The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, July 09, 1909, Image 3

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Portland Ship Mor Than Cm Paget
Sound Port.
Portland During tbe eareal year,
ending June SO, Portland shipped .In
tb neighborhood of 6,000,000 more
bushels of wheat than waa sent from
-Paget aoond, white from thennot quit
1,000,000 mora barrala of floor waa
The wbaat shipments to Europe from
hero were 6,182,778 ooebels, white
thoa from Puget aoond wara 4,154,481
boahala; to the orient, Sooth Aroariea
and Africa, Portland shipped no wheat.
Punt annnd erviinr out 8 IB. 286 buefa-
-ela. California wbaat ihipmanta from
hara wara 2,932,801 boahala and from
tba aoond 2,082,492 boahala wara ahip
pad. Wheat from Portland to Msxico
-waa 186,267 boahala and from Pogat
aoona to Mexico it waa zwt.vio modii.
Daring tba year joat oomplatad Port
land abippad tba following amount of
flour ! To tba oriaat and Hawaii, 642,
198 barrela; Europe, 16,000 barrala;
California, 296,716 barrala. - In the
anme ordar ara tba abiDinenta of, flour.
from Puget aoond porta .Orisnt, 909,-'
419arrel; Sooth Aroariea, 109,847
barrels; Europe, 28,681 bar4t 0H-
MB. KiMKajUrkawi WnH tat MnifiA-
ftWll'SVerM Vt ww vw - i "-r
S.60O barrala. Tba grand total for the
aaonWOMdOT, being 26,811,269
'bushel of wheat from beta and the
0Ond. :j- . ,,.,
The Portland barlaj shipments for
this aaaaon ara 882,609 bushels, i
Good ProarMS Being Wad m Oon-f
at ruction won on rw wwi. -
Dallas The Salem, Pall City
Western railway company will hara
completed tba work of tracklaying on
iiu Imh riallaa tA Ralem hv
: jji. jt inmi ami Mtvular
freieht and Daasenm service will be
established within ft month from that
The grading work-is practically com
pleted, having bean carried to within
two miles of the Weat Salem terminal.
Steel ha been laid an far aa the Pierce
Rigga farm near Eola, a distance of
boat nine mile from Dallas. Only
boot aix miles of track remain to be
The new back contain few bridges.
tbe moat important being tbe Brunk
bridge over the Rickreall river at Cola.
No bridge will be built across tbe Wil
lamette river, tba road terminating on
tba Polk county side. In West Salem.
Communication Witt tbe Mafton ooon
ty aide will be carried on l-y mean of
launch ervice, which Has already
been established.
. Tba company will Install for Ha pas-
uenger eerviee on the new Una, on of
tbe new gasoline ears similar to those
which tba Southern Pacific plana to
pot in ose on some of Its Oregon line
- Chautauqua O rounds Improved.
meat of the Chautauqua ground at
Gledatone is being poshed. Fourteen
hundred feet of fence ia being bollt on
the front aide of the park. A good
porno and an adequate water system
are being Installed. The jjatnee' aw.
-f the Chrietian choroh of Gladstone
will have charge of tba restaurant an
the STOonda. Rev. W. H. Sellecfc,
naatorof tbe First Method iat Episcopal
church of Salem, will reepond to Con-
graaamanBawley'a address of welcome.
District Out or Debt. -
Milwaokie Milwaokie acbool dis
trict close the year without debt. By
levying a 16-mil I tax lest year toe dis
trict paid off a debt of over $12,000 for
reettar tbe aew addition to tbe senooi
booae and also paid the district formed
in the sooth, oat of tbe Milwaokie dis
trict. 82.000. It hare of the
ison property. It may he doubted
whether another acbool district in the
state eaa make better abowing ftnao-
oially. - -
Slx-mcti Gun Arrive.
Salem The two. big six inch gone
from tba balrleahin Oregon promiaed
the city of Salem, have arrtved and
will ba one of the attraction of the
cherry fair. The gone will ba mounted
m the state bones lawn after the fair.
They were proenrred terough the Ore
mnm UWitioi at Waehin-ton and coat
the city of Sales only the freight.
Monmouth Normal Open, i
amnw normal aahosl m vary aatufac
tory, there being between 80 end 100
enrolled the. first day. Next- week
Pi ofaeaor L R. Travera' course begin
. an ta so MUttimaJ etiMhwit
Moxpected. Proapeeta are far the
. Mat occaaafal mar nermal ever
v held at thi plnca.
. Big Price ar Parma. -Jaekaoavil
la W in iaej Stewart thia
' weak sold to eease Wismnaln partia
hi 179 acre farm end orchard twe miles
net Uk m iujwiiia w
of 860S per aere. Another
of f IS near the Stewart
Vast Tract In Northern Morrow to So
, Out Into Small- Tract.
Pendleton Mora nan 18,000 acres
of wheat land in the northern part of
Morrow county ara to be colonised by
thrifty-German and Honnrian fam-
lltc. according to J. G. Crawford, ot
Heppne. ' - '
He savs that the J. E. Woman es
tate, aonaiating of thia aereaga of.
practical It level land, baa boon taken
over by Portlexd real eatato Arm,
which ban already mad arrangementa
to put 1,000 families on tba tract, and
that tbe oaioniiation will be compute
br fall.
This is probably the largast tract of
farming land in Morrow ooonty and
offer an Ideal opportunity for ft colo
nisation scheme of this kind.
It ia said that tba heade of many of
tbeae families aa use of means and
that the Immigrant will, prove a vaht-
mhim addition taJM kouRtV. .-.: ..
Mr. Crawford .is! lsa AftMrlty for
the stotamedt that taonrops of Mor
row county are to be ach,btte ffei
season than wt expected ft few weoka
ag. Then it Wtt.cnnsiaprea tnnt
total faiwnas Inevitable, bw) now
M is believed almost an average crop
will be harvested.
Tba onaaoul aaaaon of cool waather
which baa prevailed over Eastern Ore
gon thia spring Bd faumer has turned
out to ba a blessing for too farmer,
for with tbe custom iry amount of hot
ether thia aaaai
i JllJritaSi; !
aa the precipitation
been borned op,
has been practically nothing
i Pin Imposed on Road.
Salem Attorney General Crawford
has commenced action against the Coe
val I ia A Eaatern railroad for the collec
tion of the penalty for the alleged fatl
ora of- the railroad company to comply
itfa tbe railroad eotnmteaioo act.
Soma time ago tbe commission, after
an investigation of a complaint of in
adequate depot facilities at Lyons, or
dered tbe railroad eomnany to build a
new depot. Tbe company banled In a'
coopl of old freight car and rigged
them ap aa an evasion of the law, and
the attorney general was requested to
commence action to collect the Ana of
$10,000 provided by tba law. . ,
Rainier Becurea New Paetory.
Rainier Tbe first of the many fac
tor) ee axnected to com to Rainier baa
just closed a deal with A. J. Wright A
Son for aix acrea oft land on tbe east
aioa-ef Foei ereeh, where work will be
begun on breaking ground for a pressed
brick factory. - -
Auto Line to Goo Bay.
Marahfield Wtd. Wad and Thomas
Goods) have purchaaad a 80 horse
power automobile, earrying six peea an
gers, which they will operate on the
Cos bay-Roseburg road. Tba trip
from Rose burg ia mad in 14 boom .
Wheat Blaestsm milling,' 21.80;
crab, f!.18(S)1.20; valley, $1.17.
Com W bole, 886 per ton; cracked,
$86 per ton. 1
Oato No. 1 white, $41 per ton.
Hay Timothy, Willamette valley,
f 1720 per ton; Eastern Oregon, $20
28; mixed, $1620.
Frotte Applea, $12.60 par box;
atrawberriee, $1.60&e per crate; cher
ries, 877c per pound; gooeebarries. 4
6e per pound? currants, 8c per pound ;
loganberrlea, $1,2642 per crate; rasp
berries. $2i2.26 per crate. ,
Potatoea $1(1.60 par btmdred. '
VeatableaAspexagoa, 76490c par
dozen: lettoee, head, 26c; onion. 12X
016c; pea. Sj per novnd; radishee.
16eper doaen; rhubarb, Sc par
Batter City creamery, axtraa, 26 c
per pound; fancy outekl creamery,
264a2H: stnre, 18a. . Butter fat
price average 1 par pound ander
refrutar butter pricea.
Eggs Oreircsi ranch, aandled, tSH
24e par djosan.
Poultry Hens, 12Qltjcpar pound;
springs, 16Hl7c; roasters, 8e9c;
docks, young, 12018a; gaeae, young.
910e; torkeys, 18a; eoaabe, $22.26
par doaan. '
For Fancy, 10c par pound.
Veal Extra, SttSX per ponnd;
ordinary, 7c: hewry, 6c.
Hop 1909 contracts, 16 par
poond; 1908 crop, lie; 1907 crop, $c;
1906 crop, 8.
WooW-Eaetetn Oregon, 16628 per
pound; valley, floe, 23c; cesrsa,
21 He; mohair, choice, 2406e.
Cattle Steers, top, 24.60CM.M;
fair to good, 14-2664.40; aommon,
8404.16; eowa, top, M.60.6; fair
to good. 6a.2Mo2.aO; cceainen. to ma
dias, $2.7nS; ealvea, top, $6jf)A60;
heavy. $8.6004; boll and stegs, $2.76
viS.26; aoomon, tttrfLW.
Huge Beat, I84S8.16; fair to goad.
t7.60r7.76: ateckera, 26).I0; China
fata, 4-76r7.
Sheep Top wetbfre, 84; fair
good, M.60WI.76; ewee, Ue leea
all grades; yaarimejs, beat, $4.16; fair
to goad, $a.764; aprtog maBha, $4,76
Btopuwcft Ptea Prom Its Temporary
'Home to American Section.
Messina, July t Medina experi
enced two terrtflc earthquake shocks at
about o'ekmk ye-terday morning.
They wen accompanied by ft roaring
aoond, and ar said to have had a I
stronger and mor unauiatory movo-
ment than the aartaquax of last Ue
oamher. which destroyed Messina, Reg-
gio and other cities; laid waate many
village in Calabria, ana allied 200,000
Although the shocks today had no
such terrible eonseqoencea, the 26,000
residents of tba city were thrown into
terror. They ran into the street panic
stricken, and last night nearly the en
tire population encamped in the open
places, fearing to retain to the struc
tures that bftva served them as bomes
since the city was oastroyed. Tba
broken wall of the old ruina war
thrown to the ground, and Messina waa
for a few minutes smothered in a cloud
of dust.
The eaaualtie warn few, and the
only persona killed, so far aa known.
were a young - woman and ner child.
I The woman had come her only a . few
faye ago, and bad settled in room that
tbe great earthquake bad left undaia
iffed. i
The first shock was, followed -dofekly
by eond shock, and the, people fled
pellmell- to "the American quarter,
which ffaey seemed to feel was their
safest place of refuge. . So great waa
tbe rusl to the American' bouses that
the authorities were on able to check
the invasion.
Tba soldiers Boon drew cordon
around the square and a guard
My of the panic-atriaksn people -are
,ixtmn nH ordera ware taaoed that.
Dendws fortbet. inatructione, no one
should bo permitted to occupy the
American oaartar.
All aommerce ceased in tba city and
the places of business along the sea-
front wen closed.
Resraio suffered almost as saver
shock aa Messina, hot no easoaitiee
have been reoorted at that place.
The seismic disturbance was felt at
Taormina, hot no damage waa don
there. Within 24 boors the shocks at
Meeaina numbered 28.
OrvWft Wright Handle Ml , Machine
Waahington, Jury 1 Calm and eon
fldent, Orvill Wright late last night
encircled the Fort Myer drill grounds
time after time la hi aeroplane In
three separate flights. H wa
br thousands. '. -
Shortiy befaro v Wclocfc the aero
plane was wheeled from Its shed to the
starting track. Previously tne Held
bad been cleared by a troop of cavalry.
After toe motor bad been tested, tbe
propeller were cranked and Orviile
turned on tbe motor and released tbe
machine. Ae it neared the end of tbe
starting rail., Orviile tamed op the
forward horizontal rodder and the
machine arose into tbe aire It wa a
beautiful start
Down the field the aeroplane sailed.
curved gracefully about tba lower end
and back up the east lid of the field
along the edge of Arlington cemetery
Tbe first round waa made in 60 sec
onds. Five time tba machine circled
tbe field, attaining height that varied
from 16 to SO feet. On tbe sixth
round Mr. Wright cam to earth with
in 100 M of tbe Btartihg point, com
puting the flight hi exactly five min-
Tbe landing wa perfect, tba ma
chine swooping down to successive
glides until within a few feet of the
earth, when Orvill polled tbe string
that stops bis motor and tba aeroplane
glided smoothly over the graaa on It
skid until It came to a atop. Again
the aeroplane was placed In position on
the starting rail, the aaotor atarted
and again tba machine en circled the
field with ease and grace. Mr. Wright
approached oangerooaly near the stort-ina-
tower and flew within ft few feet
of the stables that Una tbe field. It
wa noticed that at time tbe motor
skipped, but thi eeemed to have no
afloat en operating the aeroplane.
. Sen Sees War Cloud.
Leavenworth, Kan., July t. Gene
ral Frank I ia Bell, chief of staff, la a
spseeh before the aaeembled asrvi
schools at Fort Leavenworth today, de
clared that he saw mdicatione of war
and insisted that tba day of Interna
tional pease was far off. "Tbare ia
much talk of arbitration and peace
congraaasa, and K is even implied that
then 1 to bo no further ose for armies
and navies." said General Bell. "There
has not been a period of 80 years in
the history of (hia country without
Arctic laptorar Safe
Winnipeg, July 2. A rumor comes
from tba far North that George CaM-
wwH, tb eMpiorar who left three yean
ago to make a trip from Hodeou bay
westward to Slave take and down to
Edmeotoa, and who had. bean given up
a lost, la reported by native runner
to be sere, CaJdweil la bow prohaMy
. , Mead.v, 8.
Washington, Jury i, By ananimona
vote the senate today adopted the reso-
lotion submitting to tbe atato legisla
tures tba income tax amendment to the
Federal oonatitation. Then it devoted
its attention to tba administrative
feature of the tariff bill and adopted
them. The tobacco schedule will be
considered tomorrow with few other
uncompleted detail and than tba bill
will be reported from eemmtttete of
tba whole to the senate. Tbe only
subject likely to provoke debate i the
tobacco schedule. . The proceeding af
ter the bill to reported will be brief
and tba bill will than go to oonfereoec
8atMrdayt July S. -'-
Washington, July 8. Senator Aid-
rich achieved another sweeping victory
this af ternooft when, by a vote of mor
than 2 to 1, the maximum and mini
mum feature of toe senate tariff bill
wan passed.' ' This goes into effect on
March 1,1910. It empowers the pres
ident to add 26 per cant ad valorem to
all existing schedules, whether on the
free list "or dutiable, to those countries
di criminating- Sgeinat , tba United
Id other words, where foreign na-
tfawa are. disposed to accept trade with
America-on the baa is of tbe edrnini
tretiv tariff bill, soon to be enacted,
the statute will not be elastic, but will
stand a passed. But where nations
prohibit, by excessive taxea, goods pro
duced ia this country, tbe president
may retaliate by the Simple issuance
of ft proclamation adding 26 par eent
sdvalorem to everything coming Into
American port from such restrictive
Tbe bill alms particularly at France.
The French neople, as well aa she Gar-
mane, but the latter to a leea obnoxioo
extent, fearful of the progreas of the
American manufacturer, have been
rataing item alter item, so it wa ex
plained today, until now American
goods are almost prohibited from en Ur
ine- French and German territories.
There remain 17 other edmulstrattve
feature of the tariff bill to dispose of
before it goes to tne house. The report
1 tonight that tbe senate will nave
each of them out of toe way by Thun
der, and that on Monday, July 12, tbe
lower branch of congress will begin tne
consideration of the measure.
' " Friday, July S.
Washington, July 2. Tbe aorpora-
tion tax amendment suggested by
President Taft, drawn by Attorney
General Wiekarsbam and presented to
the senate by-Chairman Aldrieh. f tbe
committee on finance. Is aa integral
part of the tariff bill as that bill now
stands. " .
Ths senate reached a vote on tb
proposition shortly before adjourning
at 7 o'clock thia evening, and tne
amendment waa agreed to by the large
vote of IK) to 11, withall modifying
amendment disposed of, many Demo
crats voting for the amendment with
moat of the Republican. The tost
vote wa oa tb aubetitution of the
corporation tax amendment for tba In
come tax provision, and on that vote
46 senators oast their ballots In tba
affirmative, and 21 to tba negative.
Thursday, July I.
Washington, July 1. The senate
cam within on" today of agreeing
to vote next Toeedar on tb entire in
come tax amendment to tbe tariff bill
including tba corporation tax substi
tute. Tbe ompaet wa pcevented by
the objection of Rolkeley. .
Then wen several speech today.
Borah leading off in favor of tba in
come tax and Root advocating tba cor
poration tax but opposing the income
It was evident throughout toe
entire day that the corporation tax had
failed to arouse a much interest in toe
enato aa had been expected. During
the debate today Bourne, of Oregon,
predicted that the corporation tax
would result to publicity of orportion
affairs and tboa prove of groat service
to the publia.
Wadnaaday, funa SO.
Waahington. Jon 80. Tb I
tax was practically tb only subject.
and Cummins, of Iowa, and Borah,
Idaho, the only apeak era before the sen-
ate todav. .
Borah wa heard toward tb dose of
th session, when the Iowa aenator
yielded the floor, which ba had acid
since yeftterdsy. ll toon ror at text
tbe declaration made yesterday by
Aldrieh that be woo Id veto for tba cor
poration tax ftiuwalmcnt only a a
maana of defeating tbe Income tax,
and without reporting to personal itie
be criticised tbe position of tb ebah
maa of tb finance committee, who bad
presented the eorporatioa tax amiaa
nont to tbe eenste.
Eatimatmg the total raven) under
tbe Aldrlcb-Payn bill at 8860,009,000,
and tboa to ba derived from tb inter
nal revenoe at $240,000,000. he pre
dicted the at tba and of th fieeal year
1911 uhera would ha ft deficit of not
loss than $176,000, 000. Ha therefore
eon tended that the anasndmont of tbe
tariff bill by tb addition of an
Tuul. JlIM 9B.
Washington, June 29. With th -
I i .ilT .nli rHrinri nt I
today began eoosideration of the pro
posed income and corporation taxea.
Tba question of taxing income ro- -
eelved attention while th tea prov la-
ion waa under eonsideration, and It -wa
'ben that tb moat interesting oa- '
earranoa of tba day took place. Thia
waa the announcement of th real atti
tude of Chairman Aldrieh, of tba
finance committee, toward tne oorpora
ttoft tax prov ia ion, which he bad intro
duced at tb instance of the praaident.
Ha said that he advocated tba corpora
tion tax a meane of defeating th
income tax. He also said ha thought
for tb next year or two there would
be a deficit In tbe treasury receipts.
hieh he waa willing to. have made
obd br the Income from tbe proposed
corporation tax. Ha thought that tba
tax could ba materially modified, if not
repealed, within a jear or two.
t Nothing Doing In Oleo.
Waahington, July . President Tmft
ha expressed himself a opposed to
the plan of Secretary of tbe Treasury
UicVeagh to rals $2,000,000 by an in
ternal revenoe tax of 2 cant a bouno,
flat rata, on oleomargarine. Tbe dairy
men, accordinr to Representative
Tawney, of Minnesota, chairman of tba
committee on appropriation, an op
posed to to scheme. Secretary Mc
Veagh baa stated that be baa no dealra
to introduce a bill to carry out hto ideas
unlaw "all interests" agreed on tba
terms. Tba objection of President
Taft and the dairy interests will obvi
ously be sufficient to make tb intro
duction of aoeh a bill futile.
Change Treasury System.
Washington, July 2. Changes in th
daily eaah system of the Treasury de
partment to correct discrepancies tn
publication of balance wan annoonesa
to take effect at once. Tbe published
record of receipts and disboraamanta
Issued by tb bookkeepina and warrant
division have never balanced with tba
daily eaah statement because the book
keeping and warrant office record on
tb dally statement tranaaetton warn
not yet completed. Tbe data will here
after eouM from an eouree and will
exactly tally. ,
. Taft to Gat Expanse.
Washington. July 2. Th house
committee on appropriations tomorrow
will begin the preparation of ft defi
ciency appropriation bill, tba total- of
which. It is now believed, will appros
imaw $1,000,000. Included will be an
appropriation of $26,000 with which to
pay the traveling expenses of tbe prea
kient, thai waving intact hi salary of
$76,000. Other item an $200,000 to
pay ths expenae of thi govern ment'
participation in tbe Brussels exposition
of 1910, and $106,000 for special as
sis tan ts to the Department of Justice
End SO Year Service.
Washington, July 8. Just 80 yean
ago Thursday Henry H. Gilfry, of
Portland, chief clerk of tba United
State senate, took possession of hi
seat to front of th vice preeident'
deck, and ba sine occupied it at
every session of eongns. Mr. Gilfry'
first employment by tn senate wa aa
legleletive clerk. Two yean ago ba
wa made chief lrk. Mr. Gilfry baa
been on af the leading parliamentary
guides of presiding officers during this
long period.
' Hartson I Named.
Waahington, July 8. The president
today sent to tba senate the nomination
of M. T. Harteon, of Spokane, to ho
collector of interna) revenue for W asking-ton.
H will succeed B. D. Crock
er, whoa resignation waa called for
to take effect September L Mr. Hart
eon 1 now postmaster of Spokane, and
will be succeeded In that office by W.
P. Edrua, Indorsed by Representative
Poindextei. . . ,
Fear Dark Emavwratora, - v"
Washington, -July 6. Concerned
aboot what they suppose to be tbe pos
sibility that negroes may ba sent Into
the borne of white recldent of th
Sooth aa eensoa nuniratora, Demo
eretie members of congress will org
Preeident Tsft to giv inetroctiona that
only whit enumerators be employed in
districts south of th Mason and Dixon
line. j.
Wlekeroham I Satisfied,
Waahington, July 8. With reaps,
to tb indictment found in th New
York eugar , Attorney General
Wiekenham said today that the indict
ment spoke for itself, and be bad noth
ing to add. In hi opinion tb admin
istration of Justice should be oaiet,
Unoarh effect! va. and not nerannaL
Change m ner an OMin,
Waahington, Jury 8. Ren Admiral
William P. rotter today- became ahtef
of tb bureau of navigation, retiring
Rear Admiral Jean B. PiUabory, retired.
sail tar S80, 90ft
qpVtf, ; :
atFallmton, -
mentor to