The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, July 16, 1909, Image 1

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    '. 'l'1' . . '" '. . . . .."..H." 'I ' , '..'.'7. ' ' !
Morrow County Is the Richest Gounty Per Gaplta In Oregon. "l v'Q ' .".! loneig the Best Glty In Morrow. County
Vol. X. : No: l. ' 1 V : IONE, OREGON. FRIDAY,. : JULYlli, 1901'. . - . Whole No. 650. 1
! : - 1-- 1 'l " -U-Jgl , 1 ' U.-UU ULL-l L
;:v--.;P I N E
Header bed Lumber
: Rack Sills
. ' and
. ' - ' v E. X. Eft
' ;TSiE
Across Hie street from Post Office.
Tho plato to get a'hice cool drink. r
Give us a call, we will treat you tight...
25 cents
Barbar Shoo
25 cents
- ".';'" HM.PH HYMCH. ,----.- ' -1
-l am certainty there wilhahc fancy Hair cutting aad smooth Shaving.
- imirn Bashcl mi MMtib En COf.aeciica.
Sharp razers, ar sftsfp wards, Is wr seff.
Summer Rates Bast
During the Season 1909
U '- ; viathe . . -
OreAon Railroad & Navigation co
. r from , ''
Portland, Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, "Walla Walla"
' and all points on the 0. R. A N. line
To OMAHA and Return $60.
I o uniftuw
60. -, - .
7 2.50-
nJ to ether prlneiptlritict In the Et, Middle West tnd South. ,u
; UorresponaiDgif row isrea, ( . - v,
' ' Or Sole JmicZ.1. July 2, J, il,B. ; v .
. To DENVER and Return $55.-
OB 6ele Ny. V MfAMm&Mtn
OoIdi trentlt limit 10 Any tram dete o! !, final retor Unit October 81.
. . . vo r.n ifrartim ('ftn in th a.v of etoDaM
IMWiKien"1""""'' - . r
priTlleitM, end cltolce of routw; , thoreby enmblinp pfew to Aahe tid tripe
to Deny intoraeUofE points enroate. , ','. .
Routine oo the relum trip thfouih Celilorais my be ld tt tlight adnuwe
orer the rate quoted. .
Foil verOenlart, tleepioj or menmtiwia end Uekeft will be (ornithed by any
O. B. N. local aient, or .,v 'rj v .
WM. MMUBRaV, OxxntAL P Awrrara -oemt, PoMtunl Oaeeox. - . -
MCxl, Und Krll
' DftPAarwaxT optm v inTaaroa
- - TJ. B. Ijiod unH-eatTlie !ei if.
ntih fci'in nn4 fnr (h- '-'r T..ji
rMitl. ititnl. ( IV """
fXfnipl. Wh iRKimi.1 An-I H.
'4wi - a. tvl',r,1T"-1S Rn
HiMf, W. JtrrMfan Imm eicd Rilff ( ttn
Ha le nk Im! T-?rr pr4, nnrtUWi
ehtm ta Lk land ibnTs 4wrtht hhr
.' Rclf1rlt1 avf M TM piIIm, OrfM
a tbm teth ear ! fi. .
ruinut ttratWM; J, P. Wb4,
HnJ DWaAa aa4JMM V Ilaittti0t Mta
Holtr Uarvlpi mmd if f Mrrla
plvrsaa, OrffM. (' , -
W Mllll, KtMtM. ,
;-- ' V.'- , ""7"
The world is prone to look afar
off for cliailcc to rtiake money;
peojile nre apt to hunt for pcrfic
ttBn in thope ontBide 'their home;
whik if they would o))y focui
their eye to look anew they would
find the "end of the rainbow" wnp
right nt hand. '
ifnre In Jono tiuif -ri-ilH at Iiitud,
n to mnlio much money in
it hvnllliy, hoitornhlt wiV mtd i li
sten d of it licing tifcil, i is being
nbuscil. Wn sjjonlt of tiro wide
ewei'piiip, ndlins wheat hind llint
in titreW'lwd ntfiip thij vvo i nn
reach on, tt lint is -knoifn as the"
"Mortlj Siihi'J and whieji Ita?, in
tha niar past, Riven limtH mnnrv
to those who wrouiliinf; lt''f;iiiui
oiKiwitit", rtiul in titiit rich ,hnm
ia tlm (jikI giveit potvrit In rv
Vou much inmiey if you) wilt t'Vl
it the c.irii it ffhould liavi. ' '
Bocauo few .years, of frlmr'.
rain full, (that sIioi'uku;J eii '! '
over the rmtntry na wel,J cnu-n
poor crops' over then;, niid bwai.M
Bomeof Ihode peoptu liu lu'iu!' i
fair lieritn: mill departed fur )!
cities 'Mumliot; plei&itrj', tlu jien
pie of lone hiiva com to IwHovt
wlient e.uimit Ira raixd iii tjimnlit;
on tlitH'Nbrth gido". -
Just 1o-v in petidinnji buIc wii'u-l
wil1hi;ui the coining to it Tinni
II;iIigari:ihs wrf.n ttiJI 'TrTfc y.
ifliAt tOiulv industry will do. They
wilt tiifcu oK'fr the WViolury lioH!-
ii)gt ou the North Biti nml indiiHi
rionslv diJ out Iho weeds, ihat n-
glcd hi eaimdtrt grew there, and
after n few vrurs of lurd work nml
priruiioit yon wiltWclltfni n prot
perou people. If r" don't helievi
this, efjtirt bryotir mind aiiclrp"
pie as, Geo Currin, Airs Jopliiirt-
Ourrin, the Mc Murrav, Pan
Rietmnii, Wilcox, Buitchke, 0lck,
and so many more that ft takes
too Much sp.tce to munetbein, and
remember the onormnus lot!s o
wheat they have hauled and mark
oted in lone from tbcrr.
A trip to that kide nt present
Hindu some still there at wirk and
they seem lmppy aiid contented,
even in this year of Hins.Il rainfall.
The Tr'to hoii?, Swansons, Phillips
TiTrTier, titeiiJer7BliiieTaijd others
Hoattf prosperotis; t:ike trips about
the couutsy and have all to make
them happy at home; and o,ver n
that benutifiil fttrm kiiowD as the
Wilcox place we find soma new
settlers in Uie persons of C Jamison
and wife.Tbi" year 1 hey havofoor
hundred ami fifty acres In wheat
and will have in six hundred acres
itei t year. - -They hove about two
hundred white Unborn ahickens
which gire t?gs enough to byy all
their table sitpplieH and no on In
Morrow comity has a better table
nor Is there s finer cook in tbe
land than Mrs Jamison.
They hare sleek horses, good
home wilh all conreniertCM and
outride that well cared tor house,
will be loo itd not on gale nor
fence, nor out building but it is In
order. . The summer fallow is free
from weeds and plowed deep and
the general air of good farming is
A treat to see. , Sucn farming I
what the North sid seeds and
nerer yet has it failed to
givs the best results when It has
such farming. ',
This fall erery man in lone
: ;vTHEBM'OFBlNf; :
' - ' .-v ' ;' , i ; " .
Has served tlic cgmmunity'of lone Whk-banker'
ing facilities for $c:vcral years. In doing p;
; -this vc have had "the co-operation of
. pur local people. We arc bet-
V ter prepared than ever to
. 'V -. ;. t-.. aake..c.ueofthe hank7 .- ,'
V y ing' business of ' '. -
. ., ' this com ...
. i,ii'Avii '
Sepias 'and Uiidivlde J ' Fsrbf its' SWKK
, J. K. ror;ti',1, . I'rt'tiiit i;t.- ;'' :
' ! , . T. J. ."UuIkmm'v, Vico rresiut'iit.
.1. ). .Cioniui,
M.nii mnmmt i i mrnn-i t r-
'.' ' u inn iinwiiii.wnMMneiMH"' 'w""aii' "" " 'i"
5 : im
V: : i v.'OHAM'S mow: C:iJeM t.?J) vOiU U
iX: - 3 U N f. S T M A G A 2 I N E '
" - . ' ......
k . . i i im i i 1 1 - . a
Caick service and Ali worx ousrencea.
who can gut t.vtUr a team
should buy. rnt tr anmKe It
.faun on sinnv. it rn'1 tmt
North wide and only contract
takeover wbnt he can do ,prope!j
,..wl m.nt year tiiko i hw xmie
aniniinl ngnin.
Ill two years from now it would
mean a prosperity to ur people
that would sutpuM anything -ever
heard of in Oregon. :
So instead of looking lo Alahkafor
gold; to the cities fr work; to the
end of the rainbow for a pocket of
wealth, look ovsr on the North
side with Seeing nml not dead cyeo
and your future will mean pro
perlty past yoi;; rosiest dreams,
and If yon don't do !hi, in j"t "
rery short time you will not lime
the oporttinity to do sn for n
gressire men iH come In and lake
tb chance and vu will ,get kft.
be kid mm m
If proliuiin,ry' plutis agreed
today are carried nut livestock auc
tionawilfbs 1!d during -every
day of tbe coming district lair.
The tales will de eery similar to
those held a year ago.
it lit irwtunca of F. O. IiUCOS
of W eetoa, tbe Jail ooswnissBeral'uaiIllr
have beenoomudering tbe proposi
tion of holding livestock sales
during the fair and thin morning
President Roosevelt stated that in
all probidility such sales will 1
helb. At thiieMhliosJiJjL
the sales have not h eu , agreed
upon, though they will probably
be held dnrinft lie fore noon j
It is tbe Intention to have the sit Ion . auspice that
they will be mutually beneficial
to both buyers and sellers, of stock.
The sales will be advertised by
the fair hoard end but a nominal
commiision charged by the auction
eer, sothat tba eKpene will bo
heavy upon those disposing of
sto k.
It is ttelif u llint tin- t ck sales
will lend additional interest to tbe
livestock feature of the fair and
also induce exhibitors to bring (
stock to the fair. Those haying
on exhibit may offer the same
for sale if they choose, though the
sale viH not be confined to the rx
bibit stock Kast Oregonian. -
Jone Proclaimer and
Weekly Oregonian-Ja
Gratdma laker Itft Friday."
morning for the Valley w lie re she
Kill vieit her taoghters (or i)t9'
' f '
s. :
' - - , t i '