and praise of Whsaton's steadiness- and success vexed bim as having some Sting for himself; but his own amiable Impulses got tbs bet ter af bat prejudices, and bs showed Wheaton many kindness a. When ths tttbrrl ! Tha llaihsUis' nagged When ton. It was Karidsn -was threw himself Into the controversy to take Whsaton's part Us took him ta call at boom of tbs bouses bs knew beat and though thla waa a matter of preplnqalty he knew nevertheless that he prafemd Wheaton to tbe others la tbe bouaa. Wheaton waa not notsy nor pretentious and tbs others were somMimee both. ' Wheatoa soon found It easy to do things that bs bad nevsr thought of do ing before. He In i east known to tbs sorlat and haberdasher: there was a lit tle Hambletouiaa st a certain U very rasa's which Warry Raridea drove a good deal, and be bad learned from Warry bow peasant It was to drive out to the new country Hub ia a runabout Instead of aalng ths street car. which left a nwrmin af plebeian walking at tbe end af tbe line. But while he acoulred the superfi cial graces, be did not Hwe bla Instinc tive thrift: be had never st tempted ta plsnura. wee en what hie associates at The Bacbebirs called "sure things;' nnd bs was squally lacanahle af perusal ex tra vsga are. If be bought Bowers bs seat tbesa where they wow,l toll SB Ms favor. If be bad five dollars tb give to ths le Bund fog tbe poor, he considered that when tbe aswspamw printed hie naass hi 1st list ef achjKtwIedx eases ts, batwsoM Tlmatby Msrgra. was auw fifty dol lar, and William Patten who gave twenty-five, ba bad reeelvsd mm a di sua to re torn SB bis Ibtss stent. ' (Ta bs eeattBawu.) ' " . is. Where did yon a tool that frosar fiBBnasdad tbs pall mi is an aatoad tbe tramp. -I dldnl steal ft, saM Ism tivaaax'beaa tbey ngrue that thai umawtog af "A tody up ths street furs tt W BBS nsis bw aasters, (ha aalaiba aissm bp asat tont bm to baa tL"1 rsatsai tovthtva sal aaihlinakli ' - CUTHHQ WOODEN 1 Un .tiMi ! mTgiinv Thla tuacblDa, which can cat 140,000 wooden blocks In ten hours, con sists of a series of circular saws fad with wooden battens. . Thsss are kept in tna rignt direction oj ma tram a, woiea in too picture ta rataaa m oraer to show tba sawing apparatus. Tbe battana move up an Inclined plana to wards the saws and the finished blocks are delivered down a similar plan at tha other and. Tha motive power la electricity. Throne, an official act of the Church of the Brethren In Pennsylvania, mem bers of the sect who wear cold rim med spectacles and eyeglassee are vir tually called heretics. . ' The Brethren, or Dunkarda, aa they are commonly called, have alwaya been PPaed to all forma of oetentatloua apiay. in ue rural diBtricts tbs members of the church adhere faith fully to the old-time regulations, ss chewing ail ornate features of dress or architecture, Those who go to the cltlse and es tablish church ss there havs discon tinued many ot these euatoma. The men wear .neckties and watch chains, which the older rural members re- garded as abominations. The city eburchea have organs and stained glaaa windows, which are not tolerated In the rural churches. Ia matters touching the conduct of the members the Dunkarda are not IDTereed by set rules, but merely by the general sentiment of the ehurch sipraaaed from time to time la Its oon fereocsa. The only authorised ereed of the church la the Bible, and upon the literal interpretation ot various passages of Scripture are based tbs ts rtoua euatoma of the church, such aa tha baptism of adults, la a running Btrsam, the opposition to warfare aad litigation, the wearing of tha plain tun u Mad aw tmm aiinuana. art tbe tore feasts, tba taet-waahlng erssasny and tha kiaa af ehnrtty ax ;baaad h masnbtra at ehnroh ssrr- tOBS. nnBMtltaea tha dlatrtct eonfamosa attssipt to euroroa atrtngant rules ef asndnut under pata ef exnossmuimv tMsa. Tba Oble aiafsraBaa baa decided that afl aseanbesu Bhail h aanmiMai PAVtHO BLOCKS. hpwaywpi 1 wearing of jewelry, fold and nnnsoss ssry ornamentation ba discontinued and that the sisters wear the prayer cap during religious services." ' Tbe question of a paid ministry hag. been a source of much perplexity to the ehurch. Originally ministers were ehoeen from the membership ot ths congregation and asrved without pay, continuing their previous employment. The city churches found such methods Impracticable and to maintain their work were forced to pay their pastors. Officially thla Is termed a supported wasHTife tn,nn. ministry and under that dealgnatloo haj bsien taeltly -permitted. Asssiese Ceweet Oeatasisttoa. The Imports ot ends cocoa Into tba United States In the calendar year 1901 amounted to 7,4 19.700 pounda. alued at Slz,9,ft3t. The imports the ysar previous were 112,147 ponnda leas, but thd total valae was W.IW, T4S greater. In other words the mar ket value of the cocoa Imports dropper from 17H cents per pound In 190? to IS cents In 1908. The United States la tbs faxrgeet censumef of eo eoa, the world output of which to about a4d.000.0ofi pounda. The leading countries supplying the American mar kets are ths British West Indies, which sent I7.M6.871 pounds ta 1908. while 1T.01MU pounds oama front elsewhere la ths West Indies and Bar Biuda; Brasll furnished ltJfil,Ud pounds, while lfi.77S.fiM pounds cam front elsewhere fat 8outB America. Crude cocoa ranks aa twsuty-drtk In Importance of msrdsandtos Into tbe United BUtoa. v i bawls) Be Carried Men. T wlah you wouldn't ba cross to that dear little dog of mlaa.- said tha wife. Tha little fellow to Just filled with good Inteutiona." "WeH." replied the hasten, grabbtag tba pup, -I rest Ilka to earry eat good totantioBaTTecAers nXaaasonn. - -masng m eem eoenmoa trait Which dmtlngulshss nil Uvlng thiagn. All btods sf aatmato bavw thetr ways ef Mtaaatv. A aaahw ts alau-taetha mtmM. waagpeitpto and old snsw Iflka araexsa, but fit njwnya tolas to tax end un wwauan to