The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, July 09, 1909, Image 7

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    0 v.
,. tjRV FARMING COfOE8,v : J
Msthed af Icicreailrm; Oro wlp
:;; .- WU Be Discussed,
The Dry Firming congress Is sow,
orfmntMA Uh soma persistency ane
' determination to be beard from io tbs
matter of urging its claims upon th
attention the public. The foitb thai
1 too promoter and opera ton of tbit I
association have in their claims of drj
farming methods, well earried out,j
. cannot be questioned, aayr the editos.
of the Twentieth Century Farmer. Tin
experiences and roaalte of carefol ant
i persistent work in crop growing effort
are toe evidence that ia offered in too
simony of the feasibility of dry farm-
' big methods and dry farming; as an b
'-. .dustry. --
It Is not surprising that there an
the doabtfoj, too skeptical, toe an be
liever in converting toe dry land of tlx
rid West to agricultural purposes, Um
growing of or ops, the cultivation oi
orchards and forests, the establishing
. of homes and the building np of com
mercial Interests and Industries
these land; we say that it is not ear
"prising that some hesitate, that thej
doubt the availability of soffioienl
moiiture to grow crop ; that they fere
cast Masons of drouth, etc All these
things had their period and have esert-
od their Influence .to discourage and
- prejudice the mind of the public as Um
settlement of the country has pro
gressed westward for the last fifty
years, and yet cultivation has been the'
; civilfiing influence that has conquered
drouth, hot winds and the barren nest
of Um plains and prairie countries that
are now Um dependenes in production.
The Fourth Dry. Farming congress
Will hold its meeting at Billings. Mon
tana, October 86, 27 and 28. 1909.
This will not only be an institute for
dry farming farmers and dry farming
Instructors and teachers, not it will ba
an exposition of dry fanning products
men as this or no other country Jms
over witnessed; Then are pledged al
, ready exhibits from thirteen Western
states that are engaged in dry farming
work. Th organisation by states, to
show what each is doing and-capable
of doing ia Um raising at grain and
vegetable oops, without Irrigation is
a feature never helore.drtkea In
this distlret and sromsm some groat
surprises foe visitors. '
The area of, tiUablt lands la the
United States not, yet tamed to enltt
i ration is comparatively small, and un
der present conditions of demand by
Um homesteader will last hot a few
mora years at moss. It la only Um part
' of good business Judgment that Um
,- dry farming districts bo invsetigeted
:. by these who contemplate gttina a
homo under Um free botneeUed law.
Good lands and th beat locations will
be the first taken. Each year will re
duce Um quality of lands to bo disposed
of as government neoMsteads.
The Dry Farming congress will bo
a good place to visit next October, In
view of getting dry farming informa
tion and drv farms on which to pot it
Into praeties. The Dry Farming et
trees announces that there are 200,-
000.000 acres of arable land awaiting
development by Um dry farming moth-
M7 "U . DMt-k
Hag hie feet is It
," ''
am. w A. vnaux
a Late ta tttHtmrn Dmm
Warfcta rwtlua.
Ont-of-Town People
SfcmM i awilii i taa w ton to anana'
TH ACT i NO FRGI' wh-npUn" f brtlir aiei
Tain, ho students.
rot to Kaxt rtnsMEi Dya
Wa vae e seat E sH er pane-
Mi am Is
Widr. -.... ,... -t -
eMmm smasa.....A
BM Iiftne -J
OndnfebrTphMn... , J
woarmauAstAarTEEx uiTKAsw
m Vise Vzziil Co.
amc Tawwsii ow
wmm mi scnoois.-
HAT are termed by the
author "Bom rather
owaeplDg generalisations"
on Um subject ot medical
Inspection of school chil
dren are contained In an
article entitled "A Lesson
From Medical Inspection of Bchoola,"
published' la the Psychological Clinic,
a louraal edited by Professor Ughtner
Wltmer of the University of Pennsyl
vania and published In Philadelphia.
The author of the article Is George,
H. Martin, who has been an educator
for forty-four years, supervisor of the
school! of Boston and since 1904 secre
tary of Um Massachusetts boatd-of
Th medical tnspeetlon of children
In schools has bcea-so beneficial, ac
cording to Mr. Martin, that ' com
munity which - has sot provided
through Its proper authorities for- a
thorough-going Inspection of Its schools
Is guilty of criminal negligence.'' Ho
points o Um-- discovery that out of
more than 400,000 children examined
hi Massachusetts I1.QO0 were found
defective 1b vision and 11,000 In hear
ing, and to the results of ether ex
amlnaUono as throwing much light
on the sobcet of backward and per-,
asps aeusqueni cnnaren.
Concerning the 1mm Ad late results of
Um examinations he writes:
. Then we consign the unfortunates
tt the care of the family physician,
send then to. the public dlapcnsary. or
the public cllnip, or send; .the school
nnree to look after the tjasao ra- fed
home, a sd1 by these means we patch
op a. icw . Bqe, glasses axe gh-ovtded,
some teeth 'cleaned and filled, some
adesjoMs fenVoved; and many .children.
begin. to'lnpw Mb Jot of living. .
"All' this fa good. It ts worth many
times what R has cost But fa-It
IsawdamlMSJ e tae Artevtea.
"A man is as old as bis arteries."
was said some time ago by a French
physician; and th saying, like so
many others of the phrase-loving
French, has a good deal of truth la
it and not a little error. -
Thm U sut a man. old la Tears
Pt-U. rat,. t spirit, whose arteries
are like pipe-stems. Bo brittle do they
seem, indeed, that the physician hard
ly dares feel the paleo. lest he crush
th friable artery under his finger;
yet these aid people are active la
mind aad body, and esem often much
younger than men of but two-thlrda
their years. ':'''
Again, end meets' 6M and feeble folk
whoa (Ives seem to dicker danger
ously, Hk a oaadl (asse fa a draft,
whoso arterlee ana. a, soft and ooav
preealre as those of a phlld.
IB general, however, 'the saying
tree, sad espeeielryT'ressstur oW.
Sta IL WUI w,vunu
arteries are hard. with, flbrons thick
en hj net aTreaaSwe or lees cs
dfled. Hsrdenreg of he blood-vessels
--Arteriosclerosis Is the seesjpted med
ical Urm- ;eosshEs u) fibrous over
growth f Hbe walls f th arteries,
usually following more er leas degen
eration et the aermei tlaawes C the
vessefa As to Just how that comes
about, physlelaas are ot entirely
agreed. It Is pro be hie that the change
occurs first hi Um very minute vessels,
those that run th rough Um walls of
the larger vessels sspplytag them with
Mood tor their Eooriafamont. When
these are hardened by the deposit of
fibrous Hawse they carry Use Mood
aad oarry at more slowly -aad so th
nutrition of the wall of tee larger
ts sails Is red seed. This lends ts soft
enlnavaBd then Nature tries to repair
tea damage by th only sow Uses at
bar hand-namely, nrmm tlseai.
Later. Csesn fiaiaea sag tUcksjoafi
walls of the larger srtsetes- sasy be
harfisnrl still more by a deposit of
Unas salts frees the eased.-
Ttw Srsrtessrea1s so ceansoa fa
eta as fa Us result of
tear." An eJaatfa tab dilated by hy
raatfa pleasure aad then eoatjncthag
tea. aaewsand thmas a day Wlfl have
Biaeh work by th entf of usaty
hi yvagw U
aasad by
fa drtaslaei ealy, hut la
isllsgi SBasafallr mm ntlig, wnhont j
oass at smhlsat BsasarlaL Ovevwerh,
enough T Have school people Cone all
their duty when they have admitted
the school physician and the school
auras to th sacred preclncta of the
schoolroom, when they have sent .'out
the warning notices to the parents?"
"Supposing that all defects have
been discovered and remedied, so that
school llf goes en without Its aches
and pains. Must we go all over It
next- year and the next and forever?
The Massachusetts law says that every
child shall be examined annually, tot
defects and disabilities. There Is no
statute of limitations. Is there any
hop of limitation? Is there any mode
of limitation? Or Is th social mill to
go on grinding out diseased and en
feebled children by Um thousands ia
deflnltelyr Dealing In the advance In personal
and domstle hygiene, Mr. Martin re
cords slams of hopeful prorree. He
finds "that the Ignorance of th lawi
of health and conditions of health Is
lea dense than it once was is un
doubtedly true." The educational
forces that have brought about Cbls
change are many the medical pro
fession, th press, - discussion IB
women's elubs and the influence of the
public schools. The teaching of physi
ology and hygiene la many school be
thinks, is good. ; '
To-day the physicians, general, and
Special, arc more .alive to the needs
ot the time than are th school peo
ple. No permanent result of the presU
ent Agitation for. better sanitary con
ditions, domestic and public, eat! be
llQped for unless th schools co-operate
with all the other agencies. Th ant-sersel-
need Is for the higher crdr
of intelligence respecting th things
thee make for health, and the founda
tion of such Intelligence must be laid
In th schools."
worry and chronic poisoning, such as
lead-polsonlng, are also factors.
The best' thing for arteriosclerosis is
not to get It, and the best way not to
get It Is to be moderate In everything.
People growing old should be exam
ined medically every six month, and
then Incipient eearfesclaToels may be
detected and perhaps arrested by
proper diet, drags and regimen.
Tooth's Companion.;- .
rrefaae HNI flaeleel Oet e
by at PeMeeemeai aaS AveeeteS.
Charged with resisting an officer,
using profane language, being a dis
orderly person, causing a crowd to
collect, trespassing on park lands pro
hibited by law, and being disrespect
ful to a policeman without eauos, a
parrot fa a prisoner la th offices of
Um Essex County Park Commission In
Newark watting for its owner to
square things with Um authorities, ac
cording to th New York Times.
When Bergcant Wilson passed a tree
fa Branch Brook Park ho noticed a
crowd gathered around Um foot of it.
He hastened to the spot sad was Is-
formed by s boy that boom oho was
sp la th branches "sweartn' 'awfnl.
"Here. , yom, come down out of that,1
yelled Wilson. "Ton,' violating Um
lUtame -the a
BoaelMaaTTba hamiatl
answer from the new and
thick fallaga . . - '
"ill gar yrra a nun ate ts corns
down. Then 111 pull yo.etowsV said
the angry sergeanU f
"Rebbsrl Help I Take htm out!
Boseheadt Btrtka ea!" said Um veto
frost th tree..
' "ho thinks he's at a baseball game,
aid on C th crowd.
"IH go- up sad bring hlnw dowa
said Sergeant Wilson, whs was con
vinced by thai Umo that he was deal
tag with s eraiy baseball crank. The
crowd admiringly watched him climb
Um tree, and looked at Um commotion
fa Um sranches, there being soaads of
deep breathing. Imirrsnstlons.
faraggles. Ia a few minute th
Uessnaa reached earth snmswhal i
plod, but trlnmpbaat, with an angry,
profane parrot la his hands. Th park
canualssloa fa waiting for a maa with.
an ateaslv baseball TsraaimUl -ts
fay claim fa the Mrs..
' Da pas thlsk Oat moot peept
sowadays warship aaoasyr, -
-No; I wont go as far as that,'
avsjered the home grows philosopher.
faat wUl say that Um tev of saoaey
; as aothhtg
oral wives, prevtehag hs
gravoa faektag tram
a ii in ii 1 1 sn i mi in I , . " '
I'tae Kind. You Have Always Bought has borne the signs ,
- ture of Clias. H. Fletcher and lias been nuule under his
personal supervision for over SO years. Allow no ono
io deceive) yoa In this. Counterfeits, Imitations nd -"
Jufft-as-good " are but Experiments, and endanger to) ...
- eaealtli of Children Kxperienoe ap;alnst Kxperimentv
What is CASTORIA -
Oswtorto fa a harmless substltnte- for Castor Oil Pare
. gorlc. Drops and Huothuis; Syrups. It fa Pleasant. W
contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Aarcotlo
substance. Its are Is its griurntee. It destroys Worm
- and allays Feverishneas. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic It relieves Teethlna Troubles, cures ConKtlpatloa
and Flatulency. It aaniniilate the Food regulates th
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and, natural sleep. -The
Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend , , . ,
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
sears ine
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Tioak shark. kir
"I should say not!' There are whole
ools of him In this tow a.
Hnlhm m n4 Hie. Wtnalew's annates
Syrup thctK-st remedr to use fot Unit. obUdiea
tttnssj IBS Hemes iwiw. i
- y -(! "
Although the jQsrlyle Memorial Et BM-,
lahurgh waa projected at long ago as
IbUa,, eoky J0 has Sees taesivsd frsai
aiasty-twe esbscribsrs.
IfattOT ibhatrgbldX-Llke It fa color
Hamlino -atard Oil Um best Wall
remedies for rheumstlam, neuralgia,
and all pain soreness sod toflem mo
tion. V' .. .'; -
(i . 'ii
Kdrembirg still has em 1,700 houses
mat were - built before the seventeenth
caters, aad &o&7 ku"t Use sesentesnth
sad alghteeath centarke.
athatee Into Towr ghoss
alaat's Vtoot-Easa, powder ( the (est Rjajea
talnftrt wan, emyppist wmtiw
nittiiffMt Makaa
itanm. Don't
ecMtt snr suHtitui. Dumia
At B. OkMtad. Le Rsr. M.
wtA tanMana"-dollars a voir Is scent
OB Regent Psrk. t London.
I used Caeearets and feel like a new
I km. Lm mWmw In Av
pepaia and sour stomach for the last two
rears. I nave been taking medicine and
thcr drugs, but could find no relief only
lor a abort time. I will recommend
mi rt tn m. frlMida aa the onlv thine
lor indirection and soar stomach and to
keep the bowels In good ooadtttoa,
rhey are very nice to eat."
Harry Stack ley, Mauch Chunk, Fa,
PWasaat Palatabto. PoUal. TasMOeod,
So Good. N,Tr Stckra. Wako or Grip,
e. tSc. 90c Kmr aoM la bulk. Tb xa
foe tsbtot atsmpi C C C. Osaraalesdle
eara or row aaoeer Desk. H
r no
West wviUac- Sv adves
aaeallast Ikla aBar.
Vy I ast man
V 0 rawMi bex
': I' i J Cdoabs
VfEaWj do Jsrrrai
KC Baking Prwtfcfwa do ft! Get
a caa Try it for
tt doesai't raise better,
-Hf It isn't daintier,
"Aye leturnyour money, Everybode
au in sl a: -
Por Wholeaymet
bignarare ox
akill all Sue
V'mX claaa. on
Ml. aaBTiat
l..lfaa. tfH
all MHi. SJ
of BUM. SUnot
pill or lis arm.
Mm mf in iiilini iic ii in wlrt Cm Si mil
HJUI0LP tOEIU. M0 DeaaM Itoe.. Sreetrra,E.Y , 1.,
The Tmbant Is to Accomplish
What Science Has Bean Strugw
gling to Attain (or Centuries
The Intense bUaraet that has kern BMuilfaatai
throui-bojt th country bj tb wtnaarTul earm
last an ominm eceomplbhad dally hr apiltcida,
till continue. It ia raaJlr nrprtslnaT tka ru
noinbar of pwple who save alraadjr tMn surad ot
Ota and acrvouanaw. la srdar that avwyboilr
Cu have a cbanea to Mat maetaine, ktrs (Hal
XtXmm, raluabta Utantura, Htabiry at EpIWpaf .
and taaUmuntale, will ba amt hr "Mil ebaolutr
fraa to all who writ to Uw Dr. Mar Laboratory,
Ml Pasri Sliest Haw York UW-
C Gee Wo
Tli Cklim Doder
This wenoafal sasa has
anada a Ufa (tody of ta
roparttaa of Roots;
larba and Barka.snd
la tiring the wortd tae
aaeeSteC Us sarrlsam,
NsTr WeJeTJBsaf,p sriaVeTrvfsv'
arOreaaUseS. ttm
Oaarantaaa to euro Catarrh. Astasia, Lour.
Stomach and Eldnav troublas, and all rrirats
DkMsaasofaf aadWotaaa.
Joot racked fwas Pakln. CLina-aaa SBBS
and raUsble. UfaUtn talta works.
If yoa aaaaetcalL writ for ayinptoai
lacloaa 4 cants la at
ThtCCee Wo Medicine Co.
laitft rinat Bu. aaa.
GM H from
POUND 25c x
your Grocer
all Fere Feaad
jrour fcvoritc cake. If
more evenly, higher.
more delicate In flavor,
ruu rin emuL . '
71 absV-
n A If I Fl afT rM
TEesss aJtx.t,
. 1
t-r 1 "t '
t I